On December 22, 2012...
I know how scared you must be Michelle, I can't even try to say I understand what you are experiencing. I hope you know how much I love you and am praying for you! I love your children and will be here to help you in any way that I can. I love you. Christine
MIchelle DeCarlo  Love ya 2
On December 21, 2012...
Michelle I just want you to know that I will always be here for you and your family. You can use me as a sounding board if you need, any time.
Love you,
Tia Linda
MIchelle DeCarlo  Thanks Tia..... Have a great Xmas
On December 21, 2012...
Hi Michelle
I just wanted to let you know I am going through the same scenario. I am 38 yo and was diagnosed with severe aortic regurgitation and LV dilation. I have 2 great girls 10 and 15 which I love being around. I am scheduled for surgery at Duke medical center on 1/22/13. I live in Denver,CO so long way from my family. I would guess we are having the same crazy thoughts and emotions (I was a marine supposed to be tuff,haha) Good luck to you and let's get through this.
Alex Vigil
MIchelle DeCarlo  THANK YOU!!!
On December 20, 2012...
Hi Michelle,
You are in the right place for going thru this. You are not alone, there are many folks that have gone thru what you are facing. These operations happen everyday many times, so don't worry, the operation will go exactly as planned and it will be over before you know it. You will be on the road to recovery. The hardest part is the waiting...hang in there and go on this site everyday. You will be encouraged and supported by many folks that you don't even know!
Very cool and a big thanks to Adam for this.
Patty (husband had his aortic valve replaced 12.5.12 and is doing well)
MIchelle DeCarlo  Waiting is the hardest thing...but the time has gone by fast and in less tham 30 days I will be havin ... Read more
On December 14, 2012...
Michelle let me start with your my best-friend so i need u around. I will be there every step of the way i know in my heart u will be fine but i know u are scared. You have alot of love around you so take that and be happy. I will be there for your kids as you be there for mine they are our kids we both have four children always as sister our bond will be forever so if u need to yell at me cry with or laugh im there....

i love u

MIchelle DeCarlo  I love you to...this touched my heart and made me cry
On December 13, 2012...
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On December 13, 2012...
I LOVE YOU and will be with you every step of the way no matter how crazy you get!!!!!
MIchelle DeCarlo  YOU ARE MY ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU MORE THAN I CAN SAY