On May 14, 2016...
the sue posted a note for Barbara that says:
Just read the post that you yourself posted. Awesome. Keep on keeping on Barb. You have already come so far. Would like to visit you Hoping that will work out. Love you much
On May 5, 2016...
Doreen posted a note for Barbara that says:
I'm cheering you on Barb, I can see the pain on your face, but more than that I see your determination to push through it. I know it seems like the progress is sooooooo slow but you've made such huge strides since you came out of surgery. I'm sure Dave reminds you of that everyday. You will get there my dear friend, we're so very proud of the strong person you are and the hard work you are putting in daily to get well. I pray the Lord encourage you with the truth that He promises to give you EVERYTHING you need, every single day. He never takes His eyes off of you. You are His precious child, a daughter of the King, the apple of His eye. He is carrying you through this. Don't let the enemy whisper anything else to you. If he does, whisper back and tell him he's a jerk. You've studied the Bible for so many years, and now when you need the scriptures most, you can call them to mind standing on the truth. He will encourage, uphold, and fill you with His Spirit as you depend on Him and stand in His truth. And when you feel discouraged and puny in faith, fear not, your brothers and sisters in Christ are beseeching the Father on your behalf. I Love you dear friend.
On May 5, 2016...
the sue posted a note for Barbara that says:
Love you Miss Barb. You are a fighter as your husband has said. You are an example to me on how the strength of God works in us. Not just physically but spiritually. Hope to see you soon
On May 5, 2016...
Petey Bello posted a note for Barbara that says:
Barbara, I'm praying for you and Dave everyday. I read & find comfort in the Scriptures you posted in your 'my story' page. God Bless you as you recover. Look forward to when you are up and about 'posting again'!
Barbara Laurie  Thanks Petey! God bless you!
Petey Bello  Barbara it's so good to hear from you! Blessings to you ...one day at a time!
On May 5, 2016...
Gail F. posted a note for Barbara that says:
Dearest Barb, It's me, Gail! I wanted to tell you what happened in communion sharing in Church on Sunday. Nola had a word for someone but didn't know who.
She shared Acts scripture: Silver & gold have I none, but in the name of Jesus, rise up and walk. I rose up and claimed the word for you, my Friend! Love you so much. Gail
Barbara Laurie  Love you Gail!
On May 3, 2016...
Doreen posted a note for Barbara that says:
Woo Hoo you got to go on a field trip. And Barbi and Roger came for a visit. That is so fantastic and I'm sure made your week. So happy to hear about your kidneys functioning better and better too. Love You
On May 1, 2016...
cousin Jennifer posted a note for Barbara that says:
So good to see you sitting up and getting around! Keeping you and Dave in my thoughts and prayers. Much love, Jennifer
On April 30, 2016...
The Sue and Lee posted a note for Barbara that says:
Hi Barb and Dave. So glad to see an update. Your kidneys are starting to function ----praise God. Stay strong in the Lord. Love you both
Lynne Gottschalk   Great news! Lots of hugs coming your way..
On April 28, 2016...
Lisa Worden 707-483-0632 posted a note for Barbara that says:
Hi Barbara, Just got Adam Pick's newsletter and your story touched my heart. I have had several heat surgeries in my life, my last one three years ago. Now have to go see a Electrophysiolgist at UCSF in June. Anyways enough about me I just want to let you know that you are in my prayers. I live in Sonoma County so would love to come and visit you if you can have visitors,
On April 26, 2016...
Doreen posted a note for Barbara that says:
Gotta give Dave credit, he's creative and trying, the look on your face cracks me up. Trusting your getting stronger everyday. Love and miss you!
On April 21, 2016...
Cynthia Johnson posted a note for Barbara that says:
9:47 pm in Connecticut
Dear Barb and Dave,
Here it's night and time to sleep
It comes, in time, by counting sheep
Just as my sleep comes in due time
So will good health once more be ... yours! (Even I can't get away with saying thine!)
With love from your sister,
On April 20, 2016...
Cynthia Johnson posted a note for Barbara that says:
10:37 pm
Dear Barb and Dave,
Glad you liked the pictures. Hope it did the trick. Never hurts the smile muscles to see a 95 pound puppy lying on his back with his legs sticking up in the air! Blaze is always willing to ham it up.
So, now that we've exercised your smile muscles...there isn't one part of you which hasn't gotten a work out today from the sound of it. <3
Goodnight. I love you both.
On April 20, 2016...
Doreen posted a note for Barbara that says:
Woo Hoo!
On April 20, 2016...
