Aortic Aneurysms: Does Exercise & Heart Valve Disease Cause The Aorta To Grow?
Learn the potential impact of heart valve disease and exercise on aortic aneurysms from Dr. Eric Weiss, cardiac surgeon and Director of the Aorta Program at Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center . As you may know, patients with heart valve disease - especially aortic valve disorders - often experience a bulging or swelling of the aorta into fusiform aneurysms which can be deadly. That said, this is a very important video for patients who have been diagnosed with an enlarged aorta. This video was filmed live at the Heart Valve Summit conference in Chicago, Illinois. (Video posted on May 18, 2018)
Doctor Interviewed

Dr. Eric Weiss
Director, Aorta Program
Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
(414) 250-8676