On October 29, 2011...
Congratulations Deb on passing this milestone. It's a little like walking through a doorway into another room, another era of your life. Enjoy the crisp Wisconsin air as I am. Joe Gimbel
Deb Ziegler  Thanks Joe! I have been followingnyour journal as well. I hope everything continues to go well for ... Read more
On October 28, 2011...
Dear Debbie: Oh happy day...so glad and thankful that you have been given the green light to walk out of the hospital...join your family in a nearby hotel, and hopefully be on the road home tomorrow, feeling well! I have just returned from NY where I attended one of my brother's wedding...and in the midst, I was able to take time to visit St Patrick's Cathedral and pray for your perfect and speedy recovery. Sending you lots of love and gentle hugs...yvonne
On October 28, 2011...
Deb, I have tears in my eyes reading that you are out of the hospital and will be on your way home tomorrow. As I said before, although the recovery may be slow, think of the end result when you will have a heart that will beat correctly.

You are such a fighter that I know you will do well on your road to recovery. Don't rush things. Play with your dogs and keep smiling. Thanks to Jim and Josie for taking such good care of you, and thanks to your doctor, too. Love you, B. Christensen
On October 28, 2011...
Glad to hear you are out in nice fall air. Badgers play tomorrow night in Columbus. Stop on by and cheer them on! Nah.. get your arse home and rest up lakeside! Safe travels!

West Coast Catlin's
On October 28, 2011...
So glad your able to leave and see the outside world again! We wish you a safe and smooth ride home tommorrow!
Don't worry about the dogs they are doing great and I will keep them as long as you need to get settled at home. We don't want them to test your strength quite yet.
Gertie is quite the snuggly one, she will be so happy to curl up with you when it is time!

On October 28, 2011...
Deb has left the building! What a relief to honestly be on your way.
Have a good night there at the hotel and the best ride possible tomorrow.
Can't wait to see your smiling face.
The weather here is nice and seasonal. I bet you can't wait to sit on your porch and breath that autumn air.
Take care,
On October 28, 2011...
Hip Hip Hooray! Debbie got released today! So happy to read the latest and greatest news from your camp. Good for you! The big white fancy Catlin boat will make it a smooth ride home for you. So proud of you!

jflakjf oe; jdkl;ajfd - Yay, Aunt Debbie! (Daly)
adjfieoaejio;ai - ma ma ba ba da da (Hanna)
On October 28, 2011...
you take your time baby.......home will still be there......you hang close till your 100% sure you're o.k....... Slobbering Kisses- Dr. Sue (not Dr. Suess)
On October 28, 2011...
I was in the hospital for 14 long days after my surgery. The days are long I know. I almost lost my grip a couple of times. Better to stay a little longer than to come back. Easy for me to say now, I know. Hang in there!
Jim Davis
On October 28, 2011...
Praying for God's comfort and patience to guide you and your family. His timing is always perfect. Feel His peace as you wait.

On October 27, 2011...
Hills & valleys Deb. Things will smothe out soon! Just do as your are told and this all will behind you.Praying for you. Bill Best
On October 27, 2011...
Hey Debbie! This is Amy P. and I just got updated. I am HORRIBLE at checking my personal email so I am now going to get your journal reports to my univ. email which I have to look at 42x a day. Sigh. But I won't go two days now without knowing how you're doing! Well, we have guests coming in tomorrow thru Sat afternoon but if you're still here Sat night (for your sake, I pray you aren't!) then I would love to come up again. YOU ARE BEING SO PATIENT and that's exactly what your heart needs you to do! :) Dang, if I just didn't have to work, I could have come up and played Farkle or cards with y'all! ha. Well, hope this gets to you. I'm cleaning the house + making Red Hot Mama chip dip - got recipe from NW River supplies friend back in Idaho! Thinking of you and continuing to pray for you! I'll be anxious to hear what tomorrow brings! Love ya, Amy
On October 27, 2011...
Almost home, you must be getting very anxious, to be released, then to have a setback is really a bummer, but much better in Cleveland, then on the road without your doctors. Maybe tomorrow, I will keep my fingers crossed for you!

Take Care until then!

On October 27, 2011...
You're almost there! It is so remarkable to think that you just had this procedure done last week and you are already almost ready to get home! Being from hearty stock certainly does help I think - Zieglers are fighters, for sure! You have such a great attitude! So proud of you! Hugs from the Columbus crew! xoxo
On October 27, 2011...
Bummer that you're still there but remember you can't see the mountains without the valleys. We are planning on Trick or Treating at your house (Joanie is going to dress up as a nurse in case you have Cleveland withdrawal syndrome). Time and patience are great healers.

