Adam's Heart Valve Surgery Blog – Page 37
Fact or Fiction: Aortic Stenosis Can Be “Fatal”
By Adam Pick on March 5, 2013
A common question I receive from patients diagnosed with aortic stenosis is, “Can this disease really be fatal?”
To provide our community with an expert response to that question, I interviewed Dr. Marc Gillinov at the recent STS conference in Los Angeles. So you know, Dr. Gillinov is a cardiac surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic, co-author of Heart 411 and… a super nice guy.
Medical Mission Update #1: Dominican Republic Here We Come!
By Adam Pick on March 2, 2013
Ready for some exciting news?
After a very, very, very unexpected invitation… I just booked my flights to attend a Cardiac Surgery Medical Mission in the Dominican Republic from March 13-17.
During this special mission, several members of the Mount Sinai Medical Center, led by Dr. David Adams, MD, will travel to Santo Domingo, the capital city of the Dominican Republic, to teach surgical techniques at the Hospital General Plaza de La Salud (HGPS).
The mission is part of the Mount Sinai – HGPS Cardiovascular Initiative, a philanthropic effort in which these two teams collaborate to provide cardiac surgery to Dominican patients with limited financial resources. Since 2011, the Mount Sinai team has been to the Dominican Republic on two separate occasions — in which they performed both heart valve repair and heart valve replacement procedures.
True or False: A Heart Murmur Is Similar To A Rocky River
By Adam Pick on February 25, 2013
At the recent Society of Thoracic Surgeons conference, I was fortunate to reconnect with Dr. Junaid Khan, MD, the Director of Cardiovascular Services at Alta Bates Summit Medical Center in Oakland, California. During our discussion, Dr. Khan shared an interesting analogy about heart murmurs that I felt was really helpful for patients.
In this video, you will learn a lot about heart murmurs — causes, progression, risks and treatment. You will also learn how heart murmurs are somewhat similar to a rocky river.
Understanding The Ross Procedure with Dr. Peter Skillington
By Adam Pick on February 25, 2013
Lately, I have received a lot of patient questions about the Ross Procedure — a unique type of aortic valve replacement surgery.
To help you learn about the Ross Procedure, I recently met with Dr. Peter Skillington, an Australian cardiac surgeon. So you know, Dr. Skillington has performed over 340 Ross Procedure operations for patients with aortic valve disease. (A written transcript of our discussion is provided below.)
Robert, The Elk Hunter, Celebrates 5th Anniversary After Surgery!
By Adam Pick on February 23, 2013
I just received another patient success story. In this update, Robert Green, celebrates his 5th anniversary after a re-implantation of his aortic valve and aortic root replacement. (The procedure is also known as a valve-sparing operation or a David Procedure.)
Robert Green – Heart Valve Surgery Patient
In his update, Robert shared:
Hi Adam –
In 2007, I was shocked to learn that I had an aortic root aneurysm.
Saturday Silly: The Amazing Human Body?
By Adam Pick on February 23, 2013
My dad, Jerry, just sent me this interesting note about the human body…
“Is Robotic Mitral Valve Repair Surgery Safe Compared to a Sternotomy?” asks Ken
By Adam Pick on February 21, 2013
I received a great question from Ken. In his email, Ken writes, “Hi Adam – After being diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse in 1995, I now need surgery to fix the valve. During my research, I have come across robotic valve repair surgery. My question… Is this procedure safe compared to a sternotomy?””
To answer Ken’s question, I recently met with Dr. T. Sloane Guy, MD, a leading heart surgeon. The highlights of our conversation are provided in this video interview. (For the hearing impaired members of our community, I have provided a written transcript below.)
What Is A Common Misconception About Mitral Valve Repair?
By Adam Pick on February 19, 2013
At the recent STS conference in Los Angeles, I was able to meet and discuss several important topics about heart valve surgery with leading cardiac surgeons.
