On November 19, 2013...
Peter Fahlman posted a note for Jim that says:
Listen to your body.............. Listen
Jim Jones  Hey Peter
Thanks for following the story
Yes, it is hard to imagine what my body went thru 14 days ag ... Read more
On November 18, 2013...
Gabi x posted a note for Jim that says:
Jim, I cant get it out of my head and I know it is way too soon but I will say it anyway. I just think it would be lovely for you and Lise to share a romantic dinner. A pizza by candlelight perhaps? Glad you are doing so well Jimbo!
Jim Jones  Hey thanks, Gabi!
I am sure a romantic dinner is in our future. A great thought. We just need one hea ... Read more
On November 18, 2013...
Susan Smith, a/k/a Smitty posted a note for Jim that says:
Jim, another day of progress. Glad to know you are well on your way to all your goals. Gold star flying your way. Have a great one.
Jim Jones  Hey, thanks, Smitty! Gold stars always motivate me! Let me keep plugging away here taking it one day ... Read more
On November 18, 2013...
Aubrey posted a note for Jim that says:
Jim, excellent news. Keep up the good work. I used the meds regularly for the first few weeks and then started substituting ibuprofen for a pain tab. I was also told to take the Ibuprofen daily anyway since is such a good anti-inflammatory and can say that it really is. Even now it is useful for cardiac rehab after using the weights for the arms and hauling suitcases through airports. I can tell the days I do not take it. Check to make sure it is compatible with your current meds if you choose to do this.

You are really sounding well. Keep it in the slow mode and ramping up slowly over time is excellent. For me, it was like having a time to reset the clock a little. Enjoy the new heart performance and the time at home.
Jim Jones  Aubrey
Great to hear from you! Where are you today, Russia?? I am getting a kick out of your travels. ... Read more
On November 18, 2013...
Carol Jackson posted a note for Jim that says:
Jim, glad to hear you are also "a recovery animal!" I also found that my breathing was better after surgery. Pre surgery I just kept going.
I used the horseshoe traveling pillow as soon as I got home and still using it.
With sore back and upper chest I used ice and also went to my chiropractor.
I also did not watch much TV nor could I read a book. I listened to audiobooks, read the paper and listened to music.
Keep on walking. So glad you are doing so well
Jim Jones  Carol
Great to hear from you! Thank you very much for the tips. And thanks for the encouragement. I w ... Read more
On November 18, 2013...
Lynn Ennis posted a note for Jim that says:
That all sounds great Jim! Are you sleeping in bed yet?this is a relaxing time now....things just ticking along..we are so lucky to,have had such a verbal group go before us! Carry on !
Jim Jones  Still in recliner, Lynn. Will be in bed watching Pats tonight using wedge. Let us see how that goes. ... Read more
On November 18, 2013...
ted ridout posted a note for Jim that says:
Jim, just read through your journal. Glad all went so well. We all face increasing medical issues at this age. Running will come back to you with delight.
Other details on our sons. Tim, youngest, landed a great position as a fellow with the German Marshall Fund. Dan on temporary but long-term employment, Matt moved to Wells Fargo investment management and bought a house in Boston.
Jim Jones  Ted
Thanks so much for taking the time to read thru my journal. It has been an interesting several mo ... Read more
On November 17, 2013...
Louise posted a note for Jim that says:
Glad to hear that you are getting outside - it gives a feeling of accomplishment and staves off cabin fever. Hopefully, we won't get too much rain as you recuperate.
Jim Jones  Louise
You are exactly right. I need to get out and get some fresh air. We will get out 1 more time t ... Read more
On November 17, 2013...
love momma posted a note for Jim that says:
Jim, it's great you & Lise are enjoying quiet time. After all the excitement now is the time to regroup! Your sharing in the journal does remind me that our bodies adjust so slowly to changes we don't realize we have changed until we no longer have the same issue. Then WOW I didn't know I felt that much change happening..and how much better I feel now. Keep up the good work and ENJOY those pills while you have 'em.
Jim Jones  Thanks, momma. And good afternoon to you! Yes, you are right. I think our brains accommodate gradual, ... Read more
On November 17, 2013...
Ernie A.S. posted a note for Jim that says:
Back off Sinclair!! He was MY friend first!!!
Jim Jones  Jeez, Ernie, manners. We have talked about this before, haven't we? Big E, how are you doing today? G ... Read more
On November 17, 2013...
Dan Sinclair posted a note for Jim that says:
Thank you for your help getting me through this. I am going home (to hotel) today. Day 4 post Imagine that. It has really been easier than what I had in my mind. I have a few stories I want to share about my experience as well, just to help the newbies! You and I are now seasoned professionals at something we were never trained for. Glad you are feeling well, Take Care my brother from another mother!
Jim Jones  Danny boy
Well done! I am so pleased you are doing well and getting out. I can assure you that you wi ... Read more
On November 17, 2013...
Susan Smith, love the post posted a note for Jim that says:
Jim, glad to read you are on the mend. As a pre-op member of this online family, I am taking in every word you say and compling a list of "to do's". The "FBP" club, I am sure is 100% membership in the fine group. Ladies don't brag on their membership, but they in the club. LOL Keep up the good work and the great post. Not too many of us talk about the breathing issue pre-op, but was glad to read how you felt. I have had this issue for sometime and wondered if it was "just me" or a part of the value issue.

