On January 24, 2011...
One of those pill compartment thingies is very useful with all the pills you have to take early on. Be aware, though, that you have to know what you're taking. Read up on them and on the side effects. If you don't feel right, discuss the pills with your doctor. they gave me something to control my blood pressure, but I've never had a bp problem and it made me dizzy so I had to stop taking that after 2 weeks. Also, I had to go off Coumadin after 3 weeks and went to aspirin because I had so much blood in the urine. Now all I take is digoxin in addition to the meds I've taken for years (diabetis and thyroid). If you don't feel like you're improving, discuss it with the doctor. They usually can tell you which of the pills is causing the problem. The dr said taking the digoxin is just for 6 months until they're sure the heart has its normal rhythm.
Best of healing--from my repaired heart to yours.
Terry C.
Terry C.
On January 24, 2011...
Hi Lori,
Sorry I missed you Thurs. I went to the hospital, but you had just been discharged I was told. Take care and oh by the way I very much would like to borrow that sexy hat of your in the picture. Get well.
On January 24, 2011...
HI again......Glad you're at home and alot of rest, rest, rest. I am so happy that you have ur sister to spend more time with you.

HA..... you ate Portillo's hotdog/fries then next time you'll eat Patio BBQ RIBS...Yummy!

Still thinking of you.

Carol P.
On January 24, 2011...
Lori, I think of you every day and am so glad your home and starting the recovery period. You have always been such a blessing with those around you at work and home. I miss your smile and cheerfulness. I pray God will continue to bless you with a speedy recovery and give you many happy moments during your healing process.
On January 23, 2011...
Hello Mrs. Wakat (I can't call you Lori yet....)

Hope for a speedy recovery! We will keep you in our thoughts! Take a plenty rest!

Julie Harden (Mollo)
On January 23, 2011...
Will you have tgo stay on the coumadin long term or is it just something for the transition period? I know w/ that you do have to be monitored regularly. Glad that you had a souper day w/ Candy. Hopefully in the spring or summer we can all get together again & have a group "souper" day! Grace
On January 23, 2011...
Hi Lori!
Glad to hear that you are home and recovering very well! Keep up with your positive attitiude! Love, Tina
On January 23, 2011...
Hey Wakat! Hope that you are going to watch the Bears play the Packers today! They really need the most positive person I know rooting them on! Courtney and Brad will be there, she is crazy excited! Just so you know I am not recovering from heart surgery and I didn't go outside yesterday. BURRRR!!!! Glad you are doing what you are suppose to be doing! Keep at it! Hugs, Deb aka Wakat's sub :)
On January 23, 2011...
Lori this is Dawn, I read your blog everyday
You really make it sounds like its a piece of cake. You sounds like your spirts are up more and more everyday. You help remind me of somethings taken for granite.
Please contnue you the good postitive living your doing, your are an inspiration to us all.
On January 23, 2011...
Happy to hear that things continue to go well at home. It sounds like it really is one step at a time;)

Very excited about Ryan coming in to town soon.

We are all so happy that you continue to be so strong, we are very proud of you. You keep going girl!!!!

We all love you.

Sean, Lori, Sara, Jack and Scot
On January 22, 2011...
Glad to know you are home once again. Bet that felt so good to be back in your own space. I laughed when you had Portillo's! Every time I am in town, I pretty much make sure to eat at Portillo's at least once. Or twice! ;) Comfort food.. yummy! T'care!!
~Cathy P
On January 22, 2011...
So glad to hear everything is going well and they have the Afib under control. I didn't have Afib, but I did have a racing heartbeat afterward. Can you blame the poor little heart after all its been through? It needs rest, good food and happy thoughts!

Go, Lori!

On January 22, 2011...
Wow! Isn't it amazing! Enjoy snuggling indoors during these -4 farenhieght windchill temperatures.
Hugs, Paulette
On January 22, 2011...
Dear Lori,

I'm glad your home and things are going well I hope they continue. How good it must feel to be home and finally shower and have some peace of mind. Thank you for all you do you are a blessing to know and a blessing to others I will keep you in my prayers and wish you well.