Peter & Joanie
On October 27, 2011...
Hi Deb, Well it's a good thing you didn't escape any sooner. Those meds are tricky but Doogie will get it right for you. I'm sure a little bit of medicine goes a long way with someone as tiny as you but they need to give you enough to get the job done. Good luck today! I'll be thinking of you and wishing you well!
Love, Kitty
On October 27, 2011...
Patience is a virtue and one day at a time! Hang in there, you will be home before you know it with everyone you love.
On October 27, 2011...
Wow what a rollercoatser ride you 3 are on..we're leaving for shows today, but Jim you can reach us at anytime on our cell phones. Thank you for keeping us so informed, we love you!
On October 26, 2011...
My gracious Deb,

I am so glad you are still there. What's another day or so when we have so much playtime ahead. This isn't a race to the finish line it's a race to the next starting line. Tune your boat, trim your sails, be prepared, physically and mentally. Please tell Doogie Hauser we will stand ready for you and there is no rush to get the next race underway. Hang in there. You have a great team with the Cleveland Clinic, Josie, Jimbo, and the hundreds of friends and family that love you so very much. Besides the weather here pretty much sucks and isn't planning on getting better real soon. Unlike you.

On October 26, 2011...
Safe safe travels home Deb ... sending good thoughts your way! :) MP
On October 26, 2011...

This is all great news! I imagine you are going to miss your wizard of a doctor, but he wouldn't let you go home if you weren't ready. He must know that we are all on stand-by just waiting for an SOS call - whether it be for a prepared dinner, someone to walk the pups or just some company. We are ready to answer any and all requests. Stay safe and comfy on your trip home....see you soon! (Bernie and Gertie are going to be so happy to see you!!!!!)

Hoopie and Willie
On October 26, 2011...
Safe travels home and I hope you can stay comfortable in Todd's big rig....... what great news for you all..... Kudos for being such a good patient and being able to get out of there. Call when you get situated and if you need any help . You certainly have not missed anything in the weather dept......
On October 26, 2011...
Great News Deb,

Be sure to have Jimbo stick the Presidential Seal on both sides of the car so he can speed and get home sooner. Better take it off before you get to Waukesha County because it may send the wrong message. I am sure they did not put that much blood into you.
Oh yeah, "speed limit" in Waukesha County as Captain Jack would say.

God's speed.

On October 26, 2011...
Safe and comfortable travels. I really hope you can get home and be more comfortable. That right there could be a good influence on your "angry" and healing heart!
You all are a great team. Keep up the good work.
On October 26, 2011...
Hey, Deb, glad to hear that they may release you today. That sounds great. I just hope that you will obey what they tell you and won't get too energetic playing with those dogs you love so much.

It must be a great feeling to know the surgery is behind you and now the recovery begins. That will take longer than you want, but it is soooo necessary for the healing to begin.

Think about you each day and hope for your continued recovery. Take care, dear friend.
Love you, bchris
On October 26, 2011...
The same exact scenario with A-FIB happened to me after my valve replacement. The doctors will calm it down with medication. Just keep in mind, although it seems like a long time, but 6-8 weeks from now you will feel so much better..my surgery was 10 weeks ago and the progress is amazing. GOD BLESS YOU..JOHN MADONNA
On October 26, 2011...
Awesome news, you must be so excited to be released from the hospital, I am happy for you? I can understand you need a change of scenery and fresh air. IT's been a long week, hang in there, it can only get better from here!

Have a save trip home, and no major issues!

On October 26, 2011...
Thanks for the update it's hard for all of us at home feeling helpless! Trying not to bug you all by phone we live for these updates and love you all very much. Have a safe trip l know Bernie and Gretie will be 2 very happy pups to see you!
On October 26, 2011...
Yay! That's great news the new med worked and you didn't need cardioversion! I can't imagine having a heart rate of 150. Did it feel like you were running on a treadmill and couldn't get off? Hope you and Jim and Josie get a good night rest before the drive home. Bernie and Gertie are going to be sooooo happy to see you!
On October 26, 2011...
Glad to hear they dialed in on the right meds. Sounds like everything is progressing nicley. We're especially glad to hear you'll be on your way back home! We'll be sure to clean up your house---we've had so many great parties there in the last week or so. We had little choice given we took the camper out for a few "road" parties and it kind of blew up somewhere in North Dakota...not really sure where,though.
Just the same, glad you're all heading back!

On October 26, 2011...
Great news! I am sure you are ready to get out of the joint and going back home.

Hang inthere!

Love scott
On October 26, 2011...

Hoping the new meds can get you straightened out quickly and your heart rate will get on an even pace.... not fun right now I am sure. Sending lots of smiles and positive thoughts you will soon get to go home soon.
Keep playing scrabble..... you are still beating me even on drugs!!

Love Cherrie
On October 26, 2011...
Hi all, we're here for you all and hopefully this morning they will have solved the problem we're here awaiting good news. Love to the 3 of you,
On October 26, 2011...
Dear Deb,

Wow you are really testing their work. Low heartbeat, fast heartbeat, A-fib. I guess it's good to take that around the test track before breaking out of there.

I hope you get outside for some fresh air today. One can take only so much of that hospital pure air. Te for a little variety.

Thinking about you a lot and know that you are at the best place. Keep your chin up and you will be out of there when the time is right. We all love you here in cheeseland and miss you. Thanks for your updates. I kind of feel a little helpless here so they help. It's been a long week but very short when you think of the years of high quality life you have ahead. Plus it's the off season. Good timing.

