Mitral Valve Repair Blog

By Adam Pick

Survival, Durability and Long-Term Outcomes of Mitral & Tricuspid Valve Repair Surgery

Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Published: September 6, 2023

I just received a great question from Alexandra about simultaneous mitral valve and tricuspid valve surgery. Alexandra asked me, “Hi Adam, All the data I’ve seen measures outcomes for mitral valve repair alone. Have you seen any data on survival and durability rates for patients undergoing mitral and tricuspid valve repair surgery?”

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“What About Risk, Mortality & Age?” asks Mark

Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Medical Expert: Marc Gerdisch, MD, Chief of Cardiac Surgery, Franciscan Health
Published: May 18, 2023

At the recent Mitral Conclave conference, I received a great question from Mark about heart valve surgery risk, mortality and age. In his email, Mark asked me, “Hi Adam, I am 87 years old. I’ve had an aortic valve replacement in July. I then needed a MitraClip in October. Now, I have been diagnosed with severe mitral valve regurgitation again. I am investigating less-invasive surgical treatments. I feel like I’m a walking time bomb. Do you have any data on mortality for age groups?”

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Mitral Valve Awareness: How Is Mitral Valve Disease Treated?

Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Medical Expert: Joanna Chikwe, MD, Chair of Cardiac Surgery, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Published: April 11, 2023

There is “bad news” and “good news” specific to mitral valve disease treatment.  The bad news is that only 15% of mitral valve patients get treatment.  The good news is that mitral valve disease treatment is safe, effective and can restore normal life expectancy.

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Mitral Valve Awareness: Top 5 Considerations for Mitral Valve Surgery Patients

Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Medical Experts: Michael Acker, MD, Chief, Division of Cardiovascular Surgery; Michael Ibrahim, MD, Director, Mitral and Reconstructive Valve Surgery, at Penn Medicine
Published: April 12, 2023

When patients learn they need mitral valve surgery, patients may become confused about their surgical options, timing the procedure, selecting their medical team, and developing a lifelong plan for the management of mitral valve disease.

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Patient Webinar Announced: “Advances in Mitral Valve Therapy” with Dr. Joanna Chikwe, Dr. Dominic Emerson & Me

Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Published: April 14, 2023

In support of Mitral Valve Disease Awareness Week, we hosted a live interactive webinar titled, “Advances in Mitral Valve Therapy”, with Dr. Joanna Chikwe, the Chair of Cardiac Surgery at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Dr. Dominic Emerson, Director of Robotic Cardiac Surgery at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, and the patients in our community.  Here’s a playback of the webinar.

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Mitral Valve Awareness: Complex Mitral Valve Surgery

Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Medical Expert: Wilson Szeto, MD, Chief of Cardiovascular Surgery at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
Published: April 15, 2023

So far, during Mitral Valve Disease Awareness Week, we’ve focused on the management and the treatment of isolated mitral valve disease. However, many patients with mitral valve disease are also diagnosed with related cardiac conditions including coronary artery disease, atrial fibrillation and aortic aneurysms.

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Surgeon Roundtable: 6 Mitral Valve Surgery Myths Busted!

Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Published: November 16, 2022

When diagnosed with mitral valve disease, patients can be confused and misinformed about how to get the best treatment. To make matters worse, many cardiologists DO NOT know the latest research and techniques used to treat broken mitral valves.

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Patient Q&A: Leila’s Recovery From Heart Valve Surgery

Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Published: October 12, 2022

I just had an insightful conversation with Leila Saeid, a mom, wife and dentist in Southern California, about her recovery from minimally-invasive heart valve surgery. We were also joined by Leila’s surgeon, Dr. Joanna Chikwe, the Chair of Cardiac Surgery at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

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“Can I Get Robotic Mitral Valve Surgery? Or, Do I Need A MitraClip?” asks Bodybuilder Rich

Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Medical Expert: Joanna Chikwe, MD, Chair of Cardiac Surgery at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Published: September 22, 2022

I just received a great question from Rich about mitral valve surgery.  In his email, Rich asks, “Hi Adam, I’m a 63-year-old male who competes in natural bodybuilding. Three years ago, I had a mechanical aortic valve replacement. Now, I have severe mitral regurgitation with mild atrium dilation. I have only mild symptoms such as an occasional palpitation. Can I get the mitral valve repaired with a robotic procedure, or is the MitraClip the protocol given my risk factor?”

