On January 19, 2013...
Zofran helped me so much with my nausea. She should try it if able. This will naturally pass soon but meds will mask till the feeling is over. She needs to push herself to expedite healing. Awesome job Michelle, keep it up!

On January 19, 2013...
I am so happy for you Michelle !! I knew you could get through this! Prayers and best wishes to you as you recover.

Love, Donna and Family

On January 18, 2013...
Wonderful news! Recovery - here you are, Michelle! Finally past the wait and worries over the tubes and such. You are going to feel so much better now with every passing day. Breathing exercises coming soon and although they might seem impossible at first you will be shocked at how fast they help you improve! God bless you and your family and prayers flooding your way! Sherry Bradford AVR 10/23/2012
On January 18, 2013...
Michelle,I am so glad this day has finally come and that you are doing so well. I look forward to reading your journal entries and hear how happy you are Now!! With fondness, Dolly (Mended Hearts,Chapter 9)
On January 18, 2013...
Congratulations Michelle! Take your time and heal. God bless!

Jon Farmer
On January 18, 2013...
So happy to hear Michelle came through this well and it now behind her!! Can't wait until she is back home across the street for me to spy on!!
xxoxox Anita
On January 18, 2013...
Hi Michelle!

Great to hear the wonderful news! You are doing amazing! Rest and recover soon!

Steve and Aida
On January 18, 2013...
I knew she would do great. My prayers were answered :)
On January 18, 2013...
Everybody at work are so happy for You. This is great news!!!!!!
On January 18, 2013...
I am so happy that everything went well for you & surgery is over! Thank God! I will look forward to your posts about your recovery. God bless you, Jean Trausch
On January 18, 2013...
Great to hear as I get ready for this journey next Tuesday. Continue to heal. I will continue to think great thoughts about you.
Alex Vigil
On January 18, 2013...
Hey Michelle! Hate to say I told you so...but I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!!! Welcome to the "other side". It starts with a slow slide, then you're off and running in no time! THE WAITING IS OVER!!!! YOU ROCK!!!
Linda THE Tiger, aka Linda Dixon
On January 18, 2013...
Good for you Michelle!
On January 18, 2013...
Hi Michelle's Mom
You have two amazing daughters
I know them from Dr Kantors office and they are both incredible women
As a mother and grandmother I can only imagine how challenging all this is for you
I know all will go well from now on with Michelle
You have done a great job with your daughters
Marcia Metcalf
MIchelle DeCarlo  I am very proud of them both. They have become great mothers and strong and beautiful women. My hea ... Read more
On January 18, 2013...
Yay, Michelle! Praying for a speedy recovery!

Niki Dixon
On January 18, 2013...
Hi Michelle. My name is John Weeks. Reading your journal reminded me of myself. I too had a month wait till surgery. It was the hardest part. I had bicuspid aorta replacement and because of an aneurysm part of my aorta stem was replaced as well with a graft. I am 3 months since surgery. I am 54 but feel 35 again. I just returned home from walking 3 miles! If I can be of any comfort to you and your family during this time don't hesitate to reach out to me. Like you my family was my rock. I also absolutely loved my surgeon and hospital and will never forget them. I am a better person today because of this experience. Take care.
On January 18, 2013...
Hi Denise
It's Marcia Metcalf please tell Michelle how proud I am of her
Your family is very beautiful and loving
My very best wishes hot health an happiness for each of you
Please continue to keep her "fan club" informed
Lots of Love
On January 18, 2013...
yeaahhhhooooo! I think she is right next door to us! So happy for all of you....

Emily :)
On January 18, 2013...
Thank you Lord for a successful surgery!!!! I pray that Michelle recovers faster than any of us.