I worry that I won't be strong enough to handle the recovery, so I have pulled out the can goods and use them as weight lifting tools. Always open to suggestions?

Take care and keep on target.

Jim Jones  Susan
It is always great to to hear from you. I enjoy your different tag line for each post. That is ... Read more
On November 17, 2013...
Joe K posted a note for Jim that says:
Hi Jim,
You are doing great! Everything you are going through is normal even the worrying. Keep focusing on your recovery, settle in to your cocoon with Lise and continue sending your informative messages to those who will follow as well as your very positive and loving messages to those in need.
Jim Jones  Hey Joe
Good morning to you! How are things?
Thanks for the reassurance that indeed I am normal. How ... Read more
On November 16, 2013...
Lynn Ennis posted a note for Jim that says:
Hey Jim,
How are you doing this weekend thus far? I am not making much progress increasing my distance walking ( I get dizzy) but we were out for 3.5 hours today in West Marin...a stroll in and out of shops and lunch. I felt fine! But then I came home and took a 2 hour nap! I hope you are healing,
Jim Jones  Doing well, Lynn. thanks for asking. You are much more active then I am right now. You are my hero! ... Read more
On November 16, 2013...
Chris K posted a note for Jim that says:
Good suggestions for the early recovery period at home. Great minds must think a like--I did the same thing. I found when I first got home, I kept forgetting if I had taken the prescribed meds at the prescribed times--so did an excel sheet to keep track. And I got a Omron blood pressure cuff--actually about a year ago to track my bp in the couple of years before my surgery. It helped because when I would see my GP or cardiologist my BP was sometimes high---but it was due to "white coat syndrome"--the anxiety of what they were going to say or do to you. It was reassuring to know my BP was normal and helpful to show them. MY cardiologist took a copy of my sheet when I went to see him a couple of weeks ago. He found it helpful.
Take care and hope your recovery is going ok.
Jim Jones  Hey Chris- it is wonderful to hear from you! How are you feeling? Yes, meds are tough to follow. I lo ... Read more
On November 16, 2013...
momma posted a note for Jim that says:
Jim, i had forgotten they also informed your dad he was encouraged to pass gas at every opporunity! what a blessing for him! one day a nurse walked in just as he had passed gas and she even commented she was normally used to it but this was a little too much for her and she backed out and replied "I will return later"!
Jim Jones  She was a wise woman! Good morning, momma. Hope all is well. Will call you later. We have been out fo ... Read more
On November 15, 2013...
Leslie Holtzclaw posted a note for Jim that says:

Glad everything went well and you are recovering nicely. I'm 3 weeks post-op. Take care and be sure to rest. :D
Jim Jones  Hey Leslie, it is great to hear from you! 3 weeks already? That is hard to believe. I trust you are w ... Read more
On November 15, 2013...
Ernie A.S. posted a note for Jim that says:
Farting, burping and pooping. Doesn't get any better than that!
Jim Jones  Ernie, my good man, it is the hospital triathlon! I suggest they should run background checks on us b ... Read more
On November 15, 2013...
Louise Tompkins posted a note for Jim that says:
Jim, Bill and I enjoyed your burp and gas story - it brought back memories of the nurses almost begging him to pass gas either way. It was funny to see how excited they got when he announced his first success.