In this video, Dr. Marc Gerdisch, MD, who recently performed mitral valve repair on Angie Gregory, addressed a common misconception among patients who have been diagnosed with severe mitral valve disease. That misconception is that a heart valve replacement is better than a heart valve repair. To learn more, please press play on the video. Also, I have included a written transcript for the hearing impaired members of our community below.
Yeah! Our New ‘Educational Video Library’ Is Now Available!
By Adam Pick on February 18, 2013
Over the past few months, I’ve received several pieces of constructive criticism that we needed to create a video library. Both patients and caregivers shared with me that our original videos were very helpful but scattered all over the website. I completely agreed.
Well… Today, I’m happy to announce that we just launched a new ‘Educational Video Library’ at It’s not perfect. It still needs work. But, I thought you might like to see the new section of the website — which is now reachable by clicking the ‘Videos’ link in the top navigation. You can also, click here.
Technology Update: Your Smartphone and Your Heart
By Adam Pick on February 18, 2013
Very neat!
Keep on tickin!
Understanding Heart Valve Surgery Re-Operations with Dr. Anyanwu
By Adam Pick on February 12, 2013
One of the unfortunate realities of heart valve surgery is the possibility of a re-operation. Patients may need a re-operation due to valve device failure, post-operative issues relating to heart valve repair or the progression of valve disease.
To learn more about heart valve re-operations, I recently met with Dr. Anelechi Anyanwu, MD. So you know, Dr. Anyanwu specializes in complex, heart valve re-operations at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City. The highlights of our discussion are provided in this video interview. For the hearing impaired members of our community, I have provided a written transcript below.
While re-operations may be part of a patient’s long-term treatment of valve therapy, I know that if my own heart valve replacements should fail in the future… I’d prefer having another operation compared to the fatal alternative.
“What About Dementia and Delirium After Heart Valve Surgery?” Asks a Concerned Wife
By Adam Pick on February 11, 2013
As many patients will tell you… Waking up in an intensive care unit (ICU) after heart valve surgery can be a very dislocating experience. Personally, I remember thinking, “Holy moly! What the heck just happened? What are all those noises? And, why is this massive tube stuck down my throat?”
For that reason, I am always incredibly sensitive to patient questions that address time spent in the ICU. As you will read below, I recently received a question from a Concerned Wife about dementia and delirium after cardiac surgery.
Yep! That’s Mitch Running A Half-Marathon After Aortic Valve Replacement!
By Adam Pick on February 2, 2013
Since launching this website 6 years ago, Mitch Friedman has stood out as an extraordinary members of patient and caregiver community. As many of you know, Mitch has provided both on-line and off-line support to many, many, many patients searching for answers and guidance about heart valve surgery.
Today is Mitch’s first anniversary from aortic valve and root replacement surgery. That said, I would like to take a moment to thank Mitch for all of his help, his time, his encouragement and all of his wonderful support to the patients and caregivers who visit this website.
Mitch Friedman – Aortic Valve Replacement Patient
It’s no surprise to me that Mitch is taking advantage of his “Second-Chance” at life. So you know, Dr. Leonard Girardi performed the successful aortic valve replacement and aortic root replacement surgery at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital / Weill Cornell Medical Center.
As you can see above, Mitch has dedicated himself to running. In a recent note, Mitch wrote to me, “I hope all is well with you and your family. I am doing very well. I could not be better. I am training for my second half marathon since surgery. My first half marathon was 8 months post-op. My second half-marathon will be in March — just 13 months following my heart valve replacement. So yeah, things are good with me.”
Keep on tickin’ and runnin’ Mitch!
Surgeon Interview: Understanding Pediatric and Adult Congenital Heart Valve Surgery with Dr. Hyde Russell
By Adam Pick on February 1, 2013
One educational area that I plan to discuss more in the future is pediatric and adult congenital heart valve surgery. While we have discussed this topic in the past, the amount of educational content at this website for children, parents, grandparents and friends is not overwhelming.
For that reason, I recently met with Dr. Hyde Russell, MD, a pediatric and adult congenital heart surgeon, during a recent trip to Chicago. The highlights of our discussion are provided in the video below. For the hearing impaired members of our community, I have provided a written transcript below.
