On January 19, 2011...
Lori, TODAY will be the best day yet, because it is SHOWER DAY!!!! You'll feel like a new person! Remember healing is a process and 2 steps forward and 1 step back always makes you 1 step closer to where you want to be. Miss your smiling self! Hugs, Deb C :)
On January 19, 2011...
YES!!! we are winning 5-4. You served 2 points for us in the "Two steps forward" formation lol. Since you did the "one step back" formation you'll have to do the "1 FULL lap". When the game is over I'll treat you for a "Portillo's hot dogs". Lori you are doing a fantastic job. Keep up the good work. 2 thumbs up. ily DE

On January 19, 2011...
Hi Lori!

I had my aortic valve replaced last May and I'm very happy with the results. I feel great! But the recovery is a series of 2 steps forward, 1 step back . . . it's just the way it is. I had to learn to be a patient patient and keep a good attitude. It served me well and I'm sure you'll find the same thing.

Your heart and body have been through a trauma . . . it takes time for it to heal and start working at it's best. But it will happen! Take care of yourself, listen to your doctors and nurses, walk(!!), and you'll be feeling better soon.

Ricki Shine
On January 19, 2011...
Hi Hear me Saying hii with my loud laughter, Am I cheering you up now?? I know that you have some good or bad days there. Don't let your frustration get in your way, you can do it. Think of the happy singing in the shower today like you probably did watch the man singing in the shower ( Home Alone Movie). You will be fresh like new today. Keep smiling.. Deb K.
On January 18, 2011...
Two steps forward and one step back--- that's all right. Your friends and families are with you every step of the way. We will also continue to encourage you to step forward :-)
Hang in there, pal. I'm right beside you :-)
On January 18, 2011...
Hi, Lori,Makes sense that there will be some flip-flopping, but it sounds as if you are in very good hands all the way around. It's great that you=
are typing your own posts and walking and taking in some sustenance. Wereturn home Thurs. morning.Love, Barb
On January 18, 2011...
Hey, Supergirl!

You are indeed a "walking" miracle once more again, just a few days after surgery! Yeah, saw that picture of you standing with IV wheelie, after your walk routes?! No wonder your heart is doing somersaults, grin! Hope your heart will behave and beat more rhythmically soon!
You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.... your students and co-workers miss ya! HUGS!! Rene'
On January 18, 2011...
Hang in there. My heart did the same thing. The doc walked into my room and said "congradulations, you are part of the 30% that experience this!" They kept me on anti fib meds for about 4 weeks. It never happened again.
I hope your experience is equally simple.
Amy Sz.
On January 18, 2011...
That is actually funny, Lor. I've never know you to flip-flop on anything. Now I know it can happen. In all honesty, that has to feel really strange. I will continue to pray that this new heart finds it's comfort zone soon.
You are in my prayers all day.
Love you, girl...
On January 18, 2011...
Don't worry. My heart did such violent flip-flops it felt like it was jumping around in my chest. Also, I couldn't lie on my left side for long because it felt like my heart was flopping into a hole in my rib cage. When I told the cardiologist, he explained that when the heart is operated on all sorts of things jiggle around. It DOES get better in a few weeks, and within a month, you'll have pretty much got it settled down. Don't agonize about it. Actually, it's sort of normal.
Very best of healing,
Terry C.
On January 18, 2011...
hey kiddo,,pray ure doing good;;all the newa has bin great,,ure in my pRAYERS,,LOVE YA,,PAUL,,AS ALBERT WOULD SAY,,PAULIE
On January 18, 2011...
Hey Lori...
Glad to hear you are doing well! Pretty soon you ll be home in no time! Keep up a good work and get well real soon.
Dana M.
On January 18, 2011...
Lori, I am so glad you are doing so well. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Cathy Wright
On January 18, 2011...
dear lori and al, so good you are looking forward to going home--with all the fine home cooking and other comforts!!!keep walking--have al take yoy to the mall!! eileen p
On January 18, 2011...

