On March 17, 2010...
Hi Trevor
Hope you can manage to keep your mind on school long enough to get through exams. Heart surgery forces all of us into a maturity we didn't ask for and I happen to think you are pretty amazing to write the positive way you do. Enjoy spring break. Cheryl, Ontario
On March 17, 2010...
Trevor, you know so much more about this than any of us does. To boil it all down to a layperson's terms: does this mean you're no longer considering a second opinion?
Aunt Barb
On February 17, 2010...
Hey Trevor!

Your mom gave my mom the link to your blog. Just wanted to let you know that I'll be praying for you. If you ever need a good laugh, you should check out the blog I'm keeping while I'm student teaching. The things they do and say are so funny.


~Allison Ford
On February 16, 2010...
Thanks for the kind, inspirational words on my guestbook. I know you get what we are going through. It's such a crazy thing to be otherwise perfectly healthy, live an active lifestyle, and have this condition. Your maturity and positive attitude is inspiring. I will follow your progress through this. Thank you again,
Patrick in STL
On February 15, 2010...
Hey Trevor,
I'm wishing I was 18 again! You have an awsome life ahead of you. This aortic thing is just a small bump in the road, or better said, a small wave in a no wake zone. Best of luck and our prayers are with you.

happy boating
captain Bill
On February 14, 2010...
Hey Trevor,

No need to ever thank me. I'm just glad to hear this website is helping you.

If you need anything else, please let me know.

Keep on tickin!
Adam Pick
On February 14, 2010...
Hi Trevor,

It's good to meet you and read your story.

Don't hesitate to get a second or third opinion about your treatment. Ultimately you need to be at peace with your decision, and have confidence in your surgical team.

I consulted several doctors and asked A LOT of questions before deciding on my surgery. I was actually scheduled for a Ross Procedure even though I'm much older than you. As it worked out, my valve could be repaired, so my surgery was less complex than originally planned.

I'll be following your progress. I have every confidence you'll do well!

Joel Bryan, Iowa
On February 13, 2010...
Hi Trevor
Nice to meet you. One of the best things about this journal site is the diversity of its occupants and from that you gain such a wealth of insight into what your future may have in store for you. We all share a common fear but also a hunger to find out more.

It's really a good thing to be able to find out as much as possible about your specific defect and if you have any doubts at all, or feel you need to know more, then get your second opinion. You have to go with your inner gut feeling on this one Trevor. Don't be shy about taking your records to another surgeon and seeing what he/she has to say.

Duane Hunt wrote quite a piece recently on some of the places he had researched. Take a look and you may find something you hadn't seen before. Good luck.

I'll be following your journey. Cheryl, Ontario
On February 13, 2010...
We are so proud of you. Your strength and maturity are a model for us all. We are right beside you as you walk this path. God has big plans for you.
We love you,
Mom & Dad
"Character is a diamond that scratches every other stone." Cyrus A. Bartol
On February 12, 2010...
Good morning Treavor,
Your story is alot like mine. I had a bicuspid aortic valve and I got a Bjork-Shiley valve for my 30th birthday...now I'm as old as your dad! You are fortunate to have such a close and caring family and a close relationship with God. You will be the star of the cardiac unit after your surgery, your recovery will be quick due to your current activity and positive attitude. I'm proud of you and your choices, you are a fine youg gentleman. My prayers and thoughts are with you. Best of luck!

Gary Randles
On February 2, 2010...
Hello Trevor, welcome to the Adam Pick journal club. We're made up of all ages with one common denominator, hearts that need fixing. With your young age and great health, you'll do so well. If you read my story you'll see my journey has been a long one and am looking forward to being able to do some of the things that slow or stop me now. My surgery will be March 18th at the Cleveland Clinic. God is teaching me patience. Reading about other people pre-op and post-op should be helpful to you. Seem we all deal with it differently. For some humor, you need to follow "Capt'n Bill". He's having his surgery a day before me by the same surgeon, so am looking forward to meeting him. Have signed up to get your posts. Stay busy and stay positive and with your faith, you will do fine!!
Fran Zilko (FL)
On February 2, 2010...
You're attitude surrounding this situation is truly a ministry; I'm so proud to call you my friend. I consider it an honor to pray for you every day as we near your surgery. We're right beside the whole way, and I can't wait to take the first run down the ski hill next winter!

Be there when you wake up,
On February 1, 2010...
Hey Trevor,
I'm 32 and similar to you, but i'm not on a surgery schedule yet. I'm active as well. I hope everything goes well for you. You seem positive about it. I'll pray for you as well.
Patrick in STL
On February 1, 2010...
Hey Trevor,

Welcome! Great to meet you and read your story. If you need anything, please let me know. I'm here to help.

Keep on tickin!

Adam Pick
On January 30, 2010...
T-rev, I just wanted to let you know that you're in my prayers! I'm so glad that you are so positive about it!

On January 22, 2010...
Hi Trevor, It's Aunt Barb here, wishing you all the best in your big adventure. You have a great attitude, and probably too much information! You also look pretty cool in that photo! Love you!
On January 22, 2010...
Hi, Uncle Trevor! Thanks for keeping us updated-I love you!

Madilyn (oh, my Mom and Dad, too:))
On January 22, 2010...
WOW Honey!!! So proud of you! This ended up in my spam on my computer....hope that doesn't happen to others. It is a WONDERFUL journal. LOVE YOU!!