Adam's Heart Valve Surgery Blog – Page 50
Special Interview: The Importance of Cardiac Rehabilitation For Heart Valve Surgery Patients With Dr. Ram Dandillaya
By Adam Pick on December 3, 2010
While the patient benefits of attending cardiac rehab after heart valve surgery are well documented, the utility of these post-operative programs remains disappointing — as only 20% of patients who could benefit from cardiac rehabilitation are referred to outpatient facilities.
“Why Did My Heart Valve Replacement Go Bad?” Asks Steve
By Adam Pick on November 24, 2010
As a follow-up to our recent discussion about re-operation rates, I just received an interesting question from Steve about tissue valve replacements and the potential reasons for premature failure.
Steve writes to me, “Hi Adam – It has been 16 months since my aortic valve replacement. I am being told I need another bovine valve replaced. This is not due to infection. How often does this happen? Why does this happen? Thanks for all you do! Steve”
Tissue Heart Valve Replacement
To get an expert response to Steve’s question, I contacted Dr. Junaid Khan and Dr. Allan Stewart — two leading heart valve surgeons.
“Gobble! Gobble! Happy Thanksgiving!” From Ethan, Robyn & Me
By Adam Pick on November 24, 2010
Robyn, Ethan and I want to wish all of our friends in the United States a very “Happy Thanksgiving!”. And, even if you’re not from the U.S., we want you to know how grateful we are for you and your contribution to this caring community of patients, caregivers, cardiologists and surgeons.
So you know, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.
May you have a wonderful day!
Gobble! Gobble!
Valve Clinic Tour: Led By Dr. Ad and Dr. Massimiano, Inova Harnesses Surgical Competency, Innovation & Patient Research
By Adam Pick on November 19, 2010
Recently, I spent two days at Inova’s Heart & Vascular Institute in Falls Church, Virginia — which is about 10 miles from downtown Washington, D.C. in Northern Virginia. It was my first visit to the new $150 million facility that (i) holds a #1 ranking from HealthGrades for Virginia hospitals and (ii) a 5-Star excellence rating for heart valve replacement surgeries.
Dr. Paul Massimiano, Me, Dr. Niv Ad
I have to admit… The four-story cardiac center was immaculate… and BIG. To give you some idea about the facility size, consider that it maintains 13 catheter labs, 6 cardiac operating rooms, over 200 patient rooms and an impressive cardiac rehab center.
However, what struck me most about the Inova Heart & Vascular Institute had little to with architectural design or hospital feng shui. Instead, I was most impressed by a unique approach to cardiac care nurtured by Dr. Niv Ad, the chief of cardiac surgery, and Dr. Paul Massimiano, the president of CVTSA, the private surgeon group at Inova.
Let me explain…
During my brief 48-hour stay in Falls Church, I observed a (i) stand-alone mitral valve repair, (ii) a stand-alone MAZE procedure, (iii) a minimally invasive mitral valve repair and MAZE procedure, and, of all things, (iv) an actual heart transplant.
Needless to say, seeing a transplanted heart (shown below) beat for the first time is something I will never forget. I’ll also never forget seeing the patient’s old heart and dissected pump that was keeping him alive.
“Are Pacemaker Implants Common After Heart Valve Surgery?” Asks Frank
By Adam Pick on November 8, 2010
I just received an interesting question from Frank about heart rhythms after heart valve surgery. Frank writes, “I had a tricuspid valve repair, a Patent Foramen Ovalve (PFO) repaired and a Maze procedure performed in July. Now, it appears I will need to have a pacemaker put in next week. I was told that my Atrioventricular (AV) node may have been damaged and I am now in “heart block”. I was wondering if this is common? Thanks Adam!”
Frank raises a great question. As we have seen in prior blogs, several patients receive pacemakers after heart valve surgery. However, Frank’s question addresses two, other surgical considerations which you may not be familiar with — The Maze procedure and heart block.
Dr. Allan Stewart Named “Heart Valve Surgeon Of The Month”
By Adam Pick on November 2, 2010
[Update: Please note that Dr. Allan Stewart is no longer performing surgery at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital and Columbia University Medical Center.]
