Recovery Blog - Page 10

By Adam Pick

Do Vitamins & Nutrition Combat Tired Heart Valve Surgery Patients?

By Adam Pick on May 19, 2007

Following my aortic and pulmonary valve replacements, I experienced my fair share of challenges (pain, cardiac depression). I also experienced several opportunities as well (my engagement, a new found perspective on life).

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Email Bag: Heart Rate After Heart Valve Surgery?

By Adam Pick on May 10, 2007

I recently received a question from Roger Sudbeck about heart rates after heart valve surgery. Roger recently had open heart, valve surgery and noticed that his heart rate was still elevated several weeks following his procedure. FYI, Roger had aortic valve replacement in Lincoln, Nebraska by Dr. Ed Raines.

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Surf Is Up… After Open Heart Surgery!!!

By Adam Pick on March 6, 2007

On December 21, 2005, nearly 435 days ago, I had open-heart surgery to fix a congenital defect in the aortic valve of my heart.  After thirty four years of life, my bicuspid aortic valve which suffered from stenosis and regurgitation, needed to be replaced.  As many of you know, this open-heart medical operation (known as the Ross Procedure) triggered a series of challenging lows (e.g. cardiac depression) and a series of memorable highs (e.g. my engagement to Robyn).

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What Is The Best Position To Sleep After Heart Surgery?

By Adam Pick on February 28, 2007

It’s a great question. And, as I personally learned after my double heart valve replacement operation (known as the Ross Procedure), it’s a tricky question to answer. Plus, if you’re like me and you really enjoy your sleep, this is a critical question to ponder.

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Sternum Cracking… How Bad Does It Hurt After Heart Valve Surgery?

By Adam Pick on February 27, 2007

Ahh yes… The good ole’ sternum cracking question. I’ve received this question a number of times from friends and family following my surgery. As you can read in my story, I had the Ross Operation performed.

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Email Bag: The Biggest Challenge Of Heart Valve Surgery?

By Adam Pick on January 3, 2007

I recently received an email that asked, “Adam, what was the most challenging aspect of your heart valve surgery?”

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