I’m an active 75 y.o. Who has been diagnosed with mitral valve regurgitation and Afib. All signs point towards the cause being insufficiently treated sleep ...Read more
I’m an active 75 y.o. Who has been diagnosed with mitral valve regurgitation and Afib. All signs point towards the cause being insufficiently treated sleep apnea for 20 yrs. Going back to Cleveland for a TEE and cath in March. Now on ASV and sleeping much better. Wondering if I’ll eventually be a candidate for valve repair.
Ronald Pearson Oh and my Dec 2024 echo revealed tricuspid and pulmonic regurgitation also.
Kimberly Eisenhut Interesting to see you post about apnea. I also wonder if it played a part in my tricuspid problem. D ... Read more
Kimberly Eisenhut Interesting to see you post about apnea. I also wonder if it played a part in my tricuspid problem. Drs do not say anything about causes except they do not know. I finally have my cpcp machine, but now have headaches every afternoon/evening. Would love to rewind about 10 years right now, but I know we cannot do that and have to accept what is today. Ronald, I wish I had the opportunity to go to Cleveland Clinic to get checked. I am grateful I can go to Northwestern, but it would be great to get a second opinion. I just do not have the insurance that will cover it. Best of luck to you on your visit in March, and sending good thoughts and blessings to you.