On June 11, 2010...
Hi Audie and Amanda

Great reports. Glad to hear Amanda is progressing. Keeping her in my prayers.

Cheryl, Ontario
On June 11, 2010...
Hi Pea,

Thought about you all day yesterday and last night. I can't stand that you're going through this, but I know it's for the best.

I appreciate Audie's updates, but can you tell him to do them more often? I mean I need to know - word for word (does that sound like my mom, or what) - what's going on.

Hang in there, Pea!

On June 11, 2010...

Congrats on the continued improvement! Sorry about the Lakers though..

Today you'll get to move around more, get some food, and finally get something to drink.. I never thought apple juice and ice could be so good till my nurse gave me that first cup of juice after limiting me to small chips of ice for 12 hours.

Good luck today, move around and use your spirometer..

Keller, TX
On June 11, 2010...
My Love--

So relieved to see the surgery went well. Few are as strong and determined as you... I love that you have a full wrecking crew of friends and family at your side too. You are very blessed... BTW, Kobe was clearly distracted by something last night, and now that your op was successful he can re-focus and bring it back to the Staples Ctr.

keep smiling!
On June 11, 2010...
Hey Nails...wonderful news about the success of your surgery! You were in our thoughts all day today. We wish you the very best during your speedy recovery. Love, Lee and Mike
On June 11, 2010...
Good Morning Amanda
Hope you're not too depressed over the Lakers losing, but I'm a Celtics fan, so I'm happy. Today you'll be up in a chair and eating jello, enjoy. Each day will be better and so glad you were able to get a repair. Prayers continue.
Fran Z
On June 10, 2010...
We are bummed that the Lakers lost, but thrilled to hear that you are doing so well. Thanks for all of the updates, Audie. GO AMANDA! The Turners
On June 10, 2010...
Amanda, we have "known" you since before birth. Our thoughts and prayers have been with you and it appears you are way ahead of schedule on recovery (no surprise). Keep it up and we will raise a glass along with you after a few short days to say "hooray". Wishing you a speedy recovery and hoping your Mom does as well as you. :-) Fondly, Beth & Wayne Mayo
On June 10, 2010...
Great news! Breathing exercises, good! At least this rehab is not drug/alcohol related! Thanks for the great updates, Audie!Upon your return, one Caregiver, no waiting! Jeff
On June 10, 2010...
Keep it up, Lakers! Amanda needs you to win!

On June 10, 2010...
Amanda- Glad to hear all is going well. Hang in there, you'll be up and around before you know it. John James (Wendy's bro)
On June 10, 2010...
Amanda, I never thought reading one of these blogs would make me laugh but of course your did. I admire the way you approach life with such humor and strength and because of that I just know everything will be great. Harrison, Maddie and I are thinking about you and sending you lots of love and prayers. Audie - Harrison can drive Cole from football anytime! Thanks for your updates they are awesome.
All our love, Lynne,Maddie and Harrison
On June 10, 2010...
So very glad to hear all went well and as expected!! You are in good hands and I know you have loved ones watching closely over you! Much love to you and your family, Amber
On June 10, 2010...
This is great news, Audie!

Please let Amanda know we are thinking of her and we are thrilled to hear everything went so well.

Love, The Hills
On June 10, 2010...
So glad to hear the good news. Hated that breathing tube.... hope it is out soon. Hope to hear updates on your continued positive recovery.
Theresa Callanan
On June 10, 2010...
Great to hear she is doing well post-op! Good thing for pain meds.....! We'll be thinking positive thoughts! meg
On June 10, 2010...
Great updates, Audie. Glad things are progressing as expected! Give her a gentle hug from me when she's able to handle it. Brooke
On June 10, 2010...
Awesome...that is great. But, you might reconsider the TV for the game. Just think if it's a nail biter it could be too much for her. :-)
Kimberly and David
On June 10, 2010...
Awesome news!
Amanda-way to kick ass in surgery!
The intelligience of your mitro valve is incredible! :)
Although, it's a little disappointing that I won't be able to use all those swine/bacon jokes!
I love you! I'll be calling after tomorrow to check in. Hopefully you'll be out of ICU
by then.
Audie, thanks for calling with the updates. You've been awesome!
On June 10, 2010...
Best news I've heard all day!
On June 10, 2010...
Thanks for the good news, Audie!

On June 10, 2010...
Great news! Thanks Audie for keeping us all updated. Let us know if we can do anything or if there is something she might like sent to make her room more comfortable during recovery. Hugs Leens
On June 10, 2010...
YAY!!! That is soooo awesome! We are praying for her and sending lots of positive thoughts her way.

-Kimberly and David
On June 10, 2010...

Thank you so much for the terrific updates. I'm so glad it all went well. Thanks for being there for Amanda. Please make sure she knows how many people are sending their love.

On June 10, 2010...
We were happy to read that they fixed your valve! So what's next on the list? The Turners
On June 10, 2010...
Yay!!!! way to let your valve be repaired Amanda. Thanks for the update Audie...now I can leave my computer for a while. Look forward to hearing how she does in recovery.

Jen Garland
On June 10, 2010...
excellent news!!

Christine McNamara
On June 10, 2010...
That is good News! Must be all the positive thoughts.
xoxo, Mother Lee
On June 10, 2010...
I know it's time to get a job when all I'm doing is sitting here staring at my email hoping for an update from Audie.