Scott and I wish you a speedy recovery. We are thinking about you and the family and if you need anything let us know. Maybe I can take Al out for a bit with Dan... :)

Joe Higgins
On January 18, 2011...
You're to fiesty to keep down and that's a good thing.....keep up the walking and you'll be walking Willowbrook's track in no time. See ya soon, Nancy K
On January 18, 2011...
Keep up the good work, Lori! Looking forward to hearing about your continued progress. Al, now might be a good time to buy something cool that you've always wanted for yourself. How's she going to stop you?
Sue M
On January 18, 2011...
I am so very glad to hear your progress is zooming along! Know my thoughts and best wishes continue coming your way.
Pat Dragisic
On January 18, 2011...
Lori, You look fantastic!! Your postitive attitude makes me know that everyday is a GREAT day! Thank you for continuing to smile! One more day and you get that shower! ahhhhh! Deb :)
On January 18, 2011...
Lori, It is so good to see you writing. Al did a great job with journaling. Now you geet to say it in your words. Keep up the great work! Nancy
On January 18, 2011...
Go Lori...
On January 17, 2011...
So glad you are back on the 5th floor! And no more chest tube!! I'll be over to see you tomorrow. Good maneuvering to get over to the east side of the floor!! Just kidding but Shelly and I got to visit that side and the view is great! We got a history lesson as well. I'm praying for you daily and hope tomorrow is an even better day. Love,
On January 17, 2011...
Hi Lori!
It's great to hear that you are progressing successfully! One day at a time.... You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Miss you.
On January 17, 2011...
Hey Lori!

I hope you had your Portillo's bites, yum! It's Monday night and I'm just getting ready for finals week to begin. We all miss you at school & many non-DHH staff have stopped me to ask how you are doing. My class wanted to say "HI" and on Friday were curious about how you were feeling. I shared some of updates to ease their curious minds.
Keep up with your cardio exercises and rest up! Talk to you soon!
On January 17, 2011...
Hi Lori,
Glad to hear you are back and less restricted...you know that we are all about the least restrictive environment!
Looking forward to your Sigma 10 assessment :)
All the best,
Karen S
On January 17, 2011...
I love reading your current levels and hearing about your progress toward your benchmarks. It's good to know they are progress monitoring for you on a regular basis. I cant wait to hear the report from your OT and PT. Next goal:
Given the support of a great medical team, an amazing family, and a terrific foundation of great friends, Lori will be able to motor to the gift shop and back without asking anyone for a hall pass with 100% enjoyment to be measured in smiles per mile (more like tile squares I guess, eh?) to be evaluated weekly using Sigma 10 assessment of levels of independence.
Miss you already.
Pat E.
On January 17, 2011...
Lori, i hope by now you're feeling a little better and al is not driving you to crazy.Al said the surgery went really well which is truly a blessing.Julia and i continue to pray for you and are looking forward on seeing you in the not to distant future.I know that God is with you and thru him he will heal your body and bring you back to normalcy in no time.Hang in there stay strong and will see you soon.Love, Keith
On January 17, 2011...
Good Morning..........Sure is hard being away but I know you are in good hands. Continue with your AMAZING strength, detrmination and will power. I have no doubt you will be back on 5th with the next move being home! Love you and miss you. I am sure Al and Susie are right there for you. Thanks guys........xoxoxoxo
On January 17, 2011...
Happy Monday!!!!!

I hope you are feeling a little better today. Would be great if we all could lay in bed and get our cardio workout;)

Very happy to see things are under control.

Al, sounds like you are being a rock, I have you in my prayers as well.

