On February 25, 2011...
Hi Steve,
Just read your entire Journal...OMG!!!
What a journey, I had no idea. Such a trooper, it sounds like you handled it admirably. Glad to hear you are on the mend and progressing well through recovery. You will be back in the pool in no time. All the best moving forward, my thoughts are with you.
Todd Schumer
On February 25, 2011...
Hi Steve, Gald you are doing well.... : )
On February 25, 2011...
My mom, Nancy Wilson, had surgery February 16. She is a tough rancher and was in excellent condition going into surgery. Like you her valve needed replaced because of genetics not because of her lifestyle choices. Your journal means the world to her. Thank you for sharing your experiences. She can relate to you so well and your entries help her to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you for your strength and tenacity. You are an inspiration!

Your fan, Milne
On February 25, 2011...
Sounds like you're healing and are in a good frame of mind.
So glad to hear that you are on the mend.
Hope to see you in the water soon-
Damon Willick
On February 25, 2011...
Hello there-

Mederma rocks! Hope to see you at Azna Sushi soon. Kanpai!
On February 25, 2011...
Hey there Stevie! Don't worry me like that again! Hope all is well w/ you and the fam- let's get together and soon! xo
Lisa H
On February 25, 2011...
Hi Steve,

I am 6 weeks out (AVR) and reading your journal continues to inspire me.

I too was in great healh prior to surgery with no symptoms so I felt my recovery would be good. I am now in cardio rehab and really pushing myself. I swear I am the only one who sweats during my class!

I am not where I want to be yet but I look toward each day as another try.

Continue on your great journey!

Lori W.
On February 25, 2011...
Your body has a natural ability to heal. The work is to get out of your own way. Your thinking mind is so strong, it doesn't want to rest. Let your work be being present in the amazing healing process. Healing Love, Sharron Wodka
On February 24, 2011...
Sir, just read your blog. Keep up the great recovery! We miss you at the pool.

On February 24, 2011...
Steve - quick question - you do realize it's been only FIVE WEEKS since you had OPEN HEART SURGERY, right?? I mean, really, try to give yourself a teensy weensy break. Try not to push yourself too hard...I know you will always be Type A -- maybe for now you could aim for A - ?? Love you, Dena
On February 24, 2011...
steve: here's to your continued recovery. be strong and keep pushing through it. so glad to hear things are improving so well!!

don ricci
On February 24, 2011...
Hey Steve,

Sounds like you are doing great! A little heart surgery is not going to keep you down! Don't know how you managed to get our LA suits to us as quick as you did from the hospital bed. There was a sea of S & R sport suits in Florida last week. Now, everyone knows who we are, for sure! Thanks!

Take care and hope to see you back on a pool deck soon!
On February 24, 2011...
Steve.....hope all is going well with your heart valve....looking forward to seeing you this fall at more Bruin football games....aloha from the OC .... Keith / Cari and Coco Head
On February 24, 2011...
Che, Flaco!

It's so great to hear that you're recovering well. I obviously have no memory of my own recovery from surgery, but I thought you'd be encouraged by the fact that before I had my surgery I was easily tired out from aerobic activity; therefore, I was not able to ride a bike. After my surgery (I'm sure it was more than six weeks afterward but my mother doesn't remember) I have very clear memories of learning to ride a bike on the street below our house. You'll be there soon, mi amigo!
On February 22, 2011...
Glad to see that you are making the best out of a tough situation. I'm sure you are well aware of the blessing you have with the support of a loving family.
Look forward to seeing and playing with you soon in the pool.

Jason Likins
On February 22, 2011...
Hi Steve,

I just caught up on your journal. Wow, good job.
Your on your way to full recovery. What a journey.
3 years ago my back had a serious flare up and I could not drive for 6 weeks or more, I have forgotten now.
I remember just walking to the mailbox and then coming
back in to lay down. Literally baby steps at a time. I was in so much pain I could hardly eat. I did get mild
drop foot from the damage to my nerve. Which has
recovered but my right leg is not as strong as it used to be. I am happy with where I am though.
Your situation is different I know but I understand the patience it takes to get through recovery. I read a lot and watched t.v. shows that I don't normally have time to watch. Hang in there, we love you. Big hug
to Anne and the fellas.

Lisa Moore
On February 21, 2011...
Read your journal, you are an amazing person
with a wonderful attitude. Get well soon and wishing you brighter days.
Weight Watchers
On February 16, 2011...
OMG. I was told by my staff yesterday that you came in. They did not know about your procedure and that is my fault. I just assumed you had told them. They were mortified that you came in, they didn't know and didn't say anything. I told them it was OK and I would explain.

