On June 14, 2010...
Just when one thinks they have thought of all the post surgery complications, another one pops up to surprise you! Hope this one resolves itself without causing too much extra discomfort.
I did not have any gaping holes after the chest tube but I do think the chest tubes irritate nerves are are responsible for a lot of the post surgical pain.I still have a lot of discomfort following the path of my last chest tube in conjunction with my second surgery to repair the lung hernia.
Patience becomes a primary virture in this process.
Wishing you peace and good healing
Mary Ann, fella HVJ traveler
On June 13, 2010...
Hi Kimberly

I think you are now experiencing one of those blips in the road that we have talked about. I'm glad you sought out medical attention and will be on the mend. One of my drainage holes took a long time to heal and I was told to just keep it clean and dry. Keep your spirits high.

Cheryl, Ontario
On June 13, 2010...
Hi Kimberly
The day after surgery they noted a hematoma at the very top of my 8" incision. It was about the size of an extra large egg. They drew a mark around it with a magic marker to track the size. It went down and now after almost 3 months there is still a slight swelling. So, assume yours will also go away as the blood is absorbed. Your appetite will return gradually. Keep up the good work.
On June 12, 2010...
My goodness Kimberly, you have been on my mind so much. I'm sorry you had to experience some difficulties, but maybe your behind them now. I rec'd blood, too, 2 units, so do not be concerned about it. They told me the screening is so much more now than it was some time ago. I'm feeling really well. I don't remember 3 days after surgery and the 4th is a blur, too. I tire very easily, but I'm sure that's to be expected. You were on my mind so much while in the hospital hoping that you were having the same results as I was. Each day will get better, my dear, hang in there. The worst is over.
On June 11, 2010...

So glad to hear your recovery is going well and hope it continues! My prayers are with you still.

Grace & Peace,
Kellie (MD)
On June 11, 2010...

Great to learn that you're home and making headway. It's a journey that has it's own timetable for each individual. Everyone's path is a bit different. Don't make the mistake of thinking every day will be better than the one before. Recovery has its ups and downs. It's part of it. As long as the general grade is up, that's good.

May God continue to heal your body and give you guys His peace, strength, and encouragement.

Duane Hunt, FL
On June 11, 2010...
So glad you're up to a little posting, even though it is tiring. It'll be a while till you start to feel stronger, don't worry about it. I too, had a post op transfusion and in this day and age, I wasn't concerned about it. It didn't give me the energy they thought it would, couldn't even tell the difference. Will you have to take iron daily? It's all behind you now and all you have to do is get better. Having a wonderful husband like yours makes all the difference, I know.
Fran Z
On June 11, 2010...
I am very happy for you Kim. The worst is over and recovery is on the horizon. Good for you!

Tommy Schrage

On June 11, 2010...
Good seeing you yesterday. Can't wait for us to be able to have a really fun girl's day out.
You looked so much better! Do your exercises and mind David. He is following doctor's orders when he has you walk and do exercises.
See you next week.
Love you,♥
On June 11, 2010...
Hi Kimberly

Nice to see you on the journal yourself this morning. That's too bad about the transfusion and I would have felt as you do had I needed one but just like the surgery, you'll have to believe in the system and pray it is good blood. Don't worry overmuch about it or let it mar your successful surgery. Get your rest.

Cheryl, Ontario
On June 10, 2010...
Hello Kim -
I hope all is well. Still thinking about and praying for you.

Tommy Schrage
On June 8, 2010...
We hope you, in fact, were able to go home earlier today. We continue to think of you often and remember you in our prayers.
In your case, it appears our prayers are being answered.
Don't push it too much now that you're on the mend.You likely have half of your lifetime to catch up on all you have missed out on.
Uncle Paul and Solie
On June 8, 2010...
Congratulations, Kimberley! I'm sure home will feel particularly sweet with all you've been through.

Wishing you a smooth recovery - Joy V.
On June 8, 2010...
Hi Kimberly

I am so pleased you are going home and have this all behind you. Praying for your recovery to be an easy one.

Hey, you have a jewel of a guy there!

Cheryl, Ontario
On June 8, 2010...
Congratulations!!! I am so happy to hear you're well enough to go home. I will continue to keep you in my prayers.