Brian Larson posted a note for Barbara that says:
Our prayers are with you all the way through, Barb!
On April 19, 2016...
Cynthia Johnson posted a note for Barbara that says:
11:28 pm
Hi Barb! Hi Dave!
I've written and erased posts multiple times prior to my simple goodnight to you earlier but then I got your update. So here is my abbreviated version of all priors.
Psalm 143
Teach me to do Your will, For You are my God; Let Your good Spirit lead me on level ground.
Regarding your care team, you will forever be a part of each other's lives now. You've each, in turn, made your mark. Life's bittersweet moments never fail to amaze me. I'm celebrating your progress as I end my day. <3
With love from your sister,
On April 19, 2016...
Cynthia Johnson posted a note for Barbara that says:
11:17 pm
I love you...goodnight.
On April 18, 2016...
Donna Fike posted a note for Barbara that says:
Hi Barb! So good to see you and to know you are improving with each day! Dave has been great about keeping us posted and Helen's been wonderful to update fb, too. We love you both and have been keeping you both in our prayers, too!
On April 18, 2016...
papita/gary posted a note for Barbara that says:
Kiss kiss
Love love
Hug hug
Joy unspeakable😋
On April 18, 2016...
The Sue and Lee posted a note for Barbara that says:
Oh Barb you look great. Love seeing you sweet face. Dave did a great job on the hair brushing. Thank you for praying for us. love you so much
On April 18, 2016...
Doreen posted a note for Barbara that says:
That's better! The smile we've been waiting for. Love the caption, it shows your sense of humor is in full bloom and that is by far the most encouraging news yet. Loving hearing all the progress you're making. Love hearing your praying for all of us, thank you, and right back at ya.
Anne Cahill  So good to see your picture and that you are progressing well. Sending lots of prayers and light to ... Read more
On April 18, 2016...
Cynthia Johnson posted a note for Barbara that says:
Hi Barb! Hi Dave!
Great to see you again Babs! Three hours in the chair? Did that kick the stuffing out of you? Pre-op you talked about how you were going to push yourself. Milestones. You're doing it. You go woman!
Your sense of humor. Priceless. Which one of you came up with the photo caption?
Lots of love from your sister,
On April 18, 2016...
Kristie posted a note for Barbara that says:
Well Barbara Rose! You look beautiful....there's the smile I was asking about earlier! I see that Dave is brushing your hair the way Jules brushes his! Now you both are styling! I love you Barbara Rose! Every day you will get stronger...remember what you told me when I asked you how tough you are and you said..." BUILT FORD TOUGH!" That's right and like Dave told all of us" of course she's tough....she's a Johnson girl!" Remember we are all rooting for you...along with lots of prayers...I love you sweet sister....😘❤️
On April 16, 2016...
Doreen posted a note for Barbara that says:
Oh Hallelujia you got to eat something, and you were able to sit on edge of bed, banner day and great progress. I agree with Cynthia, annual stress test, done. I can hear your reply from hear. "Your welcome everyone." Lol. Keep up the good work, can't wait to be able to talk to you.
On April 16, 2016...
the sue posted a note for Barbara that says:
GO Barb!!! Your progress is amazing. Prayers for you and Dave. Big hugs (but gentle) from me and Lee too.
On April 16, 2016...
Cynthia Johnson posted a note for Barbara that says:

Dear Barb and Dave,
I'm sharing this with Leah's permission here although I'm sure you've received your own copy!
Love from your sister,
Barbara Laurie  I listen to it every night before I go to sleep! Barb loves it.
Nicola Laker  💖💖
On April 15, 2016...
Cynthia Johnson posted a note for Barbara that says:
Dear Dave and Barb,
Thank you for the update and for passing along Barbara's message. You DID make it and all of us can skip our annual stress tests! :-)
I love you guys and you are never but a minute from my thoughts. Today, I was asked to do what was described by my co-worker as a mind-numbing task (looking through 20,450 digital records one by one) and I was never as grateful to oblige! Mind numbing felt so good! It is worth repeating that there are quite a few students who knew you were heading into surgery and never fail to gently ask after you, offer a hug, and always tell me they continue to pray...totally unsolicited which means even more to me.
I can't wait to see you Barb, hear your voice, message with you. I'm so grateful for all of the time we spent chatting and that we finally managed to 'Hangout'! Looking forward to starting up again.
Great job sitting at the bed edge for 15 minutes! I'm sure it was challenging! You go girl!
Love to both of you from your sister,
On April 14, 2016...