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“Is Mitral Regurgitation & Calcification Common After Mitral Valve Repair Surgery?” asks Linda

Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Medical Expert: Junaid Khan, MD, Medical Director, Alta Bates Summit Medical Center
Page Last Updated: May 6, 2021

I just received a great question from Linda about the recurrence of mitral regurgitation, a leaky heart valve, and calcification after mitral valve repair surgery. In her note to me, Linda asked, “I had mitral valve repair about 2 years ago and now I’ve developed regurgitation again. Also part of the valve is calcified. I am curious if this is common?”

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After Massive Heart Attack, Mitral Regurgitation Diagnosis & MitraClip, David Dances Again!

By Adam Pick on February 6, 2020

First, he suffered a massive heart attack.  Then, he was diagnosed with severe mitral regurgitation.  He struggled to breathe. He was afraid.

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Doctor Q&A: 6 Important Questions About Mitral Valve Surgery

By Adam Pick on December 3, 2019

My inbox is filling up with great questions about mitral valve disease and treatment.  Lisa is asking about minimally invasive surgery and pain.  Barbara asked me about the use of drugs to treat mitral valve disease and heart failure.  And… Charles wants to know about cardiac rehab after mitral valve surgery.

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MitraClip Gets New $37 Million Plant in Indiana

By Adam Pick on November 12, 2019

Wow!  It appears that all of the patient and the clinical trial success of the MitraClip is having a significant impact on Abbott’s manufacturing plans for the transcatheter mitral valve repair (TMVR) device that some patients are calling the “Miracle Clip”.

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Phil Can Breathe Freely Thanks to the MitraClip!

By Adam Pick on August 1, 2019

The patient story of Phil Yalowitz is very personal for me. 

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Thanks to the MitraClip, Michele Will Not Need a Heart Transplant!

By Adam Pick on January 24, 2019

Michele’s life was in jeopardy due to heart failure from severe mitral regurgitation.  She was so sick, her medical team was evaluating a heart transplant to save her life.

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New Findings: Mitral Valve Repair Restores Normal Life Expectancy!

By Adam Pick on December 4, 2018

I don’t know about you… But, when I was told that I needed heart surgery… One of my first questions was, “Will heart surgery compromise my expected 76.4 years here on Earth?”

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New MitraClip Research Is A “Game Changer” for Patients!

By Adam Pick on October 30, 2018

Applause, excitement and tears of joy filled the main arena at the 30th Annual Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics conference when the results of the COAPT trial were announced. This unique clinical trial showed that the MitraClip, a transcatheter mitral valve repair device, reduced risks of hospitalization and death in patients with heart failure and secondary mitral regurgitation.

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Before-and-After Surgery: Tim’s Mitral Valve Reveal

By Adam Pick on May 24, 2018

Have you ever wanted to see what a mitral valve looks like before-and-after it’s repaired?

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“How Can Robots Advance Heart Valve Surgery?” asks Diane

By Adam Pick on May 17, 2018

This patient community is fantastic.  The questions I’ve received lately are wonderful and very detailed.  I know that you, or the loved one you care for, are taking patient advocacy to a new level!

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“Why Did I Want A Mitral Valve Repair?” by Janet

By Adam Pick on May 3, 2018

In our community, patient interest specific to mitral valve repair surgery continues to grow.  To support that educational interest, I’ve attended workshops, traveled to conferences and published free eBooks dedicated to mitral valve reconstruction techniques.

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