Mark Runs ‘Better Than Ever’, Thanks To Dr. Roselli

By Adam Pick on June 18, 2014

There really is nothing better than patient success stories. So, when Mark Ridder copied me on this email to Dr. Eric Roselli, his surgeon, I thought, “Woot! Woot! Go Mark! Go!” 🙂

With his permission, here are Mark’s words to Dr. Roselli:

Dr. Roselli,

It has been a little over 18 months since my very successful aortic valve replacement surgery performed by you and your Cleveland Clinic surgical team.  I’m thrilled to report that I am doing better than ever in my life and I owe so much to you, Edwards Lifesciences and all of the skilled and caring staff at the Cleveland Clinic who made my treatment and recovery possible.  The attached picture was taken by my wife (Jane) last Saturday morning at the finish line of the Wichita, Kansas Annual River Run 10K.  I ran the 6.2 miles in 1 hour 3 minutes and had no difficulty whatsoever finishing strong.  I am blessed to say the least.


Mark Ridder, Heart Valve PatientMark Ridder Completes 10K After Aortic Valve Replacement Surgery


I hope this message finds you, your staff and your family doing fantastic.  Please share this message with any and all on the team who took part in my care and know that what you are accomplishing as a surgeon and as a team is saving and changing so many lives for the better.  When the long hours and the demands of the job seek to exact their toll, I hope you will take supreme comfort in the knowledge that you are giving every surviving patient a miraculous opportunity to live life again and hopefully to enjoy that life as much as I have been blessed to enjoy mine.


Dr. Eric Roselli, Heart Surgeon, Cleveland ClinicDr. Eric Roselli – Mark’s Surgeon


Thank you again from the bottom of my (healthy) heart and please share this message and picture with your wife and children as well so they too can be reminded of why the demands of your work and the time away from them are both necessary and worth it.

Most sincerely,

Mark Ridder
Wichita Kansas

Written by Adam Pick
- Patient & Website Founder

Adam Pick, Heart Valve Patient Advocate

Adam Pick is a heart valve patient and author of The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery. In 2006, Adam founded to educate and empower patients. This award-winning website has helped over 10 million people fight heart valve disease. Adam has been featured by the American Heart Association and Medical News Today.

Adam Pick is a heart valve patient and author of The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery. In 2006, Adam founded to educate and empower patients. This award-winning website has helped over 10 million people fight heart valve disease. Adam has been featured by the American Heart Association and Medical News Today.

Terrie says on June 27th, 2014 at 1:44 pm

Dear Adam,
Just a quick note to tell you how much your HeartValve Community means to me and myJourney towards Aortic Valve Replacement Surgery.
I will be headed for surgery on Aug. 20th. and making the trip healthier for having been able to take advantage of all the opportunities afforded all of us in the Community that you made possible.
I am sure you hear it all the time but one more time won’t hurt. You have provided a place for us to gain support, education, that empowers each one of us and there will never by a night I don’t say a little prayer of thanks to you for putting yourself, your family time out there making this happen. Continued great health in your Life! Terrie

Art Beem says on June 27th, 2014 at 5:11 pm

Sorry for the lengthy message here:
I always enjoy reading your input and stories from your heart valve Community also.
I had Mitro Valve repair done back in December, 2012 and am pretty well recovered.
The Cleveland Clinic was fantastic and all the people who took care of me were great !
I do have some downer news since my open heart surgery.

I enjoyed reading the 10 K race running story from Mark Ridder and congratulate you Mark on your run. Before my surgery I ran in 5 K, 10K and half Marathons and 3 Marathons. I was just about fully recovered and getting back to running, when last August I was diagnosed with Prostate cancer and almost to the day one year after my mitro valve repair I had radical prostate removal and since they found more “aggressive cancer cells in the bladder area, I am now scheduled to start 40 radiation treatments of 5 days a week for 8 weeks.
I am hoping that in sometime after October, I will be rid of cancer and able to run again.
I will try to walk until my treatments are done. I am tired now from the prostate surgery but I know that when I start running again, there won’t be any problems or setbacks due to my heart.
Reading all of the success stories keep me positive and I thank you Adam for your blog for all of us to read.
Art Beem

Mark Ridder says on June 28th, 2014 at 9:00 am

Dear Art,
Despite the new challenge of prostate cancer, I am confident that you will indeed be running again in the near future. Hopefully the healthier heart will assist as you proceed through your radiation treatments and recovery from prostate surgery. We are so fortunate to live in a time and country where these life-saving procedures are available to us. All the best to you as you pursue your dream to run again.

Very Best Regards,
Mark RIdder

Art Beem says on June 29th, 2014 at 10:37 am

Thanks Mark,
Everyone out there good luck with your upcoming procedure and good healing to those who have just had surgery or are in recovery !

Art Beem

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