On October 25, 2011...
Hi Deb.......glad to see you are getting anxious to leave the hospital. That is a good sign and tells me you are on the mend.

I can not begin to imagine what you have gone through! I have enjoyed reading the updates from Josie and learned about the procedures. I bet you can't wait t get home.

Who is taking care of you dogs? I bet you miss them as much as they miss you.

Lots of love,

On October 25, 2011...
Bernie and Gertie are rooting for your heart to even out on its own! Gertie has shown us her sneaky side of opening the garbage pull out and rummaging for scraps:) She opens it while Bernie helps fish stuff out! They had themselves quite a feast last night. I must not feed them as many treats as you, they decided to help themselves.
Bernie and Bella go to the Pooch palace for some pampering in the morning. I will send some photos when they are done.

We are all pulling for you to get this straightened out and hopefully spring the joint.
Try to get a bit of rest if you can. We are thinking of you tonight and praying that this all evens itself out.
On October 25, 2011...
Hi Deb,
Willie and I are pleasantly amazed at your progress - we should have known that even heart surgery couldn't keep you down for very long! We're so glad to hear that you are free of all your tethers and able to put in a few laps around the hospital. Practice up for the dog park...Grace, Champ and I will meet you, Bernie and Gertie for a little exercise! Looking forward to seeing you and Jimbo soon. Please tell Josie how much we appreciated her updates - we felt like we were right there with you this whole week.

Get some rest....

Hoopie and Willie
On October 25, 2011...
Hi Deb,

I hope that pacemaker was rented. If not put it on eBay. Low miles, stretched wires, 100% successful, U install, full Melges warranty.

Planning the annual fall cleanup at The Highlands and just wanted to find out when you will be ready to help. Winter is coming!

On October 25, 2011...
Hi Deb,
Wow, getting your pacemaker wires pulled sounds like having some really really big stitches pulled. Good thing you're on pain meds.Hope your heart rate and rhythm smooth out and no more A-fib so you can get out of the hospital soon. Sounds like a good plan to rest up at the hotel before the long journey home. Nobody ever gets any rest in the hospital.
hang in there Deb! You're doing great!
On October 25, 2011...
Hey Deb glad to hear that things are going so well!! I knew they would you have way to many people pulling for you . Hope that your pain is not so bad. We can compare pain notes at a later date. Take care ! Bill Best

On October 25, 2011...
Hi Deb,
I could almost feel the wires coming out of you while reading your message. Unreal! You are one strong woman. I hope you enjoyed a bit of fresh air after so long inside even if it was on a roof top of a building and, not on a lake, on a mountain, or in the woods. You are so close now to enjoying all of the rest without all of the worries. Way to Go!
On October 25, 2011...
Hi Deb,
So glad to hear all the gadgets are gone. Get some fresh air and enjoy your last night or two of room service. Tell Josie I bought a Nau coat today in her honor. It was the least I could do.
On October 25, 2011...
Hi Deb! It's Mary and Wilbs. We love reading about your progress! Sounds like things are getting better by the day. So glad to hear it. We are leaving for Africa shortly, but we'll be sending all our love and positive energy your way. You are amazing, keep up the good work!!!!
On October 25, 2011...
Sounds like lots of good things are coming your way, we'll keep the prayers rolling out for you here. Give Jim and Josie hugs for being there for you during this very hard time, it's been so nice to be updated daily on your progress.
On October 25, 2011...
hi deb. just found this site. thanks for keeping us up to date. you have been in our thoughts and prayers. we even have my prayer group in MT praying for you. hold on strong- God's peace to all of you. vicki
On October 25, 2011...
Hi Deb~

It was fantastic to read you entry and "hear" your words again. There are always bumps in the road to get over so just be patient. I'm sure the staff don't want you to leave because you're such a pleasant patient to have around!

Jim and Josie have been your angels there and you have many, many more scattered around holding positive, caring thoughts for you. Did my "angel" arrive in the card yet??? Hope you get it before you are ready to leave and head home.

I'm on a jet plane...........will read more later.

Hugs, Cindy
On October 25, 2011...
As much as I have loved Josie's entry and fantastic updates of your progress, it was great to hear from you this morning. Best wishes for continued progress and a restful recovery!!! Take care. Courtney
On October 25, 2011...
So glad Deb is doing so well. I'm praying for God's comfort for you. Relax, be peaceful, take you time and heal gently.

'And He shall be their peace.' (Micah 5:5)

On October 24, 2011...
Wow. To think you could be getting out of there less than one week after The Grand Opening. That is terrific.
Do what the Dr.s say and give yourself a break. You are doing great...all of you!
The updates and reports are wonderful and truly appreciated back here in WI !
Have a good and quiet evening.
On October 24, 2011...
Dear Deb,
Never thought you were that much of a camper but glad you are camping out at the hotel for a little bit after they spring you. Camping with room service.....not bad.

I saw the photo of your incision. Can I get them a sharper knife or saw? I know you Zieglers are tough but they probably should have used carbide. Kinda late now.