On September 28, 2011...
I was only at OSU for 7 days but I was ready to go after 3. Hang in there Jim. Soon it will feel like it was a lifetime ago. Jon Farmer
On September 28, 2011...
Stay strong my brother!!

Adam Howell
On September 28, 2011...
Hi Dr. Davis! We are thinking of you and praying for you here at St. Elizabeth dialysis. I will add that you would like to get home soon to the prayer request, safe and healthy. Keep your humor! Mona
On September 28, 2011...
We aren't leaving Cleveland without you this time!!

Missy, Shelby & Maddie
On September 28, 2011...
Hey Dr. Davis, I can only imagine how much you miss your family and friends. On that note, knowing that they will see your Friday makes me smile because I know it will be the best day for all of you. Keep your spirits high and we miss you dearly!!!!
On September 28, 2011...
I am 59 years old and have recently learned that I have an aortic root that is similar in size to yours. I can't thank you enough for sharing your experiences, as you are helping me greatly to understand what likely lies ahead. I eagerly await each of your postings, and I am strongly rooting for things to come together for you quickly and in the best possible way.

On September 28, 2011...

Hi there !!! Just wanted to drop you a line to say hang in there !!!! I know it is difficult to be that far away from family and friends --- I had my surgery on Sept 2nd at CCF and I live in MI so I can empathize with what you must be feeling. Find comfort in knowing that you are in one of the best places in the COUNTRY for your care --- I know that it is difficult to embrace as you sit there on day 9 and you had only planned on being there for 5 days !!!!

Did you find the ice cream in the freezer at the end of the hallway ??? --- I always liked going and have a treat once I had made a couple of laps around the floor … If you like smoothies the AuBon has a great fruit smoothie. Maybe you can get a pass and take the wheel chair out for a spin !!! Geezzee sounds like all I did there was eat !!!!

Not sure what step down floor you are on but I am sure that the nurses and other care caregivers have a fantastic plan in place in order to get you home ASAP --- I am sure that your girls are as excited to see you as you are to see them !!!--- the weekend will be here before you know it and hopefully you will be able to lace up your shoes and hit the trails !!!!

Darlene Nowak-Baker
On September 27, 2011...
Good to see you still have a sense of humor and perspective of it all. I wish you continued improvement and strength for your family. May you all be together again soon.

Chris Hanson
On September 27, 2011...

COOL YOUR JETS,DOC.Your turn to go home will come soon enough.Your Family wants you healthy.By the way......you know what they say about Drs.being Patients.........no patients.......Take care,we are all rooting for you.TICK ,TICK, TICK......
On September 27, 2011...
Dr.Davis---we are all praying for your very speedy recovery. St.E.and your dialysis patients miss your caring touch.

P.S.--I now realize why a half marathon (not the big kahuna) would be my sort of "claim to fame"--ha ha -

Janet Bridwell and Mona Dallas
On September 27, 2011...
Hi Jim from Cincy town! Glad to see your sense of humor has stayed with you! We are all praying for you, and want you to know we are sending you lots of energy so you can get back here among us all! Take care.... keep smiling.... The Connaughton Crew......
On September 27, 2011...
I know your going to be just fine...sense of humor hasn't left. Missy will be back before you know it. The care you are receiving is phenom and your will to be better is steadfast and strong.

Deep breathes and baby steps get me through anything. Try it.

On September 27, 2011...
Hi Jim,

Just letting you know that Norb & I have been keeping up with all of your updates - you keep your chin up, these are simply setbacks....and you will get through all of this! I imagine your next few days will be very difficult without Missy at your bedside, you just keep up the awesome fight and recovery! Our continued thoughts and prayers are with you each day.

Krystie & Norb
On September 27, 2011...
Hi Jim,
Sorry to hear about your setback(s), but do try to keep it all in perspective. Your poor body has been through a lot. A whole lot. I was in ICU for 9 days and in the hospital CCF for 4 weeks then rehab. facility for 2 weeks. So I totally know what you're going through. I just got back from a half hour walk - proof that things DO improve. I also have some scewed blood work which appears to be a result of the surgery, etc. It worries me crazy, but my cardiologist at CCF says he is not worried - so I trust him. Hang in there, Jim. If you need to talk to someone ask them to bring in Dr. Leo Pozuello (psychiatrist). You will love him. If you do, please say hi for me. I am still under his care. You realized, of course, that you are in the best hospital anywhere with the best doctors anywhere. So just try to trust in that. I know these are all pretty empty words when it is you who is lying there feeling uncomfortable and worrying. But if I could get through my numerous complications, I just know you can handle this. My best wishes to you. RUTH HOWELL, MAINE
On September 26, 2011...
I had to stay in ICU for 8 days...but here I am now 50 days later , home, and each week getting stronger.
My prayers are with you and your family...keep in mind EACH DAY YOU ARE GETTING STRONGER..
On September 26, 2011...
Dr. Davis, just another fork in your journey that you will go forth quickly I'm sure. Keep up the good thoughts and positive attirude. Thinking of you and you are in my thoughts and prayers!
On September 26, 2011...
Like you said yourself, "focus on staying positive." I'm 28 years old and had aortic valve replacement with ascending aorta conduit installed 8 weeks ago, I went with an On-X valve. I developed heart block shorty after surgery and needed a pacemaker. I thought I was losing my sanity in the hospital, I was in there 8 1/2 days. I seriously thought I was going to become psychotic or something, everyone told me I was looking and talking great but I didn't feel myself. Once I got home it was more of the same, some parts of the day I really felt like things were getting better while other parts of the day I felt depressed and fatigued. Not fun. The good news is now at 8 weeks I have much more strength and my mood is better overall. By no means am I feeling 100% yet I'm still dealing with some annoying rhythm issues and some other things, but overall I'm feeling much better then I did a month before surgery and definitely feeling better then the first few weeks home. STAY POSITIVE EVEN THROUGH ALL THE COMPLICATIONS THAT MAY ARISE, I'VE BEEN THERE AND STILL GOING THROUGH IT. We will both see better days soon!
On September 26, 2011...
You are so well wished. I think I've answered more calls on your condition from patients then issues of their own. Keep strong and progressing!

