On February 12, 2012...
Nancy you do not surprise us.. You go girl. Yep, we knew that you would be up and about and amaze all of us.. Keep up the good work.. we love you and continue to pray for your speedy and healthy recovery. Love, Deb, Ron & Rocky too...xoxoxo
On February 12, 2012...
Yay Nancy...what great news. Home is the best...so happy for you. Jamie Todor
On February 12, 2012...
We're so delighted. Can't believe you're coming home already. Are you sure you didn't have a colonoscopy by mistake? You come home from one of those really soon as well.
Welcome back to the world
Love, Sue and Fred
On February 12, 2012...
What wonderful news. Nancy YOu are truly WONDER WOMAN!!! So proud of you and so glad to hear you will be home again tomorrow.Love to you all.
Cynthia & Richard
On February 12, 2012...
WOW! That seems to be all can say in just about all my posts. WOW! Nancy is my role model.
Jeff Shebovsky
On February 12, 2012...
You go girl!
"There's no place like home, There's no place like home said" Dorothy.
Keep in touch.
On February 12, 2012...
Just read that they are springing you from the hospital tomorrow. Great news. You are amazing!
On February 12, 2012...
That's great Nancy. I am so glad you are coming home!!

Rest and enjoy being home!!

Jimmy Johnson
On February 12, 2012...
Wow that is great Nancy. Just take it slow. Good luck Linda H
On February 12, 2012...
Nancy, just stopping by to say hello and hope you are doing well. Did they give you your makeup back yet, lol? Look forward to talking soon. Take care and God bless!

Getting closer...Linda Dixon
On February 12, 2012...
Nancy, so happy to hear you are fine and came throught the operation so well. We've been out of touch on a cruise, so didn't get a chance to check your website until today.
Keep up you're marvelous attitude as it can only help your recovery,

See you in the Keys.

Lee and Judy Rakestraw
On February 12, 2012...
I am so happy to read that you are doing so well! I have been thinking about you every day.
Take care and hope to see you soon!
On February 12, 2012...
If you were a whirlwind before, you're probably akin to the Energizer Bunny now! Can we all keep up??!!

Glad to hear all is going well. Take care and know we are thinking of you! Susan Young (and mom too).
On February 12, 2012...
Great news! Nancy you are amazing, heck you probably still have your lipstick on. JK Take care.

Jim and Mary
On February 12, 2012...
Go Nanny Go!!!

Chuck Holmgreen
On February 12, 2012...
Nancy that is the most wonderful news. I'm so glad to hear of how well you are doing. Godspeed. Fran W.
On February 11, 2012...
So happy to hear that you are progressing so well. Keep up the good recovery work. Rest when you need to. This is not a race. We all end up great in the end.
On February 11, 2012...
Thank you Robyn and Linda. You are just great in bringing us this info ( I still wish I were there monitoring her vital signs, gluocose levels, O2 sats, and all that stuff, but your imput is so good and so right on, exactly as expected on this day in time..This message is for you and family with many thanks. For Nancy, just know every day is a different day and you are moving forward in the recovery mainstream. "carry it on"!!!
We are thinking of you with love,
Cynthia &Richard
On February 11, 2012...
Sorry, no i-pad yet.
Love, Joan
On February 11, 2012...
Nancy, you woke up not only with your terrific sense of humor but also asking for your "make-up". A woman after my own heart. Seriously, so glad to read the updates from Dick, Linda and Robyn. Bless their hearts and looking forward to seeing you at BR. Thinking of you daily. Heal quickly, do what your Drs.' say to do and you will be better than new (whatever that is)!
Love you, Joan and Dan
On February 11, 2012...
Great news! Go Nancy!!! So happy you are doing so well. Thanks Linda and Robyn for the updates!

Getting closer...Linda Dixon
On February 11, 2012...
Go cuz, go!!!! Awesome news. So glad to hear of the speed of your progress. I knew you would rock this. Keep up the good work. You'll be out of there very soon!!! -Mitch Friedman
On February 11, 2012...
Glad to hear all of this, but just dont go like a race horse out the gate keep it to a trot.
Until Later Linda H
On February 11, 2012...
that's my cuz! She has good genes. So happy to hear the upbeat news. Take one day at a time and don't rush recovery! I have spoken!!!! Love, cuz
On February 11, 2012...
The amazing nancy does it again! Woo Hoo!
Jeff Shebovsky
On February 11, 2012...
Way to go Nancy!!! Keep getting better every day!!!

