Just 24 Hours After TAVR, Rick Says…
Written By: Adam Pick, Patient Advocate, Author & Website Founder
Published: January 16, 2025
It’s been less than 24 hours since Rick Jerzak’s transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) and I just received this update from him.
Rick’s Email Update…
In his email from the hospital, Rick wrote to me:
Hi Adam, I emailed you the other week and ask you several questions about the TAVR procedure and you were kind enough to quickly reply to my questions. Yesterday, January 15, I had the operation at 10 o’clock in Milwaukee at Columbia St. Mary’s Hospital.
Everything went smoothly and this is a picture early the next morning after a OK night sleep between all the testing the hospital does. Just thought I’d let you know.
I appreciate your writings. They were quite comforting and educational for me in this journey. Thank you.
Rick’s Concern Before TAVR?
If you are curious to know what Rick emailed me about prior to his TAVR, Rick asked me:
“Hi Adam, I have been reading your articles for approximately two years and have watched several of your educational videos for patients. With the possibility of a TAVR procedure in the near future, I was wondering how long it takes to feel normal again? I know they say many recipients walk out of the hospital the next day but very little is written about getting back to normal. Thank you for your reply.”
In response to Rick’s question, I shared this video with Rick in which Dr. Nicholas Lopez addresses the early recovery from TAVR.
Go Rick! Go!
I am so happy to learn that Rick is doing so well after his TAVR. All the best to Rick as he continues his recovery from transcatheter aortic valve replacement.
Related Links:
- Free Patient eBook: What 7 Facts Should You Know About Medtronic TAVR?
- Aortic Valve Replacement Size: Why Does It Matter?
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