On November 16, 2012...

Just saw your picture and you look great. Keep it up buddy.

Hope to go up next week when you are at home to visit

We'll be in touch.

On November 16, 2012...
On November 16, 2012...
Hi Wade - I am so happy to hear your feeling better, i will continue to keep you in my prayers. A BIG thank you to Denise for the amazing updates! Take care.
Roni :)
On November 16, 2012...
Godspeed - glad to hear you are doing much better. Just found out today I will need the same surgery - scared to death about life changes and getting through.Your story is helping a bit today but really scared.
God Bless and know you will be out soon.
Wade Bue  Thank you for taking the time to leave me a note here. I understand your fear but I can confidentall ... Read more
On November 16, 2012...
Hi Wade, You will have many reasons to give thanks on Thanksgiving Day! You are blessed with new health promise and with a wonderful life partner!
You have been tested but you have always had your faith to carry you through.
We are so happy for the joy you can celebrate now.
Love Paul and Wendy
On November 16, 2012...
The reports all of us are getting about you are absolutely remarkable.

Sounds like you are a bit more comfortable than the last couple of days. Hope the discomfort and pain decreases with each passing day.

How about a picture in the sexy hospital gown with a great big smile. :)

Lots of Hugs your way. God Bless, Cheryl D.
On November 16, 2012...
This is such great news all our thoughts and prayers are with you Brother Bue

Karen & Brother Blue
On November 16, 2012...
So glad to hear you're feeling so much better today! God has answered prayer and is faithful to strengthen you:-) I'm hanging out on a hammock on the porch with my sis!! Would love to visit but I'll see you when I'm back. Sending much love to you and Denise! Joana
On November 16, 2012...
Hey there Wade,
I'm very glad to see you're doing better now! I hope you continue to have a smooth & rapid recovery.Take care, Rob Cosaert
On November 16, 2012...
Great news every step of the way. Remember to be patient, keep praying and we are all continuing to keep you both in our paryers.

Gary & Barb H.
On November 16, 2012...
Hi Wade,
I'm glad to hear good news about your surgery and seems you are on the road to a speedy recovery.
Take care of yourself and I will check back soon.
Michelle (Unisource)
On November 16, 2012...
Good Morning Wade,
Hope you have a pain freeday
God Love you!!!

On November 16, 2012...
Hi Wade,

Good to hear your sleeping and eating some delectible hospital food :). Sounds like the worst is over, Keep your eye on the prize, the next chapter in your life with your new wife to be, Denise.

Talk to you soon!


On November 16, 2012...
Yay again and who-ho!!!!! So happy to hear you are doing very well Wade! Denise's latest update will make our day =) With 3 fantastic women beside you, no doubt you are very well taken care of. Enjoy them very much spoiling you, you deserve it. How long are you going to stay at Hoag? Big hugs! - M&M
On November 16, 2012...
Good Morning Wade and Denise ♥

I am so happy to hear the wonderful progress for Wade. I will continue to keep you in my prayers.
God Bless you both!!

Lots of love to you!
Judy Estrada
On November 16, 2012...
So happy to hear you are doing better! Keep up the good work!
All of us at Pak West are anxious to get our Bionic man back in action.
Hope you feel like a 6 million dollar man when this is all over.
Thanks Denise for the updates.
On November 16, 2012...
Good morning Wade and Denise, I hope you both had a good nights sleep. Every morning after thanking God for another day, you are my first thought of the day. I am glad you are feeling more comfortable. Today you will feel even better. I pray that you both have a great day.☺

Hugs and lots of Love,
Sylvia Godinez ♥
On November 16, 2012...
Good Morning Wade & Denise - and Phyllis & Jody too! So glad to hear you are becoming more & more disconnected from the tubes - that has to feel good! We continue to keep you in our prayers.

Here's a favorite poem of mine - thoughts for the day:
Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you,
All things pass away:
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things.
He who has God
Finds he lacks nothing;
God alone suffices.
Teresa of Avila, written in 1500’s

Love you all!
Bev & Chuck
On November 16, 2012...
Yay for Wade! Sooooo happy to hear he is feeling better each day, and today we are hoping and praying you will be free of pain and discomfort. Mark and I will always be there for you Wade and Denise. We will wait until next week to visit before we leave for Hawaii and to also see that gorgeous ring on Denise's finger :-) thank you again Denise for keeping us posted. Love and big hugs! - M&M
On November 15, 2012...
Hi Wade and Denise, it has taken us quite a long time to read all of your fan mail! Sounds like you are doing quite well with your first days in recovery. Hope all is now set with your insurance for your next stay. We enjoyed visiting with your sisters, they are very nice. Thank you Denise for keeping us so well informed as to how Wade is progressing. I'm glad you have such a nice "suite" with a gorgeous view of the ocean. When I was in the hospital I just kept remembering "this too shall pass". Maybe that will help some for you to remember also. Love and prayers for both of you. Mary & Mitch
P.S. Wade, Denise's ring is gorgeous! Great choice!
On November 15, 2012...
Wade - Lets hurry this process up, huh? We wanna come visit, but it's one thing after another with you. When I get my tooth filling done next week, I'll be sure to speed the recovery process along and allow visitors asap . . . unlike SOME people ;)

