Heart Valve Replacement Blog - Page 4

By Adam Pick

From Porcine Valves To The Carmat Artificial Heart

By Adam Pick on November 8, 2008

Talk about an incredible doctor and cutting-edge technology!

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Mechanical Heart Valve Replacement Still Clicking… 27 Years Later

By Adam Pick on November 3, 2008

I just received this interesting email from Margaret. She had mechanical valve replacement surgery almost 27 years ago. I thought you would appreciate her thoughts about surgery and the clicking noise of mechanical heart valves.

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Mechanical Heart Valve Sizers… On eBay?

By Adam Pick on November 2, 2008

Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of shopping on eBay.

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Mitral Mechanical Valve Options For Becky

By Adam Pick on October 5, 2008

A few weeks ago, I posted a blog about Angie’s aortic mechanical valve replacement options.

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Anticoagulation Valve Replacement Thoughts For Mechanical Devices (Plus Video)

By Adam Pick on October 3, 2008

Last month, Scott was diagnosed with aortic valve regurgitation. After his initial research, Scott was going to select a mechanical valve. However, the more Scott learned about the use of anticoagulation therapy (e.g. Coumadin) to prevent clotting on aortic mechanical valve options, the more concerned he became. Scott’s email to me reads:

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Prosthetic Heart Valve Replacements – Definition, Pictures And Use

By Adam Pick on October 3, 2008

Jill writes to me, “Hi Adam – My world is upside down right now. My dad was just told that he has aortic valve regurgitation and needs a prosthesis valve (or at least I think that is what he said). Can you help me understand what all of this means? Plus, I’m a visual person. If you have any pictures of a valve prosthesis that would be great.”

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“What Is The Patient’s Lifespan After Heart Valve Replacement Operations?” Asks Valerie

By Adam Pick on October 2, 2008

When diagnosed with severe heart valve disease, most patients have a fundamental question which races through their minds. That question goes a little something like this, “Oh My Gawwwwwd… What Can I Do To Live?!”

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Edwards’ Perimount Magna Mitral Valve Replacement Gets FDA Approval

By Adam Pick on September 16, 2008

More news from the leading heart valve manufacturer this week…

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What Are Your Mechanical Aortic Valve Replacement Options?

By Adam Pick on September 10, 2008

Angie just made a big decision. After researching her options and talking with several patients and surgeons, Angie has selected a mechanical aortic valve replacement for her diseased, bicuspid valve that suffers from severe stenosis. (To learn more about bicuspid valves, click here.)

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Does Exercising Wear Out An Artificial Heart Valve Faster?

By Adam Pick on September 3, 2008

After evaluating the pros and cons of mechanical and bioprosthetic heart valve replacements, it appears that Stephanie has opted for an artificial heart valve replacement.

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Mechanical Or Bioprosthetic Heart Valve Replacements?

By Adam Pick on August 29, 2008

Earlier today, Helia wrote to me, “Adam – I have been diagnosed with severe aortic valve stenosis. My cardiologist recommends surgery within the next two months. I’m confused by everything right now. Especially, I’m confused by all the different types of valve options. Which is better for me – a mechanical or bioprosthetic heart valve replacement?”

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“On-X For Mitral Heart Valve Replacement?” Asks Vivian

By Adam Pick on August 27, 2008

Vivan has a severe mitral regurgitation disorder and is preparing for mitral valve replacement operation. She is currently considering several different valve types (tissue, homograft, mechanical) and valve brands (Edwards, Medtronic and St. Jude Medical).

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Samantha Asks, “Will My Mom’s Heart Stop During Valve Replacement Surgery?”

By Adam Pick on August 18, 2008

In an email, Samantha writes, “Hi Adam – I’m freaking out right now. My mother was just told that she will need open heart surgery to replace her mitral valve. I am on ‘information overload’ as I’m surfing the Internet like crazy. I’m trying to better understand the surgical process. Is it true that the heart is stopped during a valve replacement operation? If so, how do they stop the heart?”

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Homograft Video: Aortic Valve Replacement Dr. Kevin Accola

By Adam Pick on August 5, 2008

One of the most, highly regarded cardiothoracic surgeons I know is Dr. Kevin Accola from Florida.

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Take A Guess: How Many Annual Open Heart Surgery Operations?

By Adam Pick on July 29, 2008

Do you know how many open heart surgeries were performed in the United States during 2005?

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Coumadin Facts Suggested By Sean For Patients – Video

By Adam Pick on June 20, 2008

Yesterday, Sean made some interesting comments to Nancy about the risks of Coumadin use. In his response, Sean referenced an online video for patients and caregivers to learn more about the use of blood thinners (anticoagulants) to prevent clotting for those patients that select a mechanical heart valve replacement.

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Nancy Considers Risks Of Coumadin Therapy

By Adam Pick on June 18, 2008

For most patients, the process of selecting a replacement heart valve can be tricky. These days, there are several options to consider. Plus, we can be influenced and (quite frankly) confused by friends, family members, nurses, cardiologists and surgeons who maintain their own opinions about tissue valves and mechanical valves.

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After Heart Valve Replacement Surgery, Patient Opens 30-Year Dream

By Adam Pick on June 18, 2008

If there is one thing I see in heart surgery patients, it is their renewed vigor for life.

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First Mechanical Heart Valve Keeps Tickin’ 38 Years Later

By Adam Pick on May 30, 2008

As I wrote earlier about the first mechanical heart valves, doctors could do little to help people with failing heart valves until 1960, when Portland heart surgeon Dr. Albert Starr and engineer Lowell Edwards introduced their mechanical heart valve. Here is a picture of a replica of the first ball-in-cage heart valve replacement that was given to me by Edwards Lifesciences.

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Stents In Tissue Heart Valve Replacements?

By Adam Pick on May 22, 2008

Ever wonder why a stent is used in many forms of biological heart valve replacements?

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