On September 26, 2011...

Just got the link to this website. So glad things seem to be going well. Look forward to seeing you soon.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do.

Pat Butler.
On September 25, 2011...
Great Job, Jim! Chris and I glad to hear that everything went great. Chris is post op day 3 and it looks like we will be discharged tomorrow-they wanted to let us out today, but we decided on tomorrow instead.Keep walking and deep breathing it will get easier. God bless you and your family. Great job to you Missy as well for hanging in there and being a great wife and good supporter.
Chris & Sam
On September 24, 2011...
Hi Jim,
We are so happy to hear that your recovery is progressing so well. You will remain in our thoughts and prayers.

Mike and Linda Cardi
On September 24, 2011...
SNEEZES are the worst, even with me 45 days since surgery.....You have made rapid progress THAT IS A BLESSING....Keep walking as much as you can and use your breathing contraption....JOHN MADONNA
On September 23, 2011...
Hi Jim. Glad to hear you are moving. Now keep moving! That's the best way to jump start the healing pathways that three billion years of evolution by your ancestors gave you. I probably clocked about 6 miles walking the corridors before they kicked me out after my valve repair - there wasn't much else to do - and getting better is job 1 after all. -- DVB
On September 23, 2011...
Good to hear that you are doing well.:)

when are you leaving the hospital?

Marina Becerhka

On September 23, 2011...
Good news to hear you are roaming around the hospital halls. Keep on truckin'. God bless you and yours!

Mick and Nancy Shaughnessy
On September 23, 2011...
Hi Missy and Jim.IT ONLY GETS BETTER, MY FRIENDS!!!! Have a good weekend.Ricky
On September 23, 2011...
Mis and Jim,

Glad to know God winked at ya today......take care of yourselves and I hope you all get to come home soon. Tell Jim his Bearcats won yesterday 44-14.

On September 23, 2011...
glad to hear u are doing good ...you and your family has been in everyones thoughts and prayers! CARLA BROWNFIELD
On September 23, 2011...
You'll be home before you know it guys!!! Keep up the great progress!!! Kris
On September 23, 2011...
Dr. Davis, I am so very happy to see that you are doing so great! I'm sure you'll be happy to get back home. Keep up the getting better. You are greatly missed.
On September 23, 2011...
Feeling better everyday...thats a good sign...GOD BLESS....JOHN MADONNA
On September 23, 2011...
Hi Missy & Jim: Good to hear that Jim is out of the ICU. You guys are item#1 during our family prayers in the evenings. Stay strong! God Bless.
Liza & Isaac Thomas
On September 22, 2011...
Hi Jim, Missy,
thinking of you both and wishing you all the best.
charu & janet
On September 22, 2011...
I am very happy that Jim is doing good bravo.

My surgery is next month:(
I have two kids a 14 yearl girl and a 10 year old boy should I take them to the surgery day?

Marina Becerra
On September 22, 2011...
BRAVO JIM!!!!!!!!!!! Who was your surgeon?
Ruth Howell
On September 22, 2011...
That is great progress....It could not be going any better...GOD BLESS...JOHN MADONNA
On September 21, 2011...
Those popsicles are the best! I swear I had a half dozen the first day. Now get yourself moving! -- DVB
On September 21, 2011...
Good to hear that Jim is doing better. Hopefully he has a better night tonight and can get some rest as well.

Best Wishes,

Chris Hanson
On September 21, 2011...

YES!!!! You are on the other side of surgery now.You will have emotional highs and lows.....HOWEVER,those will get fewer and farther apart.Missy,be sure to eat and rest well.Jim is going to need your positive support now,more then ever.Keep on eating the ppl. popsicles,Jim.Strength to both!! Ricky
On September 21, 2011...
Great to hear the good news!
Keep on tickin Jim!
Adam Pick
On September 21, 2011...
Just listen to what the doctors and nurses tell you to do and it will be best...John Madonna
On September 21, 2011...
Wow! Such big words I have I know. I just finished reading everything from beginning to end. So astonishing. The two most healtiest hard driven runners I know. I am so glad that the procedure is over and so far all is going good. Jim you are such a trooper as well as Missy. Such positive happy atitudes always. Many prayers are being sent both your way. Yes you both have many friends and family that are beside you and sending many well wishes and thoughts to both. Please keep us posted and hang in there. Your friends back home, The Skeens
On September 21, 2011...
Best Wishes to Jim and Missy today. My husband was by my side for 2 days in ICU while my blood pressure was super unstable and low, sweating and praying. I was on painkillers, and not really worried, but he suffered. I am 47, and had a MV repair, and we traveled from CA to MN for the surgery(no friends or relatives around.) You both have gone through a lot more with the surprise replaced valve. My thoughts are with you that good days are just around the corner. I hope Jim's recovery is spectacular. It is hard to be the one waiting, Missy. I know Jim will love you even more than the amazing amount he has written about for what you are going through for him.

-Jennifer Turner
On September 21, 2011...
ICU is the best place for him to be...I spents 8 days there got amazing care,,,,once I moved upstairs for 24hours then discharged the care was less.......for nausea they will give him zofran and for pain the morphine is great.....remember ths too shall pass and you will be where i am 6 weeks later ready to join the real world...GOD BLESS>.JOHN