Before Surgery Blog - Page 3

By Adam Pick

Ken’s Cardiac Catheterization Procedure – Insurance, Fear, Pain, Going Home

By Adam Pick on August 18, 2008

Considering that a cardiac catheterization is on Time Magazine’s “Top 10 Scary Medical Procedures”, I am always looking for good patient information to dispel the fear associated with this procedure. (FYI, many heart valve surgery patients have a cardiac catheterization prior to valve repair and valve replacement operations.)

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Were You Asymptomatic Upon Diagnosis Like Sherri?

By Adam Pick on July 23, 2008

If I had to define the process of being diagnosed with heart valve disease in one word, I would use the word “dislocating”. I’ll never forget my initial diagnosis from Doctor Bad Bedside Manner. And, I’ll never forget those strange feelings of, “Oh my gawwwwd. Is this really happening? Open heart surgery? Am I going to die?”

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More Concern About Blood Transfusion & Blood Banks During Heart Surgery

By Adam Pick on May 13, 2008

In the past, we have discussed blood bank safety and concern about blood transfusions during heart surgery.

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Neil Gets A Very Interesting Second Opinion Before Heart Valve Surgery

By Adam Pick on April 16, 2008

If there is one question I alllllllllllllllll-ways ask patients preparing for heart valve surgery, it is the following, “Did you get a second opinion?”

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That Unexpected “Full Monty” Body Hair Shave

By Adam Pick on April 14, 2008

Looking back on my aortic valve replacement procedure, I remember several, distinct moments of physical and mental confusion. I might even consider that confusion as “dislocating” considering the process of having heart surgery is so foreign to regular, every-day life.

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Blood Bank Safety Questioned By New Study

By Adam Pick on March 30, 2008

Prior to heart valve surgery, patients are faced with many, many, many questions. One of those questions is specific to potential blood loss during the operation. That question is, “Would you like to donate your own blood or use blood from the hospital blood bank?”

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Prayer Before Heart Surgery: My PF Chang’s Experience

By Adam Pick on January 29, 2008

So you know…. I am not the best when it comes to organized religion.

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“Are There Potential Angiogram Risks or Angiogragraphy Dangers?” Asks Karen

By Adam Pick on September 3, 2007

Yesterday, I received an interesting email from Karen, who has been diagnosed with severe aortic stenosis. Her cardiologist told her that an angiogram will be needed prior to surgery. Karen’s questions to me were about the exam and angiogram risks.

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What Are The Common Open Heart Surgery Survival Rates?

By Adam Pick on August 16, 2007

I write this blog twenty months after open heart surgery. In 2005, I had a double heart valve replacement surgery via the Ross Procedure.

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Listen To Heart Sounds: Normal and Abnormal Heart Sound Audio

By Adam Pick on July 28, 2007

There are many ways to diagnose diseased or defected heart valves. One of the simplest methods to diagnose problematic heart valves is to listen to the patient’s heart beat sound through a stethescope.

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“Should I Take Time Off Before Heart Valve Surgery?” Asks Taylor

By Adam Pick on February 3, 2007

Recently, I received an email from Taylor Browning. Taylor is going to be having an aortic valve replacement in March, 2007. He has selected an artificial valve and the surgery will be conducted by Dr. Craig Miller at Stanford.

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