On April 10, 2010...
Good Morning, Cheryl
Thanks for your kind note after my cardio visit. God is still teaching me patience and apparently I had set my recovery bar too high! Yes, it is a little more humid here but the brunt of it really doesn't hit till June. Ended up walking 10 minutes inside our home yesterday. With our open floor plan, part of the walk is an oval. Glad most of the flooring is tile or I would be wearing the carpeting. Had a dear friend deliver a delicious dinner last night, dessert and all. It was complete with a flower arrangement. We didn't even think of lighting a couple of candles and eating by candlelight! Maybe next time. Have a wonderful weekend.
Fran Z
On April 6, 2010...
Hi Cheryl,

Hope you had a happy Easter and are enjoying springtime!

You asked me whether I've started cardiac rehab. Yes, I have, and it's a good thing for me to be doing right now. Just completed my 5th workout session yesterday and it feels good to be moving and challenging myself that way. I'm also able to get out into the garden now that spring has finally arrived in Kansas. Gardening is something I've always loved to do and it's good exercise as well. Although I'm definitely going to let my husband do the heavy digging and the hard work this season!

One of these days soon I'm going to post a journal update, along with some new photos hopefully.

Thanks for your continued interest and I hope all is well with you.

Susan Murphy

I'm still having irregular heartbeats. The nurses at cardiac rehab always remark on my extra beats on the heart monitor, but they don't seem too concerned. I'll see my cardiologist in a couple of weeks and will have LOTS of stuff to go over with him!
On April 6, 2010...
Good Morning, Cheryl
Thanks for your long note last night. People have been so kind, I got a few responses regarding the auras. Just figure it's due to the anasthesiolgy and drugs they fill you with. My vision is not as sharp either and we had just gone to see the opthamologist in February, so will let it go for now. Capt'n Bill and I exchanged emails and seems we are both on a parralell post op path, with the same bumps. As for my INR home device, if you go to www.tapestrymedical.com, the machine that is featured on the home page is what I have. As far as being tested once a month as they are recommending for you--I'd think it was a little too infrequent especially 6 months post op.Of course, It took about a year before I was stable enough to be tested once a month. Went to a coumadin lab for a veni puncture (and me with the poor veins). Once a week testing allows you to have better control for the variables that come along. Have they told you how long you'll be on coumadin? Hope it works out for you, keep me up to date. Have a great spring (?) day.
Fran Z
On April 3, 2010...

What a wonderful entry marking your 6-month anniversary of your mended heart. Very inspiring. I'm just over 2 months now and appreciate all you have done to light the way before me. I also greatly admire all your kindness to and care for so many people. You are making such a big difference to so many. Happy Easter to you and your family!

On April 3, 2010...
Hi Cheryl,

Thanks for all the updates and for welcoming me to the HVJ family! I am less than a week from my surgery date and anxious. But with all the good news of people doing well here, I know that all will be ok! All my love and prayers for you and your family!

Melany Strader, NC
On April 3, 2010...
Glad to hear everything is going all right especially that the beta blocker seems to be doing what it is supposed to. Your surgery and mine were about 2 weeks apart but I always felt I was going through it with you at the same time except I got one of those neat heart pillows and you didn't. Whatever you were feeling I knew I'd get in about 2-3 weeks time. I really appreciate all the answers and support that you gave me. Anyway, Happy Easter and I'll be posting my six month anniversary on the 21st of this month.

On April 2, 2010...
Dear Cheryl,

Congratulations on your 6-month anniversary from surgery! I've been following your journey, and you have been such an inspiration to me in so many ways. You continue to encourage me as I navigate my way through all the ups and downs of recovery from my own heart surgery.

Thank you, Cheryl!

Susan Murphy
On April 2, 2010...
Thanks, Cheryl. Happy Easter to you, too.
Fortunately Boston didn't have any bad water problems. Our damn worked well unlike some of these other poor towns.

