On December 26, 2013...
Anne Robson posted a note for Annette that says:
So glad to hear things are going well. Let the speedy recovery begin!!
On December 26, 2013...
Tom bender posted a note for Annette that says:
To Annette and her journaling assistant,
Saw your journal entry about aorta surgery today on 12/26. My aorta root and valve surgery is Friday morning on 12/27. My thoughts and prayers to you and your family. Mine will be going thru it on Friday in KC. They have those hours to worry when we can't worry. Looking forward to monitoring your progress and sharing mine.
On December 26, 2013...
Jackie Purcell posted a note for Annette that says:
Thanks for the update MJ. Great news!!
On December 26, 2013...
Peg posted a note for Annette that says:
Awesome! Prayers and hugs!
On December 26, 2013...
Jim Jones posted a note for Annette that says:
The very best of success today!
On December 26, 2013...
Susan Smith posted a note for Annette that says:
Annette, I know you are in the throws of getting ready for surgery at the hospital, but prayers are being said for you as you undergo this life changing surgery. God is with YOU.

I wept as you shared about your companion dog. I am a dog and cat person. I lost a family pet (Bozo, a bassett hound) many years ago and even to this day my eyes fill with tears missing him. I couldn't talk about him for months. Take heart (the English language uses the word "heart" often as expression of feelings) your beloved family member is not suffering and you are about to regain your life anew. Thanks for sharing.
On December 26, 2013...
Mark Corbett posted a note for Annette that says:
You go ABC! We're all pulling and praying for you. Love you very much, Mark
On December 25, 2013...
Jackie Purcell posted a note for Annette that says:
Prayers and love to you ABC!!
Jackie and Mark
On December 25, 2013...
The Yeater Family posted a note for Annette that says:
ABC, We are so sorry to her about Malachi. You are in our prayers and we ask for wisdom for your doctor and strength for you tomorrow.

We love you ABC!
On December 25, 2013...
ktbugf79@hotmail.com posted a note for Annette that says:
ABC... I'm so sorry to hear about Mali. Such a great friend to you and best of all Party Poodles. Sending hugs and positive thoughts your way!
Love-Katie, Mike, Piper and Charlie
On December 25, 2013...
holly arnold posted a note for Annette that says:
Praying for your surgery tomorrow. Sorry about your dog:(
On December 20, 2013...
Rich Corbett posted a note for Annette that says:
PIPER & MAGNUM are missing their Mom.
Everything A-Okay with the boys and your house. Julie and I are spending quality time with the little purr machines.
Hope you are feeling better and the evil spirits have left you.
On December 19, 2013...
Jim Jones posted a note for Annette that says:
So sorry you became ill. Heal well and soon. 12/26 will be here before you know it. Best wishes.
On December 19, 2013...
Amy posted a note for Annette that says:
Another night in the hotel room? When was the surgery rescheduled? Praying for you!
On December 19, 2013...
Chris Yagelski posted a note for Annette that says:
Hey there!

Nothing but good thoughts to you!
On December 19, 2013...
Joe C posted a note for Annette that says:
Well now she has released the devil and all the evil....it's nothing but Angels and healing spirits left.
All will be well.
Thanks for the update MJ.
On December 18, 2013...
Susan and Matt posted a note for Annette that says:

The visual mantra is running in my head! You are a warrior and will conquer tomorrow with ease. We are thinking about you non-stop. xoxo
On December 18, 2013...
Susan Smith posted a note for Annette that says:
Annette, all the best and you will be in my prayers. You are going to do just fine. Keep us posted as soon as you can or a friend can do it. We all will be waiting to get the good word.
On December 18, 2013...
Jim Jones posted a note for Annette that says:
The very best of success for you tomorrow.

I will be thinking of you and looking forward to reading the first post after surgery.

All the best!
On December 18, 2013...
Mugs posted a note for Annette that says:
We are all thinking about you and praying for you.
Love and prayers,
Jerry and Mugs
Annette Corbett  Just received the anointing of the sick from Fr Bill at Holy Name Cathedral. Minutes ago Francis Card ... Read more
On December 18, 2013...
Ernie A.S. posted a note for Annette that says:
You got this. No problemo. Take it slow to heal quickly. Prune juice and Dulcolax in the hospital to get things moving. The opening for the hospital robe goes in the back, not the front (boy was I embarrassed.) You're going to do great.
Annette Corbett  Good laugh to start my day! Happy to receive any tips.
On December 17, 2013...
Christopher Weithers posted a note for Annette that says:

I cannot express enough how lucky I am to have gotten to know you more throughout the last couple of years. Your courage and compassion are unmatched in my experience.

