“How Long Will My Dad’s Pumphead Last After Heart Valve Surgery?” Asks Rob

By Adam Pick on August 4, 2009

I just received a follow-up question from Rob about pumphead and memory loss after heart surgery that you might find interesting.

Rob writes, “Hi Adam – I have a quick question. My dad just had open heart surgery two days ago to repair his mitral valve (it was a 4+ for regurgitation). He also has had previous issues with atrial fib.  Today, he was having some issues remembering particular words/phrases. This concerns the nurses and us because of the possibility of brain issues after surgeries like these. I have a doctor-friend who says some of this is normal based on all the drugs he is on and the use of the heart-lung machine. Did you experience any of the brain and thought issues with your surgery? Do you have any insight on that? Thanks so much, Rob”



Although I did not have any direct cognitive problems following heart surgery, I have written about this post-operative complication on several occasions.

To help Rob, I offered him a link to a recent blog about pumphead and memory loss after bypass surgery.

After reviewing that page, Rob had one more question. He wrote back to me, “One thing not covered in your pumphead discussion is how long the ailment lasts?  Any thoughts? Obviously, everyone is anxious to get the patient “back to his normal self”, but we all forget how long the process can truly take.  So I hope we’re not just jumping the gun on all this.”

Again, Rob raises another great question. Unfortunately, I have not read many clinical studies about the length of time for which “pumphead” may exist as a post-operative complication for bypass patients. However, in 2001, researchers at Duke University conducted a study of 261 patients which was published in The New England Medical Journal.

Following bypass surgery, the patients were tested for their cognitive capacity (i.e. mental ability) at four different times: before surgery, six weeks, six months, and five years after bypass surgery. Patients were deemed to have significant impairment if they had a 20% decrease in test scores.

This study had four major findings:

  • Cognitive impairment can occur after bypass surgery.
  • The incidence of cognitive impairment was greater than most doctors would have predicted. In this study, 42% of patients had at least a 20% drop in test scores after surgery.
  • The mental impairment was not due to the patients’ age (which averaged 61).
  • The impairment was not temporary, as many doctors have claimed (or at least hoped). The decrease in cognitive capacity persisted for 5 years in some patients.

The results from the Duke study were compared to results from a similar study among patients of the same age who did not have bypass surgery, according to Richard N. Fogoros, M.D. The decline in mental capacity in those patients who had bypass surgery was 2-to-3 times higher over five years than in patients who did not have surgery.



In review of this study, a sense of alarm may come over you. Please note, this study was performed eight years ago and there has been some debate over whether (or not) the heart-lung machine is the source of cognitive decline following bypass surgery.

Regardless… This is one more reason why you really need to conduct proper diligence and research prior to surgery. In my humble opinion, this potential risk is why so many patients search for the most skilled surgeons to perform their heart valve surgeries… to minimize their time on the “pump”.

Did you experience any form of cognitive issues after bypass surgery? If so, scroll down to leave your comments or read others!

Keep on tickin!

Written by Adam Pick
- Patient & Website Founder

Adam Pick, Heart Valve Patient Advocate

Adam Pick is a heart valve patient and author of The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery. In 2006, Adam founded HeartValveSurgery.com to educate and empower patients. This award-winning website has helped over 10 million people fight heart valve disease. Adam has been featured by the American Heart Association and Medical News Today.

Adam Pick is a heart valve patient and author of The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery. In 2006, Adam founded HeartValveSurgery.com to educate and empower patients. This award-winning website has helped over 10 million people fight heart valve disease. Adam has been featured by the American Heart Association and Medical News Today.

Sharon says on February 18th, 2014 at 12:27 am

Hi I had my aortic valve (tissue) replacement November 2012 and I have experienced many of the above problems also. I am still constantly misreading things. I have many spelling errors and trouble seeing. I also was put on Plavix for 2 months after the surgery when I found I was having these issues. I saw a neurologist who specialized in ophthalmology who determined I had “floaters” or vitreous degeneration. I did attempt to go back to work but ended up getting long term disability. I now had to stop to think before I could do things. I had many ” blonde” moments for many months after the surgery which was so unlike my normal. I have to write things down and I could always remember things before. I did have cognitive testing by a psychologist August 2013 and it was determined that I did have issues. I also am an RN. I had headaches while in the hospital more so bothersome than the chest discomfort. I still get colored lights flickering almost on a daily basis and only last for a few minutes at a time. They just happen out of the blue and I have trouble seeing. I had a MRI/MRA and EEG in June after passing out one day but they were normal. It is hard because I did not have these issues previously but the surgery was necessary. I am a firm believer that things happen for a reason. I had worked for 40+ years. I did a lot of research on the computer after the surgery trying to figure out what was going on with me that was not normal.