Best wishes,
Barbara Torrey
On April 2, 2010...
Good Day Cheryl,
Your kind words to me and Lori have been inspiration to both of us. This heart valve replacement has been a bit bigger than I thought it would be, but my recovery is moving along nicely. I finally got a prescription for Ambien to help me sleep, that has been my biggest changeling, Also, follow up care with my primary care physician is somewhat of a joke, and I going to change primary care doctors just because they were hateful, and life is too short to deal with hateful people, Cleveland set them tons of information and when I called, then acted like I was from Marr’s and all I wanted was some illegal drugs. I needed a follow up blood work and X-Ray that my Cardio says is the primaries responsibility. Nationalized Healthcare!!! I am going to get a do it yourself blood test kit an APP for my I phone to take an x-ray and I ‘ill be in business.

Lori has GOOD FRRIDAY off and I am semi working from my home office, but today we are going to have a “US” day. Lunch out and maybe a trip to check on the yacht.
Happy boating
Captain Bill (my humor is coming around slowly)
On April 2, 2010...
Good Morning Cheryl
Hope spring is starting to come to your part of the world. Beautiful weather here. Walk outside twice a day and sit out for about an hour. Pete is off to tennis this morning. I am fine to be left alone. Can get in and out of a chair easily, walk around, get a drink etc, use the commode and am not fearful. He would have done whatever I could or couldn't do. The friendship of these men is a boost to Pete, plus he's always been an exerciser, so makes him feel healthier. POOR sleep, no napping, high heart rate and still some shortness of breath are plaguing me. Will see my cardio on the 6th.At 6 months, are there still things you don't do? As for meals, had prepared several for the freezer before OH. Teresa spent a few hours here before we returned and has 12 meals ready to defrost and go. Lots of kindness and help.
Don't forget to let me know about where you heard about Dr. Gillinov's comment on calcium and tissue valves (that's me). Thanks
Fran Z
On April 1, 2010...
Chery, glad you are doing so well. It's interesting that after six months you are still feeling the sternum. Guess I shouldn't be so concerned after only seven weeks and sternum hurts a bit here too.

You look great and sound terrific.

Best to you and yours,
Barbara Torrey
On April 1, 2010...
Hi Cheryl,
I really enjoyed reading your six month check up results. What a long journey it has been! You sound like you are on track and cardio rehab will certainly help get your strength back. You are right...our loved ones are so crucial in our recovery process. My husband and mom have helped tremendously. I do not know what I would do without them I am also thankful to Adam for this website. I have learned so much and have met wonderful, caring people like yourself. Enjoy the sunshine(I hope it is shining in Canada)...we finally have sun after days of drenching rain. I look forward to reading more journal entries of your life changing adventures.
Thanks for sharing,
Theresa Callanan
On March 30, 2010...
Hi Cheryl
Thanks for your note. It is so good to be home. Have an adjustable bed so have been fairly comfortable adjusting the back and legs for optimal positioning. Wake up between 2 and 3 for potty break and then that's when it takes me an hour or more before I fall back asleep. Will update my journal tomorrow so won't repeat myself. Don't forget me know about what your cardio daid about the supplements. Flight home was okay. No problem with altitude. Did have to plan restroom stop just before boarding and of course, as soon as we got off. You do get VIP treatment at security, etc when you're in a wheelchair. The attendant told me there are a lot of people who fly out of Cleveland after heart surgery. Duane and his wife will be stopping in to visit with us tomorrow afternoon. They are vacationing in the area. Can't wait to meet him, he certainly is a miracle man. Take care.
Fran Z
On March 29, 2010...
Hi Cheryl,
Sorry it has been a bit responding to your post on my guestbook, the girls have been trading a stomach bug back and fourth so it has been all hands on deck, so to speak! Ken and I have avoided it thus far so that is good news.

Well it is good to hear that 1/2 a pill is just fine and they aren't pushing for a full pill when it's not warranted. And congrats on the good report from cardiac rehab..I wish Ken could make it all three days they are open here, but due to work he generally makes it once or twice a week with our usual walks in the evening.