You have helped me to remember that there might not be angels, but there are some people who might as well be. If there is such a thing as God, he speaks and acts entirely through people.

I am looking forward to seeing you on the recovery side of your procedure. We will have to crack out some Apples to Apples! I am volunteering JH, but the doublemint twins are ready to help with anything you might need.

I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Annette Corbett  There is such a thing as God! Christopher! I have been thinking of your dad a lot and thinking that ... Read more
On December 17, 2013...
Adam Pick posted a note for Annette that says:

I've seen Dr. Malaisrie operate. You are in great hands -- literally.


Keep on tickin!
On December 17, 2013...
Adam Pick posted a note for Annette that says:

You are going to do great!

By the way, who is your surgeon?

Keep on tickin!
Annette Corbett  Dr chris Malaisarie
On December 17, 2013...
Jim Jones posted a note for Annette that says:
You must be ready. I am pleased that you have been cleared for surgery. The very best success on Thursday. I would encourage you to use the spirometer for your lungs. It is important even for several weeks after returning home. Then you can retire it. All the best.
Annette Corbett  Thanks Jim. I was just unpacking the one I bought a few weeks ago. Wanted to open up the lungs as muc ... Read more
On December 17, 2013...
Cydne B. posted a note for Annette that says:
I appreciate your story and the others that I read. As 2014 nears, I know I need to seriously consider signing up for the inevitable. I wish you the best.
On December 17, 2013...
Joe Campbell posted a note for Annette that says:
Hello Nettie,
I certainly have enjoyed keeping up and reading the updates in your journal. It's great to see the heart warming support...you are so loved by so many....not only today but always. No wonder you need a new valve because that heart of yours has worked so hard sharing and caring for others! It's just who you are and why you are loved by so many!
You are in great care....all will be good!
I will look forward to our next effortless bike ride this spring!
Thoughts and prayers are with you!!
Love Joe C.
Annette Corbett  Love me some Joe Campbell! That bike ride is never to be repeated. Having to pull over and gasp for b ... Read more
On December 17, 2013...
Rich Corbett posted a note for Annette that says:
Great picture with Mally.

Did not know he is taller than you.

Julie and I will of course sign up for kiity care. I will live with the boys this weekend.

I will whip your critters into shape while you are gone. Ha Ha.
Annette Corbett  Awesome! Mally had to jump up on the beach picnic bench! He will be at How and Carols unless you want ... Read more
On December 17, 2013...
Rich Corbett posted a note for Annette that says:
Just think in a couple of days your new heart valve will be installed and you will be getting more blood to your body than you will know what to do with.
We are all praying and cheering for your successful operation.
See you in Chicago.
Love ya Sister,
Annette Corbett  was just looking at my favorite picture of us on Jules Jewels in Cabo ..heading into her winter home. ... Read more
On December 17, 2013...
Katie Jones posted a note for Annette that says:
Sending hugs and kisses! You'll do great and can't wait to see you, when you get home.
On December 17, 2013...
Susan Smith,pre -op and waiting posted a note for Annette that says:
Annette you are going to do just fine. I'm praying for your successful surgery and smooth recovery. Stay focused on the goal. Keep us posted.
On December 16, 2013...
Anne, and your bar buddy Doug posted a note for Annette that says:
Many prayers will be coming your way this week and in the weeks to come. This is just one more step to great health. We already know what a strong person you are, and that you will be even stronger after surgery. I will be around when you get home, so let me know what you need. Love to you always.
Annette Corbett  I love Doug's new title.
prayers have gotten both of us through lots of medical adventures and will o ... Read more
On December 16, 2013...
Carol Jackson posted a note for Annette that says:
Just for your information...if you signed up your friends and family on this site, many times the invitation will not go to their email folder but their spam folder. Many of my friends had to check their spam folder and found the invite email. Once they sign up then its ok.
Another option is to just give them the web site directing them to patient journals, have them type in your name and then they can click on the button at the top of your journal.
Hope this helps
Annette Corbett  This helps tons! Thank you!
On December 16, 2013...
Mark Corbett posted a note for Annette that says:
Warrior, my Hero
That's right Annette you are a Warrior. Your life has been filled with challenges and you have taken them head on and beat them. I've asked myself " how does ABC keep hitting those problems, challenges and Lifes curve balls out of the park?" I keep looking for where you hide that big club, bat, stick, polo mallet whatever you use to defeat, no to crush your challenges.
I can't find " It " because " It " does not exist. " It" is not a material thing, " It" can't be touched. " It" is you Annette. You are a Warrior!
ABC, I want to share with you something that I have carried with me for thirty plus years in my wallet. ( no it's not round )
I happened to think of you and when I substituted your ABC the result was uncanny to the person you are.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong woman stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the woman who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dirt and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who come short again and again, but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows a great enthusiasm, the great devotions; who spends herself in a worthy cause; who at best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if she fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that her place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
ABC I'm so proud of you, you're a WARRIOR, you're my Hero. I love you, Mark
Also remember I'm sure Mom's already assembled the Rosary section up in Heaven and they have been wearing out the beads!
Annette Corbett  Hi, Mark,