Love you bro,
On November 15, 2012...
Hi Wade! Sending more hugs and loving thoughts! Tomorrow will be better for you, you have gone through a lot today and you did great! Thank you so much Denise for the updates, you are the best! Will check up on you again tomorrow. Goodnight to you and Denise. Love-M&M
On November 15, 2012...
Hi Wade,

I'm so glad all went well and you're already on the road to recovery. I'm praying for you every day... and can't wait to see you and your beautiful smile. I know you have a lot of freinds but if you need anything... please don't hesitate to ask. Hope to come visit soon...

Big Hugs,
On November 15, 2012...
Don't ever forget that we are all praying for you and you are a special person who will come out of this great. After back surgery on July 30th, which is nothing compared to what you are going through, it took a longer time than I thought, but, it's all worth it. You will be great; so grit your teeth and suck it up; you will be great once again.

Gary & Barb H.
On November 15, 2012...
Sorry to hear you having to go through some pain but just think the worst is over and hopefully sooner than later you won't feel anymore pain at all. Glad to hear you are progressing nicely and doing well. Enjoy your beautiful ocean view and keep doing what you're doing so you're up and around soon. Denise, you are his guardian angel,obviously God put you in his life because he deserved someone as wonderful as you. Thank you so much for the updates, really appreciate you keeping us posted on Wade's progress. Hope to meet you soon. Sonia
On November 15, 2012...
Hola !
Glad to hear all is well, I hope you recover soon. I send you a hug.
See you soon
On November 15, 2012...
Glad to hear that you are eating solid foods and are able to be up and around a bit. Rooting for you that they get rid of all the tubes and wires.

Take Care and your progress is just remarkable.

Lots of Love, Cheryl D.
On November 15, 2012...
Huh? It's better [easier] to be OLDER when you have heart surgery? Who knew? Keep up the good work! Each day will be better than the last one. You are amazing! Love, Aunt Deanna
On November 15, 2012...
Hey there my friend!

I just wanted to drop by and show some love and let you know that it's been amazing to go through all your journal.

It has become addictive now even Raul asks me a lot about it!

I'm really glad to read that you're doing great and that you're quickly recovering. You'll see that in no-time we'll be hanging out together at the shrimp taco stand (hope that your nutritionist doesnt read this!).

Lots of love and the best wishes for you and your loved ones!

-Bernardo B.

PS1: Raul and Angie said Hi! :)
PS2: Denisse, thank you for all the updates!! :)
On November 15, 2012...
Thank you for keeping us updated with all the latest developments Denise. You're doing an awesome job and it's so appreciated.

Great news about the chest tubes & IV! I only have one concern . . . in light of the previous post, I don't think Bob Hom should be allowed to visit Wade for a few more days lol.

Love you both ~Diane

On November 15, 2012...
Dear Denise,
Thanks for the updates on our buddy Wade; it is a great relief reading your posts. Full recovery will happen soon enough so hopefully Wade will exercise patience for the sake of you and the rest of us. Hope we can meet soon.
Frank LoBasso
On November 15, 2012...
Hi Wade,

Ray just forwarded me the information regarding your surgery. I am glad to hear that the surgery went well and that you are on the road, no matter how challenging, to recovery.
We are holding you up in prayer for a speedy recovery. I know from personal experiences that no matter how daunting the challenges we face God has a plan. We just need to trust in his strength to get us through.

God Bless,

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
On November 15, 2012...
Wade, you're gonna be sick of chocolate pudding once you're home!! LOL How about a bagel w/crm cheese:) We're all thinking of you here at Unisource---Happy Healing, can't wait to see your smiling face!! <3

On November 15, 2012...
Hi Wade and Denise: Boy you sure have a keeper with Denise. She keeps all abreast of everything and she definitely is taking great care of you. Bills back surgery went well and you two can compare scares when you feel better...I think you win :) God bless, Nat and Bill
On November 15, 2012...
Hi Wade. I am so glad to hear that you are doing so well. I guess you noticed that I have not sent you an email earlier....there is a reason.....I didn't want to make you laugh. :-) I know that if you laugh, it might cause more pain....so don't laugh. :-) We have been praying for all along and we are so greatful that you are doing so well. Please take care of yourself and smile.....but don't laugh! Bob, Bet, Niki, Dan, and Stevi.
On November 15, 2012...
Hi Wade & Denise,
So much love & prayers & your strong faith in Gods promises I know will help get you through the pain. I wish you did not have to go through it and pray it leaves so you can enjoy that beautiful room. Rest a lot it's good for your body now. Before you know it you will be back in your exercise routine and in mich better shape with that strong heart of yours.
God bless
On November 15, 2012...
Well hello there Mr Bue. Wow is the first word that come's to me after following your Journal. Praying for you to feeling better with each minute that goes by.
Glad to hear your family is by your side, that's a difficult place to be, watching a love one in pain. I remember going through a surgery some time ago and one thought stuck in my head. Once I was able to get in and shower down leaning my head on the shower wall. What a difference a day make's. Best wishes and we'll see you soon. I'm taking the rest of the week off for the holiday's it's my birthday today, so I'm going to go enjoy my kids, grandkids, & family. You take care and I will keep you in my prayers. Anita Guerrero
On November 15, 2012...
Aww...Wade hang in there my friend. Okay so good the tubes are out now! Each day is progress. Just think of all the blessings you have, including Denise! She get's an A+ on all the updates she has been giving us. Can't wait to meet her. Don;t worry about visitors everyone has to just wait at least a few more day I would say. ☺ All my love to you and prayers are still into play for a smooth recovery.

