On May 14, 2014...
Susan in Oregon posted a note for Susan that says:
I'm praying for a speedy and full recovery for you! Take care!
On May 14, 2014...
Rach s posted a note for Susan that says:
Susan & Jeff, I'm sorry to hear about the setback and I'll keep you in my thoughts. Paul Rose on here had a similar symptom but a while after surgery - you could have a look at his journal if that helps. Love to you both xx
On May 14, 2014...
Suzanne Kosakowski posted a note for Susan that says:
Susan praying this setback is resolved quickly. Stay strong!
On May 14, 2014...
Julia Hsu posted a note for Susan that says:
Hang in there, Susan. I am doing surgery tomorrow and will keep you in my thoughts.
On May 14, 2014...
Jim Jones posted a note for Susan that says:
Thanks so much for the update.
We are all praying and thinking of healing thoughts for your mother.

Indeed, she is strong and we know she will deal with this and get it behind her.

For so many of us it was one step forward, one step back in the early days.

You go, Susan!
On May 14, 2014...
Ernie A.S. posted a note for Susan that says:
Susan, Susan, Susan. If I told you once, I told you a thousand times.... no naked Twister until at least 6 months post op. You don't listen to me and now you're back in the hospital. Get better quickly and get your butt back home.

Got all sorts of body parts crossed hoping that you get better quickly. I'll be waiting to hear good news. Thanks for the update Jeff.
On May 13, 2014...
Gabi x posted a note for Susan that says:
Thanks Jeff! This is pretty freaky and I am sorry you are all dealing with this setback. Your Mum is in the right place and she will be monitored and treated after getting results of tests. Thank you also for your email addy as it is a comfort to know I can check in with you if I am concerned for your Mum. Tell her I am on to it and am sending Blessings in Abundance for her! And you too Jeff - stay strong!
On May 13, 2014...
Meredith posted a note for Susan that says:
Thanks for the update, Jeff! Susan, this sounds like just a little setback. I'm sure you will be moving forward again soon! Many prayers for your continued progress.
On May 13, 2014...
Mary (Dan's other half) posted a note for Susan that says:
Hello Susan, I wanted to take a moment and let you know that I am thinking of you. Dan and I hope you are continuing in your progress. I remember the weeks after surgery when it felt like a lot of ups and downs for Dan - a few steps forward and then a step back, then forward again. I know you will continue to move forward. Keep up your spirits and know that we are all pulling for you.
On May 13, 2014...
Gabi x posted a note for Susan that says:
Hi Susan you have been a bit quite on the Western front. Hope this means that you are just taking time out to nurture your lovely self. I know it takes twice as long to do anything now. Like taking a shower can be exhausting. And how about those damn white stockings! Getting them on - getting them off. I remember it all. Sending you a rainbow!
On May 13, 2014...
Jim Jones posted a note for Susan that says:
I am checking in to see how you are doing with your rehab. And happy belated Mother's Day!
I hope you are seeing progress and feeling a bit better each day.
Heal well. All the best.
On May 11, 2014...
Meredith Bray posted a note for Susan that says:
I've been thinking about you! I hope all is well and you are on-schedule at rehab. Happy Mother's Day!
On May 8, 2014...
Marie posted a note for Susan that says:
Hi Susan,

Sorry to hear that your son Jeff had to go home. Remember it was a great blessing that he could be there for you. I've been away from here for awhile. We just finished our annual Minster's convention at our church this week ending tonight. It was really great and the Spirit and power of God moved in all of the services to bless, strengthen and encourage the ministers and their wives to stand strong in the work God has called them to do.

Well I'm glad you surgery is behind you and your on your way to your new life. I know this part is really hard on all of you having OHS. Cause you have to get up and down and walk etc.as soon as possible right after being cut. Now that I think about it, why are you all pushed so fast to get up and walk etc. Why don't they give people a little more time to recover? I'm just wondering cause I don't know.

As you know I had the 2 the same day but I was kept out for 3 or 4 weeks so my recovery was very slow etc. I never even sat in a recliner as far as I remember during my 7 or 8 weeks in the hospital. Anyway God is strong, when we are weak and He said he will never leave you or forsake you. So my friend Susan the struggle may get hard but keep talking to Jesus and know He's with you when you feel alone or weak as well as when you feel well or are having a good day. He is there all the time.God Bless.
On May 8, 2014...
Carol Jackson posted a note for Susan that says:
Yea,you are back to writing in your journal. It was great to have your son keep us informed. Now we want all the details of your surgery from you. So glad you are making progress with help
Of PT and OT. Prayers continue your way.
On May 8, 2014...
Tom in KC posted a note for Susan that says:
Glad to hear your surgery went well and that they have you up and about. I have not been checking the site frequently enough. You have been such a good support for those going before you.
Take it one steo, one day at a time. Do not overdo it. Once you start using your arms remember that WILL hurt.
On May 7, 2014...
Dora posted a note for Susan that says:
You are in my thoughts and prayers. One day at a time. You'll feel better everyday. God bless
On May 7, 2014...
Deb Bialecki posted a note for Susan that says:
I've been following your journal lately. I'm scheduled for heart surgery in 2 weeks - and kind of stressed about it.

