On April 16, 2010...
Hi Theresa

What a beautiful picture. You wouldn't know from that picture what you've just been through so I commend the hospital in asking you to be their poster girl. Besides, you have such a positive attitude and that helps take some of the scare out of the surgery for those reading your story.

I think that is why I like this interactive site so much as we can get support for our fears from those who readily identify with what we are experiencing and then we feel so grateful that it is easy to turn around and give back that support to those just coming aboard.

I commend you for the time you take in supporting so many others with your cheery attitude and positive outlook. Wishing you continued success on your path to full recovery and a better life.

Cheryl, Ontario
On April 16, 2010...
Well, Miss Celebrity
What a great article and photo. With such a positive result you need to be the poster person for this type of surgery if it applies to others. Thanks for sharing.
Fran Z
On April 14, 2010...
Hi Theresa,

Thanks for telling me that you didn't have a catherization. I didn't know that a CTA can see blockages if there are any. I had a CTA done in Jan. at Univ. of PA. Yesterday, I called the surgeon's office since I was told to remind them if I didn't hear from them by Monday. Today someone from the office called and said they definitely would get back to me. So I am still waiting. Surgery is scheduled for May 10, I just want to do everything I need to do.

Your input is greatly appreciated. Take care.

On April 13, 2010...
Hi Theresa,

Wishing you a speedy recovery. Thanks for responding. I will definitely call the office and find out what is happening. My surgery is scheduled at the Univ. of PA. Is a heart catherization standard procedure prior to surgery or are CTAs sufficient. Maybe, I'll post this question on my journal? Did you have a heart catherization? How tough was it? Take care.

Elaine Spiewak
On April 10, 2010...
Hi again Theresa
Thanks for your encouraging note to me after my cardio visit. Guess I had set the bar pretty high for my recovery. God still isn't done with teaching me patience! Enjoy the weekend, hope you don't have any serious allergy problems with all the pollen?
Fran Z
On April 8, 2010...
Hi Theresa

WOW - great news about your follow-up. We put so much store into these appointments because I suppose we are waiting for the other shoe to drop and hope like heck it doesn't. I keep saying I was used to how I felt before but once my heart was tinkered with, I wasn't sure how I was to feel because I still feel stuff - it's just a little different sometimes.

Guess you were so excited you couln't stand up! Luckily you weren't seriously hurt. Can't imagine what was going through your husband's mind when you were out of reach. You didn't hurt your sternum or anything? Amazing.

I'm really happy for you Theresa on all accounts. Let us know when you begin rehab. It really is a great next step if your insurance provides it.


Cheryl, Ontario
On April 8, 2010...
Wow, what wonderful news!!! Ouch, for the fall, but obviously you landed correctly. I would assume anyone given the option would have the incision site you were given. With a new valve, a repaired valve (possibly 2 repairs, but only 1 was necessary), I had no choice but the long mid sternal incision. It is healing well, however. So, like the doctor said, enjoy life, so good to be on the other side and have it past us. There are a couple of HVJ people having surgery today and tomorrow and 2 more next week. There will be so many happy, healed hearts. Thanks for your encouraging messages to me.
Fran Z
On April 3, 2010...
Hi Theresa,

Glad to hear you are doing well. I look forward to a good recovery myself. I am less than a week to my surgery date and getting a litte anxious. But I know that with the support system here and at home, I will be ok. And of course I have the best support there is, God and family! I will continue to keep you in my prayers!

Melany Strader, NC
On April 2, 2010...
Hi Theresa

Thanks for the note. This Easter weekend is great weather here in southern Ontario - light 70's which is totally unusual for this time of year. I've really enjoyed being outside doing my walks and this morning took the grandkids to the park to ride their bikes. I am so glad to be able to enjoy my walks this spring because at this time last year sometimes I could hardly walk a block without the help of my husband. We always enjoyed our eveing walks but he so graciously accepted them getting smaller and smaller.

I hope you and yours enjoy a lovely Easter - a time to reflect.

Cheryl, Ontario
On April 2, 2010...
Good Morning Theresa
What a beautiful morning it is here in SW FL, will be 80+ degrees and will do what I've done the last 2 days, sat in the sun for my vitamin D and walked outside. Doing well a couple weeks post p, still have a few issues to be taken care of and will address them with my cardio on Tuesday. Time does fly. Continue to heal and thanks for praying for me.
Fran Z
On March 30, 2010...
Hello, Theresa,

Thank you for the e-mail this evening. It's so sweet you looked to me for positive reinforcement,etc. I am so happy you are doing well, and am sure you will continue on the same path. Life is good!!! Enjoy.

Barbara Torrey
On March 29, 2010...
Hi Theresa

It's so nice to know your recovery is going along well and without complications as we've seen with some others. Very soon you'll be back driving and regaining your life and that's one of the big steps. Freedom. Good luck with your follow-up. Wishing you well.

Cheryl, Ontario
On March 23, 2010...
Hi Theresa

Thank you for dropping by with such kind and generous words. That was very humbling.

