Patient Stories Blog - Page 4

By Adam Pick

At the Marathon Finish Line, Phil Held This Up!

By Adam Pick on December 9, 2016

A BIG question patients ask me prior to heart valve surgery is, “Will I be able to do the things I love after surgery?”

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What Happened When 100 Patients & Caregivers Met for “Patient Day 2016” at Edwards Lifesciences?

By Adam Pick on August 25, 2016

Something special recently happened. More than 100 patients and their care partners traveled to Edwards Lifesciences, a leading heart valve manufacturer in Irvine, California, to meet each other, to share their stories and to inspire action within our community – the heart valve patient community.

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Leilani is a Heart Warrior Princess!

By Adam Pick on May 24, 2016

How would you react if you learned that your unborn child was suffering from a life-threatening disease known as hypoplastic left heart syndrome? What would you do? Who would you turn to?

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From Immediate Bed Rest to a “Valve-in-Valve” Procedure, This Is Jesse’s Story

By Adam Pick on March 18, 2016

Jesse had been put on immediate bed rest. Jesse had not one… But, two heart surgeries. Then, he needed a third. Jesse learned of a new technology known as a “Valve-in-Valve” procedure that was in clinical trials. This is his story.

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Chicago Bulls Coach, Fred Hoiberg, Opens Up About His Heart Valve Surgery

By Adam Pick on January 13, 2016

Imagine your childhood dream of becoming a professional basketball player has come true. Imagine you are leading the NBA in 3-point shooting. Imagine you are in the prime of your career. Then… Imagine you are unexpectedly diagnosed with a life-threatening aortic aneurysm due to a bicuspid aortic valve.

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At Edwards Lifesciences Patient Day 2015, Stewart Gully Can’t Hold Back Tears of Joy!

By Adam Pick on November 17, 2015

At Edwards Lifesciences Patient Day 2015, Stewart Gully can’t hold back tears of joy, thankfulness and appreciation.

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At 14,505 Feet, Dave is a Mountain of Inspiration!

By Adam Pick on September 22, 2015

A man. A bicuspid aortic valve. A heart valve surgery. A mountain of inspiration.

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What Happened When 100 Heart Valve Patients & Caregivers Met for “Patient Day” at Edwards Lifesciences?

By Adam Pick on September 2, 2015

When I started this website nine years ago, I had a dream. My dream was that someday heart valve patients would connect in real-time to share their experiences as a community.

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Patient Week Finale: In the Dominican Republic, Dionicio Gets a “Second Chance” at Life!

By Adam Pick on July 19, 2015

We’re excited to wrap up our first “Patient Success Week” with a story of hope!

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Patient Success Week: Thanks to Her Dad’s Memory, Sophie Got the Screening & Treatment She Needed!

By Adam Pick on July 18, 2015

After the unfortunate loss of her dad to a heart attack, Sophie Marsh decided it was time to see a cardiologist for a heart disease screening. The test results surprised Sophie, Geoff, her husband, and their two daughters.

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Patient Success Week: After Fainting & Aortic Valve Surgery, Laurence Gets Back to Pick-Up Basketball

By Adam Pick on July 17, 2015

As “2015 Patient Success Week” continues, I think it’s a great time to address an important symptom of heart valve disease — fainting. Needless to say, fainting can be very dangerous and very indicative of valvular disorders that have progressed to severe status. Several patients in our community, including Randy Heimerl, experienced this dislocating symptom.

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Patient Success Week: Tammy Pilcher & Cris Dykeman, Our Community Rockstars!

By Adam Pick on July 16, 2015

I’ll admit it. I love our community. I love seeing patients inspire each other. I love seeing patients educate each other. And, I loooooooooove when patients use the community in ways that I never imagined.

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Patient Success Week: From a Cardiac Arrest to Running Across the Finish Line, This is Brian’s Story

By Adam Pick on July 15, 2015

A cardiac arrest. A medical coma. A mitral valve prolapse. An enlarged heart.

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Patient Success Week: Linda Gets Back to Gardening After Mitral Valve & Maze Procedure

By Adam Pick on July 14, 2015

As we roll-out “Patient Success Week”, I am excited and honored to share the success story of Linda Kincaid, a mitral valve and Maze procedure patient.  I first met Linda at her home in Indianapolis, Indiana. I instantly connected with this fun, mother-of-three as we filmed an educational video to support the launch of, a new community designed to support seniors with heart valve disease.

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From Ocular Migraines to Heart Valve Repair, This is Jim’s Story

By Adam Pick on June 4, 2015

Together, we’ve learned a lot about the symptoms of heart valve disease. We’ve also learned that many patients have no symptoms. That said, getting a proper diagnosis for any type of valvular disorder can be a bit tricky and, in some situations, quite dangerous.

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Linda “Gets Her Life Back” After Mitral Valve & Maze Procedure

By Adam Pick on March 16, 2015

The highlight of my day is meeting and spending time with patients. I love hearing their stories. I love getting to know them. I often find myself in awe and then tears after listening to their inspirational stories.

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Special Announcement: “Patient Day 2015” to be Hosted by Edwards Lifesciences on March 13

By Adam Pick on March 9, 2015

This is pretty darn awesome! If you are the recipient of an Edwards Lifesciences valve or repair ring, here’s a really neat community event that I want to share with you.

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Patient Success Story: Shannon Delivers Baby Ava After A Mechanical Valve Replacement!

By Adam Pick on November 8, 2014

There is nothing better than a great patient success story. So, when I received this update from Shannon about babies, bicuspid aortic valves, mechanical valve replacements and Coumadin, I just had to post it. Here is what Shannon wrote to me…

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In Memory of Robin Williams, Oscar Winning Actor & Fellow Heart Valve Patient

By Adam Pick on August 12, 2014

Just last week, I was talking to Paul, my neighbor, about our ‘Top 5 Actors’ of all time.  With movies like Good Will Hunting, Dead Poets Society, Good Morning Vietnam, and The World According to Garp, the comedian and Oscar-award winning actor, Robin Williams topped my list.

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