On April 8, 2010...
Eric - Thank you soooo much for letting us know. I have been thinking of Mel and looking at the clock all day and just kicked Andrew off the computer to check. You tell her we are so happy to hear and to take it one day at a time. Tell her we love her and knew she would be just fine. I'll call mom and let her know too. Between the good Lord, her family and you especially she will be taken care of.
On April 8, 2010...
Hi Eric
So glad you took the time to give us an update on Melany's successful surgery. The worst is in the past. She's in good hands, tell her to do whatever they tell her to do, they know best. Prayers continue for a great recovery.
Fran Z
On April 8, 2010...
So glad to hear the good news! I hope you have a non-eventful recovery. Just take each day as it comes and remember your journey may be different than others. We are all praying for you.
Theresa Callanan
On April 8, 2010...
Hi Eric and Melany

Thanks for the update. Glad to hear Melany is okay and on the road back to good health. Sleep well tonight because she'll need you as she wakes up.

Cheryl, Ontario
On April 8, 2010...
Eric, Melany & Family,

This is wonderful news! So glad it's behind you. That in itself is such a relief. When she comes to, she will feel the proverbial "hit by a truck" feeling, but the pain meds do a very effective job. Ask for them. God is in control, and you are in His hands. Praying for an uneventful recovery without setbacks. God bless.

Duane Hunt, FL
On April 8, 2010...
Hi Melanie - You have been in my thoughts and prayers all day!! I am praying for you and the family.
Love Aunty Patty
On April 8, 2010...
From on Triad NC resident to another Triad NC resident I hope that everything goes well for you. I have heard good things on your surgeon. My surgery is still about 5 weeks off with Dr Glower.

Let us know how things go!

Tim, Greensboro NC
On April 8, 2010...
Hi Melany

Thinking of you just now and sending a prayer your way for a very successful surgery and quick, no detour recovery.

Cheryl, Ontario
On April 8, 2010...
Am awake early today and am praying for your successful surgery. As you said, it is not in your hands. You are young and healthy, you will do well. Post op, do whatever they tell you, they are the specialists. I envisioned Jesus in the OR with my surgeon, a very comforting thought. It'll be tough on your family as they wait.
Fran Z
On April 7, 2010...
We are all here for you on the eve of your surgery.

Prayers are going out to you from everywhere!

Susan Murphy (Overland Park, KS)
On April 7, 2010...
Hi Melany,

Just think of how great you will feel when this is over. I will be thinking of you tomorrow and wish you the best. Know that you are in great hands. You will be back to chasing your kids around in no time at all. I am 6 weeks post op and feeling really good. Heading back to work on Monday.
Take care, and try and get some sleep.

Melissa Boardman, Los Osos, CA
On April 7, 2010...
Hi Melany,
I hope you are doing well. I wish you a restful night's sleep tonight and a smooth day tomorrow,
Carol McConnell
On April 7, 2010...
Hi Melany,

I'm praying for you as you prepare for your surgery tomorrow and for your Dr. as well. May you feel the strength, comfort, and peace of the Lord wrapped around you.
I'll be checking for updates...You will be a week into recovery when I have my surgery Thursday, April 15th.

God Bless,
Carla Hansen

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped; therefore my heart exults, and with my song I shall thank Him. Psalm 28:7
On April 6, 2010...
Hi Melany,
I'm thinking of you as you prepare for your surgery on Thursday. Hope you're able to stay calm as the day approaches--Easier said than done, I know! I'm sure your little ones will be keeping you busy right up until you go to the hospital. They sure are cuties.

You are in my prayers, and I just know that you'll do very well. I'll stay tuned for updates.

All the best to you,
Susan Murphy (Overland Park, KS)
On April 6, 2010...

What a lovely family! Best of luck although I sense you won't need it. If I can feel this good at age 72 a week after aortic valve replacement, mitral repair, and a bypass, you should have no problem at your age! And you WILL feel much better.

Jim in Tucson
On April 5, 2010...

Good luck on your surgery. You will be in all our prayers. You can see from all the postings on this site, that so many people have had their surgeries and have recovered well. I am sure you will do well also. Keep us posted.

Theresa Callanan
On April 5, 2010...
Hey Melany! Keep that bracelet - I have quite the nice collection & they are an awesome fashion statement!
You are in my prayers as you start your surgery journey. I am looking forward to seeing all your positive posts as you come thru this with flying colors!
God bless you & good luck!
Kathy Jamison-Patnode
On April 5, 2010...