Sharon Clarke posted a note for Barbara that says:
Dave your positive energy has been amazing, while Barbara has been recovering, you have been measuring her progress via feet and yards you will now measure her progress in miles. I talk from experience God is good !!!
On April 13, 2016...
Doreen posted a note for Barbara that says:
Oh I love these updates way better, Glory to God, Sandy is right, God is good all the time, we just don't understand what he's doing sometimes, but He promises it's always good. Such great news, thanks for posting Dave. You have to be on top of the world today! So happy for you, for the two of you that you can finally communicate, hug, ect! Woo Hoo!
On April 13, 2016...
Doreen posted a note for Barbara that says:
Pure elation and joy, you are off the ventilator and breathing on your own. Drain tubes coming out, it feels like Christmas! To read that you are whispering already, I just can't express how happy that makes me. I wish I was there to talk to you. Dave needs to buckle up cause you have 3 weeks of things you've been thinking and wanting to express and now you can. Lol, you've never been at a loss for words, but take your ability to talk away for 3 weeks, heck you may never stop talking....ever! Laughing just thinking about it, welcome back my dear friend...we're all rooting for you, praying without ceasing and can't wait till your back home in Truckee so we can see and hug you.
On April 12, 2016...
Cynthia Johnson posted a note for Barbara that says:
Dear Dave,
How amazed will Barb be at how well you've been keeping everyone updated using this site? You are in between a rock and a hard place though; you don't owe everyone using this site a blow by blow on the other hand, there are those who have been so supported by Barb that it eases their minds even just to hear 'Not off ventilator yet but definitely hanging in there today! Keep your love and prayer coming!" is probably good enough.
I hate that you guys are going through this but is it weird that I was happy to know that she is even having a disgusted look?
So, back to Mom's advice; it's solid. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. The awesome ones on this site - they just want to know Barb is hanging in there, you are there, care team is on top of things. Whatever works for you, whatever you can manage, whatever feels like the right amount of info - go for it.
I type here because #1 I want talk to you and Barb. It's a selfish thing and I know I wouldn't have the time or inclination to check e-mails if I were you. I'm not exactly on the typical information highway so to speak, so I type here to feel better and I hope you don't mind.
Haley is keeping me updated as the information flows from you and that cuts down on the number of people you have to personally contact in the family.
Love from your sister,

Erin Hannum  Hi Donna,
Your question makes me laugh because I packed as if I was going on vacation! I didn't need ... Read more
On April 11, 2016...
Wanda Mroz posted a note for Barbara that says:
Hi Barb... Hi Dave... I hope and pray everything is coming along well. I worry everyday. Blessings to you both. 💞
David Alejandro  May Jesus be with you two and bring Barbara prompt recovery.
Jan McClain  Dave, my offer stands, I am not far away, please let me know if if there is anything I can bring you ... Read more
Tammy Pilcher  Keeping Barb and Dave in my thoughts and prayers. God bless y'all.
Barbara Laurie  Thank you all. D.
On April 11, 2016...
Cynthia Johnson posted a note for Barbara that says:
Hi Dave ... Barb,
9:16 pm on the East Coast.
Suffering is disgusting. I would love to be able to spare you.
I'm out here. I found a heart-shaped rock today. I hope very soon to hear you say that it looks nothing like a heart. Why?
Come back, Barb and say something sassy!!! And then let's laugh our heads off.
Love from your sister,

  I come everyday for a update worried with no news.
Clare Auten  I too keep praying and watching for word on Barb's condition. Praying for your whole family.
Barbara Laurie  She responds well to me but I know her "disgusted" look with everyone else's poking and prodding.
On April 10, 2016...
the sue posted a note for Barbara that says:
Thank You Lord for all you are doing in the lives of Barb and Dave. Your Grace for them is strengthen me for Your glory
On April 9, 2016...
Cynthia Johnson posted a note for Barbara that says:
Dear Barb and Dave,
I am out here. I feel your pain. I hope your hopes. I understand the overwhelming relief when it comes. I encourage your focus. I admire your resolve.
Is it still the case that Barb cannot be spoken too much to?
We'll take the miracle and be grateful for it.
Dave, please do take care of your body as you are taking care of your soul. It's hard to keep body and soul together [I'm a poor example but this is definitely a case of wanting you to do as I say and not as I do.] When all is well, Barb will be pampering the heck out of you. For now, it's on you and it is what Barb would want.
I'm sorry to get so mushy on a public forum; I will send messages to Barb the way we typically do and this will test if you can get them otherwise I will use Haley as a conduit.
With love from your sister,
On April 9, 2016...
