On February 1, 2010...
Goor Morning Richard! I truly believe all the prayers are being answered. So happy to hear you are doing well. We'll keep the prayers going!

On February 1, 2010...
Hi Richard, Oh my it sounds like you had a rough week. Stay stong I'll be in to visit when you feel like company. My thoughts are with you and Susan. Susan I tried to reach you last night and will try again tonight. God Bless, Sharon
On February 1, 2010...
Hi Richard and Susan,
I am so happy that each day is bringing good news and healing. It must feel pretty darn good to be out of bed, even with the discomfort. Hope the headache is gone. I bet your starting to have thoughts about packing your suitcase to go home just about now. Happiness is getting back to normal!
With Lots of Love,

Hey Susan, Don't forget that the MFA is just around the corner for a nice break - comfy restaurant and good wine!
On February 1, 2010...
Glad to hear things are moooving along so well. thinking of you Lenny and Joannie
On January 31, 2010...
I was thrilled to hear the great news today. Looking forward to seeing you when you're back in ME.

--Bill (Cheshire, CT)
On January 31, 2010...
Such great news! SOOOO glad you're feeling better! Can't wait to see you up and around!
On January 31, 2010...
This is wonderful news!!! I am sure it is a relief to get this news....Go Richard!! Susie please get rest, you are going to need it when he gets home. Hugs, kisses, thoughts and prayers for you both.

Love ya
Collin and Alisa
On January 31, 2010...
Your heart is beating on it's own! What wonderful news! We love you and are so happy that you are getting better!!!!!
On January 31, 2010...
Hey Uncle Richard and Auntie Sue!

I have been thinking about you constantly and I love you both! Uncle Richard, Get better soon so I can come to Maine and visit you! :)


Thomas sends his wishes too!
On January 31, 2010...
Good morning Susan,Richard, and your wonderful nurses.

We are pleased to hear of Richard's progress. The most important thing for Richard is rest; not conversation, Susan. How difficult this must be for you. Maybe read a book "I, Alex Cross" by James Patterson.

We are thinking of you both,

Debbie, Clancy & Echo.
On January 31, 2010...
Hope all is well with Richard today he will be in my thoughts and I am sending you both good vibes. Best Wishes Bonnie Fox
On January 31, 2010...
Hi Susan,
Thank you so much for your message on my guestbook. I so appreciate that you take time out to communicate with a total stranger in the midst of your own family crisis. I am following Richards recovery and after peeking at some of your guestbook entries I can see the love that surrounds you both. Thinking of you and wishing you fast healing and recovery.
Warmest wishes
Scotland UK
On January 30, 2010...
Dear Sue,
Thanks for the ph. Your amazing. Your so positive and real. But I did sense your worried so hang in there and get rest when ever you can. Richard needs a strong lady by his side. So mind yourself first and then you (Sue), will be up for the fight!!. Ya your know Richard will be a trip to take care of once he get's his feet on "home turff'. Don't tell Richard I said that.
Richard your not missing anything up here in Berwick. Boring is good and awaiting your home comming.
Hang in there you two and in the mean time know we are all "Storming Heaven' for your speed recovery.
Love Norah, Mike Sarah and Hannah.
On January 30, 2010...
Hi Richard & Susan,
I'm sitting here thinking that right about now, Richard is fully awake and aware of what a brave soldier he is! You have been through a lot and I'm so very glad that from here on, each day will be better than the last. You picked a good week to get this done. It's wicked cold out!
Big hugs, Holly
On January 30, 2010...
Hey Susan and Richard -
Take the healing road slowly -- it will happen. You two have the gift of total love and support for one another. You also have the love and prayers of your friends right behind you!
This is a wonderful way to communicate- you just concentrate on the two of you and getting stonger every day!
On January 30, 2010...
Cranky is good! Cranky is real good. If he gets to smart, just take hold of the pacemaker wires and say with a big smile on your face "What did you say Love of My Life"

Love You Both,
On January 30, 2010...
Hi Susan - Thanks for the quick phone call the other night and thanks for telling me about this journal. It's great to be able to get updates without bothering the "care giver" - that would be you. Give Richard a gentle hug for us and tell him we love him! When Ed came out of his surgery he didn't even look like himself (tubs & wires everywhere), but in a couple days he did look much better....even though he didn't wake up for 3 weeks...Susie you really do need to try to pace yourself, because this is just the start of the healing process. Have faith, the healing will progress and Richard will be fine and back to his old self (OH no - not that - BIG SMILE) We are praying for you both everyday. And I know, God does answer prayers. We too are just a phone call away if you need to talk. Vicki & Ed
On January 30, 2010...
Hi Susan and Richard
Please convey my best wishes to Richard. Really sorry to hear Richard has a fever but I'm sure he's in great hands. He will get through this. Keep positive and strong Susan because once he comes home, you're on deck and he'll really need you there for him. This surgery really is tough on loved ones. Cheryl, Ontario
On January 30, 2010...
Hi Susan & Richard, Sounds as though things are progressing, although slowley.

