Recovery Blog - Page 7

By Adam Pick

Allergic Reaction To Sternum Wires After Heart Surgery?

By Adam Pick on September 10, 2008

Josie just wrote me an interesting email about sternum wires. She asks, “Adam – I’m eight-weeks post-op and, like you, suffering from on-going chest pain. Plus, my skin is sensitive. By chance, have you ever heard of a patient experiencing an allergic reaction to the sternal wires after heart surgery?”

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“Cat Scans After Open Heart Surgery?” For Jerry

By Adam Pick on September 10, 2008

Jerry just wrote me asking, “Did you have a cat scan after your open heart surgery?”

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Pumphead? Cognitive Decline After Heart Surgery?

By Adam Pick on September 5, 2008

On the topic of cognitive decline after heart valve surgery, Dan and I just had the following email exchange:

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At 10 Months Post-Op, Judy Comes To The Edge

By Adam Pick on September 3, 2008

We’ve talked about “It” before…

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Can Lynn Use Her Water Pik After Heart Surgery?

By Adam Pick on August 29, 2008

I love a great teeth cleaning. You can ask Robyn (my wife)… She thinks I’m addicted to dental floss. That said, I was very interested to receive this question from Lynn.

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Open Heart Surgery Scar For Women – Jenny’s Picture Request

By Adam Pick on August 15, 2008

Jenny must be tired of seeing my scar sprinkled throughout this website. She asks, “Adam – Do you have any pictures of incision scars for women who have had open heart surgery? I’m getting ready for open heart surgery and would like to see what my chest scar might look like.”

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Bras And Breast Support After Open Heart Surgery… Can You Help Vicki? (Updated)

By Adam Pick on August 13, 2008

Don’t let the title of this blog fool you. There is no weird, sexy, fetish thing going on here. 🙂

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Caring For A Heart Surgery Patient: Ideas For Molly?

By Adam Pick on August 5, 2008

Sometimes when I write these blogs, the process is effortless. I sit down. I start writing. And… POOF! Five, ten or fifteen minutes later I have a draft specific to the question or topic at-hand.

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Fazilat’s Collarbone Pain Travels Up Scale

By Adam Pick on July 17, 2008

For most patients, open heart surgery recovery is filled with pain.

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The Risks Of Smooching A Heart Valve Patient?

By Adam Pick on June 30, 2008

When I receive a patient or caregiver question that is unique and interesting, trust me… you are the first to read about it.

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Swimming After Heart Surgery – Good or Bad Idea?

By Adam Pick on June 21, 2008

As a follow-up to my recent blog about cardiac rehabilitation exercises, Tony just asked me, “Is it okay to swim after open heart surgery? Do you swim? If so, how long did you wait to go swimming after your aortic valve replacement?”

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Cardiac Rehab Exercises – What Are The Best To Do After Heart Surgery?

By Adam Pick on June 18, 2008

Cardiac rehabilitation programs are a critical, and sometimes overlooked, part of heart surgery recovery. As my 2007 survey showed, only 51% of patients attended structured classes with cardiac rehab exercises during their recovery. In my opinion, that is a shame. I could go on-and-on about the physical and mental benefits of good cardiac rehabilitation programs.

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“Depression After Cardiac Catheterization?” Asks Samantha

By Adam Pick on June 18, 2008

I recently received a unique question from Samantha, a caregiver. She writes, “My husband recently had a cardiac catheterization and appears to be depressed. Is it common for patients to become depressed following a catheter procedure?”

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Statins Prevent Death And Complications In Heart Surgery Patients, Says New Study

By Adam Pick on May 30, 2008

As for new advancements in heart surgery… Here is a recently released study regarding statin-use before heart surgery. The good news? It appears promising.

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Pain, Driving And Nicole’s Triple Heart Valve Surgery

By Adam Pick on May 22, 2008

This just came in from Nicole after a very, very, very, very complex heart valve surgery.

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How Do Patients Change — Physically & Mentally — After Open Heart Surgery?

By Adam Pick on May 13, 2008

I just received an interesting question from Mia. Her email reads, “How I am going to change after open heart surgery?”

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Remember, No Coffee After Heart Surgery!

By Adam Pick on May 11, 2008

For all the Starbucks fans out there needing heart valve surgery, I have some difficult news to share with you.

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Getting In-And-Out Of Bed… Some Ouch!

By Adam Pick on April 29, 2008

I just received an interesting question from Elias. It reads, “Dear Adam – I am scheduled for aortic valve surgery (via the Ross Procedure) May 12, in New York City. My wife wants to know if I will be able to get in-and-out of the bed by myself when I get home. My surgeon claims this should not be a problem. I am 60 years old and in good health. Please reply. Thank you, Elias”

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