It's good to watch your recovery go so well. Can you believe it is almost a month already? You will soon be driving as well. Did you ever used to get wild palpitations before surgery? Have you ever had them since surgery? That is still my biggest complaint but they are much less now that I'm on the Beta Blocker thank goodness.

I have enjoyed watching you heal. Keep it up. Take care.

Cheryl, Ontario
On March 23, 2010...
Hi Theresa! Thank you so much for your sign ins, I have signed up for your updates so that I can return the support! You sound like you are doing just fabulously though. I have had a blip or two but just reading about the recovery of so many of our HVJ community helps me to feel stronger. I will do better tomorrow...
Warmest wishes
Penny (Scotland)
On March 21, 2010...
Theresa, it is good to hear that you are recovering so nicely. It will be very encouraging for all the newcomers in the journals to hear it. I am guessing that rehab will make all the difference and that is exactly when that strength will begin to kick in - or "perk" as Cheryl said. Richard is still waiting for rehab because that is exactly what he needs along with his good walks!
Take care Theresa - we are happy you are doing well - that is something to talk about!
Richard's wife, Susan
On March 20, 2010...
Hi Theresa
Good to hear you are coming along so well in only 18 days. How great is that? It's so much nicer to be able to get outside and walk and just enjoy the great life we have been given. It won't be long before you get your ticket to rehab and things will realy start to perk. Take care. Cheryl, Ontario
On March 20, 2010...
Hi Theresa,

It's Adam.

Just wanted you to know that I added your home state to your profile. As you can see, New Jersey is now included under your picture.

I hope that helps!

Keep on tickin!

Adam Pick
On March 17, 2010...
Glad you had a nice day. It seems it can be that way and I guess a few good days and a bad one or two sneaking in is to be expected. It is those good ones that will give you your strength!
Richard's wife, Susan
On March 16, 2010...
Hi Theresa,
my doctor knows that I have bad side effects from the meds so he just put me on 81mg aspirin/daily. He told me the heart needs to adjust and learn that it has not to pump so hard anymore. So I just take it easy for right now. My rate is about 110/115 when Iam sitting still. Good luck - Helen, NC
On March 14, 2010...
Hello Theresa,

My name is Diana. I am looking for a friend I went to school with. Did you happen to grow up in Jackson Heights, NY? I went to Joseph Pulitzer Jr. High School. Are you the one?

God Bless you on this journey of health.
Thank you,
On March 13, 2010...
A happy day is the best with loved ones and an uneventful day is so good, you deserve it. Hope the news continues to be uneventful.
Fran Zilko
On March 11, 2010...
Hi Theresa, I sure did enjoy reading your entry into Richard's journal today. Aren't you just the sweetest. You made me smile by saying I am funny to read - thanks I will consider that a compliment -- although no one can hold a candle to C. Bill - he is sooo funny - he missed his callin as a comedian instead of a boater/captain, that's for sure.
I am glad you are home and feeling better. It is amazing how words of kindness and good simple acts of kindness such as a fruit basket can make you feel so good and appreciative of life and what you ahve been through, isn't it. I know Richard has received so many cards and some gifts and visits and re-kindling of old friendships even. Life is good.
Keep getting better and keep journaling - we love it.
Richard's wife, Susan
On March 11, 2010...
Theresa, meant to ask you...did you consider robotic surgery, and if so, what made you choose minimally invasive instead? I really never considered anything but the robotic.

On March 11, 2010...
Hi Theresa. So glad to hear your recovery is going well. I was like you my first week home from the hospital--had days when I was tired and slept off and on all day, and then days when I'd wake up with a ton of energy. This week has been much better. I have been able to have active days every day, and only nap during the mid-afternoon. I am walking an hour a day now, breaking it up into two 30-minutes walks.

As for incisions, I have a 3-inch incision in the very lower part of my right breast (but not under the breast), and there are 3 other very small incisions where the robotic arms and camera were inserted. Two are on my side under the right arm and one is under the right breast. And then I have two holes where the chest tubes were placed. The pain from the incision is almost gone now, and I can almost raise my right arm over my head. Tomorrow I will be 3 weeks post op. I truly feel 90% recovered. Still a little short of breath, but gaining stamina every day.

Have a wonderful weekend. Hope the weather stays good for you!

