On November 15, 2012...
Hi Wade

So glad to hear your tubes and being removed today and moving around now be careful not to bust the move.

see you soon my friend

Love you Cindy
On November 15, 2012...
Be encouraged and hangest thou in there Wade. You're still in the big 'after the surgery pain window' but good news, the window should start closing soon and you'll be through this part! You're constantly in our hearts and prayers. Who can even count all the 'virtual' hugs you're getting! You are loved!

Big thanks & hugs to Denise, Phyllis and Jody, so glad you are there! ~Diane

Our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 2 Cor 4:17
On November 15, 2012...
Hang in their! Pain will get better at time goes. It has only been 2 days and you are doing so much better! YEA
Thanks Denise for all updates.
On November 15, 2012...
Wade - here is a direct comment from your Mom through me (Kathy). She is happy to get all the updates and is sending you all her love and prayers. I read her some of the guestbook notes which brought tears to both our eyes!
On November 15, 2012...
Hi Wade, You are so blessed to have Denise in your life and we are too! We appreciate the updates and look forward to receiving them. Take care and rest. Much love,
On November 15, 2012...

Good Morning My Friend,
recieve a Big Hug from your Friend in Mexico. I am glad you have view to the ocean that will give you serenity to deal with the pain, that pain will just become Love and Happiness afterwords. I am still praying for your prompt recovery,
God Bless your day!
On November 15, 2012...
Hello Wade, Just spoke to Robin and she offered us ths web site. So relieved to hear your doing well. It looks like you're surrounded with good friends and loved ones. From all of us at Harbor Packaging, we wish you a fast and complete recovery. Hopefully you'll be able to go home for Thanksgiving. Check with you later. Best Wishes, Ray
On November 15, 2012...
Hi Wade & Denise - so glad to hear you have the 'corner office' - HA! Take slow steps in this healing journey and know that we are all out here praying for you. Sounds like you are in a wonderful medical facility and are being taken care of carefully. Thanks again to Jody & Phyllis for their journey to CA. Wishing you pain-free days and healing Wade. Denise - thanks SO much for keeping the journals going!
Love you all,
Bev & Chuck
On November 15, 2012...
Hi Wade and Denise: Again congrats on the engagement and what a gift that everything seems to be on track after surgery..GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!! Speedy recovery. Love the journaling as I try to keep up several times a day. We love you Wade and know Denise is another gift for you!!Prayers and blessings, Nat and Bill
On November 15, 2012...
Good morning Wade! Sending you lots of good wishes that today will be a great day for you! When you look out your window know that we are all out here praying for you to get better soon. Lots of love-M&M
On November 15, 2012...
Hi Wade~~~~ Glad to hear your surgery is over and was successful and that you are doing well!! Denise is doing great updates~what a great way to communicate your progress! Thank God for the surgeons and the staff and the medicines that make it all possible. I'll be thinking of you as you as you continue to recover and God Bless you and Denise!! :) Your cousin Marilyn Heet in Ohio
On November 15, 2012...
Hello W,
Did you feel it, I just sent you a "big hug" I wish I could help you with that pain, God has bought you through this, and he will continue to wrap you in his blanket of love.
Your room with a view sounds beautiful. You both are handling this so well, it is inspiring.. Thanks to Denise with her detailed updates. Hey Jello is yummy, strawberry and orange are the best flavors have one for me....Stay strong and keep the faith friend. Another big hug and lost of love and prayers.
Wade Bue  Thank you so much for your note, we just weren't sure who it was from? Let me know so I can be sure ... Read more
On November 14, 2012...
Hey buddie!! Norman and Wendy say a *heartfelt* hello, So you got an ocean view , hugh?? Wow maybe u two lov birds in bunny slippers can look out the window,my office is right outside across the street. When Norman was in the hospital and I had to go to work I would stop and wave to him while he was on the phone..ohhh how cute...but not as cute as u two! K we are sending lots of lov and wonderful prayers for comfort and recovery..xoxo Wendy
On November 14, 2012...
B hang in there! I here it gets better after 48 hours from what I am reading. May the Lord embrace you in this time of pain. Your fellowship with Him will be more complete knowing the pain He suffered with the pain you are suffering. He cares for you deeply and will carry you past all pain and concerns. We are praying for peace in the middle of the pain you are suffering thru. We hope to see you when you feel up to it.
Da Bushes!
On November 14, 2012...
Hi wade I'm so glad you are doing great. You are very blessed to have Denise by your side thank God for her. Enjoy your view take it easy thinking of you a big hug Gloria Becerra
On November 14, 2012...
Hello again Wade, You have had a wearing day I think. But you have been doing wonderfully based on the great journal that Denise has been writing! Enjoy your ocean scenery and let the pros
take wonderful care of you! Greetings and thank you to Phyllis and Jody and a big thank you again to Denise for keeping all of us anxious watchers up to date! Good night--love you all!
On November 14, 2012...
Hi Wade, sad to hear you are still in some pain... Each day will be better and before you know it you'll chasing Daisy on the beach. Hang in there! Feel better and know that you are always in our thoughts and you are loved. Denise, thank you very much for taking such good care of our friend. We are hoping that you two can join us in Hawaii next year:) hugs! - M&M
On November 14, 2012...
Wade, congratulations on getting past surgery and the breathing tube out! A lot of those first two days will be blurry for you even though folks swear you talk rationally! That's a blessing! Once they get your pain managed you will be amazed at how much more relaxed and comfortable you will feel. The nurse always gave me a little something before the breathing exercise so it would kick in about 15 minutes after finishing. That was just the first two or three days and it really helped. Don't be afraid to tell them it hurts. They won't know otherwise and the pain control will help your healing.

