Adam's Heart Valve Surgery Blog – Page 55

Introducing… Heart Valve Journals!!!

By Adam Pick on January 14, 2010

Dear Patients, Caregivers, Surgeons & Friends –

Thanks to many of your suggestions, ideas, emails and phone calls, I have spent the past 8 months working on a new, FREE Internet application designed exclusively for our growing heart valve surgery community.

This online tool, known as Heart Valve Journals, was developed to help you communicate with family and friends during your heart valve surgery experience – from diagnosis to recovery. Also, this new section of the website enables you to meet, to learn from and to support other patients around the world… 24 hours a day.



We recently performed a 3-month beta test of Heart Valve Journals with several patients including Joel, Cheryl, Ken, Tara, Kim, Eric, Lucy, Helen, Bobbie, Rob, William, Susana and many others. To my surprise, the results of that test surpassed all expectations!

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“How About An Interactive Chat With A Cleveland Clinic Surgeon?” Asks Adam

By Adam Pick on January 10, 2010

Hi everybody,

I think we were just presented with an incredible opportunity… However, I’m curious to know what you think?

The other day I spoke with The Cleveland Clinic’s Patient Education Team. During our discussion, they offered our patient and caregiver community a live, Internet chat with one of their heart valve surgeons. That said, this online session would enable you to get your questions answered from one of the world’s leading cardiac centers.


Cleveland Clinic Heart Surgeon Team

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Top 10 Heart Valve Surgery Blogs of 2009

By Adam Pick on December 30, 2009

Looking back on 2009, it seems like heart valve surgery was one of the most popular topics within cardiac care.

On one hand, many public figures were treated for valvular disorders including aortic stenosis and mitral regurgitation. On the other hand, several medical advances relative to heart valve surgery were covered in research journals, on radio, television and across the Internet.



Beyond the media, this global community of patients, caregivers and surgeons continued to actively discuss many personal topics that impacted our own, heart valve surgery experiences throughout the past year.

That said, I just reviewed all 305 blogs posted during 2009 in an effort to highlight the Top 10 Heart Valve Surgery Blogs. I used several factors including, but not limited to, web traffic reports, your comments and your emails to identify the top blogs.

So you know, this was a lot harder than expected. As you will see below, there were three ties.

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New 2010 Edition Of My Book Now Available!

By Adam Pick on December 29, 2009

As the new year begins, I wanted you to know that I recently began shipping advanced copies of the new 2010 edition of my book, The Patient’s Guide To Heart Valve Surgery.

Some highlights of the fully-revised 2010 edition include:

  • Over 40 pages of new information specific to heart valve replacement and heart valve repair surgery.
  • References to over 135 patient experiences with heart valve surgery (including more than 10 new patient success stories).
  • A new Top 30 Most Recommended Surgeons listing.
  • 20 more medical diagrams and patient pictures are included to help you better understand heart valve surgery from the patient perspective.
  • Special eBook interactive hyperlinks to all Internet references within the text.



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Even With A Crooked Scar, Sandy Is Extremely Thankful

By Adam Pick on December 26, 2009

I just received an interesting email from Sandy which addresses a key point and warning for patients – especially women. That said, I thought you might like to learn more about Sandy’s heart valve surgery experience. Here is what she wrote to me:

Dear Adam,

I am a 52-year old female. I had a mitral valve prolapse / heart murmur for 10+ years. So you know, I was never told I might need surgery someday. However, after my annual echocardiogram, the cardiologist informed me that I had severe regurgitation and an enlarged heart. At the time, my only symptom was fatigue.


Crooked Open Heart Surgery Scar
Crooked Open Heart Surgery Scar


Well… I am extremely thankful and truly overflowing with gratitude that my doctors diagnosed my condition. My valve was repaired without any complications and I feel like I have a new heart!


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“Any Last Words To Calm My Fears?” Asks Carole

By Adam Pick on December 24, 2009

Carole just sent me an email that touches on a common, patient emotion prior to surgery… fear.

