Blog Milestone: We’re Over 1,000 Posts!

By Adam Pick on September 13, 2010

Hi everybody,

I just realized that this website reached a fun milestone in its ongoing development. Earlier today, I posted the 1,000th blog about heart valve surgery.

Thanks to you – the patients, the caregivers, the cardiologists and the surgeons – for your ongoing contributions (questions, answers, guest blogs, comments, etc.) to this online resource.



Great job everybody!

Written by Adam Pick
- Patient & Website Founder

Adam Pick, Heart Valve Patient Advocate

Adam Pick is a heart valve patient and author of The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery. In 2006, Adam founded to educate and empower patients. This award-winning website has helped over 10 million people fight heart valve disease. Adam has been featured by the American Heart Association and Medical News Today.

Adam Pick is a heart valve patient and author of The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery. In 2006, Adam founded to educate and empower patients. This award-winning website has helped over 10 million people fight heart valve disease. Adam has been featured by the American Heart Association and Medical News Today.

Bill Harwell says on September 13th, 2010 at 5:39 pm

Adam, congratulations! You’re providing an invaluable resource to everyone who is planning a heart valve surgery. I’ve recommended your site to at least two people who needed surgery after I had mine almost two years ago. You’re really touching and helping so many people. Thank you so much for your efforts,
Bill Harwell
Austin TX
PS-I had an aortic valve and root replacement, am 58 years old and have hiked at over 11,000 feet since the operation, continue to cycle and play softball, and just got back from a trip to the Outer Hebrides islands of Scotland!

Lynn Walka says on September 13th, 2010 at 9:39 pm

Hi Adam, Your book and site are the only resource. All the readings from other patients continue to inspire me and help me. Had my second check up with a stress test after 7 weeks since my aortic valve replacement and pacemaker and I feel like I have graduated as I had my first red wine and get to reduce my beta blocker in half and will be sure to report how I will now get even more energy in the future. I have already sent your book onto the next patient.
In addition, the nurse from my surgeon’s office at NY Presbyterian, Dr. Leonard Girardi, called to ask me again for the name of your book! Thank you again and congratulations, your great supporter, Lynn

Teresia R. Ostrach says on September 18th, 2010 at 1:34 pm

Hi Adam and everyone on the line. I am a vigorous 71 years old and just finished reading your book. Until I was told a few months ago to stop (by the cardiologist) I was doing strenuous exercise regularly. I believed that hard exercise helped the heart. The doctor told me “not if you have a valve problem” so I begrudgingly stopped.
Like Adam, I also had no obvious symptoms, or at least was not aware of them. I’ve always had a heart murmur, so that didn’t seem like a symptom to me. Recently my EKG got very weird and my heart murmur got very loud. I had a couple of zone-outs–not quite dizzy spells but just figured it was postural hypotension. I had a strange cough at night, but I figured it was allergies. I had palpitations and they told me it was SVT, and not dangerous. So, in other words, I had symptoms but wasn’t connecting them to my heart.
I’d been seeing a cardiologist on recommendation from my internist, but I rationalized that they were keeping an eye on me just because I was over 65. I was told a couple of years ago that I had aortic stenosis, but sort of blew it off in my mind. I didn’t know that if your arteries are spic and span you can still have a dangerous heart condition. The doctors emphasize coronary artery disease and cholesterol so much you sort of get the impression that bypass is the only type of heart surgery.
Anyway, the cardiologist badgered me to go in every year to have a stress test. Honestly, it seemed a nuisance. They’d call and say, “time for your stress test” and I’d reply, “Do I have to?” I postponed it several times, but they always hounded me to get back in.
Last year I was told that I was 2 – 5 years away from having a valve replacement. This year I could tell immediately that I “failed” the stress test and felt the first chest pain ever–right after the test stopped. Just a brief flash like a sunburst on my chest and then on my back.
They scheduled me for a cardiac cath a week later and I figured it couldn’t be too bad if they didn’t rush me into the hospital.
During the cath I heard the doctor comment to the attendant, “I don’t know how she ever made it to 70 with this valve.” Of course I was a bit tranquilized at that point and didn’t think about it until after. He met me and my new husband (both widowed and married 2 years ago) in the recovery room and said, “You have to do this before Christmas.” We had already talked it over and decided that if the test was bad I wouldn’t wait. I see the surgeon next Tuesday.
My numbers were: velocity 5.5 to 6, pressure gradient 60-65. On reading your book it really came home to me that it was serious.
Thank you for having a place to tell our stories. I figured the surgery would be difficult since I lost a kidney years ago and already knew that they tell you you’ll feel fine in a couple of weeks and months later you’re still stumbling around. And at that time I was only 42. Now I’m 71. Nevertheless, I’m optimistic. I have a great group of friends, a new husband to stand by me, and a son who promises to be there on the big day. Any friend who has offered to help, following Adam’s directions, I’ve said, “Sure, how about—bringing me books, sitting with me for a few hours, etc.” They are all thrilled that I didn’t put them off and refuse any help like I usually do.
I will post again when I know I’m going in and, God willing, when I get home from surgery.
Thanks again for the forum.

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