Jim Jones  And did he get a trophy? Louise, I think the hospitals would get much higher compliance from athletes ... Read more
On November 15, 2013...
Lise Jones posted a note for Jim that says:
Jim- you made it, Little Buddy, but as a neighbor said, your positive attitude and terrific shape contributed to your success! I cannot believe we have only been home for 2 days, as it seems like weeks. I remain amazed at your progress and am so proud of you. I am glad to see that your sense of humor is steadfast. This surgery has really given you a new lease on life, and I look forward to continuing to share many wonderful adventures and laughs with you contributing to ever-lasting memories!! Loving you forever, moi xoxo
Jim Jones  Well, I love you forever also! Folks know you did an extraordinary job in NYC and now at home. Ernie ... Read more
On November 15, 2013...
Sue Giuliano posted a note for Jim that says:
Hi Jim,

It's such a small world. I had dinner this evening with my sister Louise Tompkins and she told me of your surgery. Sorry to hear of your troubles, but so glad to hear you had the best of care. She spoke of your referral to Mount Sinai and I immediately asked if Dr. Adams was your surgeon. My great friend Peter is a Cardiac Perfusionist who works with Dr. Adams, I'll ask him if he worked on your case. Peter is in awe of him. Say Hi to Lise for me.

Heal soon,
Sue Giuliano
Jim Jones  Sue
Thanks so much for stopping by! It looks like one degree of separation. Please let me know if Pet ... Read more
On November 15, 2013...
Rebecca s posted a note for Jim that says:
Jim, you certainly have a way with words. Always enjoy reading your posts. I am so glad you are doing well. Keep up the good work and keep providing the very informative posts.
Jim Jones  Why thank you, Rebecca. Praise from a stong, independent Texan is high praise indeed! I am feeling be ... Read more
On November 15, 2013...
Jim Donovan posted a note for Jim that says:
Nice to be home and free of all those tubes! We don't know one another, but I've stumbled upon your site and have been following for the past 4 days. Welcome home.
I can relate to what you've been through. When I was 12 (1972) I had open heart surgery. Now 54 I must return to the sceen once again. This time to have HVR. This will all be done at Children's Hospital in Boston. Well enough of memory lane. Best of luck in your recovery. May each day you get healthier and stronger. Don't eat to much turkey.

Jim Jones  Hey Jim
It is my pleasure to meet you! Thanks so much for stopping by. Please let me know if you have ... Read more
On November 15, 2013...
Steve Thomson posted a note for Jim that says:
Glsad to see all went well, I don't have surgery until January but the anticipation is building. Any insight or tips on the recovery process is great to read about. Glad to see you made it home.
Jim Jones  Hey Steve
The very best of success in January. I left a guest book entry on your journal and just wro ... Read more
On November 15, 2013...
Angelo Varrone posted a note for Jim that says:
Jim, Congrats! Glad all went well. Surprising you were awake in the OR. I was asleep in the OR prep area. Take your time and be patient with recovery.
All the best...
Jim Jones  Hey Angelo
Thanks for stopping by. Thanks for the well wishes. Yes, they gave me a light dose in the ... Read more
On November 15, 2013...
Aubrey Elmo Jones posted a note for Jim that says:
Keep us posted Jim. Do all the right things and do not get in a hurry. Let the healing take its time and enjoy the time with the home life and Lise. This time was a golden gift for me to spend some one on one time with Tammy so you and Lise take advantage of that. BTW, Criminal Minds is on ION channel almost every weeks day.
Jim Jones  Aubrey
Thanks for stopping by. It really is a golden opportunity, isn't it. The first time in years w ... Read more
On November 14, 2013...
Carol Jackson posted a note for Jim that says:
Glad you are home and on the mend. It is truly a miracle that the Doctors and their team can perform these surgeries.

Take it slow and easy and be sure to take your pain meds and Tylenol when needed. I started cardio rehab last week and feeling more confident everyday.

Jim Jones  Hey Carol
Can not tell you howggodd it is to hear from you. It indeed is a miracle. I can not believe ... Read more
On November 14, 2013...
Mary posted a note for Jim that says:
Jim, so happy for you! What a journey!Rest and enjoy. You, Ernie, Aubrey, and all the rest are trailblazers for those following in your footsteps. We hang on your every word. Lise, you must be happy to be home also after this surgical vacation. Peace and calm to you both! Mary
Jim Jones  Mary
You are so kind to leave a note. I am virtually connected to everyone through this fantastic sit ... Read more
On November 14, 2013...
Gabi x posted a note for Jim that says:
A big welcome home Jim! Just chill OK?
Jim Jones  Gabi
NOW you tell me! I just came in from moving some fencing from the back yard. Three hours of work ... Read more
On November 14, 2013...
Ernie A.S. posted a note for Jim that says:

Sounds like your spirits are good. Yay!
Glad you're home and enjoying your recliner. I'm a little over two months out from surgery and still use the heck out mine. Fell asleep in it last weekend watching the Denver Broncos playing.