On January 16, 2011...
Hi Lor Seems like things are going along pretty well Hope you are out of ICU after a short return. I love the current profile picture You are beaming You are truly surrounded by love
Love and prayers Kathy P
On January 16, 2011...
Oh no the other team is "beating" us but not by much lol...let us put our hand on our "chest" and relax :-) The score is 3-4 :-( Ok Lori it's your turn to serve LOL. DE
On January 16, 2011...
After reading today (1/16) blog- disregard the comment about watching the bears game, it may be too much for your heart. We don't know how the Bears will do anyway. A new recreation therapy for you today will be YOGA!
On January 16, 2011...
I am glad to see things went well for you. I am waiting for my surgery date and Im worried. Reading your journal has given me a bit of hope. I am worried about the pain from the cutting of the sternum bone. I am not very fond of pains med either but I am less fond of the pain. I will pray for you and may God keep you in his arms and walk you through this ordeal. Byron Cage
On January 16, 2011...
Hope you will be able to watch the Bears play Seahawks today! It will be a great Carido Workout for you. Maybe the easiest therapy you will ever do.
- June
On January 15, 2011...
I hope everyone had a great day....

Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking about you.

Love Sean
On January 15, 2011...
Hi Lori! I am so happy to read all the updates and hear about your great progress. Keep pushing on! I laugh as I read about how you want minimal pain meds, you are always so strong. Talk to u soon. Love Courtney
On January 15, 2011...
Hiya, Lori!!! Hope you feel better soon. I have a friend that had the same thing you have. Her name is Lorraine Schwander, 82. Get well soon & hurry back to school!!! Many Hugs from JULIE MARIE LONG!!!
On January 15, 2011...
You are totally amazing, Lor. I knew you would be an over achiever. I continue to pray for God's hand of healing. Take the pain meds and stay on top of the pain. No need to hurt. I will try to get up there early in the week to give you a gentle hug.
Luv you... Candy
On January 15, 2011...
Heart is winning 2-0. "Time out" ok you can "walk to the bathroom" but don't run :-)
Glad that you are making progress in your VB position lol...work on your serving "out" of the vb court (hospital) :-) DE
On January 15, 2011...
Hi Lor
What a joy to read about your progress. I'm especially pleased to read that you have little pain. Fantastic.

Be a good girl and do absolutely everything your doc tells you!

On January 15, 2011...
Hey Lori,

You are doing awesome! I knew you would! Let me know if you need anything.

Love you!

On January 15, 2011...
So happy these first few days have gone so well....

Most of all very happy to see the pain has been managable. At least someone in this family has some pain tolarance;) Hopefully Lori and Sue are able to get some sleep to.

Jack is with me here and is very happy that you are doing so well. It has been a constant chatter in the house this week. This website has beeen a great tool for them as well.

Sending our love


Sean and Jack
On January 15, 2011...
Hi Hi Sunshine, Wow I love this journal book.
You are one of the strongest people I know. You have the determination and strength to go on. You have alot of people behind you all the way. I bet doctors/nurses or other staff from the hospital enjoy you and love you too. Go rock the floor in the hallway today. Keep smiling!! Miss and Love you Deb Koll
On January 15, 2011...
So glad to read you are doing well!!
Before you know it you will be mastering the halls of the hospital and beyond. I admire your strength.

Best wishes and lots of love your way,

Chris DeLong
On January 15, 2011...

I love reading your journal and seeing how great you are doing! When I stop to think about it, you couldn't have done any less -- you are such a remarkable person.

Pat Dragisic
On January 14, 2011...
Wow Lori! I just learned of your surgery and just can't believe it. I am so happy to hear that the surgery went well and that you are doing well. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Monica M.
On January 14, 2011...
Dear Lori,

I am very Thankful to here that you made it through your operation. I have been praying for you and will continue. You are a blessing and an amazing person. I will keep you in my prayers and ask God to watch over you and to guide you through your recovery and through anything else.


On January 14, 2011...
Sue/Al- you guys are the best caregivers for Lori. You guys are even going to start her on the exercise program tomorrow. I'm sure Lori is lovin' it!!
On January 14, 2011...
Just sending extra love your way. So happy you are doing great!
On January 14, 2011...
Just thinking of you......

Hope all is going well today. Hang in there Al, and Suzy.