Kellie (MD)
On June 8, 2010...
WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (doing my happy dance!!!!)....so glad to hear that!!!!!! What a blessing to hear David...i pray she continues to rest and recoup...you've been awesome at keeping us update...Thanks soooo much!!!! Keep getting better Kimberly!!!!!!!! :-))))))))))))))))))(that's a really big smile!)
On June 8, 2010...
Congrats on being sprung from the hospital. It's a great feeling. Just don't over do it once you are home--either one of you. It's very easy to wear yourself out and realize it too late.

Enjoy your recovery at home and being able to sleep without someone coming in at 3:00 am to draw blood or take you to have a chest x-ray. I don't miss that one bit.

Tim from Greensboro NC
On June 8, 2010...
Congrats Kim!! You'll quickly find the comfort of home beats out the safety of the hospital.. Take care..

On June 8, 2010...
Congratulations! That is wonderful news! I'm sure you'll be happier in your own home.

I hope you continue to feel better and stronger.

Ricki Shine
On June 8, 2010...
May the absolute best be yours. Great news!

Waiting to hear more good news as you heal.

Tommy Schrage
On June 8, 2010...
Will be seeing you soon.
Mind David.
Love ya,
Mom ♥
On June 8, 2010...
Wow, from not walking to discharge, so quickly!! Great news. Kimberly you will recover faster in your own home. Prayers continue for an uneventful recovery. Good job!
Fran Z
On June 8, 2010...
Oh happy day! What wonderful news!
Love tap - MJ
On June 8, 2010...
WOOHOOOOOO!!! Glad you're going home :) Now, hopefully, you can both get some much needed rest! Much love to you!

On June 8, 2010...
Hi, Kimberly! Thank you for writing to me. I have signed up for your updates and want to read your story when I am home from the hospital. THANK YOU for including me in your prayers!! I will do the same for you. Thanks, again! Shannon Smith MsFit123@sbcglobal.net
On June 7, 2010...

So glad you are finally on the mend and moving about. I'm rooting and praying for you.

Kellie (MD)
On June 7, 2010...
Hadn't realized that 4 days post op was the first walk. Was that because of pain, weakness, low blood pressure? Seems the staff was very cautious waiting for Kimberly to be strong and ready and now she'll recover faster. Good job, both of you.
Fran Z
On June 7, 2010...
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The 5K will be next week!
On June 7, 2010...

Yeah!!!! One step at a time sweetie. Glad to hear you are out of the bed.
Love you,
Mom ♥
On June 7, 2010...
YAAAAAY KIMBERLY!!! So happy you're walking. That's your ticket out of the joint.

Keep it up, girl!!

On June 7, 2010...
I am sooooo glad she's improving. Before you know it, she'll be home :) WooHoo! That first walk seems like a 5k, I know! Thank you for sharing!!! Love you both!
On June 7, 2010...
Whatever you do, do NOT post the pictures! I'm warning you! :) Glad she got up to walk.
On June 7, 2010...
Hey sweetie. Today's a marvelous Monday! Very brave of you to share the opening lines of The Story of Kimberly & David. What an adventurous journey you two have started, filled with challenges that you both have conquered. This too, shall pass and become a "Remember, when . . . ". What you went through with mom, perhaps an experience to prepare you for this with Kimberly, and give you strength. Love you - MJ
On June 7, 2010...

Your story is so touching. I'm so glad to hear that Kimberly is progressing well. It won't be long before she'll be home with her "new" heart and living her "new" life with you and the kids. Please send her our love and prayers.

Amy and Matthew Machtay
Raleigh, NC
On June 7, 2010...
Hi Kimberly and David,

Loved the story, there is always someome for each of us, just have to find them. I am married to my second husband and it truely is one of the biggest blessings of my life! Thanks for the note in my guestbook, this is a journey and I do plan to take it one step at a time! Each day is a new day to live, we are never promised tomorrow! Glad to hear Kimberly is doing better, I think about you all daily! Tell her I said to continue to keep her head up and know that it will all be worth it in the end!

On June 7, 2010...
Hi David & Kimberly
You two are obviously meant for each other. Thank you for sharing your love story. Being in the step down unit means real progress is being made. They'll have her doing hall marathons. The transfusions are working, the BP is up, her appetite is better you are at her side and she will do it. Prayers continue.
Fran Z
On June 7, 2010...

Thanks for sharing! You've got me crying here at work. I'm going through something similar and would really like to talk/share with you.

I know you're busy, but I'd really like to write to you at your personal email address. Please send me a quick email at
atambere@yahoo.com so I can email you later.