Jimmy Johnson
On February 11, 2012...
So, you sailed right through like a pro. No surprise there! Didn't even mess up your hair, is that right?!!
Speedy, happy recovery to you!

Todd in Maine.
On February 11, 2012...
Great News Nancy.....SO glad you have the surgery behind you and are moving forward. Awesome that you are getting to move out of ICU so quickly.....glad to hear the updates and so happy for all of you that everything is going soooo well. Jamie Todor
On February 11, 2012...
I'd suggest letting Nancy have her Ipad back, because something like that would be really nice in early AM hours when you are in the hospital bed and wide awake. Your sleep patterns are definitely disrupted in the hospital.
On February 11, 2012...
WOW!!! FANTASTIC!!! Fred and I are thrilled and relieved to hear that things are going so well. Keep up the good work.
Thinking of you
Fred and Sue
On February 11, 2012...
WoW Lady,,,Wonderful to read you are back on the I-Pad and nothing slipping by you for a second!! You are amazing and am sure looking as if you are ready to go to"The Ball".
On February 11, 2012...
I'm so happy and I praise And thank God for keeping you and your doing awesome keep it up don't slow down your family will want you to but u do u go your own speed I'm so happy for you now get some rest
On February 11, 2012...
Message below about Nancy being amazing was sent in such excitement that I forgot to leave our names. Love Ya Nancy Deb, Ron & Rocky
On February 11, 2012...
I am so happy to read the recent update about Nancy.... I knew she would do amazing.. she is amazing... please give her hugs & kisses from us on her beautiful face whoch now includes her makeup... lol... xoxo
On February 11, 2012...
Oh my goodness, you are truly the BEST. What great news to hear your amazing progress. Wish I were with you to walk and cough you, but I know you can handle that just fine. Robyn and Linda, thank you for your updates and best to you, David, and of course Dick, I share in your joy and relief.
On February 11, 2012...
Way to go nancy!
On February 11, 2012...
In ICU AND trying to type on an iPad? Thats hard enough without all the drugs making you looney! When they let you, make sure to get up and do all the walking and breathing exercises they tell you to. Yep, will hurt but you can handle it.
Way to go Nancy!!!!

On February 10, 2012...
Hey Nancy,
I hope you had a good day today. I am thinking about you. I know you need to cough and walk, but I also know you can do it. Blink if you hear me.
On February 10, 2012...
Steve, Alyssa, Hallie & I are so happy that everything went so well. Our family is small but mighty & you proved it. Love you so much and can't wait to see you & Uncle Dick.
On February 10, 2012...
Hi Nancy - cuz here. What a joy to know that you are doing well. You have so much love and support around you, you can't miss! You're a trooper and we all know in our family how much heart is an issue. So glad that you took care of this. Thinking of you with lots of love and hugs. Joni/Mel
On February 10, 2012...
Go Nancy! Can't believe you are posting from ICU!! You rock!
On February 10, 2012...
Post-0p day #1, and moving along, anxious to hear how you are doing, and so glad to have this mode of communication. Best to Dick and family who should all have a good nights sleep tonight.
On February 10, 2012...
I knew you could do it and do it well.
That is your style. Now rest and take good care of yourself. This is not a race.
On February 10, 2012...
Hi Nancy, Just talked to LJ and she said she was headed up there. Sooooo happy that everything went so well. Thinking of you. Joyce
On February 10, 2012...
Love u and thinking of u. thanks for all the postings -- stops us from bugging Dick
On February 10, 2012...
Yay Nancy!!!! Good to have you back!!

Getting closer...Linda D.
On February 10, 2012...
Nancy - so glad to hear from you. Glad that you are doing well. I told you that you are a Rock Star..

Now get some rest and relax and you will be home before you know it.

Jimmy Johnson - T-minus 10 days until my "V" day!!
On February 10, 2012...
Just stopping by to check on Nancy today, still thinking of you and praying your recovery is right on track! Hugs going your way!

Getting closer...Linda Dixon
On February 10, 2012...
Way to go BFF. Continued love, prayers sent!! Love, Janis Kielbasa
On February 10, 2012...
We're all so proud of you Nanny!!! I can't wait to see you soon!
I love you so much!
