On October 30, 2012...
Dude, you've got your head in a good spot and a lot of folks pulling for you. Best to ya. Check out my journal for my take on recovery planning & more -- DVB
On October 30, 2012...
My thoughts and good wishes are with you and your family. You have an extended family with Cal Athletics...and we all are with you.
Anne Dring
Athletics Development
On October 30, 2012...
Tony, you are such a stud. You will do great. Enjoy all the love and attention. You have a tons fans.
Sending tons of love your way!!
Molly Beej
On October 30, 2012...
We are all sending you quick recovery prayers! I can't imagine the stress and nerves you may be feeling. We know you will go great! Congrats on the exciting year you have had this far... Marriage and a son! What a blessing!
The Gary Johnson Family
On October 30, 2012...

Godspeed. I will be praying for you and congratulations on expected arrival of your little one.

Ed Piasta
On October 30, 2012...
GoTony. What a year you are having! You are and will be in my thoughts. You will love Fatherhood!
Paul Ankenman
On October 30, 2012...
You'll be throwing awful BP, hitting an even worse fungo, and chasing umpires with your hat backwards in no time. Good luck pal!

Ben Quinto
On October 30, 2012...
Thanks for the update....stay in good health between now and then so take care of yourself get plenty of rest. Say hello to your mom and dad....LY Sherry Nemec
On October 29, 2012...
Tony, you will do amazing! We are all rooting for you! Love, Sarah, Mike and the kiddos
On October 27, 2012...
Hi Tony
I wasn't as lucky as you. I didn't find out about my bicuspid aortic valve and aneurysm until I was 58 years old. I had immediate surgery (major axx kicking). Luckily I had reformed my lifestyle ten years previously by getting active and losing over 100 pounds. I am now 61 and just finished the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon two weeks ago in 4:31:42. I had asked my cardiologist right after surgery if I could now run a marathon? He told me that I now have a better heart than I have had my whole life so go for it. I ran my first marathon (Gramas in Duluth MN)13 months after surgery in4:15:14. My surgeon told me for my lifestyle I would need a mechanical valve. It is a Carbometics valve. Warfarin is not that tough to deal with. My insurance company provided me with my coaguchec machine to check my INR. I have learned what effects it, and my coumarin clinic is very supportive in changing my dosage so that I can eat what I want as long as I keep it consistent. The mechanical valve makes it easy to check your resting heart rate as you can hear it and count it as you watch the clock when you wake up in the morning. The best part is we don't have to have our valve replaced in 15 years like tissue valves. I also went through cardiac rehab at a local hospital to get me back up and running without overdoing it. I walked a 5k run one month after surgery and ran my first 5 mile race two months later.
God bless and get back in shape for the little one
John O
Tony Arnerich  Thanks so much for your message. What an amazing community this is. I am so glad I found this website ... Read more
On October 27, 2012...
Love your attitude Tony. It will serve you very well in this journey. I was in your shoes about a year ago...you will do great. I chose tissue valve so don't have much input on the mechanical valves. I do recall the St. Jude and ON-X were both good choices.

Your Giants beat my Reds, so hope you win it all.

If you ever need any more info re the surgery or recovery, let me know.

Take care!

JH Mattingly
Tony Arnerich  Thanks for the message! Yes the hardest part about this is deciding which valve to use....I don't wan ... Read more
On October 26, 2012...
Hi Tony,

Welcome to the HVJ community. Your remind me of Aaron Boone, the major league baseball player who underwent a successful open-heart surgery for his BAV.

Good luck in your surgery. The next 2 weeks should go by quickly and before you know it you'll be recovering!!!!


Lee Castro (Surgery 8/13/12)
On October 26, 2012...
Tony not sure where you see who sent a message usually the name appears but I don't see that on what I just posted. I posted at 8:08 pm Friday Oct. 26

Sherry Nemec
Tony Arnerich  Sherry!!! Thanks for the message!! Yeah I don't know who sent some of the other messages either. Oh w ... Read more
On October 26, 2012...
Tony by the looks of your fan club so far you will not be short of support. Glad you will have Heather by your side. We know you too well that you don't like being alone or the dark! Remember always, you are never alone with your family and friends close to heart. God is with you and those are the best hands to be in. Best of luck and we will be watching for any updates. We send our prayers and our love to you! Go Giants!
On October 26, 2012...
Great Idea Tony! Stay positive bro! You're going to do great! Let's go Giants! And let's go 4 horse in the 5th race at Lonestar!!! Love you bro so much!
On October 26, 2012...
Hey Stabone! I'm glad you're getting it done now. You're going to be stronger than ever and part terminator! So that's a bonus! The schaffer family loves you and is behind you. You're also going to be a great dad! Talk to you soon!
On October 26, 2012...
We wish you a speedy recovery Tony! Your such a champ, no surgery can slow you down. :-) If you need anything, don't hesitate to reach out. You have an awesome support team around you thats willing to jump in and help out with everything. Xoxo
On October 26, 2012...
Hey Tony,

Like you, I had a bicuspid aortic valve. Like you, I was in my early 30's when it needed to be replaced. Like you, I had severe regurgitation (and, I had severe stenosis).

That being said, if you need anything leading up to your surgery (or after), please let me know.

My thoughts and prayers are with you!

Keep on tickin!
Adam Pick
On October 26, 2012...
Hey Tony,

Sounds like you have a great future ahead, I'm glad you have the right attitude for this and am here if you need anything!

Take Care,
On October 26, 2012...
Good luck, Stabone!! (although I know you won't need it). The Biggi family will be thinking of you. Here's to a successful surgery, a quick and painless recovery and some BossBurgers to celebrate:) Stay strong bro. We are behind you all the way!
On October 26, 2012...
Welcome Tony!
I have aortic stenosis and no surgery scheduled yet! I am having a TEE done on 11/8/12 due to some dizzy spells so will see then how that pans out! I will be watching your journal for news. Congrats on the baby boy!!! Take care!
On October 26, 2012...
Good Luck and great attitude going into this and you will get through this successfully because you deserve too. I look forward to seeing you down the road when I get into Cali Tony. Keep it strong and know I am praying and supporting you in your corner.!!!!!
On October 26, 2012...
As I said on Facebook. You're still MY kid even though you were big when I got you. That never changes. You are going to great. You have such a warm and loving family , wonderful new bride and you're gonna be a terrific Daddy. I have no fears about this. Ok, little tiny ones, but not big ones. Catchers are the toughest player on the team.
Love, Debra
On October 26, 2012...
Love you Tony! You are amazing and your courage is inspiring.....Heather's too! You have so many people sending strength and love your way, you are blessed! So happy to get to call you my brother xox Ali