Guest Blog: Debbie Hurd, Six Weeks After Heart Valve Surgery
By Adam Pick on January 28, 2008
I will be the first to admit… The rewards from publishing this blog and my book are more positive than anything I have ever experienced before.
Actually, it is a privilege to help patients and their caregivers through their heart valve repair or valve replacement surgery experience.
That said, I recently received an email from Debbie Hurd. Debbie is now six weeks post-surgery. As you can read below, Debbie is doing very well even though she has experienced some patient complications following heart surgery.

Still, Debbie’s attitude is positive and her will is strong. I found her words insightful, so with her approval, I have posted them here for us all to consider and learn from.
Debbie 6-Week Surgery Update
I hope you and Robyn had a wonderful holiday. Mine was awesome, considering I was here to enjoy it!
It is funny how you look at things after a major event (like heart surgery). Life seems to short now to dwell on the negative. Not that I did before, but I look more for the positive in everything.
My surgery was six weeks ago this past Monday.
I am actually doing really well. I am going back to work next week. I am able to drive (officially). I was driving before they said I should. 🙂
My crying has gone, thank goodness. That was soooooo not me.
I am losing weight, which is nice. I feel great!
I went for my six week checkup and the only problem I am having now is that I have fluid in my lungs which is causing me to have an annoying post-operative cough.
The doctors tried draining the fluid – but when it came out bloody they stopped and ran some tests to make sure I was not bleeding into my lung. I wasn’t.
The doctors feel that my body will eventually absorb the fluid since it has already absorbed over half of what was there three weeks ago. Worse case? In three months, if the fluid is still there, the doctors will have to go into my lung and physically remove it. I will pray for absorption.
The other thing that is bad… Now, every time I come back from the doctor my daughter asks if I am going to die. I try to reassure her that now I am better than before.
I thank God for my recovery going so well, now that I see it in hindsight. I felt at first there was no end in sight. My husband and daughter were amazing through it all. My friends were a great help as well.
We are taking life one day at a time but enjoying the fact that we will have a life together. We are still planning on moving in the summer to South Carolina. So that beach is looking promising.
Kathy Mccain says on January 29th, 2008 at 2:24 pm |
Hi Debbie, It is great to hear that you are getting on with your life! I am still waiting. I scheduled my surgery for Feb 5th, but re-scheduled for Feb. 11th. My son has been sick with the flu, and just about his whole school ! (He goes to a small private school) I did receive a flu shot, but did’nt want to push it too much! I am starting to look forward to getting this over and done with, so I can stop putting my life on hold! Wishing you and yours all the best, Kathy Mccain PS Oh, I am having an aortic valve replacement. |
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tony says on February 5th, 2008 at 7:30 am |
I am glad to hear you are doing well – I had AVR done in April 2007 and went back to work full time 3 months later. I also had the fluid build up but it was drained once and never returned. I feel great today – work out 3-4 times a week, ran my first 10k at Thanksgiving and have been on numerous trips including India, Mexico and Eastern Europe. The experience has helped me enjoy each day – good luck |
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