CA says on March 8th, 2014 at 5:58 pm

I had emergent aortic valve surgery in August 2013 due to acute cardiac decompensation. I had no idea I had a bicuspid valve (age 42) and I was in 4+ regurgitation and going in heart failure rapidly. Since then I have had severe fatigue, short term memory issues, and depression. The symptoms have improved but I am not what I used to be. Has anyone had experience with this? Any good approaches at getting it fully resolved?

Denise says on April 16th, 2014 at 10:10 am

I am recovering from post mitral valve surgery. I have started to see a decline in my cognitive short term memory and focus loss. I can’t remember simple passwords at work that I have known all my life. It is very scary to me that it seems to be getting worse. I had surgery 9 months ago and had a ring replacement with repair. Know one ever said anything about loosing my short term memory. I have know been reading about pump head and relate to these stories/articles. It says it can last up to 5 years.
I just don’t know what to think!

LeAnn says on April 20th, 2014 at 8:46 pm

My 55yo husband is about 6 weeks CABG post op. He started having memory loss & confusion a few days ago. Rushed him to ER for fear of stroke/bleed/thrombosis. CT, MRI, Carotid US, blood work all neg. F/U in the near future with a neurologist to be scheduled And we were told not to get stressed out about this that it was quite common after surgery. Yesterday, my husband wanted to drive but I quickly had to get him out from behind the wheel because he could not judge stopping distances at stop signs and he finally stopped but we were well beyond the stop sign. He is also having problems with speaking his thoughts in a manner that makes sense to others. It’s like we only get part of what he is thinking and trying to communicate. Before surgery, he was very articulate, dealt mainly with measurements, numbers, and statistics and was an excellent and very safe driver. I feel very uncomfortable around him because it seems like he is a different person each day. I am very discouraged about what I’ve read in your blog. Afraid of what will come next and if this condition will ever right itself.

John says on May 28th, 2014 at 12:09 pm

I had a valve replacement and repair of an aortic aneurysm 9 years ago. I was back into the hospital 2 days after coming home because of total short term memory loss.. I have had 4 – 5 TIA episodes since the surgery and my cognitive abilities have been greatly reduced. I’ve had cognitive testing by a psychologist in September of 2012. The deterioration of cognitive abilities were confirmed, 7 years after surgery.

My surgeon never discussed the likelihood of pump head symptoms. Obviously, the surgery was not selective, however, if I was an informed consumer I would have saved myself and family many anxiety filled days. Every other procedure seems to include a long list of possible complications. However, pump head seems to be the surgeon’s “dirty little secret”.

Bonnie says on June 19th, 2014 at 9:14 pm

Since my surgery to repair aortic root and asendung aorta i experience periods of lightheadedness and feel as I might lose consciousness. Could this be the term pumphead?

Robert Crutchfield says on June 30th, 2014 at 7:34 pm

I had mitral valve repair surgery Apr. 25, 2014. After 3-4 days in the hospital (Eisenhower Medical Center, Rancho Mirage, CA) I was transported to a nearby rehab facility. I spent three weeks there and had daily gentle physical therapy to help the muscular pain from having my chest muscles stretched apart during the surgery. I was kept on pain meds as well as put back on my atril fib Warfarin and blood pressure meds. After being released as ok to go home I became aware of the intermittent confusion and memory loss I was suffering. The most dramatic shock was when I couldn’t remember my longtime dog’s name. In fact I even argued with my partner when told the dog’s name. Even when he showed me the pet’s rescue-adoption papers I debated that I would never have named him THAT!! Physically I have improved daily, but the memory problems, though fewer, remain. I am 76 and at first thought it was just an aging problem, but have since spoken with several friends and relations who have had open heart surgery and over half have experienced the same problems. As a writer I have always been able to pull up the right words from my knowledge and memory. I am still having a problem with that and it is really depressing. I think that the surgeon should have told me about this possible after effect! When I questioned him during a followup exam, he said “Oh yes, but that usually goes away eventually.” Why has this “pumphead” been delt with and some kind of changes been made??

Glen Thornbury says on July 17th, 2014 at 9:16 am

I was 12/27/2012 OHS New Aortic valve, a Pig Valve! in answer to your reply to the fine answer to the above. Yes my left lung colapsped twice, and had a bone infection on the right side. While in spelling and some subjects I’m poorer! In Science, Magnetical things, and some Phycics, I am Gifted, and have this Headpump thing. I figured out how to block the harmful rays from the Sun (solar winds) from things in space! This problem has been bothering NASA for a while. I’m planing on filing a patent showing how to do this, and ZAP OHS and now this Headpump thing is slowing me way down! SIR I’ve been researching M Faraday and J Maxwell’s Magnetic Induction of 1831 most of my life! So please help me SIR! HOW LONG will it last? IS THERE ANYTHING I can do got help it get better? My OTHER is one of the head RN’s at the VA, and says I’m looking better, BUT my intellect is so high I doubt everything! YOUR HELP IS NEEDED SIR!