Ken is doing really well. I haven't thought a minute about his surgery until this weekend when we were pruning a small tree. The lobbers (imagine 3foot long pruning scissors) took quite a bit of pushing together to cut through some of the bigger branches (2-3 inches thick)...I was a little concerned but not concerned enough to take over! He said it felt fine and I left it at that, at this point he needs to be able to monitor that about himself. I trust him to do that because I KNOW he does not want to repeat any of this ordeal. He now knows to count himself lucky as he has read some of the journals on here where others are having many complications and readmissions to the hospital etc... We are now in contact with a couple (who are clients of Ken's)that the wife just had the same surgery and is back in the hospital with infection and battling depression. I think him helping to reassure this couple has helped him as he assumes somewhat the new role of a caregiver, and not a patient.

Well that's the update....now off to bed for me!!
Take Care,
On March 28, 2010...
Hi Cheryl, Just wanted you to know that I signed up to be alerted by email when you post new info, as you mentioned in your post to me. The email will end in pa.net.
Thank you again for going through the process of the heart cath. It does put my mind at ease some. Altho, I'm a total basket case at this point with everything weighing on my mind. But, I will get through it, and hopefully be better then good as new. ;-)

Diana, PA
On March 28, 2010...
Good Morning Cheryl
Had to submit all my meds including over the counter supplements to Dr Gillinov. On discharge, the new list included iron but no calcium or Fish Oil caps or Vit D which I take.So guess I will hold off until I learn more. Have osteopenia and had been on Fosamax for years and then my gynecologist recommended I get off it for a year or so and this was before the big to do about fractured hips. Let us know what you find out. It's cloudy and cold here so am truly looking forward to being back in sunny FL later today.
Fran Z
On March 28, 2010...
Yip...its me...finally sending a little message...I am still very much under the pneumonia weather. Thanks so much for caring for us ...your many hvj friends...you have a wonderful way of uplifting our spirits and words of wisdom. I am not going to bore you with the in and outs....but things are not great....2nd pneumonia in 1 month,collapsed lobe due to bronchiectasis in the lower left lobe and all I do is cough,cough....I feel like an emphysema,60 cigarettes a day patient....but instead am a non smoker in my late 40s. I read all the postings in hvj everyday and am trying very hard not to post as I dont want to appear negative but I really am taking strain and needless to say my poor husband is trying to keep his head above water...fortunately our children are not here to see me like this...1 a lawyer in South Africa and 1 studying in Pennsylvania. I am up and about and try to do everyday chores but have been advised to rest,rest,and not to go back to work until I am completely cleared....I help with the homework 3 of the Sheiks children in the afternoons. Anyways...in a nutshell I am need to get them old lungs healed...so my new mended heart doesnt have to work so hard...ha ha
Have a wonderful Sunday and do hope the weather is warming up a little. Love always Sharlene
On March 27, 2010...
Hi Cheryl,
This is Diana from Pennsylvania. Just wanted to Thank you for the uplifting thoughts you have written to me.
My symptoms have been progressing slowly for a few years now, and it has only been recently that they have picked up the pace. My Dr. had told me that I would not die from this, and I would not have a heart attack. Just that the symptoms would continue to worsen, and that I would know when the time had come. When I saw my cardiologist in January, he had told me that my condition had worsened, and we could either schedule the surgery then, or we could take a wait and see approach. He left the decision up to me. I decided to wait for a few reasons. One, we were in the process of moving into a new home, and wanted to get the house set up before surgery. Two, I had some discomfort, but it wasn't too bad and would pass when I rested.
Well, we are in the house and is all set up and my symptoms have gotten a lot worse. Taking the dogs for a walk use to be no problem, now I'm lucky I can go around the block without stopping a dozen times to catch my breath. Working out in the yard on Thursday was very scary. All I was doing was picking up branches from the winter, and all of a sudden I couldn't catch my breath, the heaviness in my chest was unbearable and yes, you talked about pain, I had that too. I barely made it up the steps and into the house. I sat on the couch and just prayed it would stop. I closed my eyes and made myself control my breathing and just relax. I saw stars for the first time. After about 5 to 10 minutes, it passed, but felt wiped out. Very scary stuff.
The tests I'm having done now are a heart cath to make sure there aren't any other problems, ie: blocked arteries, etc., before surgery. That way, hopefully if my arteries are clear, which I'm really expecting them to be, I'm hoping I can have the minimally invasive procedure. God willing!
I enjoy reading your posts very much. Keep them coming! Your a very uplifting person. Thank you so much for posting on my Journal.

