Research Alert: Early Surgery for Asymptomatic Mitral Valve Regurgitation Patients
Many patients who are are diagnosed with severe mitral valve regurgitation (a leaking heart valve) are often confused because they are completely asymptomatic (without symptoms). However, given the insidious nature of severe mitral valve disease, patients who do not experience symptoms may be at risk for cardiac damage and heart failure. In this video, Dr. Patrick McCarthy, the Chief of Cardiac Surgery at Northwestern Medicine, shares his latest research and support for the early surgery for patients with asymptomatic mitral regurgitation resulting from mitral valve prolapse. This research further supported the ACC/AHA guidelines for the management and treatment of valvular heart disease. (Video posted on February 25, 2021)
Doctor Interviewed

Dr. Patrick McCarthy
Chief, Cardiac Surgery
Northwestern Medicine
Chicago, Illinois
(888) 531-7541