In her note she writes, “Adam – Next week I am scheduled for surgery due to severe mitral regurgitation resulting from a prolapsed valve. I’ve known about this for over 15 years but I can’t believe the time is finally here. Thank you for your book and your blog. However, even with all the helpful information, I’m still scared. As the surgery approaches, I’m not sleeping well – which makes the situation even worse. I have to ask… Do you have any final pieces of advice to calm my fears? Thanks for all you do, Carole”



Like many of you, I can relate to Carole’s concerns as she prepares for surgery. Although statistics suggest most patients live longer, healthier lives after heart valve surgery, that does not stop fear from rattling our consciousness.

So… In response to Carole’s question, I do have two, final bits of advice specific to fear management that might help.

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Dr. Michael Baity Loses 20 Pounds Prior To Aortic Valve Replacement By Dr. McCurry

By Adam Pick on December 23, 2009

In the past, we’ve discussed how patients, like Sylvia Woolworth, got physically and mentally fit prior to heart valve surgery. Specific to this topic, I recently opened an email from Dr. Michael Baity, a retired dentist from Michigan. Dr. Baity just had aortic valve replacement surgery at the Cleveland Clinic. Here is what he wrote to me:

Hi Adam – I live about 450 miles north of Cleveland, way up by the Mackinaw Bridge (Michigan).  I am retired but was a dental specialist (Periodontics). I also taught graduate Periodontics at the University of Michigan, part time, for fifteen years, so I have had a lot of academic medicine as well as clinical practice.


Dr. Michael Baity – Heart Valve Surgery Patient


Specific to heart surgery, distance from my home was not a consideration… experience and safety were.

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“Were You Ever Angry After Heart Valve Surgery?” Asks Dorothy

By Adam Pick on December 21, 2009

Emotions can be undeniably strong and turbulent as patients, their families and friends experience heart valve surgery.

On one hand, I experienced a profound sense of appreciation and thankfulness during my recovery. Like many of you, I found myself swirling in waves of emotions that often triggered tears. In fact, the running joke with Robyn (my wife) is that my human donor valve was definitely taken from a female because I became much more “emotionally available” after surgery.



On the other hand, I also encountered emotions (e.g. fear, uncertainty, doubt) that were, at times, daunting. Recently, I spoke with a former patient who told me, “I was downright angry at times… I was only 45 years old and dealing with heart surgery!”

Incidentally, that patient was Dr. Randolph Chitwood, a leading heart valve surgeon who practices at the East Carolina Heart Institute in Greenville, North Carolina. Doctor Chitwood, who is a specialist in minimally-invasive robotic valve surgery, required cardiac surgery several years ago. Later in our discussion, Dr. Chitwood said to me, “I can relate to what patients are going through – mentally and physically.”

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Video: How Do You Feel Immediately After Surgery?

By Adam Pick on December 21, 2009

Patients and caregivers often ask me about the immediate, post-op experience in the intensive care unit. Common questions include:

  • How long were you in the intensive care unit?
  • Did you experience pain immediately?
  • Was your family allowed in the ICU area?
  • How many tubes were sticking out of you when you woke up?

However, one of more common questions I get is, “How did you feel as you came out of general anesthesia?” Honestly, I don’t remember much – just bits and pieces of the first few hours after surgery. But, lucky for me, my family has clued me in on the strange experience of waking up after heart surgery with a ventilator tube, Foley catheter and several other tubes still inserted in my body.

On this topic, I just read that the video below was one of YouTube’s Top 10 Videos of 2009. The video titled “David After Dentist” has been watched over 37 million times this year. It’s not an exact match to the experience of waking up after heart surgery but I think you might find some silly and honest humor as little David talks candidly with his father after dental surgery.




Please remember, each patient case is unique. Just because David was a tad loopy after his surgery, that does not mean you will have the same experience.

Keep on tickin!

My Fourth Anniversary!!!

By Adam Pick on December 21, 2009

Not only is today the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year…

But, it’s also the anniversary of my aortic and pulmonary heart valve replacement surgery!