My husband blacked out, fell and broke his pelvis so we are in the hospital. All you said about Anne and sister Lori I can totally relate to. I have support also but no one lives near me. He comes home tomorrow and I will have to find help.

I am so glad to continually hear of your recovery and was, again, so sorry I was not there last Tuesday. I look forward to seeing you soon.

Best to you

Your Leader
On February 15, 2011...
Steve: Your two most recent updates are really inspirational! Patient progress is a lesson hard-learned, but you obviously now have that down pat. Well, well done! Slow and easy, and before you know it, you'll be back in the pool. Gene and Mary Ann
On February 15, 2011...
I am just around the corner, please give me a shout if you need anything.

We are so glad you are doing well.
Lynn, Brian & the boys
On February 15, 2011...
Sounds like you are coming through this with flying colors, pal. Just do as your told so no steps backward. Hang in there, pal.
On February 15, 2011...
Thanks for the update...this is really great. We are all happy and glad that you are doing well. Hopefully you can play with us in April (master games) and maybe we`ll winn it again. Glad to hear from you, Love to you and the family, Pero and the entire OCWPC
On February 15, 2011...
Hi Steve! Wonderful update. Both you and Anne write extremely well. A pleasure hearing how you're doing.

This journal thing is really super!

Regards to you, Anne, and the boys.
Judy Kolars (Adam's Ma!)
On February 14, 2011...
Hi Steve,
Thanks for the great update. I wish more people would post such in-depth accounts as it really helps (me) know what to look forward to. I am hoping my valve can be repaired, but if it can't I will also opt for an animal valve instead of a mechanical one. I think you're doing exactly the right thing in taking it slow instead of pushing yourself and experiencing setbacks. Keep up the good work and thanks so much for your update.My surgery is in April.
Ruth Howell
On February 13, 2011...
Steve- you are doing amazingly well and look awesome. Now that your "rock" is about to go back to work, let me know if you need anything during the day- I'll come home and take you to lunch ;) It's great to see all 5 of you doing so awesome.
P.S Here's to me maybe winning a game <3

On February 13, 2011...
Congratulations on your progress. The freezing-then-boiling sequence happens to a lot of people. It's the body's attempt to re-regulate itself. I had it both after my kidney surgery and my heart surgery. It's scary when it happens and you think you're going nuts, but it's a normal reaction to intensive surgery.
Keep healing and posting. We're all rooting for you.
Terry C.
On February 13, 2011...
Steve, Just finished reading your story. I have a congenital heart defect also, the aortic valve. My surgery is next Thursday. I pray it won't be postponed. I don't know if I can do the "last week" over again! Thank you for sharing your experience...it helps me prepare for what is ahead for me. Patty
On February 13, 2011...
Steve thanks for the complete update. We are all happy to hear that you are "back on your feet" and soon to get them "wet".

-Rose Bowl Water Polo Club
On February 13, 2011...
Sounds as if you're doing great. You brought back many memories. It doesn't sound as if you need any help but if you do...give me a call. Brad Glenn
On February 13, 2011...
Steve, I just read your last post. That was a great psot. Ann's posts have been wonderful also. I'm happy you're doing well.

On February 13, 2011...
Had a colonoscopy on Friday and I can feel some of your pain. Hope it doesn't hurt to laugh. Keep up the safe recovery. -Bryan
On February 13, 2011...
I am so happy to hear that Steve's recovery is going well. Thanks for all the updates! Thinking of you and your family!

Cara Noble
On February 9, 2011...
yes, the healing process is truly amazing. At 8 weeks post op I am now able to lift my 50 lb. son up to my face and give him a big hug. The difference between 3 weeks post-op and today is hugh!

glad steve is doing well!

Terry T.
On February 8, 2011...
Steve & Anne -- We have been rooting for you from San Francisco. So glad to hear Steve is on the mend. What a huge relief. Anne, your posts are inspiring and heartwarming (literally?!). Sending you all good thoughts for the recovery. We love you guys!

Lisa & Travis
On February 8, 2011...
I gotta big 6-4 hug for both of ya!!
Glad to hear Steve is up and healing.
Hey Anne, did the doctor fix that "other" issue while they had him under??
Can't wait to see you all.

