On August 17, 2012...
Are you feeling 20 years younger Yet???
On August 17, 2012...
I am SO glad to hear all is going swell and the doctor's are happy, and that you got kicked out of ICU for being too healthy haha ;-)

All my love,
On August 17, 2012...
BTW. Susan says the correct name of your drug is actually Hydromorphone. At least the Wikipedia blurb describes it the same way you did.

Any rose by the same name....

Ken Curry  Good catch.
On August 17, 2012...
Ooh, hillbilly heroin. Sounds like fun unless it's administered by a hillbilly heroine. I'm so glad you're healing quickly! Take care, my BB! Can't wait to hear that you're home, though I'll bet you'll miss those pretty girls;-)
On August 17, 2012...
Drugs, Bandages, Incisions.... The stuff nightmares are made of. I'm grateful you spared us the digital up-close photographs. I have low tolerance for open wounds and things of that sort (most expecially when they're my own, but other people's as well).

So let's get on with the Rehab and the healing.... You need to get home amongst your toys and let Izzy fatten you up a bit after that low-calorie Hospital food. You should be concentrating on composing a few favorite menus.

Looking forward to a visit later on this year when we can both celebrate our renewed warranties....

Lee in Reno
On August 17, 2012...
My second sentence in previous message should read: "More Hillbilly MORPHINE...."
On August 17, 2012...
Woo hoo! Sounds like you are making great healing headway now. More Hillbilly and whee! Thnx for the description of your Spirometer. Sounds like a challenge with the kind of incision and sternum cut you've had. You've got such a great surgeon, glad you're making him happy with your ahead of the curve progress! Yay, that's my bro.
Message to your No. 1 Fan who wrote you such a GREAT set of lyrics to one of all our favorite So. Pacific melodies: Fantastic! Love it.
Yes, Kenny, you MUST sing it to the staff! If you had your UKE there you could play and sing at the same time. You want the chords?
Please let us know if breakfast was yummy. But what could match last night's dinner?
Lots of love, dj/buzzzzz

On August 17, 2012...
Keep up with the exercise so you can go home. It sounds like you are doing very well, even dragging around the paraphernalia.

Proud of you, Art and Elizabeth
On August 16, 2012...
Perhaps that was the worst night - surely they can only get better from now on? Thanks for the update. K3
On August 16, 2012...
Kenny, hoping your night is better than last night! Rest IS the best medicine. I am enjoying all the well wishes from your friends and family. . .having this journal is a wonderful idea. Your heart beats with new vigor. . .those dancing shoes are waiting!
On August 16, 2012...
Hi Ken: Just chkin on Ya, Sounds like you are doing fine, will chk back soon. Love >>Gary/Anita
On August 16, 2012...
Ken—You got an awful night out of the way, bravo! One moment at a time you're putting it behind you n' behind you s'more. Keep the faith (though ya might shake a finger at it now n' then!); I believe in the energy of those prayer circles, not to speak of chili con carne.

On August 16, 2012...
Hey Cuz,
Glad you are getting up a little, even if it is
with help. Just think you will be able to do the Charleston and travell route 66 again. Boy, remember those good old days? And that alsome car you had. Just think you will be better than new..Your thought of evey day and in all my prayers.
Love you vey much, Ray
On August 16, 2012...
Some implanted evening
You will meet a stranger,
You will meet a stranger
Across your recovery room,
And somehoe you'll know,
You'll know even then. . .
That somehow you'll see them
again and again!

Doctors give you reason,
Nurses never try,
Keeping you awake all night
But leaving without goodbye.

Some implanted evening,
You will see that stranger,
You will tell that stranger,
"There's one thing I know,
I knew even then. . .
Let's do it again and again!"

Your No. 1 Fan
Ken Curry  Trying to sing this with the melody and getting mixed up with the bridge. I want to sing it to the st ... Read more
On August 16, 2012...
Hi Ken, sorry to hear about your bad night but you must realize by now a hospital is about the worst place to get some rest. There is continual activity and someone is always pushing, prodding, and the noise of those IV machines can seem defining at times. AND for sure be careful that you don't pull your battery cables out, those are the last things removed before going home.

On August 16, 2012...
Hi Ken
I shared with you a bad night. Pain level was very high ; so I'm on Percocet every 4 hours to keep ahead of the onslaught of pain .
I'm sure every day will get better- that's what I'm told.
Just keep thinking of your favorite Chili Con Carne down the road!😊

On August 16, 2012...
You are at the most difficult part of recovery. All the things you mention combine to make this the most hellish time. Prevail, wonderful brother. Sending you a virtual back massage, with my love and continuing prayers.
On August 16, 2012...
Forgot to ask. Are you feeling 20 years younger yet?
On August 16, 2012...
I've found rest to be one of the most important aspects of recovery and they never let you have it in hospitals. Hang in there.
On August 15, 2012...
You need to bottle and sell whatever it is in you that is making your recovery so smooth!!! Cheers to you from the Sayre clan!!!
On August 15, 2012...
Great news, your being out of the ICU !!!
Thanks for the updates, Isabelle, Ken. People around here enquire, well wish :)
Have a good night.