♥ Sylvia Godinez♥
On November 15, 2012...
Hi Wade, I'm Shannan's long time childhood friend Marci, and she has been asking me to pray for you. I may not have met you before but my heart goes out to you and hoping for a speedy recovery for you. My lil sister had open heart surgery when she was 8 and i remember how nice it was just to know people are thinking about you and praying! God bless you and take care! Marci :+)
On November 15, 2012...
Wade, jello buddy,
so sorry to hear you had a rough night, but happy to know it's a little better now. You have the master in your corner and he does wonders. You are strong, and I know you will get through this with flying colors. It is said all grand thoughts come from the "Heart" you my friend have a strong one..
Thinking of you, and is praying for strength,. I am doing a "hugathon" and sending them all to you, "find a place inside where there is joy, and the joy will help to burn out the pain" Thanks Denise for the updates. Let's see that great smile Wade .....Awwwwww
Praises, prayers and love.
On November 15, 2012...
Hi Wade and all--Great news to hear that the heart tubes have come out! Hang in there!

Love Sis Wendy
On November 15, 2012...
Denise-- Thank you so much for the updates ... : )
Wade ,I continue to pray for you every day
I'm so happy that they are taking the chest tubes out and hope that makes things better for you ..Stay strong and remember God is good and you will be better soon ...sending you a big hug..

Gloria (Allen Pkg)
On November 15, 2012...
Dear shady wadey, just want to let you know that cory and I love you and our lifting you up in prayer throughout the day. Praying that God will ease your pain and comfort you. As soon as you're ready we are waiting to see you and love on you... sorry about that ;)

Hang in there wade, we love you!!
On November 15, 2012...
Dear Wade and Denise, I'm loving getting these updates and am finding I'm really looking forward to them throughout the day as I check my email so thank you Denise!!! You're awesome!! Wade, I encourage you to ask for a dose of pain medicine before doing the spirometer so you can do good deep breathing without feeling tortured and beaten:) I bet taking the chest tubes out helped! Lord, please use this time of momentary suffering to reveal yourself in a new and deeper way. That's awesome that you've got a room with a view of God's creation. I'm also blessed to hear about the Christian workers that came into your lives at the hospital. To God be the glory forever and ever amen. God will use this in order that you might be able to comfort and encourage others going through this :) Boarding the plane to go to Georgia for Patricia's (my sister) baby shower:) looking forward to more updates!!! Big hgs to you both, in Jesus love, Joana
On November 15, 2012...
Good Morning!
I hope and pray your pain goes away!
Hang in there Wade God is watching over you. lots of love Gloria Becerra
On November 15, 2012...
God Bless you Denise for keeping us up to date. I have been looking for updates everyday. I was going to come by Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Thank God Wendy stopped me, as she said you were not in any shape for visitors. MAMA MIA.

I should have remember how I felt with all my pain when I was in the hospital, so I understand. I love you Wade and Denise and cannot wait to see you. The Lord is doing a good work in you Wade, you are a fighter and BULL AS WELL. hahahahahahahahaha. Keep up the good work, the pain will slowly go away. Hang in there Pops.
Love you
On November 15, 2012...
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God.
It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 100

We are still you lifting you up to our amazing God Wade. Thackrah family.
On November 15, 2012...
Hi Wade,
Glad to hear all is well though some pain here and there. What I am reading from your journal is A GOOD NEWS for everyone. And we keep on praying for your quick recovery. Just remember HE is there for you and we are here as your friends.
Naty and Family
On November 15, 2012...
Oh...sorry to hear about last night..but it's a new day and moving forward! Eggs and cantaloupe? I would have gone for steak and eggs, the breakfast of champions =) Soon we hope. Can't wait until you are all better and we have to take you and Denise to the Fish Co. and enjoy great food. Keep the exercise going =) Luv U - M&M
On November 15, 2012...
Hi Wade,

We've been keeping up on your progress through Denise's fabulously detailed postings to your journal. We're happy to hear your recovery is progressing well. We know that the first few days are the most difficult. No tubes today!! That's a big step and a great relief. Keep up the good work!
You are in our hearts and minds,
Jim and Sherri