Use the spirometer as often as you can bear. It really helps keep the fluids off your lungs.

You are going to feel so much better each day! Congrats and thoughts and prayers for you and your family!
On November 14, 2012...
Wade- I'm so happy to hear you are doing so well. Been thinking about you a lot. Take care brother! -Christian
On November 14, 2012...
Julie and I have been reading all of Denise's entries and now just realized we can respond back through the guest book! We are so thankful and happy that the surgery went well! You are a strong man and it is showing through your recovery. Mom and Dad didn't raise any sissy boys! LOL. It is great to hear of the progress you are making in such a short period post-surgery. Amazing what modern medicine can do! We love you very much and continue sending our prayers your way. Denise, we look forward to welcoming you into our big family and can't thank you enough for all of the care your are giving my big Bro. Phyl and Toots, thank you to you both for making the journey and being there to give our families Love to one of our own.
Love you all,
Joel, Julie & Emily
On November 14, 2012...
Hola mi amigo Wade! My U.S. friend! :)
Praise God for answered prayer. You have been on my mind and in my prayers constantly. You are a very important person to me Wade and I am so glad you are healing properly. I wince when I read about all the pain you have to endure my good friend. Hang in there - you are an inspiration and a strong man of God. And I am one of many people that has you covered in prayer.
Your brother in Christ - Jim Jarosz
On November 14, 2012...
We are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers. Sounds like you are doing really well. It is going to feel better every day. What a joyous Christmas you will have! Janet Freer
On November 14, 2012...
I am so happy to be able to hear about your progress. I sent you emails on Monday about your surgery yesterday but of course they did not reach you. I prayed for you several times yesterday knowing you were in God's hands. Denise is as special as you have described. I am looking forward to meeting her. Rest and heal so you will be stronger than ever. Love, Stacey Ferrari
On November 14, 2012...
Hi Wade and Denise-
So happy to hear surgery went well and recovery is progressing. We always knew you had a lot of heart and now your surgeons can vouch for it. Keep the progress reports coming and we look forward to seeing you again soon!

Robyn and the Pak West Purchasing team.
On November 14, 2012...
Hi Wade,

Glad to hear you're making progress!!

Stacey, Tim, and I believe you're the latest 6 million dollar man!

keep up the good work!!!!

Your Friend,

Chris and Pak West
On November 14, 2012...
I'm so happy to hear that your surgery went so well and that you are already starting to getting out of bed!! God is truly watching over you and wants you back with Denise as soon as possible. Take care and wishing you a speedy recovery. love, Terry Longcare
On November 14, 2012...
Hi Wade,

It's me Viv at Landsberg. Denise has kept us all well informed with your status. Thank goodness you came through with flying colors, not that I had any doubt, but it's good to know you are on the road to recovery!

Wade, take it slow, day by day, no worries about work, we have Chris running around like a chicken without a head haha!

See you soon!

On November 14, 2012...
Wow I guess pudding and jello are great (I thought Kobe was good, but yum to you-LOL). It amazes me how fast hospital's want you out. Prayers are still pouring in for you and Denise!
Love Janine
On November 14, 2012...
Fear not, for I am with you;
be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. — Isaiah 41:10

Love you,
Sylvia Godinez ♥
On November 14, 2012...
Praying that your pain will subside soon. Hang in there my friend. You have great Doctors and great support around you. Two more days like Denise said and you should be feeling much better. You are going to be so spoiled the next couple of weeks to come.☺ Many hugs and lots of love to you.