I know what you mean about losing your arms though.... I had pretty extensive shoulder surgery right after Christmas last year and I just got out of PT for that about a week and a half ago... 4 months recovery...and still not quite exactly where it needs to be but getting better with the home program. Needless to say, I don't look forward to having surgery again and especially to not being able to put a t-shirt over my head or pull on socks or get out of bed with one arm again. Very frustrating.

Keep up the good attitude and work though....it will all get easier and better as you recover.

I'm glad to hear you are improving and healing and doing well.

Take care
On May 7, 2014...
Meredith Bray posted a note for Susan that says:
I know! The first week after surgery was the hardest - trying to figure out alternative ways to accomplish a task. And I hated to ask for help getting out of bed. Most of the time I was afraid to move because I didn't want to feel anything twist or bend or pop. Each day is a little better though, right?
On May 7, 2014...
Barbara Colvin posted a note for Susan that says:
Getting up and down from a chair and in and out of bed is hard. I had a special seat for my toilet that made it about 4 inches higher and that was very helpful. My recline/lift chair also helped with getting up and allowed me to avoid the torture of getting in and out of bed. I am sure that you will find ways to cope. It did help to hold my heart pillow when getting up and down because the impulse to use my hands to help was so ingrained.

Keep your sense of humor! One time the first week at home, I squatted down without thinking about how I would get up again and it took three people to get me up again without my using my hands and arms.

On May 7, 2014...
Ernie A.S. posted a note for Susan that says:
OT?!! You're working OVERTIME all ready? Damn, you are hardcore, tough as nails!!

Glad to hear from you.

On May 7, 2014...
Ruth Valenzuela posted a note for Susan that says:
It was good hearing from you although I was sorry to hear Jeff left. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
On May 7, 2014...
Mike Nunes posted a note for Susan that says:

I look forward to your updates every day/ Stay strong, you have been a trooper through this entire process and you are making great strides.
On May 7, 2014...
Jim Jones posted a note for Susan that says:
Wonderful to hear from you. Sorry to hear Jeff left. He keep us in the loop.
Work that PT and OT, that will help you greatly.

Hope each day gets a bit better for you. Please let us know how you are doing when you are able. Thinking of you!
On May 7, 2014...
Lynn Ennis posted a note for Susan that says:
Hi Susan,

I was so surprised to see that had your op!! Congratulations…its over finally. Muddle thru the first weeks..it suddenly gets better.

All the best,
Susan Smith  Well I used my arms for everything. So want to know about my house. How active I was before the sur ... Read more
On May 7, 2014...
Rach s posted a note for Susan that says:
Hi Susan glad you're doing so well! I'm doing rehab too and enjoying it but v tiring, hope it goes well!

On May 6, 2014...
Barbara Colvin posted a note for Susan that says:
Good to hear that you are progressing - one day at a time - a little stronger each day. Keep up the good work and God bless you.
On May 6, 2014...
Ernie A.S. posted a note for Susan that says:
Keep on motoring!

Heal like the wind.
On May 6, 2014...
Julia Hsu posted a note for Susan that says:

Glad to hear that you are walking and eating normal food. I am going in on 5/15. Hope your strength will continue to improve.
On May 6, 2014...
Connie Jewell posted a note for Susan that says:
All great news and positives signs Jeff! Tell Susan to keep up the good work. She's inspiring me, I'll be in a similar place this next week myself hopefully.
On May 6, 2014...
Judy posted a note for Susan that says:
Hi Susan,
Congrats on your new Valve !!!
you got yours about 2 hours ahead of me !
Hope you are feeling well. I am okay.
Boy oh boy, aren't we glad its over with ??
Let the healing begin !
Thank you for your prayers.
It is darn near our 1 week anniversary already !!
I came home on Sunday (May 4th). and just now (May 6th) got home from first "big outing" .... Lab for blood work; grocery store (hubby did it all); and 1st visit to my Primary Care physician.
Made a follow-up appointment with him to get my STAPLES taken out this Friday.
Susan, what kind of Valve did you get??
I opted for a St. Jude's mechanical. (and hence anti-coagulants for the rest of my life)
Judy from Canada
On May 6, 2014...
Jane posted a note for Susan that says:

so glad to hear you are in rehab today


On May 6, 2014...
Dan Sinclair posted a note for Susan that says:

Glad to hear you are up and running around the nurses station, tomorrow the entire floor, Rock and Roll !