That was beautiful! I just saw this after I had just finished my post.

I have been think ... Read more
On December 12, 2013...
mjc posted a note for Annette that says:
in case you're sufferin' from thunder head withdrawal-just a fun video:
(shows the lads backstage)
Annette Corbett  cant open web site...listened to Celtic Women last night ...beautiful
On December 12, 2013...
Mary Jo posted a note for Annette that says:
You are a Warrior. Magnificat evening prayer last nite: Let our hearts rejoice and our souls be glad! Psalm 16: "I will bless the Lord who gives me counsel, who even at night directs my heart. I keep the Lord ever in my sight: since he is my right hand, I shall stand firm. And so my heart rejoices, my soul is glad; even my body shall rest in safety."
(just keep the "rejoicing "under control while Dr M is working on your heart of gold) Looking forward to good craic pre and post op w/ you and the clan. Love you, mjc
On December 10, 2013...
Sandy W posted a note for Annette that says:
Hello Annetta. Glad you are posting and going into this with a positive attitude. Thats half the battle... That and a sense of humor.. I had my second aortic valve 16 weeks ago and know exactly how you feel going into this. You have been through a lot and I suspect this will be a lot easier than chemo!! They have great pain management now and you will be home in no time.. Keep posting. Best to you
On December 9, 2013...
Matt Wolfe posted a note for Annette that says:

There is only fear on this side of the process, it's time to move this procedure into the "Completed" column. I understand the nerves, but you are a strong and remarkable person, you will take this in stride!

We are in the neighborhood should you need anything at anytime.


Matt and Susan
On December 9, 2013...
mark purcell posted a note for Annette that says:
Annette Corbett  Hi Mark,

Glad you are on my team! I'm happy to know you will be a calming influence in the weeks to ... Read more
On December 8, 2013...
kathleen arvin posted a note for Annette that says:
You are amazing! I am with you all the way.
On December 7, 2013...
Jim Jones posted a note for Annette that says:
I think you are spot on. Time and friends are precious, something I think we learn about during times like this. Your sister sounds like the perfect travel companion. Enjoy every moment! Best!
On December 7, 2013...
Jim Jones posted a note for Annette that says:
Hey Annette
Welcome! You have a great hospital. Your date will be here before you know it. Sounds like you will have some Chicago pleasure time before the surgery which is always nice. My wife, friiends and I did the same thing in NYC for a few days before my surgery. It was time we really enjoyed. All the best to you.
Annette Corbett  When I had Hodgkin s I had a big surgery but I was 25 and it had to be done. After a throidectomy in ... Read more
On December 5, 2013...
Laura Liddle posted a note for Annette that says:
YOU can DO this! You are one of the strongest people I know. Between your healthcare team, your strength, your determination, and your sense of humor.....you've GOT this!!! LOVE YOU!
Annette Corbett  Thanks Marge.! Love you too!
On December 4, 2013...
Gabi x posted a note for Annette that says:
Hi Annette and welcome to this space! Not long for you to go and you will be healing along with a bunch of us.
On December 4, 2013...
Adam Pick posted a note for Annette that says:
Hi Annette,

You are going to do great!!!

All the best!
On December 4, 2013...
Joseph Kusiak posted a note for Annette that says:
A new valve for a person with aortic stenosis is a wonderful thing. Be excited but know it will be a lengthy recovery period which many of us have experienced.
On December 4, 2013...
Susan Smith, pre-op and waiting posted a note for Annette that says:

Welcome to the Community, where we are all on the same journey in varying stages. Some are pre-op, some in surgery and others are post-op, but we all have the same goal. Get our lives back to full time living. Do keep us all posted. Dec. 19th is your big day and I am sure you will do fine.