On January 22, 2011...
Still thinking about you! Amazed to see the great progress...
On January 22, 2011...
Gosh, Lor, you amaze me! You are in my prayers and heartfelt thoughts! You have always been one who never slowed down...please get the rest you need! You are loved by many, including me. Take care Lori. Jeanne
On January 22, 2011...
Lor, So glad that you are at home and feeling comfortable. Another shower, nothing better than feeling clean! I do hope Ryan got in alright from Colorado and you are enjoying some time with him. Looking forward to seeing you! Hugs! Deb C :)
On January 22, 2011...
Just take it one day at a time. You're doing great! I admire your attitude & courage. Yes, I said courage because it's true. Actually, it's a miracle that you're home in just one week's time. Love, Grace
On January 22, 2011...
Congratulations Lori. You are an inspiration for me. It seems like you're doing so very well. Keep us the good healing. Any details you can share would be greatly appreciated.

You go, girl!!!!
Ruth Howell
On January 21, 2011...
Waving hands!!! I am so happy that you are home resting. Don't rush recovery and focus on recovery freely and nicely. ok?? Here is my welcome home hugs to you.. Hugging hugging!! Deb K
On January 21, 2011...
There's no place like home..

On January 21, 2011...
Hi Lori:
I don't know you, but we have mutual friends (Lin Francois). I too had open heart surgery - mine was April 9 - mitral valve replacement. 5 hours surgery as they tried to fix it first, then realized time would not allow a full repair, so the replacement took place.
I'm glad you've heard of Adam Pick and his book. It was not only helpful for me, but also my caregiver (mom)! I also was out of hospital in 1 week - I'm sure you're glad to be home!
Don't rush your recovery. I'm told mine will be 12-18 months before 100% recovery. It's helped me keep things in perspective. Also, I'd highly recommend any rehab that can be done - both at home first with nurse/doc..., then at hospital for 36 weeks (assuming insurance covers this for you). It provided great connections with other patients that were encouraging! Though I was in a different hospital situation (Mercy Center, Aurora, IL), I'd imagine those things are available to you.
Lastly, I also recommend a support group called "Mended Hearts". It's a support group for those who have had heart surgery. Ours meets at Mercy Center usually the last Wed PM of the month (7pm - 8:30pm). Not everyone wants to join, which is fine, but it's neat to hear stories of others who are dealing with similar issues and ask pertinent questions. For more info - contact Mercy Center Hospital in Aurora.
God bless you & your recovery!
You're in my thoughts & prayers,
PS I've actually put together an article of things I'm learning from open heart surgery. Alot of it is based on Bible verses that have taken on new meaning since the surgery. If you are interested, let me know and maybe via Lin I can email it or something.
On January 21, 2011...
I can't tell you how happy I am to know that you are home, Lori. As you get better, you will become restless and want to do more...please be careful about how much more you do, each day. Do not rush this.

Everybody at HSHS is thinking of you, and for those who pray, they're praying!

Glad that Al gets to have some rest now, and Sue, too. What fine "watch dogs" you have.

On January 21, 2011...
Lori.....I am so glad to hear that you are home! I am so proud of you....you have done great! Keep up the good work and get lots of rest!

Dana Reindl :)
On January 21, 2011...
Congratulations on arriving home! And applause for your husband and sister. Sometimes, this sort of hospital stay is just as hard on the support team. I hope your recovery continues on the "I can't believe she is doing so well so fast!" path. Pat Dragisic
On January 21, 2011...
Dear Lori-
You are amazing! Hope when you're home in a week that you let others pamper you (for a change)! All my positive thoughts go with you,
Fran Mirro
On January 21, 2011...
Lori - Glad to hear that you're home and doing well. Remember to take it easy when you watch the football game on Sunday. Just cheer loud when the Bears do something good. Smile politely when the Packers goof up.
Sue M.
*If, by some fluke, you're a Packers fan, then I hope your cable goes out on Sunday and you sleep through the game.
On January 20, 2011...
Welcome home!! Fabulous news :)
The thoughts and prayers of you family and friends, along with your own indomitable spirit, are doing their magic. Keep it going!
Love, Barb and Mark
On January 20, 2011...
Hey Lori Im glad to hear you are doing so well. It gives me hope for my surgery on the tenth. I will continue to read your post and keep up with your progress. God Bless you.

Byron Cage-
On January 20, 2011...
YEAH!!!!! Great to see that you made it home safe and sound.

There is no place like home;)

We love you and are thinking of you.