Take Care, Remember - Slow and Steady

On May 6, 2014...
Jim Jones posted a note for Susan that says:
Good to know! Please say hi to your mother for me. It feels like a jail break when you get to leave the hospital. I can attest to that. Glad she is eating and walking. Good luck with the transfer to rehab. Best!
On May 5, 2014...
Carol Jackson posted a note for Susan that says:
I've been following your progress. How are you doing today? I bet they have you walking the halls several times a day. Every hour of every day gets better. So glad your family members can be there to take good notes, ask questions, and get you everything you need. Trust in the Lord!
On May 5, 2014...
Meredith Bray posted a note for Susan that says:
Hi! Thinking of you today, and wondering how you're doing!
On May 5, 2014...
Gabi x posted a note for Susan that says:
It all sounds perfectly normal to me. Hang in there Suzy Baby!
On May 5, 2014...
Jim Jones posted a note for Susan that says:
Susan and Jeff:
I hope today is a better day for you both. Hang in there and keep making step by step progress.

Susan, 6 months ago I was JUST out of surgery and you were writing me wonderful notes and thinking good thoughts for me. Well now I return the favor. Heal well, my friend!

Jeff, thanks for taking care of your mother and for keeping us updated as you are able. I hope rehab is settled for you. All the best.
On May 5, 2014...
Connie Jewell posted a note for Susan that says:
Thanks for keeping everyone updated Jeff. And hopefully Susan sill start of the upswing of feeling better little by little within the next day or two. Sending positive thoughts and healing energy her way.
On May 4, 2014...
Linda H and Elsie posted a note for Susan that says:
Hey here is a suggestion. I think this is what I did to get up. Grabbed my people named George Clooney held it tight to my chest. Then raised my legs up towards and kicked my way up. See if that helps. Hint I still use my pillow at night sometimes.
On May 4, 2014...
Suzanne Kosakowski posted a note for Susan that says:
Susan I hope minute by minute you are feeling better. Praying things get easier and more comfortable for you quickly,
On May 4, 2014...
Ernie A.S. posted a note for Susan that says:
"She is trying to get up and down but that is a challenge with no use of the arms."

They cut off her arms?! Holy crap! That was a pretty extreme surgery! I thought they were just replacing her valve. :)

Heal quickly Susie!
On May 3, 2014...
Clare posted a note for Susan that says:
Glad you are in a real room. Hope you are feeling better. My appetite came back suddenly at 3:00 one morning....I could barely get enough. Praying for you.
On May 3, 2014...
Gabi x posted a note for Susan that says:
Poor darling, I can so relate to 'look mum no arms'! Going for a trip on the walker once you are vertical would be so good for you with Drs approval of course! You can so do this Susan, you have shown great strength and determination before - like when you lost all the weight - THAT took spunk and guts. You are a powerful woman and have a wonderful spirit. Keep on keeping on and ask for help when you need it. Love u x
On May 3, 2014...
Jim Jones posted a note for Susan that says:
Hey Susan
I hope you are feeling a bit better today. I also hope you have been able to eat and walk some. Lise sends her best wishes to you. You can do this. We are thinking of you. Best.
On May 2, 2014...
Ruth posted a note for Susan that says:
You are on my heart and I'm praying you are doing well. Will continue to pray.
On May 1, 2014...
Ernie A.S. posted a note for Susan that says:
They have anti nausea meds. take 'em if you need 'em.

Maybe some medical marijuana. She'll get the munchies. :D
On May 1, 2014...
Jim Jones posted a note for Susan that says:

Thanks for the update. It's great to hear about your mother daily -she is a good friend to may of us on the site.

Susan - good morning to you. Sorry appetite is not there yet. Do what you can with ice chips and whatever. Your appetite does come back. Have a good day, Susan. Glad you are in your room. All the best.
On May 1, 2014...
Meredith posted a note for Susan that says:
Yay for regular rooms! My appetite took about 48-72 hours to return, mostly because nothing tasted good at all, even ginger ale. Keep breathing deep!
On May 1, 2014...
Carol Jackson posted a note for Susan that says:
Yea Susan,
You made it to the other side of surgery! Glad to hear you are sitting up and probably trying to eat a little jello and suck on ice chips! Prayers continue your way.
On April 30, 2014...
Anna Thomas posted a note for Susan that says:
Hi Susan!
I was reading your posts and story and just wanted to say get well and many blessings and prayers from Missouri!