Amy Machtay
On March 11, 2010...
Some how beautiful weather goes a long way to make us feel great, doesn't it? Next week at this time I should be out of my surgery and on the road to a healed heart. Thank you for your prayers.
Fran Zilko
On March 10, 2010...
Good Morning Theresa
An uneventful day, is the best kind--hope going forward they're all that way. Keep healing and keep posting.
Fran Zilko
On March 9, 2010...
Loving all the updates (: So glad you are home.... love to you!!
On March 8, 2010...
Hello Theresa
Thank you for your kind, uplifting posts on my journal. Yes, I am a positive person always wanting to see the glass as half full. You are right about attitude and mind and heart set making a difference in so many things. I know I have a wonderful family, circle of friends, my HVJ buddies and God on my side. What else could I ask for? You didn't mentioned yourself, so assume you are continue to have an uneventful recovery. How is your pain? Do have a recliner and an adjustable bed, so know I'm all set there. I am a side sleeper, so that will be a bit of a challenge for awhile. When I fractured my humerus (upper arm bone) 2 years ago I was thankful to be able to adjust my bed so I could sleep on my back for several weeks.You'll be hearing from me up until the surgery and afterwards my hubby and/or my daughters will help out. Thanks again.
Fran Zilko
On March 8, 2010...
Welcome Home Theresa
I don't own a recliner but those who do swear by them so good for you for being proacative on that one. I'm glad you have returned home safe and sound. I'll be watching your journal for updates on your recovery. Take it easy. Prayers. Cheryl, Ontario
On March 8, 2010...
Home sweet home. Hope you had a great night in your new recliner! No matter how many accolades one has for their hospital (yours seems to be A-1), it's like Dorothy in the Wizard Of Od--there's no place like home!! Keep healing and thank you for your prayers for my upcoming surgery next week.
Fran zilko
On March 6, 2010...
what a great day tomorrow will be!! You're doing great. You're not off the hook once you get home, please give us a periodic update on how well you're doing. Hope the snows have ended for the winter and spring will be arriving soon. When I lived up north, spring was always my favorite season. Keep healing.
Fran Zilko
On March 6, 2010...
Hi Theresa
Bummer. So you didn't get to go home today but tomorrow will be even more special. Getting the heart regulated sometimes takes a little longer after you've been home so don't sweat it. I'm 5 months post-op mitral valve repair and I only got on something a week ago. You will get there. Happy home-coming tomorrow for sure! Cheryl, Ontario
On March 5, 2010...
Great news. You'll be out of there tomorrow!! Where is Howell? Don't know if you're recuperating in a warm or cold and snowy climate? You'll be home and that's the best place to be. Prayers are answered.
Fran Zilko
On March 5, 2010...
Bob and Terry, glad all is going well. Terry, I heard that going through the side is more painfu than the sterumectomy. I am glad you are doing well and recovering quickly. Keep up the good work. And thanks for your entry into my journal today.

Barbara (Boston)
On March 4, 2010...
Bob and Terry, this is wonderful news! I'm glad things went so well. Terry, you are doing amazing! Keep up the good work, and hopefully you'll be home for the weekend.

Bob, our thoughts and prayers go out to you. It is always hardest on the family members.

Best wishes for a continued speedy recovery and return to good health.

Amy Machtay
On March 4, 2010...
Hi Terry and Bob

Nice to hear Terry's surgery was a repair as opposed to a replacement. Good work. Let's hope her healing is quick and less painful. Thanks for being able to journal so we know she's okay. Keep positive Bob. Cheryl, Ontario
On March 4, 2010...
Thanks for the great news. Terry's healing should be quicker and maybe not as painful with the sternal incision.Hopefully this will be the last time you have to see a loved one after heart surgery. Yes, prayers have been answered.
Fran Zilko
On March 3, 2010...
Hello Bob & Terry
Hope all went well yesterday and Terry is not in too much pain. Makes me wonder how difficult these surgeries wold be without loved ones at our side. Post when you can and give us an update.
Fran Zilko
On March 2, 2010...
It's getting toward the end of the day, so your agonizing wait will soon be behind you.

Please know that you and Theresa are in my thoughts and prayers, and I wish the best possible outcome for Theresa's surgery.

I'm glad you found this site. I know you're being held in many hearts today.

Susan Murphy (Overland Park, KS)

On March 2, 2010...
Hi Bob
Theresa wrote me yesterday and I thank her for her generous words. She did seem calm but like you say, waiting can be horribly difficult. You are both in my thoughts and prayers today and I will be looking forward to an update when you can get around to it. God bless. Cheryl, Ontario
On March 2, 2010...
Good morning Bob
Just find your entry this morning. Glad to read that Theresa went into surgery in peace. A really long wait for you. Will they be doing a new mitral valve, tissue or mechanical? Hope you have someone to wait with you and hope the messages people on this Heart Valve Journal will help. So many people have been prayed for and God has answered so many prayers. Journal again, when you're able.
Fran Zilko
On March 1, 2010...
Found it (: Jeff and I will be checking in and seeing how you're doing. Love, Col
On March 1, 2010...
Sending you best wishes for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery and lifting up prayers for you tomorrow! Gail W.
On March 1, 2010...
You are in good hands with Dr. Adams. Best wishes for a 100% successful surgery and steady recovery.

Amy Machtay
Raleigh, NC
On March 1, 2010...
Hi Theresa
I didn't get to know you very but want to send you my prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery. Hopefully you will write when you are home again and let us know how it went. Enjoy that steak dinner! Good luck. Cheryl, Ontario