Thinking great, big, healthy, heart-pumping thoughts for you!

Keep on tickin!
Adam Pick
On April 5, 2010...
Hi Melany
I'm sure you're glad all you tests are behind you and you have now been told you will have a repair instead of a new valve. That should make your recovery quicker. Just make sure the little ones hug you around your knees, not your chest. On Easter, got to see my 6 year old grandson for the first time post op (surgery was March 18th) and he gave me the gentlest of hugs and it felt so good. Hope your surgery is first thing in the morning. I never felt so thirsty and I had to be at the hospital at 5:30am. I will lift you up in prayer all day the 8th until someone posts the excellent results you'll have. Go into surgery peacefully, you've done all you can do, let the experts take over.
Fran Z
On April 4, 2010...
Hello Melany! So you guys like horses, huh? Do you collect Breyers? I have over 1000 Breyer models (been collecting since 1976). I have a Paint mare named Patches, but I donated her to a girl who could not afford a horse and she is so happy - and Patches gets so much attention. I could no longer afford to keep her (although I am still listed as legal owner) and I did not want to send her to a sale barn where she would have more than likely ended up at a slaughter house.
If you wanna talk horses - email me at elfkat@hotmail.com.
Keep the faith & know that God is right beside you thru every step of the way!
Kathy Jamison-Patnode
On April 4, 2010...
Hi Melany

Happy Easter to you and your lovely family. When you have recovered from this surgery you are going to feel so much better and will be the active mom you want to be. Take heart knowing things will be better.

I'm 6 months post-op from mitral valve surgery and get a little tweaking here and there but I'm out walking and getting back to my busy life. It hasn't taken me six months but as time goes by now, I'm still improving.

I hope you are managing to keep most of the worries away. Before surgery that is usually one of the toughest things to conquor. Our fears can really beat us up and once we're done we look back and wonder why we let it get to us. That was a great verse Fran sent you.

You are in my thoughts and prayers as your time gets closer. I'll be following your journey and keeping you in my prayers.

Cheryl, Ontario
On April 4, 2010...
Happy Easter Melany
Only a few more days to go and it'll be behind you and on the road to recovery. A bible verse that helped me immensely is Joshua 1:9. I wrote it out and put it where I would see it every day:
Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. will pray for you especially on the 8th.
Fran Z
On April 1, 2010...
Hi Melany,
You are on our minds every day and we will be in touch with you in the days before your surgery. We think this will be a great way for us to check in on how you're feeling and doing in the time before (and after) your surgery. Talk to you soon.
Love, Huey and Susan
On March 29, 2010...
Uncle Frank and I are thinking about you,Eric and the kids, We are praying everything will go just fine. Keep your faith in the one above. He will be with you every step of the way.We have put you on our pray list at our church. If we can do anything for you,Eric or Sidney or David just let us know. We love you!
Uncle Frank and Aunt Kathryn
On March 26, 2010...
Hi Melany,

I haven't seen you lately but I hope you know that you know I am praying for you and, as you said in one of your blogs, you are going to be fine, our wonderful Lord is right by your side all the way, he was with me last year when I went through all my stuff. I remember a saying I read recently, "If God brings you to it, he can bring you through it". Hope to see you soon. Diana (You and Eric's cousin)
On March 24, 2010...
Hi Melany

One test down and good results so now it's just a matter of the doctors getting in close to the heart so they can see exactly what needs to be done and making their game plan. Keep the faith and hang in there. You will be fine. I've signed up to receive your postings and look forward to watching you get through this.

Cheryl, Ontario
On March 24, 2010...
Hi Melany,

Thanks for your posting regarding the CT scan. I really wasn't sure what was involved in one. I will be traveling to Cleveland Clinic (Ohio), April 11th and will have 3 days of testing (including a CT)and then have surgery April 15th. I'm praying my surgeon will be able to re-repair my mitral valve. My first surgery was in 1998 at Cleveland Clnic but my valve has slowly failed over the past 12 years. They will have to see about the extent of the scar tissue. I've been praying for my surgeon in advance...knowing with God all things are possible.
You will definitely be in my prayers as your surgery date approaches. You're young and so many advances have been made over the years.
Praying for God's best for you!
Carla Hansen (PBG,FL)
On March 23, 2010...
Hi Melany!

I'm sorry you have to be one of us, but welcome to the HVJ family! What a beautiful family God has blessed you with! I'm sure you're busy scurrying, getting ready for April 8. It will be wonderful not having this hanging over your head anymore. It's great your valve can be repaired.