Diana, Honey Grove, PA
On March 27, 2010...
Hi Cheryl
You have been such a dear with all your wonderful postings to me. Have not read them all yet. I sit down and find out I have 80 plus emails and most of them are HVJ related and it is a little overwhelming. Had to write to Duane & Peggy as they will be in our part of FL next week as it's Peggy's vacation. They would like to stop by and visit us one evening and we would so look forward to meeting him (them) in person. Also had to check in with Capt'n Bill. Am curious as to how his flight home went.Well, will be back home in FL tomorrow at about 5:30 and am looking forward to it.Thanks.
Fran Zilko
On March 26, 2010...
Hi Cheryl,
I hope things are going well for you, and that the pills you’re on are helping with your irregular heartbeats. It can be such a frustrating problem to try and manage, but don’t get discouraged. I keep hearing that these things tend to resolve over time, but dealing with them is very challenging.
Thanks for dropping by to see how I’m doing. Overall, I feel like I’m doing very well since I’ve had my surgery. Just had my 8 week anniversary, so that’s a good benchmark to measure my progress. I feel like I’ve gotten back about 80% of my physical energy.
My heartbeat is still irregular and I haven’t changed or added any meds. I take Metoprolol (beta blocker) in the a.m. and at bedtime. Have been on that regimen for a while, starting in the months leading up to surgery when I had some A-fib episodes.
Most of the time I can’t feel my irregular beats, but sometimes they demand my attention and are hard to ignore. Also, I’ve found that when I go to the cardiac rehab exercise sessions, it’s impossible for me to get a reading of my own heart rate, by wrist or neck. The nurses say that’s probably because of all the extra beats I’m having. My blood is very thin (INR level has been too high at times, but that’s another topic!) from the Warfarin I’m taking, so the risk of a blood clot is minimal and that’s good. Bottom line is that I need to talk to the cardiologist and I will be seeing him in a couple of weeks.
I decided to postpone my trip to CA until I’m closer to 100% of feeling great. Tonight is my son Matt’s 29th birthday and I’m really wishing I was there with him to celebrate, but I am looking forward to making the trip a little later than originally planned.
Life has definitely changed for me, mostly for the better, since surgery. I’m finding my way to a new kind of “normal” pattern to settle into. I’ve been much more diet and exercise conscious and am working on making positive changes there. I have a changed attitude toward life, coming to terms with a new sense of my own mortality and a new appreciation of the preciousness of each day we’re given on this earth. A big challenge for me is dealing with feeling physically and emotionally fragile, which has gotten me down these past weeks. I look forward to feeling less like a recovering heart patient and more like a normal person just enjoying life.
Thanks for all your support, Cheryl, and the sharing and caring you give to everyone on this site. It means so much!

Susan Murphy
On March 25, 2010...
Hi Cheryl,

Thank you for the guestbook posting. I enjoy reading your postings. No I did not have wild palpitations before or after surgery. I know I have been very, very lucky. I have a fast heart rate that I am taking a beta blocker for. The doctors feel it will correct itself in time. I am feeling better everyday and am waiting till I go back to the surgeon on April 7 to be cleared for driving and weight limitations. I can not believe how well the body heals after this traumatic assault on the body. Nice hearing from you..I will update soon.
Theresa Callanan
Howell NJ
On March 23, 2010...
Hi Cheryl,
How are you doing? I feel better today than any time in the last 4 weeks so I hope that means that I have turned a corner. I am still so sleepy most of the time - I read a couple of paragraphs of a book then I seem to pass out for an hour - it's the weirdest sensation. The digoxin that I am on has slowed my heart rate down a lot, can't really feel the AF, but it does limit you in other ways especially when it comes to exercise. Hope your beta blocker is doing the trick. Love Penny xx
On March 22, 2010...
Ahoy. My wife said she was sick during my surgery because of nerves, she read your words of support and saved the day all the from Canada hey. My humor has been overwritten my that elephant that sat on my chest. Fran and her famaily was amazing people, ounce the parkingeter was reset they swished us out really fast, so we hand no long tearfull good bys but I know we will
meet up
On March 21, 2010...
Thanks Cheryl. While it has been hard to be away from home, the heart journal has but me in touch with the best support team around. Thanks again.
On March 20, 2010...