Your HVJ family is very proud of you! :-)))


Chris Dixon
On January 18, 2013...
Hi Michelle and family-

I said special prayers this morning and am confident that you'll have a speedy recovery!
We are waiting to hear some news now but have faith in God that everything will be alright!
Stay Strong...love, Maria
On January 18, 2013...
Thinking of you all day! Can't wait to hear some good news!
Al, Jane & Emily Zebal
On January 18, 2013...
Tia Jeannie, Hang in there! no news, good news. Praying for you you guys. Love you!
On January 18, 2013...
What lies behind us and what lies before us
are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
You have the courage ,strength and attitude to get this thing done and over with forever! I have been thinking about you all morning and i am praying for your speedy recovery. I <3 you friend.
On January 18, 2013...
Michelle so glad you have reached this point and you can now focus on recovery. Praying everything goes well with a smooth recovery.

Todd Breeden- 6 days away
On January 18, 2013...
Our Prayers are with you Michelle!!! Keep strong!!

Love you! Donna
On January 18, 2013...
I will be thinking and praying all day for your recovery! 💜 Diane
On January 17, 2013...
Dear Michelle & family

This night holding you in our prayers and in our hearts ... may you find peace ...

L good & family
On January 17, 2013...
Hi Michelle,

I have read your posts the last few days. Your experience is so relatable to mine. Linda The Tiger expressed my sentiments exactly!!! The waiting is the most worrisome part of it. Then once you have it you realize that it wasn't as hard as you expected. My first thing I did upon awaking in ICU was to touch my chest to see if it was really over because I was feeling better than I expected.
Sending you prayers Michelle and eager to see your next post!

Darlene AVR 10/17/2012
P.S. My middle name is Michelle :)
On January 17, 2013...
I am so proud of you.your faith and courage are your cheerleaders
Your fan club awaits you and your new heart
Love you
On January 17, 2013...
Linda is right about the tube. I remember waking up and wondering when are we going to get started? Then I realized I was past surgery. I am sure I attempted to smile just before I went back to sleep! You will do fine and before you know it....you'll be on your way to recovery. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Debbie Argetsinger
AVR 04-02-12
On January 17, 2013...
Best of luck Michelle.
See you on the healthy side of life!

Nancy B
On January 17, 2013...
Hi Michelle, thinking about you tomorrow and chuckling to myself at how angry you are going to be at yourself for having worried so much about your surgery! Honest...you have already endured the worst part...the waiting. You are going to be amazed. Just remember...if you do happen to be aware of the breathing tube...try to think of it as "yay!!! This sucker means it's over and I'm on the other side of this mountain, already sliding down! Don't be afraid of the pain meds, I decided that's why God made them and again you will be amazed at how bearable it really is. Not as fun as eating an ice cream sundae...but not as bad as you are probably imagining. I will keep you in my prayers and look forward to seeing you post "and I worried so much about that???"!!!

Linda THE Tiger, aka Linda Dixon, AVR 3/13/12
On January 17, 2013...
Michelle - I thought about you this morning and said a prayer for you. I will be praying for you tomorrow, too. I know I will go through a lot of the same emotions as you have, the crying and doubt, but we need to be confident that God takes care of us (and our loved ones) all of the time.
Before you know it, it will be three weeks from today and you'll be telling us about your recovery. God bless you, Jean Trausch
On January 17, 2013...
You will be in my prayers Friday. I am sure everything will turnout fine. Look forward to your updates during recovery.
Chuck Robertson
On January 16, 2013...
Hi Michelle,

I realized that each day I need an ounce of encouragement to get me through the next couple of weeks. So, I wanted to touch base and let you know that we are cheering you on all the way! You are almost there! We will be praying for you!

Steve and Aida
On January 16, 2013...
Michelle - looking forward to your post op postings. You are going to be such a blessing as you help others who will be going through this in the future. You are goings be feeling so much better soon! Prayers coming your way!
On January 16, 2013...
Remember you are competent and capable and you can handle whatever comes along.
I've rented your chair at the office and you will get all of the proceeds.
I am confident that you will emerge from this challenge healthy and whole.
I will sponsor you on a triathlon in the coming months.
We are all so lucky to have you in our lives.
Lots of love
On January 16, 2013...

My son and I said a special prayer for you last night. The Dixons are sending love!!

