Recovery Blog - Page 8

By Adam Pick

After Allergic Reaction, Jeff’s Heart Surgery Recovery Is Filled With Walks

By Adam Pick on April 27, 2008

Over the past few weeks, I have received two emails from heart surgery patients which experienced interesting, allergic reactions while in the hospital during their valve replacement surgeries. As you will read below, Jeff had an allergic reaction specific to the adhesives used in the surgical patches.

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Joanne’s Incentive Spirometer Trick

By Adam Pick on April 12, 2008

If anyone knows that laughter is the best medicine, it might just be Joanne Harris.

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I Used A Great Scar Cream Called Mederma…

Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Page last updated: November 7, 2023

I just received a great, often-overlooked question from Tim who asks, “Hey Adam – I just saw the pictures of your chest scar after heart surgery. I’m curious to know… Did you use any special creams or gels to assist in the incision healing?”

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Pssst… Don’t Forget About The 24 Hour Pharmacy

Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Page last updated: November 7, 2023

The incision on my chest was throbbing.

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Homecoming Question – What About Walking Up And Down Stairs?

By Adam Pick on March 24, 2008

I met Carolyn, a heart valve surgery patient, last Tuesday. We chatted on the phone about her bicuspid aortic valve and her upcoming surgery. Carolyn is currently doing her diligence on surgeons. That said, we talked alot about the process of how to find the right surgeon and how to interview your surgeon.

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Weightlifting After Open Heart Valve Surgery

By Adam Pick on March 24, 2008

I was recently asked by Doug, a patient preparing for heart valve replacement, “Have you been weightlifting after open heart surgery?”

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The Patient Need To Communicate After Heart Surgery

By Adam Pick on March 21, 2008

It was my third day in the hospital. I just had my aortic valve replaced.

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True or False: After Heart Surgery, Patients Should Pre-Medicate Before Seeing The Dentist

By Adam Pick on February 16, 2008

Don’t be so quick to answer “true” to the above question.

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Multiple Choice Question: Waking Up With The Vent Tube Still In Is…

Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Page last updated: April 28, 2024

Heart Valve Surgery Pop Quiz Time!!!

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Guest Blog: Dr. Eric Roselli (The Cleveland Clinic) Comments On Reoperative Valve Surgery Due To Problematic Stitches

By Adam Pick on February 13, 2008

I recently received a great question from Jennifer (a caregiver) who is researching heart valve surgery options for her mother-in-law. Specifically, Jennifer wanted to know more about valve reoperations due to undone (loose) stitches around a replacement valve.

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Open Heart Surgery Diagram After Chest Incision And Sternotomy

By Adam Pick on February 12, 2008

Every few days, I see a picture or image on the Internet that REALLY captures my attention. Many times, those pictures are diagrams and illustrations that relate to heart valve surgery.

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True or False: I Lost My Job Because Of Heart Valve Surgery

By Adam Pick on January 23, 2008

Yesterday, I received a fearful email from Janice – a very concerned caregiver and mother. Janice’s daughter is preparing for heart valve surgery.

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Aloha! Now, Sunblock Your Chest Scar Incision!

By Adam Pick on January 22, 2008

One of my readers / friends, Taylor Browning, is traveling to Hawaii for a vacation with his wife Michelle. (If you want to learn about an amazing recovery from aortic valve & root replacement, click to read Taylor’s inspiring heart surgery recovery.)

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“Do You Have Stamina After Heart Surgery?” Asks Brad

By Adam Pick on December 16, 2007

Earlier today, I received an email from Brad Mueller. Brad is preparing to have the Ross Procedure (aortic and pulmonary valve replacement) in early January, 2008.

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Fluid In Lungs After Heart Valve Surgery?

By Adam Pick on December 13, 2007

Earlier today, I received an email from Stacey Ballan, a caregiver. Stacey’s mom recently had heart valve replacement surgery. Inside her email, there was a very interesting question that brought back memories of a minor minor heart valve surgery complication that I experienced.

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Best Piece Of Advice… Watch Out For That First Sneeze!!!

By Adam Pick on November 17, 2007

One of the most common questions I receive is, “What is the best piece of advice for heart valve surgery patients preparing for their recovery from heart valve replacement or heart valve repair?”

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Chest Xray Of Mechanical Valve & Sternum Wires

By Adam Pick on November 16, 2007

So I’m surfing the Internet last night when I come across Michael C’s blog, “The Wonderful World Of Nothing Worthwhile”. Great name for a blog, right?

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Running After Heart Valve Surgery

By Adam Pick on November 6, 2007

In my humble opinion, developing recovery milestones is a critical, often over-looked, element of heart valve surgery recovery. As patients heal following surgery, many experience perceived or actual heart valve complications. To learn more about complications post-op, click here.

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Broken Sternum Recovery… And, The Pain

By Adam Pick on October 31, 2007

I approach this topic with delicate care.

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How Do Sternum (Sternal) Wires Work During Heart Surgery?

By Adam Pick on October 29, 2007

Although minimally invasive procedures are becoming more prevalent in the heart valve surgery community, open heart surgery via a broken sternum is still performed in most cases involving heart valve repair and heart valve replacement surgery.

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