Surgeons & Hospitals Blog - Page 4
By Adam Pick
Minimally Invasive Specialist, University of Virginia Advanced Cardiac Valve Center, Launches Microsite!
By Adam Pick on November 7, 2013
In 2010, I was very lucky to tour the UVA Advanced Cardiac Valve Center at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. During my visit, I observed a transcatheter MitraClip procedure performed by Dr. Scott Lim and Dr. Gorav Ailawadi. Since then, I have met several other members of the UVA team — including Dr. Irving Kron and Dr. John Kern. Together, this team of dedicated cardiologists and surgeons has treated many patients in our community like Robert Elliot, Todd Breeden and Susan Houk.
TAVR Specialist, Columbia Heart Valve Center, Launches Microsite!
By Adam Pick on October 13, 2013
I am very happy to announce that the Columbia Heart Valve Center just launched a Heart Valve Clinic Microsite at Needless to say, we are thrilled to be working with Columbia’s incredible team which includes Dr. Craig Smith, Dr. Martin Leon, Dr. Mathew Williams and Dr. Susheel Kodali.
Inside the Operating Room with Dr. Clifton Lewis for a Robotic Mitral Valve Repair & More
By Adam Pick on September 30, 2013
I just experienced something extraordinary.
Surgeon Spotlight: Dr. S. Chris Malaisrie Advances Valve Therapy With Minimally Invasive Techniques
By Adam Pick on September 4, 2013
I am thrilled to shine our “Surgeon Spotlight” on Dr. S. Chris Malaisrie. Over the years, Dr. Malaisrie’s support of our community has been fantastic. In addition to hosting live educational webinars, Dr. Malaisrie has also filmed several videos to empower our patients through the surgical process. If you are unfamiliar with this incredibly talented and nice surgeon — who has successfully treated many patients in our community including Janis Kielbasa, Fran Bernstein, and Jeff Petto — I encourage you to continue reading this post.
Surgeon Q&A: Taking Asymmetric Information Out of the Surgical Process with Dr. John Byrne
By Adam Pick on August 22, 2013
It is very common for patients to be confused when a doctor says to you, “I am sorry. The valve is in bad shape. I think it is time for surgery.”
Surgeon Q&A: What Should You Know About Heart Valve Re-operations?
By Adam Pick on August 1, 2013
The good news about heart valve surgery is… It will save your life. The other piece of good news about heart valve surgery is that most patients only need surgery once in their lifetime. For a small group of patients, however, the need for a second surgery may occur. While the thought of going through two cardiac procedures can be quite daunting, the good news is… The second procedure may also save your life.
Understanding The Patient Perspective with Dr. Randolph Chitwood
By Adam Pick on May 8, 2013
It’s a rare occurrence when I meet a world-renown cardiac surgeon who has also been a patient.
Dr. Randolph Chitwood & East Carolina Heart Institute Launch Heart Valve Clinic Microsite
By Adam Pick on April 2, 2013
When I started this website 6 years ago, I had no idea what I was doing. Early on, however, I was very lucky to connect with Dr. Randolph Chitwood, the director of the East Carolina Heart Institute (ECHI) and mitral valve specialist.
Surgeon Q & A: Understanding the Connection Between Heart Failure and Valve Disease with Dr. Edwin McGee
By Adam Pick on March 12, 2013
As we have learned together, failing to properly treat valvular disorders can be tragic for patients, their families and friends. Heart valve disorders — including aortic stenosis and mitral regurgitation — can cause temporary damage to the cardiac muscle and, ultimately, heart failure.
Medical Mission Update #2 – How Is Dr. Ricardo Lazala Preparing Mount Sinai For The Mission?
By Adam Pick on March 12, 2013
As I prepare to join the Mount Sinai team for a Medical Mission to the Dominican Republic, I wanted to learn more about this philanthropic effort to treat patients with heart valve disease. For that reason, I contacted Dr. Ricardo Lazala, the Mission Director and Assistant Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Mount Sinai. Below, you will find the highlights from our conversation.
Surgeon Interview: Understanding Pediatric and Adult Congenital Heart Valve Surgery with Dr. Hyde Russell
By Adam Pick on February 1, 2013
One educational area that I plan to discuss more in the future is pediatric and adult congenital heart valve surgery. While we have discussed this topic in the past, the amount of educational content at this website for children, parents, grandparents and friends is not overwhelming.
Special Web Chat Series Announced By The Cleveland Clinic
By Adam Pick on January 31, 2013
Hey everybody,
Mark Experiences A ‘Change of Heart’ Thanks To Dr. Allan Stewart
By Adam Pick on January 8, 2013
[Update: Please note that Dr. Allan Stewart is no longer performing surgery at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital and Columbia University Medical Center.]
Surgeon Q&A: Dr. T. Sloane Guy Helps Kerrigan, Simone & Tina
By Adam Pick on December 19, 2012
Lately, my inbox has been filled with great questions from patients all over the world. For example, Kerrigan, Simone and Tina just asked me about tissue valve replacement selection, Coumadin and atrial fibrillation.
Wow! The 2012 Dallas-Leipzig Valve Conference Started Today!
By Adam Pick on December 6, 2012
Today, I was very fortunate to attend the Dallas-Leipzig Valve Conference in Dallas, Texas. While I had heard of this conference in the past, I had no idea about this size of the conference, its world renown faculty or its Transatlantic approach to education.
Our ‘Surgeon Spotlight’ Shines On Dr. Steven Bolling, Mitral Valve Repair Specialist
By Adam Pick on December 3, 2012
I am very excited to share that Dr. Steven Bolling has been named our current ‘Featured Heart Valve Surgeon’ at
Holy Cross Hospital Launches Heart Valve Clinic Microsite!
By Adam Pick on October 10, 2012
Good news!
Seminar Update: Thanks To Dr. Khan, Alta Bates Summit and Ted For A Great Night In Oakland!
By Adam Pick on October 1, 2012
Good news!
Surgeon Spotlight: Dr. McGee Innovates To Keep Hearts Ticking!
By Adam Pick on September 5, 2012
I’m very happy to announce that Dr. Edwin C. McGee, Jr., a cardiac surgeon from Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago, has been named the ‘Featured Surgeon’ at
New ‘Top-Ranked Hospitals For Cardiology & Heart Surgery’ Announced
By Adam Pick on August 22, 2012
In case you missed it, U.S. News and World Reports recently published its annual top listing of top hospitals for cardiology and heart surgery.