It was nice to hear from you again. I am amazed at my recovery so far, I have been very lucky. I understand you have heart rate issues...this is the only issue I have at this point. You have been on these heart journals for awhile and have been so helpful to so many people. You seem to have the gift of just what to say to comfort someone. Thank God you found these journals or we would all be without an important asset to them.
Thanks again,
Theresa Callanan
On March 19, 2010...
Hi Cheryl,
I am glad you got your heart rate under control. Mine is still wide open but I don't feel bad. I walked up a flight of stairs Monday and I did not breath hard or was exhausted - YES! My little doggy Abby is doing fine. We have her now for three month and she is part of our pack. We fenced in a part of our yard for her because she likes to chase deer and we got plenty of it.
I need to check more often on you - :-)
Take care and I talk to you soon.
Helen, N. C.
On March 18, 2010...
Hi Cheryl,
Just a quick hello to let you know that I am home again and feeling ok. Thank you so much for your sign ins, I will update my journal tomorrow, but your notes are so helpful. Warmest wishes Penny
On March 17, 2010...
Cheryl, speaking of Adam's request for suggestions, how can I get your email without having it or mine go to everyone else? I wanted to ask you some questions I don't want to put on the journal right now.
Richard's wife, Susan
PS Hi, how are you?
On March 13, 2010...
Hi Cheryl
We did get out of FL okay, however once we were airborne we had to fly through the very rough weather and bouncing that lasted about 30+ minutes. I used my relaxation/visualization that I've learned and it helped. Talk to you later.
Fran zilko
On March 13, 2010...
Hi Cheryl,

Thanks for signing my guestbook. I spent yesterday going back and reading several journals and guestbooks..well maybe a half dozen...very informative and helpful but do think I overdosed on them. Too much information at one sitting and now I probably have everyone's story confused. Next time I will just concentrate on one person a day! :)

You asked when I started feeling symptoms 2nd time around...I have had a-fib only about 4-5 times (that I know of) since 2003. The last year and a half...maybe two, I seem to get really tired. But I push myself and then there are some days I'm not sure I can get to bed early enough. My body just seems to shut down. My Cardiologist told me in December 2008 that I would need another surgery because I had severe regurgitation but he said we would just "wait and see" as to when I would need surgery. This past summer I told him I really felt different...that things somehow had changed but he said we would just wait until November to do another echo. In November after the echo, he called and said he wanted me to have the surgery in the next 3-4 months because the pulmonary pressure was getting higher and the chambers were starting to enlarge. I started researching my choices: Cleveland, where I had been the first time...and is rated the #1 Heart Hospital; Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Mn. that has a great reputation, and Dr. Adams at Mt. Sinai in NY, who has a great website.

My Mom came down to visit from Wisconsin on December 14...in such agonizing pain that I took her to the Dr. that same day. She has severe rheumotoid arthritis and has had a torn rotator cuff tendon in her right shoulder for 3 years but then it tore more this past Thanksgiving. When she arrived here in FL her shoulder was extremely swollen and she was in extreme pain. Her Dr. up north basically told her to live with it...and gave her pain pills. After being here a week she ended up in the Hospital. I stayed at the Hospital with her 24 hours a day for 5 nights and 6 days. The care was terrible and I just couldn't leave her there alone as she is 86. They drained and flushed her shoulder and said it was septic arthritis and had her on IVs for the next month. The stress almost pushed me over the edge but God is good and when I was weak He was strong. Afer the Hospital stay, Mom went to a rehab center less than a mile from my house. She was released from there February 19th. By this time, after much prayer and researching, God had eliminated Mayo Clinic and Dr. Adams from my choices. I called Cleveland and was offered dates mid-March or April. My husband had a lot of business committments for March so opted for April 15th after my Surgeon's nurse reminded me how nasty it can be in Cleveland in the winter.