On August 15, 2012...
Wow! I'm impressed that you're already getting up and around and sending messages the day after your operation! How did you recover so fast? You must be a super hero of some kind as Donna put it so well (not sure what kind of superhero she was describing though:) Keep up the messages - it's nice to receive news of how you're doing and "what" you're doing at the hospital (besides flirting with the nurses of course... at least that's what Isabelle is telling us :) Ariel
On August 15, 2012...
Computers not one of my skills - thank goodness I have others! So hope you get this message. Wow, you sound as though you are enjoying the love, care and attention - and why not! Still thinking of you even during the most delightful ballet I saw yesterday performed by the Eifman Ballet of Russia - modern/classical mix with fantastic choreography and brilliant dancers. Enjoy being well cared for. K3
On August 15, 2012...
You sound great and I am so happy your recovery is going so well. Hugs, Elizabeth
On August 15, 2012...
You rock, BB! You got kicked out of ICU in record time! Love you!
On August 15, 2012...
Get ready for many more B&E outings!

(aka: Bacon & egg breakfasts)

On August 15, 2012...
Woo hoo! Happy Graduation from ICU to normal room. I expect nothing less than highest marks from my Super Bro. I think we have a new super hero here -- Super Bro, duh duh duh duh duh DUH (blaring trumpets), part man, part pig. (More trumpets)
Sounds like you've got the best of pain meds since it only "smarts a little" to get out of bed. Wow, pretty fantastic you're allowed to get in and out. You ARE SUPER BRO! Love you, Kenny/Wzzzzz, dj/bzzzzz
On August 15, 2012...
Thanks for the update Ken, as usual we had crossed mail again. It's like I told you before, learning how to get out of bed takes a bit of training but you'll have it mastered in nothing flat.

CUL, John
On August 15, 2012...
Dear Ken : Anita and I are so happy for you that everything went as planned, You will be better then new in no time at all, Take care and enjoy your new valve, Anita and I send our love, >>>>>gr
On August 15, 2012...
You're making the procedure sound like so much fun that I'm considering calling my local E. R. to see if they have any vacant dates.

I could use a Reboot, Recharge and Reload of software.

Lee in Reno
On August 15, 2012...
I had no doubt that you would come through with flying colors. Have patience with yourself during the recovery. It takes time.
On August 15, 2012...
Happy to know that surgery went well!

Keep healing Ken!

Phil,Jan and Louise

Jan's sugery was a success;A,I,-please call us laterr to today
On August 15, 2012...
spero che si rimettera molto presto
On August 14, 2012...
We're so glad surgery went well. We are wishing you a speedy recovery.

Brian, Leah, & kids
On August 14, 2012...
Pretty extreme way to get some good sleep. . How wonderful. Enjoy getting the deep rest you genuinely need. Glad your funny bone is well oiled, too. You deserve all the TLC and pretty nurses, you do you do, AND the great drugs keeping the pain away. My compliments and thanks to the world class medical team and hospital staff you are so fortunate have. Love you, Kenny. DJ, bzzzzzz
On August 14, 2012...
Oh my dear Kenny boy!

Whooooppeeeeee indeed!And You still have your lovely humor! I am so happy everything went well! Toute mon amour!!!!!

Enjoy the lovely drugs and lovely ladies!
On August 14, 2012...
I am amazed at how many well wishers you have rallying 'round at such a critical moment. Quite impressive for such an old curmudgeon with impaired social skills.

An example to all us.

Well done to the Staff.... Congratulations to you....

Best Regards,

Lee in Reno
On August 14, 2012...
Love the "Arnie" reference! Shows Ken's sense of humour is still intact!

Glad they are staying on top of his pain and hopefully he will have a good night and they give him 'shots" or a regular drip so he doesn't have to ask for meds all the time.

Thanks for posting Isa. Keep up the good job!

On August 14, 2012...
Hey there Ken, it's great you're doing so great after that serious operation. Just don't let the nurses take advantage of you.

On August 14, 2012...
On August 14, 2012...
YAY!!!! I don't quite envy you the good sleep, but almost! Love you, BB!
On August 14, 2012...
So happy Ken is doing well. Easy to see this man is well loved - so nice.
...Vicki D. (HVJ)
On August 14, 2012...
Leave it to my bro to wake up quoting Arnie as the Terminator with, "I'm back," and flirting with the nurses. Way to go Kenny!
Thank you Isa for doing your Papa's Journal for him and keeping us all posted.
I just finished talking on the phone to a good friend, a Franciscan Monk, and who is part of Ken's prayer chain, who remembers Kenny from Santa Fe visits and sends his best, too. Lots of love and continuing prayers, donna, bzzzz
On August 14, 2012...
Gratitude :))))))

On August 14, 2012...
Thanks for taking care of Papa. Glad to hear all is well. Ariel
On August 14, 2012...
It's good to have you back, BB!
On August 14, 2012...
Onward!! Kung Foo Panda has come through just as we knew he would.
On August 14, 2012...
4PM Toronto Time.

Relieved to hear all went well.

Lee in Reno
On August 14, 2012...
ok fai gli auguri da tutti noi ,Adele Mario e fulvio e famiglie.
un abbraccio

max aurora e matteo
On August 14, 2012...
Thank you very much for the update Izzy, and now you can relax a bit.