The Sue and Lee posted a note for Barbara that says:
Hi to both of you. Stay strong in the Lord. We both love you so much but God loves you more.
On April 8, 2016...
Cynthia Johnson posted a note for Barbara that says:
I'm Barb and Dave's sister, Cynthia, and I want to thank you for sharing your wife's experience. In the thick of things, even with faith, love, support, prayer... because we are flesh and blood... it can get pretty difficult. Barb and Dave have been so generous with their support here on this forum and with their honesty. This is not something that comes easily to me which is why I admire it so much in them and was compelled to thank you.
My best to you and your wife.
With Regard,
On April 8, 2016...
Rich Clarke posted a note for Barbara that says:
Hey Barbara and Dave my wife had surgery on 3/8 and the pulmonary artery ruptured they had to put her on bypass twice during surgery and left the chest open for a few days in case she rebleed, today one month out and 3 weeks after release from hospital her recovery is amazing. I know it'd scary but the human body is amazing how it can heal itself she will be fine, but it will take time
Barbara Laurie  Thank you so much Rich, tears in my eyes, thank you brother.
On April 8, 2016...
Joyce Shelby posted a note for Barbara that says:
Hi Barbara,

I am thinking about you this morning and I am praying for you and your family. Prayers for your continued health and healing. I look forward to the time when we can chat again! 😃. God has blessed you with such a warm spirit, it has truly been a pleasure to meet a sister in Christ. I will leave you with one of my favorite bible versus since this journey began.... Isaiah 41:10: "do not be afraid for I am with you, do not be discouraged for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up in my victorious right hand." Are you tired of that one yet? Lol, I think I have posted it about 20 times on this site...lol. Take care my friend!
On April 8, 2016...
Cynthia Johnson posted a note for Barbara that says:
Dear Dave,
It's 6:24 am in Danbury CT. This is for you:
“For she had eyes and chose me.”
― William Shakespeare, Othello
With love from your sister,
Barbara Laurie  And she still does, that is the amazing part.
On April 7, 2016...
Richard Valentine posted a note for Barbara that says:
We have followed your story recently and so happy for the positive news. I am now two weeks and two days post OHS and am inspired by your story. Wishing you all the best as you move forward in your recovery. Hugs! Rick and Tami
On April 7, 2016...
Cynthia Johnson posted a note for Barbara that says:
Dear Dave and Barb,
It's 6:02 p.m. in Danbury CT and I checked one last time for an update before heading home. Boy, am I glad I did! More tears, gratitude that you were right there when Barb turned her eyes toward you and my favorite part of what you said was "...I SEE you."
I love you both.
Tears, drought... wonder if there's a solution somewhere in there?
<3 Love from your sister,
On April 7, 2016...
Doreen posted a note for Barbara that says:
I'm doing my happy dance, you opened your eyes, and you saw your wonderful Dave standing next to you.........I'm sure that meant as much to you as it did to him! I cannot put into words the emotion I'm feeling, pure elation and joy!
On April 6, 2016...
Cynthia Johnson posted a note for Barbara that says:
Dear Barb,
Just got home and read Dave's post (it's 11:00 p.m. in Connecticut). This is the first post he's written that made me laugh because he said you'd probably be wicked pissed when you wake up. What was even funnier to me was that one of your heart friends underneath Dave's post wrote, "if she does get WP" so I got all concerned and began searching what kind of medical complication might THIS be... only to finally realize it was in reference to the 'wicked pissed'. Please know we are all going to be celebrating anything you say: sassy, or funny, or ANYTHING...just saying something!
I have no idea what you will experience but just know that this whole time Dave has done a great job keeping us posted and working really closely with your care team. Your surgeons... from what Dave tells us, they are quite a team and we owe them a lot of gratitude.
One of my student assistants invited me to her piano recital tonight and I think it was the perfect way to end the day that I finally got to hear that you will be coming back to us.
I love you sister,
On April 6, 2016...
Diana Shields posted a note for Barbara that says:
I'm new to Adam's site and am so happy that he's shared his & all members stories. I'm praying for you & truly appreciate the "family" of the site.
On April 6, 2016...
Doreen posted a note for Barbara that says:
The last few days have felt like weeks, so getting the news from Dave that they were bringing you off sedation tomorrow felt like the weight of the world being lifted. I cannot wait to hear that you've opened your eyes, and you get to see your amazing husband sitting by your side. He's been so amazing Barb, keeping us all up to speed with your recovery, all while staying by your side overseeing all your care. Not an easy task when you have a large family back east, and a large church family here in Truckee all wanting to know how your doing. I wish I could be there to see you when you wake up and get that first hug from Dave. He's waited a really long time and he's been a really good boy, so make it a good one. (Spoken in the voice you use to use talking to Sammy, Lol!) Your family has been heavy on my heart, knowing the stress and worry we feel here in Truckee, and knowing their emotions are 1,000 times stronger. One thing is for sure, you and your family are loved, and covered in prayer. Can't wait to hear how tomorrow goes. Love you my friend!