We think of you both often, but do not want to bother you. This guestbook idea is a great way to communicate on your time.

We are glad to hear Richard is good patient. Nurses love good patients.

Strenght, and love to you both,

Debbie, Clancy, & Echo
On January 30, 2010...
Hi Sue
Your to much!! Ya when I called today I never thought you would be so kind as to make the time to call me "right back'. But for that I thank you.
You are a star. Richard's rock and place to be himself, so take care of yourself. Ric hard will only be fine if your well and able to bring him the magic pills once he get's home.
So hang in there and be strong. We are only a ph.call away.
Talk to you soon.
Your good friend,
Norah and Co.
On January 29, 2010...
Hi Susan,
Been thinking about you and Richard hoping everything went well. I spoke to Ron and he told me about this site. What a good thing this is. His surgery is not an easy thing to go through for him and family. If you need anything please let me know. If you would like to stay in Methuen instead of traveling to Maine please I would be happy to have you. Take care of yourself.
Gail O
On January 29, 2010...
Norah what a good friend and neighbor you are to the both of them. Your last post says everything and above of what I wanted to say. so all I can say is "ditto"

People tend to forget what the care giver is going through.Susie you have all the support you need just a step or phone call away, no matter the time of day if you need to vent or just need someone to give you a hug over the phone call we are here!

Gentle hugs to Rich. Tell Rich to take the meds they offer he wont get the good stuff when he goes home!!!LOL!!!

Love you both
Collin & Alisa
On January 29, 2010...
what a great thing this journal is. Susan, thanks so much for keeping us posted on Richard's progress. Give him a big hug for me and tell him that my entire family is thining of him and praying that his recovery goes as well as can be expected. xxxooo Mickie
On January 28, 2010...
Hi Sue and Richard,
Thanks for the up-dates, it's so wonderful to feel so close to you both right now,(even if you feel as if your alone all alone),but YOUR NOT.
Sue I know it's real scary when you see a loved one right after the O.R. But jsut remember it can only get better. Surgery is never easy and the recovery period in no slice of 'lemon pie' . So hang in there Sue, try and rest when Richard is sleeping, eat and read something that makes you laugh out loud each and every afternoon. But above all remember you guys are not alone, ask for help when you need it, and call your friends and family for a kind word when ever you wish.
Good night and tell Richard we send our love.
Your good friend,
Norah and family.
On January 28, 2010...
Thanks for the details and the sharing!!!
On January 28, 2010...
Take all the help you can get from those around you and learn as much about his heart disease as you can so that you feel comfortable with his progress. You have lots of people who are keeping you both in our prayers. Thinking of you. Bill sister-Mary. ps. this is paragraph 2(im not very computer savy) ha ha
On January 28, 2010...
Hi Richard and Susan: I am glad Richard is out of surgery and recovering. The first time I saw my husband Joe after his surgery he was alomst unrecognizable. He was so swollen, and also had a breathing tube. It is for sure that heart surgery is pretty intense. Evey day does get better. Little by little Richard will gain his strength back but he will need time and alot of support. Susan remember you need to pace yourself when Richard gets home.
On January 28, 2010...
Hi Richard and Susan

Happy to hear Richard is out of surgery. Hearing "flatline" had to be pretty scary. No one said to my family or myself that I had flatlined, but I do know they had trouble restarting and then keeping my heart going on its own so my pacemaker was in use from the get-go. It was in use off and on right up until the day I went home when they came in that morning and announced my heart finally beat on its own all night. With that said, the nurse grabbed hold of the wires and yanked them out and that was that. The pacemaker was kicking in when my heart beat got below 50 or so and I know right up until late December, my resting heart rate was 54-60 - missing many beats. Anyway, I am just hoping to make you feel a little better about that pacemaker. Keep your spirits high and hopefully tonight everyone will get a decent night's sleep. Cheryl, Ontario
On January 28, 2010...
So glad the surgery is over and everything is looking OK. Thanks for the journal updates. Keep 'em coming!
Love you guys! Renee
On January 28, 2010...
So glad to hear Rich is doing good.I just hope you get some rest Susie you will need it.Please give Rich a very gentle hug from us.Hey if Rich does need the pacemaker its no biggie, Collin has had his for 5 years.We are thinking about you both, this site is wonderful...lets us know what is going on and you dont have to make phones calls all the time....
Love you both,
Collin and Alisa
On January 28, 2010...
So glad to hear that you're getting good news just 24 hours out of surgery! Hope you've been able to get some rest too Susan -you've got to stay healthy to take care of the big lug! xo Mary and John
On January 28, 2010...