My Mom went back up North about 10 days ago. I have been slowly getting my things together to take to the Hospital. Thanks for the suggestions in your journal. I have so much I would like to get done before my surgery I'm almost overwhelmed.

What kind of incision did you have? Did you have those 2 other leaky valves at the time you had your mitral valve surgery?

Praying for you as you continue with your recovery and its challenges.
Carla Hansen (FL)
On March 11, 2010...
Hi Cheryl,
Thanks for your recent journal entry to Richard. Yes, I did see that Kathy had a Teddy bear pillow. That is cute, but if you think Richard hid the heart pillow quickly, can you imagine if it had been the teddy bear (ha-ha).
How are "you" feeling?
Richard's wife, Susan
On March 11, 2010...
Hi Cheryl,

Glad to hear your heart rate is calming down...and yes beta-blockers do make you tired. I am progressing well and today is a beautiful day in NJ, so I am feeling great. I do not feel any awful pain as I recover, just some discomfort when I sleep...even the recliner is uncomfortable at times. I take extra strength tylenol during the day and a painkiller at night to sleep. This seems to do the trick. I am spending my time catching up on videos and am just beginning to have visitors.

Talk soon,
Theresa Callanan
On March 11, 2010...
Good Morning Cheryl
Yes, am just about packed. It's a little harder going to a different climate and having to bring everything as no trips back home if I forget something. But, am a list maker, so we'll see how well I've done when I get there. Thanks for the cyber hug, I feel it. Thank you also for all your insight and encouragement. Take good care of yourself, also. Talk to you soon.
Fran Zilko
On March 11, 2010...
Happy Thursday Cheryl,
Thank you for all you kind words, they have helped me forge forward into the great sea of surgery. Last night Lori took me out for a Colby hamburger (we split it wow... I am asking the Doc for a Colby Cow valve. That would make me happier than John Gosslin at a cheerleader camp. (My newest favorite saying)
Lori will be posting the play by play live from Cleveland. She has 2 main jobs 1) post in the journal and 2) keep up with March madness basketball scores. I have been waking at 4:00 am all week, so here I am at 4:00 am cooking breakfast and felling pretty blessed that I have this awsome support group. Dont forget to take your Meds! You will for sure know if you forget as active as you are.

Happy Boating

Captain Bill T minus 6 days and counting

On March 10, 2010...
Good Morning, Cheryl
I am not nervous about the cath/angiogram. Actually had my first one about 30 years ago. They went in through the arm at that time and the blood vessels are narrower and as I was nervous, I clamped down even more. Last one was about 14 years ago through the groin and no problem except for having to lie flat on my back for a few hours with a sandbag on the insertion site. It was fascinating to see the dye on the monitor as it worked its' way through. Am hoping my coronary arteries are clear. Don't need any additional surgery. As for you, how long have you been going to rehab and is it making a difference? Glad they re-set your goal as your heart rate is lower. Well, next week at this time Bill will be in surgery and am sure his wife will post for him until he's in control again. Sounds like spring is finally coming to your area--yeah! thanks for your friendship.
Fran Zilko
On March 8, 2010...
hi Cheryl,
Thanks for checking in, you are a dear. Yes, we fly to Cleveland early Friday the 12th. Direct flight going and when we return on the 28th. Had the best weekend with our grandson Michael. Will miss his 6th birthday on the 14th, so had to make sure he got a lot of extra hugs. Yes, it will be wonderful to be on the other side posting post op recovery notes. Can't wait.
Fran Zilko
On March 7, 2010...
Hi Cheryl

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words...you have such a special way of writing and I always feel so humble after reading your postings. I am out and about eventhough things are not 100 percent with me.... I find the only way to deal with the low times is to keep busy. Hope you have a lovely Sunday and hope the weather is warming up a little...will send you some of our sunshine and heat from the desert. Take care. Love always..Sharlene
On March 6, 2010...
Hi, Cheryl. Thanx for your message. Yeah, how did I ever find the time for the surgery? ;-) Just put a Vitamin E capsule on the incision, and now I'm settled in for the evening.