Angie Tamberelli
On June 6, 2010...
Hi David

Hoping today showed vast improvement now that another tube was removed. You are doing a remarkable job of reporting and it is very much appreciated and interesting. I'm hoping the bpp up the gets resolved as well today. Glad to hear Kimberly is improving. Keep up the good work you two.

Cheryl, Ontario
On June 6, 2010...
It is so good to know that there has been some improvement. Thank you, David, for keeping us up to date. I hope both of you get some much needed rest now.

Joy V.
On June 6, 2010...
Hope she can get some good rest now that the pain is reduced somewhat. Glad to hear things are looking up.
On June 6, 2010...
I'm glad to hear that things are starting to get better for you guys. I didn't have the BP problem when I had my valve replaced at Duke on 5/21. I couldn't get my O2 sats up enough even with the spirometer. Even after I came home I had "wet" lungs.

Now that the final chest tube is out you should start feeling a little better. Once mine was out it was such a relief and I could actually breathe a little better.

David, take care of yourself and let the nursing staff do their job. The hardest part of your job takes place once you get home--just ask my wife.

Thanks for keeping us up-to-date and in a few weeks this will all be a distant memory--except for the incision discomfort.

Tim from Greensboro NC
On June 6, 2010...
Hi Kimberly,

Glad to hear you are getting better. Your husband is doing a great job at keeping us updated! The worst of the pain I had from the 1st surgery was the chest tubes, but what a relief once they were out! I too had to have bp meds and blood given, so it may be more common than I first thought. I am continuing to pray for you and your family!

On June 6, 2010...
Good morning Kimberly & David! The sunrise reflection on the lake is blindingly beautiful. A lovely breeze ripples the water and casting a rippling light show through the windows and on the walls. Cardinals, bluebirds, gold finches and blue jays are darting amid the trees and flowers. A colorful game of tag. I had a chat with our CEO, and you are on the healing track.

love you,
MJ & Chuck
On June 5, 2010...
Hoping the blood pressure is doing better than this morning. Sam and I have been keeping you in prayer and can't wait to hear that you are in the step down unit and then on your way back home again. We are here to help out in any way we can - please call if there is anything you need or want. Hang in there and take care of yourself.

Shannon =)
On June 5, 2010...
This is a special thank you to David for taking care of Kimberly. Seeing you with her just shows how much you love her and care about her. I'm so thankful she has you and that you're there taking care of her. : )

and to Kimberly- it was so good to see you today. You're doing so well. Try to stay positive! You'll be out before you know it. : ) It hurts now but try to think about all of the things you'll be able to do in the future. <3 you!!!
Love you both!
On June 5, 2010...
Hey Kimberly! I finally had a chance to sit down and read all the updates, and I am so excited for you! This is the hard part, for sure, but girl, your new life has started and I know you're gonna be able to enjoy it like never before!! I was so nervous when I started reading about your low blood pressure issues, but then I saw that you were being picky about your Jello, so I know you have to be doing pretty good! Don't worry, all your girls know that no one makes red Jello as tasty as yours! ha! Don't laugh, it might hurt!! Just smile like this ---> :) David, thank you again for all your updates... I feel like I have been there the whole time. I'm so thankful she has you! Know that I am continuing prayers for you guys daily and can't wait to come visit. Love you both,
Jenn-Jenn <3
On June 5, 2010...
Hi Dave and Kimberly!

I'm sorry that you're having problems with low blood pressure . . . I had that pretty much throughout my hospitalization. There were a few times they could not give me some of my meds because my BP was too low. In addition, my heart rate was high (is yours? I can see how those 2 things would go together.) The good news is that I got out of the hospital on time (6 days post surgery) and when I was at my internist's last week my BP was 120/80!

As you know from reading everyone's journals, this is a bit of a roller coaster ride, lots of ups and downs . . . I hope today will be an up day for you.

On June 5, 2010...
Good morning Kimberly!
A brand new day filled with healing strength.

Love you,
MJ & Chuck
On June 5, 2010...
Hang in there D. We are still with Kimberly and you. Every new day is a great day. Many, many more new days are on the horizon awaiting you both. Keep the faith and God Speed!

Tommy Schrage
On June 5, 2010...
Good morning sweetie,
Hope you got some rest last night. Hope the extra blood will get you up and moving. I had to have some after Austin, and it really made a difference.
Will be checking with David during the day. He has been great about calling us and keeping us up to date.
Talk to you soon.
Love you,♥