Robert Crutchfield says on August 5th, 2014 at 7:49 pm

Perfect example: I just read a post MADE BY ME on June 30, 2014. I just wrote a post today, saying basically the SAME THING! I have NO MEMORY of the first post in June.
I am really shocked now…..will this damn memory loss EVER END? I am going to call my surgeon tomorrow and ask HOW LONG was I on the heart-lung machine during my mitral valve repair surgery on April 25, 2014. See how this works folks!!!!!!

Ronda says on August 12th, 2014 at 5:38 pm

Triple bypass at 41 years old. 8 months post surgery. Short & long term memory loss. Forget words in mid sentence, issues with memory on all levels. Tell my husband the same things or ask about the same things regularly. Balance in walking seems to be more of a challenge than before surgery. Making notes to myself are a must to get task done. Not able to tolerate heat without feeling light headed. Wondering what the average time is to be on a heart & lung machine, for some of these heart procedures?
Bless Our Hearts! ❤

Herbert Oestreich says on August 13th, 2014 at 9:54 am

Am on the borderline of size to warrant resection of ascending aortic aneurysm, am 82 and greatly appreciate the comments on pump head syndrome,,,important to consider in my decision making……reasonably intelligent and would like to maintain what I have…was surgeon…still working but not operating. Pump head syndrome clinically much the same as multiple concussion sequelae…

Dc_Md_Va says on December 11th, 2014 at 9:12 pm


Tom Fraser says on February 9th, 2015 at 8:07 pm

When I was 9 years old, I was diagnosed with Patent Ductus Arteriosis. I had open heart surgery that year to fix it. Since the surgery however, I’ve struggled with focus, attention, memory and learning. I’ve always felt different since having the surgery and it’s affected my life since. I’m 43 now and today is the first time I’ve read or heard anything about “PumpHead”. Will this ever go away? Is their a treatment available to help alleviate the fogginess?

Deborah Green says on March 3rd, 2016 at 2:53 am

I had Aortic Valve replacement in April 2015, and received a new bovine valve, and also had a bypass done at the same time, due to genetic birth defect. I was 47 at the time and did not have memory loss but had extreme emotional problems. Anger being the worst. It started about 12 weeks after surgery and did not get better till 9 months after surgery. Is that normal? I have been in therapy and taking coping and anxiety classes to help deal with it. I also was in a “fog” for about 6-9 months, I felt like I was just watching my life and not really participating. Is anyone doing a study? Or even putting something out for cardiologists and cardiac surgeons to warn patients about this? We need to yell it from the rooftops, that this may happen and to be prepared! I almost lost my job because of it.

Tammy N Tim Barrett says on June 28th, 2016 at 2:57 pm

My brother in law had open heart surgery after the doctor discovered his aorta had tore.Its been a week and he has severe “pump head” he is also a dialysis patient for 7 years.He is 55 years old.They have got him to follow commands off and on.He just doesn’t know what happen or remember anything.He remembers people but that’s about it.Whats your input on this?

Donald says on October 15th, 2016 at 8:07 am

I had bypass surgery 1 1/2 years ago. I am an application programmer and actually lost my job because of increased depression anxiety, memory loss and inability to handle complex logic after the surgery. It cost me my job. I have been on disability since 6 months after the surgery. It is not getting any better. I have seen most every doctor in the medical center and no one said anything about pump head. However, when I told my cardiologist about it he did bring up pumphead. He didn’t say how to treat it. Why the heck doesn’t anyone else know about this? Especially my psychologist who has been treating me for depression for many years. Well, I’m just going to have to live with it and try my own remedies. Mainly diet.

Christopher Sasso says on January 23rd, 2017 at 2:34 pm

My father is now 10 months post AVR by way of TAVR procedure. Physically he is okay and has been making progress, but what I now know about PUMPHEAD seems to be affecting him. He now sees a psychiatrist after developing an anxiety disorder several months after surgery. This has greatly helped him. I was unaware of all of these problems after heart surgery (anxiety, depression, lack of motivation, memory loss, etc…) The memory loss is what makes me nervous. His amazing doctor told us that this is normal, but I really don’t see it getting worse or better. He said it would in time. General forgetfulness, writing, previous conversations and directions seem to be the most affected. I wish as a family we knew these things prior to the procedure. It is really hard to accept especially when somebody with so much zest for life has been changed. I wish all well and hope to see improvement. Any feedback will help.

donna says on March 11th, 2017 at 3:08 pm

My Dad had a triple heart bypass about a week ago. He did not come out the same man he went in. He is so confused. His speech is garbled and very hard to understand. He asks the same questions over and over. i don’t understand. He spoke normally and was one of the smartest people i knew. The doctors keep telling me to wait, he will clear more..is that true? am i ever getting him back?