Barbara (Boston)
On March 6, 2010...
Hey Cheryl,
How are you doing? Thanks for catching up with Richard's journal. Always a pleasure to hear from you. I like your description of how normal people don't feel their hearts the way you all do and jumping the gun, etc. I guess the surgeon in Boston was kind of saying that too - that it is normal to be nervous and worry and not know what to expect - I am sure they play it down because they hear it over and over.
Thanks for the 5 month post-op "heart is still adjusting" --- that is what Richard needs to hear - as you know his has only been 5 weeks and you hit the nail on the head re pacemaker as well!
Still he is getting a good mile and a half walk and last night said he had about his first good night's sleep and he was fairly active today! Taking it easy now.
I am sorry to hear that you have had so many surgeries although it may have become less intimadating, nevertheless I would expect no less stressful and difficult for you to have to endure. I guess the bottom line is that hopefully each one is making you stronger, healthier and your quality of life better. I am going to say a prayer tonight, as a matter of fact, that this is the last one for you for the next 40 years! How's that!
Talk to you soon,
Richard's wife, Susan
On March 6, 2010...
Dear Cheryl,

Thanks for your comforting and encouraging words about the loss of my Lucy. It is a sad and difficult time, but time will heal. I'm going to follow your wise advice and do Lucy the honor of continuing my healing and keeping my heart healthy.

Hope you're doing well with the beta blocker and that the palpitations are under control.

You are an angel on this site, and I appreciate all the concern and encouragement you offer.

Susan Murphy
On March 4, 2010...
Hi Cheryl
Thanks again for the encouraging post. Am trying to stay busy and in fact our 6 year old grandson will be with us for the weekend. He is a sweetheart, full of laughs and keeps us young. We will build our kite and fly it, it's been quite breezy here. Will also go to Farmer Mike's to pick strawberries, something we all love. Sorry about that for you in a cold climate.Thanks again for the prayers.
Fran Zilko
On March 4, 2010...
Thanks, Chery. Enjoy your guestbook entries. I apreciate your concern. I feel fabulous this evening after a full day. Let's see how tomorrow goes.

Barbara (Boston)
On March 2, 2010...
Thanks for your checking in on Ken...He is just kicking right along! He and my oldest daughter built a wooden box for me to have as a raised bed in my vegetable garden which involved lifting 12' beams and whatnot...which he did just fine, so I guess he is testing and gaining confidence. It is funny but I did not even think about him loading the wood off the truck etc.. to work on the box until after it was together. I thought,"jeez I would have been really concerned a few weeks ago had he done that." Its funny, I didn't even think he shouldn't have done that until after he had finished building it. I guess that's what it means to begin getting back to normal, my concern "radar" is almost non-existent.

I do have a question for you...Have you noticed that you are colder than you were before surgery? I know with this year's winter that is a strange question but Ken gets colder easier and is harder to get warm...it will be 71 degrees F in the house and he is shivering and has to crawl under the covers. I just didn't know if this was a common thing. He did complain yesterday of feeling more beat than usual, so I had him take his blood pressure and hr and all and they were fine. I'm a little aggravated because he has missed his cardiac rehab for the past two weeks due to work. They are only open M,W,F which is frustrating. So he has had no exercise except maybe a 15 min walk with the dog every couple of days. So I think the fatigue could be due to inactivity.