I have to admit… It is somewhat unbelievable to think that at this exact moment, four years ago, I was in the operating room at USC Medical Center. And, it is unbelievable to think how much good has entered my life since Dr. Starnes “fixed” my heart.


Dr. Vaughn Starnes And Adam Pick
Adam with Dr. Vaughn Starnes (His Heart Surgeon)


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Jack LaLanne, Fitness Guru, Recovering From Heart Valve Surgery

By Adam Pick on December 19, 2009

In addition to Robin Williams, Barbara Bush, Elizabeth Taylor, Ed Koch and many other public figures who had heart valve surgery in 2009…

Fitness pioneer Jack LaLanne is now recovering from heart valve surgery at his home in Morro Bay, California. LaLanne’s publicist, Ariel Hankin, said earlier this week that the 95-year-old underwent the procedure at a Los Angeles hospital on December 8th.


Jack LaLanne - Heart Valve Surgery Patient
Jack LaLanne – Heart Valve Surgery Patient


Hankin says that before surgery LaLanne told his family that “dying would wreck his image”. The weightlifting guru is doing fine and expected to make a full recovery.

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New Website Now Live!

By Adam Pick on December 17, 2009

I’m very, very, very excited to announce that the new Heart Valve Surgeon Database (Version 2.0) is going public today. You will quickly note there are several advanced features of the database including:

  • A completely revised look (shown below). I found a web design team that made the database incredibly easy for patients and caregivers to use.



  • Over 470 surgeon profiles!!! Thanks to your contributions, the database now has surgeon reviews from patients in 25+ countries around the world.
  • New surgical procedure descriptions. On the “Search Surgeons” page, we created pop-up windows which describe the different types of heart valve surgery.
  • A new, easy-to-remember domain name. You can now access the database directly at And, if you look above, you will notice a permanent link to “Heart Valve Surgeon Database” is at the top of every page in this blog.
  • Special Featured Surgeon page. Each month, we are going to feature one surgeon that you nominate.
  • Interactive Listings for heart valve surgeons. Now, sponsor surgeons have interactive buttons which read “Learn More” and “Contact Surgeon”. The Learn More buttons hyperlink to dedicated, surgeon profile pages which provide patients with biographical information, educational videos and more. Also, patients and caregivers can now contact surgeons directly through special Contact Surgeon buttons.

Thanks again to all the former patients that contributed your surgeon profiles to the database! And, a special thanks to all the heart valve surgeons (Dr. Gillinov, Dr. Starnes, Dr. Paul Stelzer, Dr. Gaudiani, Dr. Chitwood, Dr. Stewart, Dr. Massimiano, Dr. Khan, Dr. Adams, etc.) for your ideas and support of this project!

Because of our combined efforts, I believe the Heart Valve Surgeon Database will continue to grow and help patients all over the world.

Keep on tickin!

“What Is An Annuloplasty Ring?” Asks Regina

By Adam Pick on December 15, 2009

I just received an interesting question from Regina about heart valve repair surgery. Her question focuses on the use of annuloplasty rings to treat leaky heart valves.

Regina writes, “Hi Adam – Although I’m 58, I was recently diagnosed with mitral valve regurgitation. My cardiologist thinks I may need surgery in the next year. The disease is categorized as moderate-to-severe. The cardiologist mentioned the potential use of an annuloplasty ring but did not explain why I might need one. Can you help me better understand the role of an annuloplasty ring? Thanks, Regina”


Annuloplasty Ring For Mitral Valve Repair


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After Two Valve Repairs And CryoMaze, Mark Praises Dr. Adams

By Adam Pick on December 15, 2009

I’m currently traveling through Europe for work. Right now, I’m on a train going from Eindhoven to Amsterdam in The Netherlands. Yes, it’s cold. But, not as cold as Helsinki, Finland where it was freeeeeezing.

Luckily, I have a few moments to read personal emails. One of those emails was from Mark Linnus, a 46 year-old patient from New York who was diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse and severe regurgitation. Over the past year, I have corresponded with Mark about his upcoming valve surgery. In particular, much of our exchange focused on surgeon selection.