Maria Pichardo
On January 28, 2010...
HI Richard and Susan, Lori and I wanted to let you know that you both are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you guys and miss you both. It has been a long time between visits and with life running its coarse with us all it's important that we all make the effort to stay in contact. After Richard has his strength back and is up to it, we would love to come and see you both. Lori and I will be out of the country for the next two weeks. We well be miles away but you both well be close to our hearts. Richard, please recover fast. We hope to see you soon. Love Brice and Lori
On January 28, 2010...
Hi Richard,

Just a short note to let you know that my thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery are with you!

Maria Pichardo
On January 28, 2010...
So glad that Rich is ok. Take good care of Rich and yourself.

Love you,
On January 28, 2010...
I'm thinking about the three of you and hoping that the next few days will resolve for Richard, all the glitches and discomfort that surgery brings. Susan, I hope you and Chris will be able to get some much needed sleep and a good meal! BRAVO YOU DID IT!
On January 28, 2010...
Great news. Hopefully this cow won't need a pacemaker, but we'll take him back anyway he shows up. best to you both. Love Lenny and Joannie
On January 27, 2010...
Hi there, I bet you both will be quite relieved that you now have the operation out of the way and that you can start progressing through the recovery. All the very best to you both.
Thalia, Ballarat, Australia
On January 27, 2010...
Hi Susan,
Just read your note. Sorry things got put on the 'slow boat' so to speak. Just remember their is a reason for everything! Richard will have been twice as relaxed by the time they performed their magic and that will have worked in his favor.
So hang in there and our prayers are with you both. Please call if you need company or just need a "poor soul" to chat with.
Shall check back in the morning.
Have a peaceful night and get some rest Susan, as Richard will have your running like a mad lady before you know it. I can hear him now..."Sue,Sue how about another cup of Tea" Trust me on that one.
Love and best wished,
Mike, Norah, Sarah and Hannah.
On January 27, 2010...
Susan and Richard,

Peggy and I are in my hospital room right now. I came through my cath OK today and wanted to see about you guys. I've been praying for you throughout the day. Wow, it's ongoing now. Know that we are praying now and eager to hear the results. God is with you, and we stand with you.

Duane & Peggy
On January 27, 2010...
Oh my gosh - what a long day for the both of you. Thanks for the update. Can't imagine what was going through Rich's thoughts just staring at the ceiling. Maybe it was, "Beige, I think I'll paint the ceiling beige!" Our love is with you! Mary and John
On January 27, 2010...
thinking of you both. Mickie xxxooo
On January 27, 2010...
Hi Again Susan,
I just checked Duane Hunt's site as he was in for the cath today and surgery tomorrow so, so far, so good. Keep your spirits high. Cheryl, Ontario
On January 27, 2010...
Hi Susan
Wow, what a tiresome day you've all had. You have a long few hours ahead of you now that Richard has finally gone in. I'm sure t's a different feeling waiting with Richard as opposed to waiting for Richard. I haven't been on your end of it so can't identify with the wait other than to know how emotionally draining it was for my husband,family and friends to be waiting for me. Just writing to say you are all in my prayers. Soon enough you'll have Richard back home and be a family again. Keep us posted. I've been thinking about Duane all day and sense he must be done by now. I pray his went well. Cheryl, Ontario
On January 27, 2010...
We're thinking of you Mr. Ingham (along with your many many good friends at Cedardale). Hang in there Susan!
Mary and John
On January 27, 2010...
Hi Uncle Richard - Been thinking about you all morning. Can't wait for your next journal post! Hope you guys are doing OK. Love you! Renee
On January 27, 2010...
I can see Rich now, good and drugged up... rolling down the hall on the gurney to surgery singing..... Moo on down, Moo on down the road.... Ya got to Moo on down, Moo on down the road!

Love You Susie Q and Rich


PS, I've got a million of them........
On January 27, 2010...
Richard (and Susan) I went to church this morning -- it's not even Sunday! Sure hope it helps. Best of luck and a speedy recovery.
Mary P
On January 27, 2010...
Hi Richard,
It's morning now and I bet you and Susan are busy waiting! I wish you the very best of luck as you tackle this one. I know you will both do really well! BREATH
XOX, Holly
On January 27, 2010...
Richard: I will be thinking of you today. I know that you will do well. As you might know, my husband Joe had bypass surgery many years ago. It was a concern but he did great. You have a great support system. I know that the women in your life will take great care of you as you recover from your surgery. God Bless -Mary (Bills sister)