Sean, Lori, Sara, Jack and Scot
On January 20, 2011...
So thrilled to know you are home! FANTASTIC! You'll be the one that doctors will proudly talk about. Good patient, speedy recovery, great support team.
Thinking of you,
On January 20, 2011...
Hugs and kisses Lori! I'm happy to hear your doing so well. Sigh, I need to keep my distance because of this terrible cold, but you are always in my thoughts. Love, Paulette
On January 20, 2011...
I think they build a portillo's outside of hospitals since it's good recovery food; makes you feel normal again! Glad to see such good updates.
On January 20, 2011...

I forgot to tell you the roses need water! There is none in the vase right now~ I was too busy trying to shove them in there, I forgot the water.

Court :)
On January 20, 2011...
HI Lori....Nice to read your journal in each day. And get to know what's going on in everyday. Good that you're getting improve!!!!
Wishing you a speed recovery. I do REALLY
miss you so much.

Love, Carol P.
On January 20, 2011...
You are so strong and have an amazing support network.
I am jealous, I love Portillos hot dogs (I grew up in Chicago/Schaumburg).
I had horrible sweating after surgery. I made my father walk the streets of Boston to buy me a small fan. I donated it to my room mate when I left who was experiencing the same.
You will be home soon.
Amy Sz.
On January 20, 2011...
Hi! I am glad to hear you are doing so well! As you know, the mind has great control over the body, you will be out faster than anyone tells you. See you soon!

- Steve D.
On January 20, 2011...
Hi, Lori. I just love following your progress in your journal. Your strength is such an inspiration for me. Miss seeing your face.

Lots of love,
On January 20, 2011...
Nothing like a shower to feel "normal" again! Congrats on your strong recovery...you're an inspiration!

On January 19, 2011...
Glad to hear your progress! I know that shower felt so wonderful I'll call in the morning to make sure you are up for guests. Love you.

On January 19, 2011...
Dear Lori,
I am so glad to hear you are doing better. I am glad you enjoyed your hot dog and shake.

I am a fellow special education teacher who is waiting for a date for my aortic valve replacement. You wrote in my guestbook just before your surgery.

You are in my prayers. Continue to heal and feel better and better. Take care!

Tia Phillips
On January 19, 2011...
Hi Lor!
Ah, nothing like a Portillo's dog and a chocolate shake. The great American meal.

I asked my friend, Dave, to drop you a line about his heart valve replacement a few months ago. He's a great guy and I am sure will have encouraging words.

You may think it's a case of two steps forward, three steps back, but remember that God has given us a tremendous ability to heal. Ps 139:14 "I give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made."

So hang in there, Lori! We miss you at HS!

On January 19, 2011...
dear lori & al what would we do without Portillo's!!!! be nice to have some stock in that company---anyway it's so good to know you're progressing---eileen
On January 19, 2011...
Hey Aunt Lori...I hear today was a rather good day (with Portillos and all). I am so happy to hear you are going home soon. Like I said before I left, the next time I see you..you will be at home :). Stay strong and I will see you very soon. I love you
On January 19, 2011...
PATIENCE Dear Friend! You are on track! Keep your spirits up and continue to move forward. YOU ARE STRONG AND DETERMINED! Missing our morning chats before school.............LOVE YOU!
On January 19, 2011...
I bet that hot dog tasted good! Yay for you!!! Hang in there girl! Grace
On January 19, 2011...
Sounds Yummy!


Keep on tickin!
Adam Pick
On January 19, 2011...
I miss you!! :) So, two step foward and one step back eh? why does it have to be two foward and one back? Isn't this leaps and bounds foward now that you have a healthy heart? :) NASA had to go through several shuttles before Neil Armstrong made that first step on the moon and that was ONE step! :) YOu can do it, but take your time!!! Recover, but recover completely!!! We have faith in you! HUGS!!!!!
Kathy My-House-Key
On January 19, 2011...
Happy to hear things are going well for you! I lost the email with this link and finally found it this morning. Have said many prayers for you. I had a girlfriend that was supposed to go in Tuesday for cancer surgery and it was postponed. Death in surgeon's family. We had an emotional weekend with her surgery and another close family death. Rollercoaster! Say hi to Sue for me. Keep taking those baby steps. We never realize just how traumatized our body can get from something like this, but then it reminds us just how remarkable the human body is! Take Care...Cheryl O'B
On January 19, 2011...
Just remember that many of us, when we post online, want everyone to think we're doing absoulutely fabulously and we frequently don't post the 1-step backward events. We all have them. Next week will be 4 months for me, and I went through exactly what you're going through (except heart rate at 180), and here I am fit as a fiddle. You will be, too.
Terry C.