On April 2, 2012...
Hi James,

Welcome to HVJ site I think you will find a lot of answers here and great support we are all in the same boat as you.

I am going for my dental clearance today so I can schedule my AVR surgery hopefully within the next few weeks, this will be my second heart surgery but to fix a different problem.

Big things to consider are what type of valve to get, with all the advances today you have quite a few choices, mechanical, bio and then the Procedure that Adam had and that I have elected to have, The Ross Procedure.

Ask lot's of questions on here everyone is very open and willing to help. You are going to do great whatever choice you make on valve, and know you are not alone.

Feel free to ask me any questions, my email is spurnumber1@sbcglobal.net.

Cindy Pastrano
James Robertson  Thanks Cindy! Good luck on the Surgery. Still not sure what AVR is, still trying to learn a lot of th ... Read more
On April 2, 2012...
Hi James,
My name is Stephanie Cole. I am a 39 year old who is 16 days post-op from a bovine (cow) valve replacement. I know exactly what you are going through.
Even though I had OHS (open heart surgery) at age 5, I was SHOCKED when my cardiologist told me my heart was enlarged and needed a valve replacement.
First, you will be fine. You will get your normal life back and be a better person once it's all done. I promise!!! I still wake up every morning, so thrilled to be breathing; alive!

Second, the surgery is a snap. As I've said before, childbirth and tonsilectomy MUCH worse. Recovery is actually quite enjoyable.

Third, if you lift weights (your pectoralis muscles), I would stop. Men and strong women have more pain if they are very muscular in the chest area. I stopped all lifting about 2 months before surgery, just because I'd heard that.
If I can help answer any questions, my email is stephcoleot@yahoo.com

I'll try to post a picture of what the valve looks like and maybe a post-op scar. It's all pretty cool.
James Robertson  Thanks Stephanie for the kind words, That must have been scary going for surgery that young. You made ... Read more
On April 2, 2012...
Welcome to the website!
I'm scheduled for surgery on May 14th. I've been on this website for several weeks now. There are amazing people around and most of us are going through exactly what you're dealing with.
For now, the best thing I can share is technology is amazing and we're living in a great time. Read everything you can and I think you will begin to become more process oriented and less emotional about all of this.
I've known since I was a child that I had a valve problem. Bicuspid Aortic Valve. I was incredibly active but always aware of what I've got. I can tell you more about me but I think what's key is to learn about the best hospitals and doctors in your region. Work with these people. We have a great outlook and the future, I now believe, can be awesome.

Feel free to reach out. I hope I can help you the way others have helped me.

James Robertson  I believe my valve is the same issue as you have the bicuspid valve in the aorta, mine leaks so that' ... Read more
On April 2, 2012...

This site and the people here, in addition to your friends and family, will help you to keep your anxiety level down to a workable level.

I myself am six months out (Oct 10) and I feel better than I have in 20 years.

Have your found and talked to a surgeon that does minimally invasive surgery? It's good to at least check it out.

Whatever you do you will come through just fine. Until the surgery distract yourself with other things. Family, friends, hobbies, anything.

I have journals here if you care to read them.

Joe Gimbel
James Robertson  Thanks for the kind words Joe, I will read the journals. Pretty new to all this information, and not ... Read more