On January 16, 2013...
You got this! Praying you for you. Please have someone update your journal so that we know how well you are doing. :)

Niki Dixon
On January 16, 2013...
Thanks for writing back to me. I think about you everyday as our situations seem to parallel each other. I am praying that everything goes perfect for you. We decided today to take both girls with us to Duke as I didn't think I could get through the leaving on Sunday. I am lucky that my mom and brother are flying to the surgery and then will bring the girls home on Wed. It is just the craziest time in my life to go from feeling normal to crying mess,I am a Marine what the heck. Again I will continue to pray and think good thoughts for you. One question I have are you doing mech or tissue have you made that decision.
Alex Vigil
MIchelle DeCarlo  I am getting a mechanical valve a as i am never doing this again.... NEVER!!!! I to have cried and cr ... Read more
On January 16, 2013...
Hi Michelle
On December 5th I had my Aortic valve replaced. I was diagnosed with sever regurgitation and stenosis. I celebrated my six week anniversary today and it's hard to describe how good I feel. I've been walking 4 miles a day and climbing some of our local mountains. My surgery was very tolerable with little pain. Place your trust in your surgical team. They will take excellent care of you!
Jim Eyler
MIchelle DeCarlo  Thank you jim
On January 16, 2013...
Truly, you will do just great...more so than what you think! I remember developing a determined, positive attitude whilst at the hospital. I'd get up and walk about the halls any old time--even during the nighttime and the nurses would all chuckle at me. I did recoop a while in rehab as I was all alone. That helped me a lot and it was like a mini-vacation! Good luck. You're gonna be fine! Hugs, Linda
MIchelle DeCarlo  Sounds great!!!! Glad your doing great!!!!
On January 16, 2013...
Best of luck to you in your surgery! I will someday need aortic valve surgery too and cannot imagine yet the "pre-nerves".
Yes, you are in God's hands!
Here's to a quick recovery and back to kid's homework in no time at all!
MIchelle DeCarlo  Thanks....
On January 16, 2013...
Kick this surgery's ass!
and get home quickly.

On January 16, 2013...
When I was in your situation a little over a week ago I started mentally saying to myself, "48 hours from now the operation will be over and I will be so grateful" Mentally see yourself on the other side of this. For some reason this helps alot. You will do fine and before you know it you will be able to give the next person in this situation some advice. I dont know you personally but I know exactly how you are feeling and believe when I say you will do just fine.
MIchelle DeCarlo  Thank you and i hope so!!!!!!
On January 16, 2013...
A snow day is a gift
It encourages to find the gifts within by staying in the warmth and love within our home without distraction from the outside world
Your. Friendship is a true gift and the care and love you give will be returned many fold in good health and joy
Thank you for being my friend
Lots of love
On January 16, 2013...
Hi Michelle,

I know this has been a difficult time for you.
We will be praying for you on Friday.


Dan DeCarlo
On January 15, 2013...
Hi Michelle,
YOU will be ok, I remeber when few months ago you told us about surgery. It felt like it was just a week ago. I will pray for you on Friday. We will miss you at work, it will be crazy here without you. See you soon...
MIchelle DeCarlo  See you soon..... hold down the fort!!
On January 15, 2013...
I believe those are the greatest hands to be in... I love you!
On January 15, 2013...
Hi Michelle,

Al Zebal's daughter here. He just headed into the hospital to start his pre-op stuff and to "hurry up and wait". I called him this morning to say hello and see how he's doing. After mentioning that he feels good and "ready", he told me about you and that you were really struggling.

I figured I would find you on here and let you know that I'm rooting for you as well and will be cheering you on.

Clearly, you have a lot of people that love you, but it doesn't hurt to have one more!

Try and replace every scary thought with one of gratitude if you can. Say it out loud so you hear it if you need to. "Fake it til you make it!" It's amazing how our bodies respond to what we tell ourselves.

Proud of everyone on this site and filled with gratitude...

Emily Zebal
MIchelle DeCarlo  Thank you!!! I will be thinking of your dad as well!!!