We Plan, God Laughs… Really?
By Adam Pick on January 13, 2009
Too often I speak with patients that are incredibly frightened by the thought of heart surgery.
These patients have recently been diagnosed with some form of valve disorder and are, needless to say, depressed by the reality of cardiac surgery in their lives. Some enter denial but many more enter a challenging place of “Why Me? Why Now?”
As many of you know, I’m no Superman. I remember those exact questions rattling my brain in the morning, in the afternoon and even the night leading up to my aortic valve replacement.
Little did I know, during this confusing time, that my heart valve surgery would be the springboard of a new, revitalized and, most importantly, healthy life. I can go on-and-on about the medical miracle known as heart valve surgery. But, for some patients, that praise might fall on deaf ears.
Still, I’m tenacious and committed to helping you through this troubling time. For this purpose, I would highly encourage you, or the person you care for, to read a wonderful book called “We Plan, God Laughs”.
The unique book by Rabbi Sherri Hirsch uses the old Yiddish saying, “We Plan, God Laughs” to express a truth everyone can relate to. The book offers several ideas, analogies and stories which peacefully integrate the placement of cardiac surgery into one’s life. Plus, Rabbi Sherre Hirsch maintains a fun, caring, upbeat and education narrative that makes you want to keep reading and turning pages.
I’m not the most religious person. So, please don’t think I’m looking to convert anybody to Rabbi Hirsch’s core traditions. Instead, utilize this book for its calming effect and its core teaching – no matter how much you plan, there are inevitable twists-and-turns to your life including heart surgery.
I wish you all the best! And, remember… “We Plan, God Laughs!”
Keep on tickin!