Sylvia Godinez ♥
On November 14, 2012...
Dear Wade and Denise,
I stand in awe of what God has done...I imagined each step of Wade's surgery in my mind as Denise gave the updates, praying for the steps of anesthesia and surgery I imagined they were at. My faith has been strengthened through this as I'm sure it has for you both as well. Wade, were you "knocked out" adequately??? :) Will continue to pray that you would tolerate the pain, that it would resolve quickly, that the holy spirit would comfort and strengthen you both. Today I was assigned to do the anesthetic for a case of congenital bicuspid aortic valve in a 14 year old which made me think of you and how God has been good to allow your valve to make it for a good part of your life before needing surgery! Can't wait to see you and Denise. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Joana
On November 14, 2012...
Love you Wade, Norm
On November 14, 2012...

May family has been praying for you and your family(Ephesians 6:18). We are so thankful(1 Thessalonians 5:18) He has brought you through this surgery. We will continue to lift you up to our amazing Father.

Tracy & Nicole Thackrah
On November 14, 2012...
Great to hear you're sitting up and it went well! God Bless!
On November 14, 2012...
Hi Wade! I'm so blessed by all the awesome updates and successfull outcomes! Praying for your pain levels to be manageable and thanking God that they will start going down soon. Be sure to use the breathie thingie! Hugs ~Diane
On November 14, 2012...
You're already sitting up? Did you REALLY have the surgery? Sounds like you will be out and about in no time. Keep up the good work! Glad to hear you talked to your Mom too. Love, Aunt Deanna
On November 14, 2012...

Please tell Wade that we are very happy her in Tijuana, that the operation went well and he is doing better.

Let me know when is a good time to visit him so i can program to go up there and say hello.

Thanks for keeping us inform, i really apreciate.

On November 14, 2012...
Hi Wade, Denise, Jody and Phyllis - Please let Wade know that it's very important that he use the spirometer (sp??). We learned that with all of Ralph's surgery's. It's also a very good idea to not have company - you need to take care of you now and once you feel better then have the company but don't feel guilty about having to decline visitors - we all want you to get better and getting to tired will only prolong that! Love you - what a fan base you have with all the guestbook signatures you have!! Love Ya!!
On November 14, 2012...
Wade. My goodness what a ordeal you've went thru I get your updates daily and look to reading same. My prayers are with and just hang in their and things will streadily prove and you'll be up and out of hospital . Wishing you a rapid recovery !!!! Uncle. Dean
On November 14, 2012...
Hi Wade
I am so glad everything went well

looking forward to seeing you soon

On November 14, 2012...
Get better soon Wade, the world out here is a far better place when you are in it. All of us at LoBasso Packaging wish you a speedy recovery and will continue to keep you in our prayers.
With care,
On November 14, 2012...
Hermano <3 We are keeping you in prayer. Glad you have someone next to you keeping you company. God will get you out of there soon. We Love You.

Pily & Kids
On November 14, 2012...
Thank you Denise, what a blessing to have you in Wade's life and ours now! So happy to hear he is doing very well. Give him our best regards and gentle hugs and rest up! Love- M&M
On November 14, 2012...
Wade, I am so happy to hear surgery went well and you are now recooperating and resting so you are up and around soon. You are in God's hands and know he is going to take good care of you.
Take care ! Sonia
On November 14, 2012...
That is the best news! Now with God's help the healing begins!
On November 14, 2012...

Good Morning Wade,
Hope your night went well and had,
thank you Denise for the updates
God Bless you Both

On November 14, 2012...
Ooops ! Sorry Wade.... they were suppose to use .090 caliper and instead used .120 !!!

I guess they will have to do it over again...... wait a minute, Josh just said it will work and we won't credit it...so might as well stay with the .090 !

Thought u needed to be brought back to reality !!!

Gary a
On November 14, 2012...
Wade - we hope your night went well and you were able to get some good sleep in. Thank you again to Denise for the timely and detailed updates! Those of us who are with you in spirit really value these journal notes.
Send Wade, Denise, Phyllis, & Jody lots of love from Minnesota!
Love you - Bev & Chuck
On November 14, 2012...
Good morning Wade! You were my first thought of the day. I am hoping and praying you will be feeling just great. I am sure you will be in some discomfort for awhile, but that is all apart of healing my friend. I can't wait to see you soon. Denise has been an angel keeping us up to date through out all of this. Hang in there darling.

Hugs and prayers,
Sylvia Godinez ♥
On November 14, 2012...
I hope the patient is doing well this morning - give him a big hug and kiss from Ralph and I. Thanks so much Denise for keeping us updated and also to the 3 of you for being there with Wade!
Love you all!