I’m very happy to announce that Dr. Allan Stewart has been named our Heart Valve Surgeon of the Month at the Heart Valve Surgeon Finder for November!
As many of you know, Dr. Stewart — who is the Director of Aortic Surgery at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital and Columbia University Medical Center — has been an incredible supporter of our growing community. In addition to answering many of your questions, Dr. Stewart has teamed up with several, former patients to promote awareness to heart disease and recovery.
“What Happens To My Pericardium During Heart Valve Surgery?” Asks Bernie
By Adam Pick on October 31, 2010
I just received a very interesting question from Bernie about the pericardium and heart valve surgery.
Bernie writes, “Hi Adam – At 51 years old, I need to replace my disease aortic valve due to a stenotic bicuspid valve. I’m curious to know about the pericardium. I know the sac has to be opened. But, then what? Do they stitch-up the pericardium after the valve is fixed? Or, is it left open? Thanks, Bernie.”
On Halloween, Brad Pitt & Ethan Say, “Yoooo Gabba Gabba!”
By Adam Pick on October 31, 2010
Robyn, Ethan and I want to wish everybody a very happy and very safe Halloween!
For his 2nd Halloween, Ethan is dressing up as “DJ Lance Rock” from the hit television show Yo Gabba Gabba. The show has become a morning staple for Ethan as he gulps down his first glass of milk. Ethan loves running around, screaming “Yoooooooo” as waves his hands in the air like DJ Lance Rock.
Cardiac Clinic Tour: Dr. Scott Lim Extends MitraClip Competence At The University Of Virginia
By Adam Pick on October 24, 2010
As many of you know, I’m fascinated with technology.
That said, when I’m invited to see a clinical application of a new heart valve technology, I jump at the opportunity. So, last week, I found myself in a hybrid catheterization laboratory / operating suite at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia. Dr. Scott Lim, Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine, Division of Cardiology, was performing a MitraClip procedure.
Dr. Scott Lim, M.D. And Me (Adam)
“We’ve been investigating the MitraClip therapy in select patients as an alternative, less-invasive therapy for mitral regurgitation,” Dr. Lim shared with me. “By clipping the mitral leaflets into a double-orifice configuration we can reduce leakage across the valve – without inducing stenosis.”
“What About Horse Valve Replacements?” Asks Joseph
By Adam Pick on October 21, 2010
I just received a very interesting question from Joseph about the different types of tissue heart valve replacements.
Joseph writes, “Have you ever heard of any surgeon using equine tissue valves for aortic valve replacement? In the 10 months of researching my aortic valve disease, I’ve not heard of EQUINE valves being implanted — not once. Can you provide some insight? Thanks, Joseph”

ATS 3F Bioprosthetic Aortic Valve – Equine Tissue Valve
Bob Uecker Requires Heart Valve Re-Operation Due To Infection
By Adam Pick on October 19, 2010
Considering our recent discussion about heart valve re-operations, often referred to as “Re-Dos”, I wanted to wish Bob Uecker a very successful surgery today. If you didn’t know, Bob Uecker — who was anointed “Mr. Baseball” by Johnny Carson — will undergo his second heart valve surgery during the past six months.
Bob Uecker – Heart Valve Surgery Patient
According to reports, a pseudoaneurysm (a tear) happened where his heart valve replacement is located. According to his medical team, it’s believed a skin-related staph infection entered his bloodstream and got into his surgical repair site.
“I’m approaching this with the same optimism that I had the first time,” said Uecker. “I appreciate all of the kind thoughts and well wishes from Brewers fans and everyone who has reached out to me.”
Keep on tickin’ Bob!
Medtronic Gets FDA Approval For CoreValve Percutaneous Aortic Valve Replacement Trial
By Adam Pick on October 19, 2010
Interest in catheter-based technologies for heart valve repair and heart valve replacement continues to skyrocket.
As you have seen, we recently (i) reviewed new data for the SAPIEN aortic valve replacement and (ii) observed a MitraClip case for mitral valve repair. Recently, I learned that Medtronic, one of the leading heart valve manufacturers, received FDA approval for its investigational device exemption application. That means that Medtronic can conduct a patient trial to determine the safety and efficacy of its percutaneous CoreValve system for aortic valve replacement.
