Heart Valve Replacement Blog - Page 6
By Adam Pick
What Are The Common Coumadin Medication Interactions?
By Adam Pick on September 3, 2007
As we’ve talked about before, Coumadin (Warfarin Sodium) is used by patients following heart valve replacement in which mechanical heart valves are selected by the patient and/ or surgeon. You can click here to learn more about Coumadin medication and its long-term use for preventing blood clots on mechanical heart valves following heart valve surgery.
What Is The Medtronic Hancock Porcine Heart Valve?
By Adam Pick on September 1, 2007
There are several choices a patient will make as they prepare for heart valve replacement surgery – the surgeon, the hospital, the procedure, where to recover, etc.
Are There Coumadin And Prilosec Contraindications To Be Aware Of?
By Adam Pick on August 31, 2007
The other day, I wrote a blog about the Contraindications of Ultram and Coumadin. Since then, I have been bombarded with questions about other potential issues, conflicts and side-effects of Coumadin (Warfarin Sodium). That said, I will respond to each of your questions over the next few weeks. To advance this topic, I have consulted with a psychiatrist who might be co-blogging with me on this subject.
Porcine Valves – What is A Porcine Heart Valve Replacement?
By Adam Pick on August 27, 2007
I just received an email from Eddie who is preparing for his heart valve replacement surgery. Eddie has mitral valve prolapse and severe mitral regurgitation. Eddie is 67 years old and is considering a tissue valve. Specifically, Eddie is leaning towards a porcine valve (aka a pig valve) and has several questions.
Cow Valve Replacement Surgery – Bovine Valves
By Adam Pick on August 23, 2007
I will never forget my first interview with a heart surgeon.
Do You Have Any Keyhole Surgery Images For Heart Valve Replacements?
By Adam Pick on August 19, 2007
As I have posted in prior blogs, there are a number heart surgery centers that are practicing heart valve repair and heart valve replacement using minimally invasive procedures including robotic surgery devices and transcatheter approaches.
Are There Any Adverse Effects Of Pig Valves?
By Adam Pick on August 12, 2007
It’s one thing to be diagnosed with a heart valve disorder. It’s another thing to be told that your heart valve problem has worsened and you need heart valve surgery.