I wouldn't change your meds dose until your doctor instructs you to, unless he instructed you to increase once you felt acclimated to the medication. There are some meds that you have to increase/decrease gradually. Not only that each person is unique and reacts to meds differently. Yes, one pill may be the "standard" dose but your body may metabolize it slower or something. I was told by one of Ken's nurses that he didn't have the have the same exact medication that he had in ICU that what they were giving him in his regular room was the same..just a generic. I did not like that because I know for a fact that doctors switch from one "generic" to another (all supposedly of the same medication) why? Because they have adverse side effects with one more than the other...hummmm if they have side effects with one and not the other how are they the same? Sorry, I went off on a subject there but you get my meaning, right!? If 1/2 works for you why mess with it!?
Oh by the way, did you see I changed the journal profile picture to include me..since I am the one on here! I have got to get some sleep. Hope all stays well.

On March 2, 2010...
I'm glad I can bring joy to you! It feels good to be getting back to normal at a snail's pace.
RE the hockey game: I was very torn. Of course I wanted USA to win, but Sidney Crosby plays for my team - Pittsburgh Penguins. Go Pens!!! I love hockey, and we have a good CHL team here in Tulsa, the Oilers.
I'm glad you posted your packing list (although Cap'n Bill's left me holding my bear to my chest I was laughing so hard). I think the ladies waiting for their surgery will appreciate our experiences.
A flannel sheet you had to return at discharge? How sad!
Well, now to eat Orange Chicken, fried rice & and eggroll. Yum!
Kathy the piper
On March 2, 2010...
Cheryl, you and Fran have got to be the "Heart Valve Journal" Guardian Angels. Everybody loves you all!
I love what you wrote about all the things to bring to the hospital and the pjs verses nightgowns, etc.
I will say - Richard had to wear the johnny nightgowns and he said while he was there that if he came in with modesty/dignity --- he quickly lost it all --- My goodness, some of the sights I saw from my dear beloved -- the nurses, of course, seemed unphased.
Also the Ipod was a blessing for him at times - especially when he would feel exceptionally anxious - one night he just listended to all his favorites and it helped him to mellow out and block out the circumstances for a while.
Re: Olympic hockey --- No one can take away from the absolutely fantastic game/competition that it was. I was not so unhappy to have CA win at their own sport in their own backyard! USA had plenty to be happy about. Great Olympics. I now really want to visit Vancouver - I am guessing tourism from the US and others will go up quite a bit there in Vancouver.
Richard's wife Susan
On March 2, 2010...

I got the transcript from Adam and I'm reading it and letting it digest a bit.

The hockey game? Was there every any doubt? ;)

My boybarians were at a model UN session and the love of my life was busy looking at how we are going to pack for our vacation so I was alone and in agony over it! A great game all around. Glad the good guys won...
On March 2, 2010...
Sorry I am new at this, the previous post was from me!!

Theresa Callanan
On March 2, 2010...
Thank you so much for all your help. You are one of the most positive uplifting people on this website and you take the time to cheer everyone on. I am looking forward to having the surgery behind me. The steak dinner was wonderful but expensive. NYC is so exciting...have you ever visited? My husband might use this site to update, if not I will when I get home.
On March 1, 2010...
The reason Canada won was because there is nothing else to do in the winter in Canada but play hockey. Canada starts the kids playing as soon as they learn to walk. That’s my "official" USA excuse for loosing. It was a great game and awesome distraction, if you’re Canadian. I am so busy taking care of business that I really have not had any time to be nervous about upcoming events. We are going to the Lake the weekend before we travel. It’s the big "Welcome Back Spring" weekend on Grand Lake. It’s a poker run, fund raising, food tasting time where you get to meet up with our summer friends. My wife is way more upset about my surgery, than I am. I am at peace with it and ready to roll (on a gurney) Thank you for your thoughtfulness and prayers. Lori will keep up my journal while I’m plugged in, she will really need your prayers. I am looking forward to meeting Fran, we are on the same pre op schedule on Monday, so I’m sure we will be in the same waiting rooms most the day. I don’t like waiting, but it won’t be so bad with a new friend facing the plight.
Happy boating
Captain Bill
On March 1, 2010...
Hi,Cheryl. Thanx for your quick response to my journal. Thankfully I am not on any blood tinners. I opted for the pig valve so I wouldn't have to take it and be concerned about diet and frequent blood testings.

Barbara (Boston)