Heart Valve Replacement Blog - Page 3

By Adam Pick

Trifecta Valve Gets Approval From European Union And… Joe

By Adam Pick on March 10, 2010

As many of you know, this is a very exciting time for the heart valve surgery community given the rapid advance of medical technologies used to treat diseases including aortic stenosis and mitral regurgitation.

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Grey’s Anatomy Mishandles Heart Valve Surgery

By Adam Pick on January 25, 2010

My wife, Robyn, loves the television show Grey’s Anatomy.

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“Do You Have A Heart Valve Replacement Diagram?” Asks Wendy

By Adam Pick on November 23, 2009

I don’t know about you, but I am a very visual person. For some reason, diagrams, pictures, illustrations always help me better understand concepts. As a result, I could really relate to Wendy’s question about heart valve replacement diagrams.

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Trivia: Who Is The World’s Longest Living Heart Valve Recipient?

By Adam Pick on November 11, 2009

It is perhaps one of the most common and appropriate questions I receive from patients and their caregivers. That question is, “What is my life expectancy after heart valve surgery?”

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“Are Flu Shots and Swine Flu Vaccines Safe After Heart Valve Surgery?” Asks Jackie

By Adam Pick on October 27, 2009

Considering the recent Swine Flu outbreak, I’ve received several emails about flu shots and heart valve surgery.

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At 85, After Tissue Valve Replacement And Pacemaker Implant, Connie Keeps On Walking!

By Adam Pick on October 23, 2009

I just received a great patient story from Connie Batich. Considering that Connie’s note touches on so many elements of heart valve surgery – diagnosis, symptoms, second opinions, angiograms, vent tubes, a-fib, recovery – I thought you might appreciate reading about her experience. Here is what Connie wrote to me:

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Video: Can Stem Cells Transform Into Heart Valves?

By Adam Pick on October 8, 2009

Considering my fascination with medical technology, I recently came across an interesting video about the use of stem cells to create heart valve replacements for the treatment of valvular disorders including aortic stenosis and mitral regurgitation. That said, I thought you might find this video very interesting:

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Ironic: Vegetarian Kept Alive By Pig Valve Replacement?

By Adam Pick on September 30, 2009

I guess this patient success story would classify as ironic.

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The Top 25 Heart Valve Manufacturing Brands

By Adam Pick on September 8, 2009

In case you missed it, Research and Markets just published their “Top 25 Manufacturers of Heart Valve Repair And Heart Valve Replacement Devices” for 2009 (shown below).

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Medtronic’s Melody Heart Valve Replacement Technology Gets FDA Support

By Adam Pick on July 25, 2009

As we have discussed, the competitive market for minimally invasive heart valve replacements and heart valve repair continues to heat up.

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“What Are The Side Effects of Coumadin?” Asks Elissa

By Adam Pick on July 23, 2009

Elissa was recently diagnosed with severe mitral regurgitation due to mitral valve prolapse.

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Leading Heart Valve Manufacturer, Edwards Lifesciences, Reaches 52-Week High

By Adam Pick on June 22, 2009

When it comes to making investments, I’m no Warren Buffet.

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“What Is Life Like On Coumadin?” Asks Mary Anne

By Adam Pick on March 27, 2009

Use of Coumadin for patients that select a mechanical valve replacement is typically required to prevent blood clots. As a result, many pre-surgical patients considering a mechanical valve (versus a tissue valve) often wonder, “What is life like on Coumadin?”

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Pig Valve Replacement Humor… Thanks Kerrigan!

By Adam Pick on March 27, 2009

I’m not a fan of overused cliches. However, if there is one cliche I never get tired of it is, “Laughter is the best form of medicine.”

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On-X Valve Replacement Manufacturer To Double Operations

By Adam Pick on March 27, 2009

I recently learned that the manufacturer of On-X heart valve devices is going to double the size of its operations in Austin, Texas. The parent company, On-X Life Technologies (ON-X LTI), signed a building lease for over 40,000 square feet due to the result of increased demand for its On-X mechanical valves for mitral valve and aortic valve replacement.

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“INR Home Testing Machine For Margaret?” Asks Margaret

By Adam Pick on January 7, 2009

Patients selecting mechanical heart valve replacements are typically required to monitor their INR levels (international normalized ratio) to prevent risks of blood clotting, hemorrhage or stroke.

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True or False: Mitral Valve Replacements Have Only Two Leaflets

By Adam Pick on December 22, 2008

Are you ready for some interesting trivia about heart valve replacement devices?

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Big, Big, Big Boomer Growth Expected For Heart Valve Replacement Industry

By Adam Pick on December 22, 2008

You don’t have to be Warren Buffet to know that investments in heart valve companies may pay off big time in the future.

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“Will My Husband’s Heart Valve Click?” Asks Jodi

By Adam Pick on November 29, 2008

Selecting a mechanical or bioprosthetic heart valve replacement prior to surgery is not easy. There are pros and cons to both types of valve replacement devices. On that note, Jodi just emailed me about one side effect of aortic mechanical valve replacements… The clicking noise.

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