“Will The Surgeon ‘Ice’ My Heart During Surgery?” Asks Alma
By Adam Pick on October 17, 2010
I just received an interesting question from Alma about a critical step during heart valve repair and heart valve replacement surgeries. Alma writes, “Adam – I’m going in for surgery next week. Thanks to your book, my anxiety has greatly decreased. I’m curious… I know my heart is going to be cooled and stopped during surgery. But, will my surgeon actually put ice on my bare heart? Alma”
Coincidentally, I just took the picture below while observing a heart valve surgery last week. As you can see, the answer to Alma’s question is typically… Yes.
Ice Chips On Heart During Cooling Process
Technology Update: Cardiologists & Surgeons Evaluate The SAPIEN Heart Valve Replacement Trial (Part II)
By Adam Pick on October 15, 2010
When the latest results of the PARTNER trial became available, many in the medical, investment and patient communities quickly analyzed the data specific to the new SAPIEN heart valve replacement. As you may be aware, the SAPIEN (i) requires no trauma to the sternum during aortic valve replacement, (ii) is currently used for high-risk patients suffering from aortic stenosis, and (iii) has yet to receive FDA approval in the United States.
While many physicians and investors took instant favor to the findings published in The New England Journal of Medicine, I was curious to know what cardiologists and heart surgeons thought of the study — after the data was digested.
Before & After: Monique Gets A Much-Needed Mitral Valve Repair
By Adam Pick on October 9, 2010
Monique just sent me two, very interesting pictures of her mitral valve – before and after surgery. I thought you might like to see these pictures as they illustrate the challenges of heart valve disease and the opportunities of heart valve treatment. The procedure was performed by Dr. David Adams at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City.
Monique At Mount Sinai Hospital
George Receives Motherly Miracle In The Form Of Dr. Gaudiani
By Adam Pick on October 9, 2010
A few months ago, I received a very difficult phone call from George Avakian who resides in Northern California.
George’s mother was suffering from severe heart valve disease. He was fearful that he might lose his mother. After speaking with George, he immediately took the steps needed to get the best care for his mother. If you are interested to learn about her surgical result, here is a follow-up email from George about his mom’s heart valve replacement surgery.
Patient Concern: Cardiac Rehab Referrals Continue To Disappoint
By Adam Pick on September 22, 2010
From my own experience and patient research, I know that the physical, social and mental benefits of attending a good cardiac rehabilitation program are overwhelming. Unfortunately, physician referrals of these patient programs are… underwhelming.
After Surgical Stroke & Three Heart Valve Replacements, Kirk’s Triathlon Passion Continues!
By Adam Pick on September 21, 2010
I just received an extraordinary email about Kirk Rose from his daughter, Angela. If anybody needs inspiration before or after heart valve surgery, I encourage you to read this:
I just came across your website and noted that you mention Team Scar Trek of Oregon. So you know, my father was the organizer of this group and is currently on the comeback from his THIRD heart valve replacement.
“How Much Do Heart Valve Replacements Cost?” Asks Mike
By Adam Pick on September 20, 2010
I just received a great email from Mike about heart valve replacements. Mike writes, “Adam – I’ve got a severely leaky valve and need mitral surgery. I’m 55 and never knew about my prolapsed valve. Just curious… If the surgeon can’t repair my leaflets, how much do the replacement devices cost? Thanks, Mike”
Like Mike, I had this same question when I was diagnosed with severe aortic stenosis. I wanted to know just how much this little medical device cost.
As you might imagine, obtaining pricing data on heart valve replacement devices is a bit difficult. You can’t just run down to your local Wal-Mart and order an ATS Open Pivot Valve. And, you definitely can’t purchase a Medtronic Freestyle pig valve from
Study: How Gender Impacts Enlarged Hearts After Valve Replacement
By Adam Pick on September 20, 2010
In the past, we’ve talked about the risks of valvular disorders and enlarged hearts. Recently, a study was released which further examined whether or not dilated hearts return to normal size after heart valve surgery. Interestingly, the study considered this post-operative objective from a male and female perspective.