Special Web Chat Series Announced By The Cleveland Clinic
By Adam Pick on January 31, 2013
Hey everybody,
I just learned that during February — which is Heart Awareness Month — the Cleveland Clinic will be hosting several, educational web chats. As shown on the schedule below, this is a special opportunity to connect with the leading cardiologists and heart surgeons at the Cleveland Clinic. To learn more or register for these events, please click here.
If you are evaluating a heart valve repair or heart valve replacement procedure, I would strongly encourage you to attend these online events. To learn more or register for these events, please click here.
Keep on tickin!
Angie Feels 15 Younger After Mitral Valve Repair Thanks To Dr. Gerdisch
By Adam Pick on January 24, 2013
The patient success stories and surgeon testimonials continue to roll in. This time, Angie Gregory sent me a fantastic update following her mitral valve repair surgery.
Angie Gregory – Mitral Valve Repair Patient
In her note, Angie writes:
“What Symptoms & Echocardiogram Readings Determine Heart Failure?” Asks Jesse
By Adam Pick on January 18, 2013
I just received an interesting email from Jesse regarding mitral regurgitation, heart failure and echocardiograms.
Jesse writes to me, “Hi Adam – I recently learned that I suffer from severe mitral regurgitation. While I was diagnosed with a heart murmur many years ago, it appears the disease progressed quickly. I haven’t had an echo for a few years and I’m now short of breath constantly. My cardiologist used the term ‘heart failure’ during my last appointment. I’m curious to know what echocardiogram readings determine that I am approaching heart failure? I’m looking at an echocardiogram print-out and do not understand any of the numbers in front of me. Or, is heart failure diagnosed just by my symptoms? Can you help me?”
I wanted to provide Jesse an expert response, so I contacted Doctor Hiroo Takayama from NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital in New York. So you know, Dr. Takayama is an assistant professor of surgery and recent recipient of 2012 the Dwight C. McGoon Award for educating and mentoring cardiac surgery physicians in training. Heart failure is one of Dr. Takyama’s specialties.
Three Years After Mitral Valve Repair, Patricia Considers Her Surgery A Blessing
By Adam Pick on January 15, 2013
I just received a great, 3-year anniversary update from Patricia Shabel of Los Angeles, California. Patricia had a mitral valve repair operation after being diagnosed with a heart murmur and a leaky valve over 40 years ago.
Patricia Shabel – Mitral Valve Repair Patient
In her note, Patricia writes to me:
“Is It Possible To De-Calcify A Heart Valve Without Repairing Or Replacing It?” Asks Gwen
By Adam Pick on January 15, 2013
I just received an interesting question from Gwen about the treatment of calcified heart valves.
Gwen writes, “Hi Adam – I was diagnosed with a murmur 12 years ago when I was 49 years old. It’s gotten worse and I’m told that I need surgery. My cardiologist said that the valve has severe aortic stenosis and the valve is calcified. I’m curious to know… Is it ever possible for the surgeons to “de-calcify” the valve without having to repair of replace the valve or its leaflets?”
Calcified Aortic Heart Valve (Aortic Stenosis
To provide Gwen an expert response, I contacted Doctor Junaid Khan, the Director of Cardiovascular Services at Alta Bates Summit Medical Center. As you may have seen, Dr. Khan and Alta Bates have hosted several educational seminars for patients in Northern California.
Mark Experiences A ‘Change of Heart’ Thanks To Dr. Allan Stewart
By Adam Pick on January 8, 2013
[Update: Please note that Dr. Allan Stewart is no longer performing surgery at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital and Columbia University Medical Center.]
I just received a patient testimonial that made me stop and think, “Wow! That is great!”
As you can read below, Mark Lampersberger, who was operated on December 12, 2012, had a literal and metaphorical ‘change of heart’ after connecting with Dr. Allan Stewart, the Director of the Aortic Surgery Program at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital in New York.
Mark Lampersberger with Christian (8-months old)