Laurie says on May 12th, 2017 at 6:00 pm

I am 7 weeks post op and am noticing that I am becoming very forgetful. It seems to be getting worse over the past 2 weeks. For example: Today, I left the house to run errands and I was in the store and looked down at my feet and had my slippers on. I know that sounds funny, but to me it was alarming because who forgets to put on their shoes? Last weekend, my husband and I went grocery shopping and right before we pulled in the driveway, I realized I had forgotten to buckle my seat belt, which isn’t so funny. I will be thinking about something and moments later I forget what I was thinking about.

I am kind of freaking out about this. I Googled to see if this was a “thing” after open heart surgery and found this site. I had my aortic valve replaced and a bypass. The surgery lasted 6 hours. I have no idea how long I was on the heart lung machine.

Stephen Manuman says on May 15th, 2017 at 9:40 pm

I had Mitral Valve repair in 2003 at 70 years old, it’s now 2017. My memory is so bad. I can’t remember where I’ve been recently or much in the past. How to get to local places or stores. I can’t remember people I’ve known for years, they will talk to me using my name but I’m embarrassed to ask, “who are you”. 14 years later and it just gets worse. I was on YouTube today and played a song. I thought, “that’s nice” I will post an opinion. Scrolled down the comments and saw my name and comment from 3 years ago.

Barbara Kozakiewicz says on November 30th, 2017 at 3:06 pm

My son had a quadruple bypass 2 yrs ago and is experiencing many of the
cognitive disabilities I read about due to pumphead. He is 52, a school psychologist and had to go on disability as he cannot function in his job. MRi shows B/L parietal atrophy. After reading about this, his symptoms seem more like those with pump head than early onset AD. Could there be a connection? Would love to hear if others have had this problem. I’m very frightened for him, he is a father of 4 young sons and the thought of early onset AD/dementia is impossible to imagine.😔

Emily Feigenbaum says on January 14th, 2018 at 9:32 am

I had mitral valve repair 2
years ago (2015) at the Mayo Clinic in MN. Days after leaving the hospital I was back in with fluid in my lungs. While recovering at home I immediately noticed a problem with short term memory. Family and friends assured me it was because of the trauma i had been through. Now after 2 years these same people are very concerned about my loss of word recall and short term memory. It scares me and I feel I’m becoming increasingly depressed about my situation. I feel in so many ways I am not the person I was, but know I should feel happy to be alive.
I truly want answers to what I need to do to rehab my brain. This was never discussed prior to my surgery. I still would have needed to have the surgery, but maybe could have started to address this issue sooner. I want to know what can I do to help myself so I can be myself and release the anxiety I have because of this

Dinah Sutton says on February 5th, 2018 at 4:17 pm

Emily, I had a repair on my mitral valve in June, 2017, and afterwards, and still today, find that I will suddenly not remember a name or forget something, like “Did I just take my pill ?”. All my Dr’s deny anything, except the cardiologist this summer did say memory loss is “normal”, however, I forgot to ask him how long it lasts, not trying to be funny, that’s true ! It is frustrating, and regardless of what they say, I know it is not from my job, I had the same stress before surgery. I finally do remember things, but it is like some things are wiped out.

Thomas Secky says on February 18th, 2018 at 1:04 pm

I had Mitral valve repair 2.5 years ago. Have trouble at times formulating thoughts and remembering words and things I know like the back of my hand. I know i am embarrassing myself . I have read nothing that helps reduce pump head. My thoughts are now that its been so long after surgery that my issue is permanent?

Marsha S. Gibbs says on February 23rd, 2018 at 4:02 pm

My husband had triple bypass. He has a history of migraines. After the surgery his headaches weren’t to bad
Hardly any. For the last month he is having headaches everyday. His surgery was 9/13/17. We need some answers cause it’s wearing him down.

Robert Clapp says on March 27th, 2018 at 11:46 pm

I’m 47, I have a calcium CT score of 2809.5 I didn’t mistype that. I’ve got an incredible amount of calcium but the CT also showed that my heart is in good shape, normal size, no extra vessels growing out if it, normal pericardium thickness, no valve calcification, etc. My arteries around the heart are a mess however. A heart cath showed I’ve got a 90% blockage in the left ascending aorta and a slew of other blockages, 80%, 80%, 70-80%, 60-70%, and a 50%. A total of 6. Oddly enough I’ve got no side effects. I don’t get winded, used to go to the gym before I found out about the blockages. Obviously I’ve got a genetic issue with cholesterol.

My question for all of you is where did you or your loved ones go for the surgeries? Has anyone gone to the Cleveland Clinic and left with “pump head”? It’s odd that some people have no symptoms and others seem to really be struggling with it. I hope those who are struggling find improvement.

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