On April 6, 2016...
Ruth Valenzuela posted a note for Barbara that says:
I have been praying for Barbara and her loved ones. I don't comment a whole lot on this site but I keep track of who is going into surgery in order to give prayer support. Barbara remains on my heart and in my prayers! I pray God's perfect peace on all and that Barbara will make a full recovery. Hang in there everyone...
Barbara Laurie  Thank you Ruth. Psalm 139:11+12!
On April 6, 2016...
Cynthia Johnson posted a note for Barbara that says:
Dear Barb,
It's 2:24 pm here in Connecticut. I don't have words, just love so wanted to put it down on this page.
To all who have been following Barbara and Dave, thank you for your prayers, practical offers of assistance, and support. It helps me to know that so many of you care.
With love from sister...
Cynthia : )
Petey Bello  Cynthia, I am keeping all of you in my prayers and following Barb's recovery process as I am sure so ... Read more
Tammy Pilcher  Cynthia, I have been praying for Barb and you all. I just checked in to see if there was any news on ... Read more
Barbara Laurie  Yes, thank you all, D.
Nicola Laker  Big love to Barbara from your new adopted EA sister in the UK ❤❤
On April 6, 2016...
Jan McClain posted a note for Barbara that says:
Barb, Dave, Cynthia, and all the rest of Barb's family and friends---we are ALL rooting for you, sending all our positive energy and prayers your way, thinking about you throughout the day. You have been so helpful to many of us and you have become SO important to us! Dave, I will be back in the Bay area Thursday, please let me know if there is anything I can do for you, I'm happy to come visit, just sit and be with you at the hospital if you'd like company, or bring you anything you need.
Barbara Laurie  Jan, thank you so much. When she wakes up and maybe in step down I'm sure we would both welcome your ... Read more
On April 5, 2016...
Cynthia Johnson posted a note for Barbara that says:
Dear Barb,
It's 5:18 p.m. on 4/5/16.
I'm out here and want to talk to you so I'm going to! Think of all the material I am providing for you and Dave to laugh over as you recover. You are welcome in advance. ❤️
At some point today, I dropped the Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain, Adore 055 that you sent to me and which I carry EVERYWHERE now, out of my pocket somewhere in the office. I searched to no avail but I told my nice librarian and my student assistant that it meant a lot to me [queue your voice saying, "What have you done with my sister? Imposter!] and my student found it safe and sound under her desk. It only took you 53 years to convince me how nice it is to have a pretty lip on! : )
It matters to me because YOU gave it to me because you are always thinking of ways to bring the pretty out in me. It's sweet and I've milked this anecdote for all it's worth: "It's funny but whenever Barb and I video chat a box of makeup arrives in the mail over the next few days!" Between you and Kristie - you make this 53 year old woman still feel like a pampered little sis. ❤️
Have you eaten Tater Tots in the last decade? Last night, two bags shared among myself, Christopher, and Haley [Craig was smart enough not to eat them!]. It seemed like a REALLY good idea at the time and I even made a special trip to the grocery on the way home to buy them. No offense to Taters or Tater lovers but I don't advise using them as the main course when one is out of practice! As Haley said this morning, they are a side dish for a reason. Gosh, they were tasty [but what a stomach ache!] I'm looking forward to eating them again when I am 63!
So many people who care about me are praying for your continued healing. They don't even know the details; they only care that my sister, who I love, needs healing and without my needing to ask they've approached me and offered prayer. I'm so thankful.
Goodnight Barb. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
With love from your sister,
Clare Auten  Cynthia, we are all pulling for Barbara and praying for your family from across the US and beyond.
On April 5, 2016...
Haley Firmender posted a note for Barbara that says:
Hi A. Barbara,
I wanted to take a quick break from work to write to you. Today is my first day back at work after being sick for a week. I'm still not feeling my best, but am doing much better. During my time home I had a lot of time to think and you always came to my mind. U.Dave updates me throughout the day, which I'm so thankful for. There's been lots of ups and downs the past few days, but anytime good news comes my way I am so happy and pray you'll keep heading in the right direction. You're a strong person, I love you very much.
Love, Haley