Ken Vida
On February 8, 2011...
I really love reading your posts Anne. You remind us all to really appreciate all the small things that make our lives so wonderful every day - not that family is a small thing, but it is easy to just assume everyone is going to be just fine day in and day out. Hugs to all of you! So glad to hear Steve's recovery is going well too - I hope Connor's is going well also! Let us know when we can bring you some sushi.
On February 8, 2011...
Steve and family,

I'm so very glad to hear about your progress and healing. Anne, thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings about taking for granted the little things and people in our lives. I read your February 7th posting and then hugged my kids and kissed my wife. The UCLA Alumni cheerleader you referenced is actually a friend of mine that works in our Santa Monica branch. Geoffrey Strand has been wearing that UCLA sweater for over thirty years! I will share your story with him. Our prayers are with you Steve and your loving family.
On February 8, 2011...
I loved hearing the latest good news. I had been dying for an update.
When I got out of the hospital last year Dino gave me a 3 x 5 card and on it he had written: "Don't let what you can't do interfere with what you can do". I still have the card on my refrig. good words for all of us. Take good care of yourself Steve and Anne more big hugs to you, being a caregiver can be hard work.
XXOO Carol
On February 8, 2011...
Steve and family,

Your heart is repaired right in time for Valentine's Day! And you can't do any housework for how long? I would work it as long as I could.

Congrats! And so happy you are well and recovering! Your friend, Cori
On February 7, 2011...
Besides a healthier heart and a greater appreciation of what you have; one of the blessings that your family and your friends have experienced is how many of people came together and took an look at their own lives. Thanks Steve - I know that wasn't your intent, but thanks anyway.

Heres anticipating you have an AWEEESOOOME Valentines Day.

The Lazaruk's
On February 7, 2011...
A mended heart in time for Valentine's Day....how romantic! But from Steve?? - glad to hear the patient is on the road to recovery.

And you Anne, dont forget to take care of yourself amid all this hoopla. You deserve it too.

Love you all,
Debbie (Bozanic) Moysychyn

On February 7, 2011...
Anne, Thanks for the update. Is the old patient ready for visitors yet? I guess water polo practice is out of the question! Glad to hear Steve is recovering well. Keep him on track. I want him back in the pool soon.

Scott Bozanic
On February 7, 2011...
Anne - so glad that you got what you've been waiting for and so needed, so timely after our chat yesterday as the Packers were winning :)
You both continue to amaze me and as you get ready to get back to your other kids, we are here to help with whatever is needed!!
xo - MJ
On February 7, 2011...
Sorry I have been MIA from your guestbook for awhile! I have been keeping up with your progress and am so dang glad to hear how well it's going.

What you wrote is the truest thing...it's nearly impossible to appreciate some of the greatest things in life until you go through something like this. And you don't know how strong you are until you're tested...speaking of tested, there must be something in the air because the day after Conor broke is collar bone, Phoebe broke her leg jumping off an ottoman. Let me tell you that a toddler in a leg cast is nooooo fun. I mean, we're not talking open heart surgery un-fun, but certainly in the not-so-giddy sphere of things. Okay, I love you guys. I have to go open a bottle of wine now. : )
On February 7, 2011...
Thanks for the update Anne. It must be very hard for Steve to limit physically what mentally he wants to do..especially when its automatic..but really opening the door for the nurse? who knew he was so polite :-) . The true gift from all of this seems to be the affirmation of your love for each other..how wonderful! Thanks for sharing it and reminding me how very lucky I am too. Lots of Love-Lindy (& the gang)
On February 4, 2011...
Hi Steve-o, Anne and boys...

We have been thinking about you guys. Steve, I hope the feeling of being hit by a truck after surgery feels more like being hit by a scooter. Just wanted to say Hi.
May be a blessing in disguise that both super bowl teams dont have cheerleaders...better for your heart! Have a good weekend....enjoy the game!

Love you guys.... Mike and Lisa :)
On February 2, 2011...
Hi Steve, hope all is well and you’re getting better by the Day.
I’d stop by and see you but, I have a cold and an ear infection.
So I’ll be out of Polo for at least a week or two.

Take care of yourself and don’t rush thing’s …you are getting older.

See Ya Soon ………… Pops

Ho, Ryan said to say hi & my wife Valerie

On February 1, 2011...
Steve, great to hear you are progressing forward. And thank you for keeping everyone up to date. Sorry to hear about the broken collarbone incident. Your friend, Danny
On February 1, 2011...
Hey, Steve!
Just found my Mom's message, and jumped toyour site. Sounds like you've had an eventful 2 weeks! I am glad to hear that you are doing well... and think it is appropriate that there are now 2 of you in the infirmary! As they say, like father, like son??

Anyway, I am glad to hear yoou are doing well. Take care, and to a speedy recovery! (I am sure the pool and water polo team are missing you!)

Jeff Bozanic
On February 1, 2011...
Dear Steve and family,
I apologize for not writing sooner but have been following your progress and sharing it with the Tuesday meeting group. We all send our love and hope you & Connor have a good recovery. Notice I didn't say speedy. Slower the better, say I.
Your fearless Leader, Susan