I start cardio rehab today. Yay!! looking forward to that.

Hate hearing about Rachel's troubles in the UK, so sending plenty of prayers her way.

Gonna send a shock collar to Lynn for her pug. :)

Good job Lise. Kick his butt if he tries to do too much. First priority is HEALING.
Jim Jones  Ern-dog
Thanks for stopping by, big guy. My spirits are solid. Lise has been wonderful. Visiting nurs ... Read more
On November 14, 2013...
love momnma posted a note for Jim that says:
Wonderful news Jimmie. I know your bed and chair must feel so welcoming after hosp beds which are NOT KNOWN for their comfort. Enjoy just relasing today and resting up. Lise will serve good food and lots of love. She too deserves a GOLD STAR!
Jim Jones  Momma, good morning to you! I can not tell you how great it is to be home. We will relax today. The v ... Read more
On November 14, 2013...
Lynn Ennis posted a note for Jim that says:
Jim, I am so glad all went well for you and you are finding peace at home. I also share your despair over Rachel- I hope the rest her heart is having now will do the trick.
There was so much to take in in that event! I am feeling worn out- I can't start talking about it yet and have no interest in casual conversations. I have no energy for energetic friends whom all want to drop by! So I am sort of hibernating......enjoying being home, working out the new details with the family. It's all good! I am glad both of us have come to this calm place.
Jim Jones  Lynn
Agree. We need to give our bodies and hearts time to heal. That needs to be in the quietest of s ... Read more
On November 14, 2013...
Susan Smith, on the trail posted a note for Jim that says:
Jim and Lise, partnership in crime, welcome home. Step by step. Love the Big Chair description. I think we all have one of those or will be getting one of those. I have one, but am looking for a lift one to rent. Rest and walk.....rest and walk. Have a super great day.
Jim Jones  Susan-thanks so much for stopping by. There indeed is no place like home. Good luck with chair. If re ... Read more
On November 14, 2013...
Vicki posted a note for Jim that says:
Thanks, Jim! The only thing these pages need are "like" buttons. Very nice comment with regard to the community and it really is a community, isn't it?

psstttt - you are supposed to be resting. They took Britney's electronic devices away when she was in hosp (for a fun reason) last week. Don't make me come over there :)
Jim Jones  Today is a day of rest. It feels odd. As you know I have never rested perhaps for my entire life. (no ... Read more
On November 14, 2013...
Vicki posted a note for Jim that says:
Welcome home, Jim. Just walking in the front door of your home must have made you feel considerably better. Rest in your chair by the fire and catch up on reading!!

In addition to Jim, my thoughts and prayers are for all of the individuals here who are preparing for or recovering from surgery. Your names are becoming quite familiar.
Jim Jones  Thanks, Vickster. Being home is much needed and appreciated. My body and brain says "thanks" to it's ... Read more
On November 14, 2013...
jeff o posted a note for Jim that says:
Finally, you get to catch up on all that great daytime tv. Keep moving....slowly, Jim.
Jim Jones  I can not commend daytime TV more highly! Well, maybe not so much...I am moving well so far with no d ... Read more
On November 14, 2013...
Joseph Kusiak posted a note for Jim that says:
So glad you had a safe trip home, have the recliner and tremendous support group. You are doing great and well on your way my friend.
Jim Jones  Hey, big guy, how are you doing today? This recliner rocks! Years ago, We spent 1/2 year to find it. ... Read more
On November 13, 2013...
Tracy Aranda posted a note for Jim that says:
I go in at 5:30am. Just enjoyed a delicious meal my mom had hidden in her suitcase! Pays to be an only child. : P Can't wait to hear how your recovery continues. Did you go straight home today, or stuck around NY for a bit?
Jim Jones  Tracy
We got out yesterday, stayed at Mamara at 2nd and 94th and drove up today. Home now. We had a c ... Read more
On November 13, 2013...
Higgy posted a note for Jim that says:

Glad to hear you had such a great experience. I am looking forward to you future posts. Many thoughts and prayers.
Jim Jones  Higs
Thanks so much! It was a profound experience for sure. Many different elements to the hospitaliz ... Read more
On November 13, 2013...
Susan Sevier posted a note for Jim that says:
Good to hear your virtual voice. Just let it all unroll as it does...tomorrow is 8 weeks since my surgery and it is still unrolling but it is so great to be on the ride, and to know that you are on it safely too..and I'll be sappy if I want (tears are part of recovery, my virtual friend, tears are part of recovery).
Jim Jones  Susan
Some time you will have to give me your practice and performance tips. I perform in my work and ... Read more
On November 12, 2013...
Ernie A.S. posted a note for Jim that says:
Gotta post a photo of you with your new zipper. Welcome to the club.

A little over 8 weeks out of OHS for me and cardiologist just gave me the OK to start cardio rehab. I go in for the first one Thursday. You'll be in this position soon. just gotta be patient. Take it slow to heal quickly. Remember---lots of protein for healing. Lay off the beers and you won't pee so much.
Jim Jones  I thought beer was a pain reliever? I have been drinking lagers and rubbing beer all over my body. Ev ... Read more
On November 12, 2013...
Wally and Diane posted a note for Jim that says:
Great news!!! What a wonderful feeling it must be to have this behind you and now a journey of healing.....wishing you good days and improved health...you couldn't ask for a better caregiver! car ride home is great idea!!! Take care....
Jim Jones  Hey guys. I have the perfect partner. Lise has been outstanding! We are so glad to head back. Yes, he ... Read more
On November 12, 2013...
Derek Perkins posted a note for Jim that says:
Does the hospital know you're out? Come back to MA soon anyway - Zaftig's reports sharp decline in takings.
THRILLED all went well; we've thought about you a lot.
Take good care.

Jim Jones  Hey Derek, thanks so much! And yes, the hospital knows I am out. When they personally throw you out o ... Read more
On November 12, 2013...
Tracy Aranda posted a note for Jim that says:
So happy you got discharged! Sounds like you're doing great progress. I'll be going in Thurs. And, by the way, you know you're paying for each time those 120+ people touched you, right? : ) Keep improving!
Jim Jones  Hey, Tracy, thanks so much. I am sure that you will receive care from many of the same staff that I d ... Read more
On November 12, 2013...
Susan Smith, cheering you on posted a note for Jim that says:
Free at last, free at last! Do not try to run in Central Park (at least not yet). Don't over do, but keep on moving. Contrats.
Jim Jones  Susan. I dispair. The doctor said " I gotta run". (he then ran out he door). Now I see I misinterpret ... Read more
On November 12, 2013...
Ernie A.S. posted a note for Jim that says:
The Man of Steel DVD was just released today. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Jim Jones  Ern-dog
Thanks for all your messages while I was in a far, far land. Based on my hospital behavior, I ... Read more
On November 12, 2013...
Linda H and Elsie posted a note for Jim that says:
Hey Jim, Glad to see you go sprung out of the hospital ok. You and Lisa have a safe trip home on that train. Remember your pillow is your very best friend. It will help you on the train, besides it creates its own attention and you get more help. lol
Take care.
Jim Jones  Linda and Elsie!
Thanks so much!
We have switched to a car service. The train would just be too bumpy ... Read more
On November 12, 2013...
Vicki posted a note for Jim that says:
Just seeing you post on here was a nice feeling. Glad you are out of the hospital and on the road to a wonderful recovery. Safe travels home tomorrow. You have a lot of people traveling with you so hope the limo is large enough. :))
Jim Jones  Thanks! Will be a bit crowded.
On November 12, 2013...
Barb Brooks posted a note for Jim that says:
Hey Jim... Glad to hear you're doing we'll. the journey home may not be that pleasant, but worth it when you finally get there. There's no place like home for recovery. All the best for a speedy one!!
Jim Jones  Barb, I am REALLY looking forward to coming home. How's the Itchy Dance??
How are you feeling?
On November 12, 2013...
jeff o posted a note for Jim that says:
Getting home is the absolute best step in this journey. Go slow, rest, heal and get well Jim.
Jim Jones  Jeff O
I am paying very close attention to the great advice. Tx.