Well… Mark has good news to report. Here is what he wrote to me:


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“Happy Holidays!” Says Ethan

By Adam Pick on December 15, 2009

From Robyn, myself and, our little one, Ethan… Happy Holidays Everybody!!!



May you have an incredibly healthy and happy holiday season!!!

Keep on tickin!

David Shifts From Edwards Lifesciences’ Employee To Patient

By Adam Pick on December 3, 2009

Some may call David’s story ironic. I call it fantastic. That said, I thought you might find this unique story of interest. Here is what David wrote to me:

Hi Adam,

I just had my calcified aortic bicuspid valve replaced with an Edwards Lifesciences pericardial (bovine) valve on October 28, 2009. I also had a single mammary bypass for a calcified lesion in my LAD coronary artery. I am 69 years old. I think I have a little different perspective on all this as I worked for and retired from Edwards Lifesciences, the world’s largest heart valve replacement manufacturer, after 33 years employment.


David Swendso, Heart Surgery Patient with Dr. Bethencourt
David Swendson With Dr. Bethencourt – Discharge Day!


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Kelly’s “Watchful Waiting” Ends With A Medtronic Pig Valve, Thanks To Dr. Miller

By Adam Pick on November 28, 2009

Kelly just sent me this very interesting story which touches on several critical factors specific to heart valve surgery from the patient perspective. That said, I thought you might want to learn about Kelly and her surgeon, Dr. Kevin Miller. Here is what she wrote to me:


Patient, Kelly Gaul, Receives Pig Valve Replacement
Kelly Gaul – Heart Valve Replacement Patient


Hi Adam,

It’s been about 7 or 8 months since I first found your web site, ordered your book and touched base with you.  I am a 56-year old woman who leads a very active lifestyle – hiking, backpacking, and cross-country skiing.  I knew I had a heart murmur since I was 25 years old, but didn’t realize it was a bicuspid valve accompanied by aortic stenosis until about 7 years ago (mild-moderate at the time).

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“How Common Is Heart Valve Disease Among Seniors?” Asks Heidi

By Adam Pick on November 26, 2009

I just received a great question from Heidi about heart valve disease, surgery and seniors.

She writes, “Adam – My mom, Betty, has recently been diagnosed with severe aortic stenosis. Although her murmur was detected years ago, I never thought she would need open heart surgery. She’s 68 but acts like she’s 38. No symptoms at all. I’m curious… How common is valve disease and surgery among seniors? Thanks, Heidi”


Seniors With Heart Valve Disease


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After “Waiting Too Long”, David Has Heart Valve Surgery Before Aneurysm Ruptures

By Adam Pick on November 23, 2009

Here is some great patient advice from David about (i) treating heart valve disorders in a timely fashion and (ii) being your own, best patient advocate. David wrote to me:

Hi Adam,

I’m a 55-year old man living in Maine. I just underwent aortic valve and ascending aorta replacement surgery on November 10, 2009.


David, An Aortic Valve Replacement Patient, With A Red Pillow
David Belisle – Heart Valve Replacement Patient


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“Do You Have A Heart Valve Replacement Diagram?” Asks Wendy

By Adam Pick on November 23, 2009

I don’t know about you, but I am a very visual person. For some reason, diagrams, pictures, illustrations always help me better understand concepts. As a result, I could really relate to Wendy’s question about heart valve replacement diagrams.

Wendy writes, “Hi Adam – I’m 59 and preparing for mitral valve replacement. Everybody keeps talking to me about what is going to happen but I still don’t understand it completely. Do you have a picture that could help me understand where the valve will go in my heart? Thank you, Wendy”

No problem Wendy! To support you and others, I just came across this great diagram which illustrates where the heart valve replacement device will be positioned in your heart.


Heart Valve Replacement Diagram For Aortic & Mitral Positions


As you can see above, this diagram shows two valvular disorders – aortic valve regurgitation and mitral valve regurgitation. The picture also shows the two types of valve replacement devices that can be used within your heart (mechanical valves and biological valves).

I hope this helps!

Keep on tickin!

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