I had my mitral valve repaired at Florida Hospital Orlando on January 28. The surgery went great, but I did have some complications, including a stroke, so my road was full of ups and downs. I have signed up for your guestbook updates and will be praying that you will experience God's peace and presence and will have smooth sailing.

Duane Hunt, central Florida
On March 23, 2010...
Hi Melany,
I had a mitral repair done on March 2 and am at home recovering. My surgery went very well with no complications. The doctors were amazed at how fast and well I recovered. I feel very lucky and wanted to let you know everyone's experience is different. Also, as you can see on this site, even when there were setbacks in recovery the person pulled through and were fine. Good luck!
Theresa Callanan
Howell NJ
On March 22, 2010...
Hi Melany
Once you are given a surgical date reality really sets in. Spend some time getting a packing list together and seeing the home front is in order so you will not be rushing or worrying. It's good to see you had so many of your questions answered and hopefully you feel confident. This couple of weeks will slip by and soon you'll be talking recovery. Good luck. Cheryl, Ontario
On March 21, 2010...
Hello Melany! Welcome to our family! I too was happy to find this site & all the support. It's so good to be able to discuss my fears & concerns with others with similar experiences. I will add you to my prayer list and am wishing you good luck as your date approaches.
By the way... love the picture of your family! What a cool bunch!
God bless!
Kathy Jamison-Patnode
On March 21, 2010...
Hi Melany,

Welcome to the HVJ family. This whole site is full of great information to answer any questions you will have. Also, if you haven't read Adam Pick's book yet, it helped me understand what I would be going through. We both have small children so I can relate to what you are experiencing. Before surgery I was tired all the time too. Just 3 weeks post op I don't need naps anymore and feel once I'm completely healed I will be able to keep up with my kids. Hang in there and focus on how great you will feel when its all done.

Melissa Boardman, Los Osos, CA
On March 20, 2010...

I will keep praying and I know you will get through the surgery just fine! Let me know if there is anything I can do for you, Eric, or the kids. I wish I was closer and could at least help with meals or something for your family but please know I am thinking of you always. I love you.

On March 20, 2010...
Hi Melany
Welcome and nice to meet you. You have a lovely family waiting for you to get well again so there is lots of incentive to get in and get it over with. Like going to the dentist but they play with bigger power tools.

I had my mitral valve repaired in October of last year and have been in rehab since November. I hope you find lots of useful information in these journals that you can apply to your situation. There will certainly be lots of support.

By joining in here, you will not have to go through this journey alone. Good luck.

Cheryl, Ontario
On March 20, 2010...
Hi Melanie,

Welcome to the HVJ site. Adam has done an amazing job of putting this all together for those of us having to deal with heart valve surgery.

Your situation sounds similar to mine. I knew I had mitral valve prolapse for 30 years (I'm 59 now)and never expected it would get worse and require surgery. I started developing symptoms over the last year,some shortness of breath and fatigue. An echocardiogram showed that the mitral valve regurgitation had become severe and I'd need open heart surgery.

I had my mitral valve replaced in January of this year and I'm now almost 9 weeks post-op and doing really well. One of the first things I noticed soon after I got home from the hospital was that my shortness of breath was gone. I hadn't realized how short of breath I'd been before the surgery. It's a gradual subtle thing that saps your energy over time.

While I was in the hospital I was told by a number of docs and nurses that I could look forward to feeling great and having lots of renewed energy after the surgery. It has taken me a few weeks but I'm feeling like I'm really reaching that point.

You have the advantage of youth on your side, so that will help even more in your recovery.

Good luck with your upcoming surgery. I'll be following your journal entries for updates.

All the best,

Susan Murphy (Overland Park, KS)
On March 20, 2010...
Hi Melanie,

The journal is a great idea. I love the family photo. I have thought alot about you these last two weeks. You remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Love, Aunt Patty
On March 20, 2010...

Mom and Dad will be right beside you for your surgery. We know you will do great!
We love you and will help with whatever you need.

Love, hugs and Kisses.

Mom and Dad
On March 20, 2010...
Hi Melany,

Nice to meet you and welcome to Heart Valve Journals!

Sounds like you have had quite the month. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

By the way, who is your surgeon? I see that you are in North Carolina. Are you, by chance, attempting to see Dr. Chitwood for your mitral valve repair?

Keep on tickin!

Adam Pick