(I hope the time goes by and you recover quickly because Lord knows I don't want to get a job.)

It's 2:30 here in St. Louis. Can't the doctors come out and say something? Anything?
On June 10, 2010...
oops, that last comment was from me!! (MATT)
On June 10, 2010...
As my mind was studying for my Mktg 351 and Econ 320 tests today, my heart and spirit were with you. I don't know if I have ever told you, but I really do love you. Tonight I will watch the Glee season finale and drink a box of Franzia in your honor!! LOL
On June 10, 2010...
Amanda: We are thinking of you now, knowing that you are in the OR getting your valve fixed. We are looking forward to the report from Audie that all went well. Hang in there. Keep clicking that morphine pump!
-- The Turners
On June 10, 2010...
Thinking about you girl as you are off in a deep sleep right now and sending good healing vibes. When Bubsy had his double knee replacement he had a pain med button. He would drift off to sleep and wake with a shake looking for the button that was tightly gripped in his hand. Hopefully you too will have one of these magic buttons!
All our love....Jay, Leens and Devon

ps sorry if this message posted twice not sure if it went thru the first time
On June 10, 2010...
Hi Audie

Thanks for the update on Amanda. She's in my prayers.

Cheryl, Ontario
On June 10, 2010...
June 10th 9am-
I imagine your well into surgery by now after reading the last entry in your guestbook. By the time this is read to you ... you will be done, safe and in recovery and still enjoying the effects of the "loopy-loop stuff".
We just wanted you to know that we have all been thinking about you for the last several days a lot. I know your in good hands and wishing you a super speedy recovery.
The Hofmann Family
On June 10, 2010...
We are all thinking of you and waiting for updates. Just got your text!! I love that you were still texting until the last second they wheeled you in....Just how serene are you looking?
Moll, Matt, Lily and Ben
P.S. We were talking with Lil this morning, cautiously giving her the "Well, Amanda goes in for her operation this morning...". She cut us off with an eye roll and "I KNOW, she has a heart infection (her interpretation) and she has to have her chest split open". Good to know she's got the Amberson/Gilbert sensitivity gene.
On June 10, 2010...

a big thanks to you for being with Amanda, helping her through this and keeping us all updated.

Mannie- you are a trooper!

On June 10, 2010...
Thanks for the update, Audie. I've been thinking about her all morning. I can just picture her with that "let's do it" look. Such a trooper.

I'll be anxiously awaiting further updates.

On June 10, 2010...
Hopefully Amanda is now in recovery. My prayers to Amanda, you, and the rest of the family. She'll be great!

God Bless,
On June 10, 2010...
Hi Amanda,
Goodmorning, Kimberly and I wanted to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
I think that it is wonderful that they discovered it was the valve and with a 90% chance of repair that sounds like good odds too me. Even your Lakers don't have a 90% chance of winning. :-)
Kimberly's surgery was a week ago today, and already I have seen a difference in her pain levels. Yes, you will feel pain, but just remember that goes away.
Anyway, good luck too you! You are very lucky to have so many people rooting for you and standing in your corner cheering you on. It's during these times that you really find out who your friends are.
God Bless you, and we look forward to when you can write again.

David and Kimberly
On June 10, 2010...

Best wishes!!!!!!

Ray Williams
On June 10, 2010...
Hey there,

We'll being sending a little love tomorrow morning from nursery school. Melody, Carol, Kathy, and I will send out radiant beams of light. ;)

Hope you will feel the love.

On June 10, 2010...
Hey Amanda,

Thanks so much for the update! I'm happy everyone enjoyed dinner. I got to meet your Mom, Dixie and your beautiful native plants. Carly and your Mom were so gracious and grateful. We didn't watch the meter moving backwards, we need you there for that.
. I will watch for Audie's updates.You are going to be fine and you are in our prayers tonight.

Take care!

Love, Amy, Katie, Emma, Ted
On June 10, 2010...
Sending you and the family love and light for tomorrow. Corey said you still might be coming camping (or hoteling) so I plan to see you there.

On June 10, 2010...
I haven't stopped thinking of you since your email. I will hold you in the palm of my hand until you are back on the slopes or at least cheering next to me at a Chadwick football game. Hugs and kisses.
Christine McNamara

On June 10, 2010...
Just wanted to send some love your way & to let you know you will be in my prayers everyday. I know God is going to watch over you & your team of surgeons he is a miracle worker as i have seen how his hands work.My brother is on his way to recovery & you will be too. Love ya, Barbara & Jorge Jorgie & Karissa
On June 9, 2010...
Hey A, thanks for the update! Love the good news! You are going to do great tomorrow! Beaming u all the love! Xxoo! Barbra
On June 9, 2010...
Good luck on your surgery...I will be praying for you. Can not wait to hear you are on the road to recovery.
Good luck,
Theresa Callanan
On June 9, 2010...
Hi Amanda

Dropping by to say good luck and I'll be looking forward to your update after surgery. I always say with such good chances of a repair at least the surgeon has a Plan B backup. I trust you'll be fine. Glad the arteries are good. Sleep well.

Cheryl, Ontario
On June 9, 2010...

Best wishes and prayers are with you tomorrow. I hope everything goes just as you hope for tomorrow, except for that Lakers thing..

Good luck, you will be fine...

Keller, TX