On November 19, 2010...

I'm scheduled for Monday morning in NY - your journal made me aware of some things to be on the lookout for. Thank you
Diane P
On November 13, 2010...
Terry, I remember feeling like that. The days just didn't have any structure and I was just drifting. A couple of things helped;
my daughter bluntly told me to get cookin'. I started grocery shopping and making simple mmeals. That made me feel more normal. And I started rehab at five weeks. That put me on a schedule; every Mon Wed and Fri I knew I
would be in the rehab room where I was safely monitored and working to get back my
life. I look back and see it was an essential part of recovery.
Good luck. I know you will get there.
Mary Ann
On November 13, 2010...
Hi Terry. I think you'll enjoy rehab but you may find that you have to push your cardiologist a bit to approve it. Some of them don't seem to think it is important for some reason, but I believe most on this site would agree that it helps - as Fran said, physically, mentally & emotionally. The monitoring helps build confidence & you meet others who are going through much the same thing that you are. Good luck - Joy
On November 13, 2010...
Hi Terry
Whenever you get the go ahead for rehab you will find it does make a difference, physically, mentally and emotionally. It did for me. Hope you get the okay soon.
On November 10, 2010...
Hi Terry, am having my surgery in 2 weeks (AVR) was interested to read about personal training not good for arotic stenois. I have worked with one for 10 years. Did the doc say why?? just wondering. glad you are doing so well now Laurie Cadwell
On November 7, 2010...
Hi Terry
You are an amazing woman. You've been through so much in your life but you persevere. You, like me always see the glass as half full not half empty. I see you have found love again at an older age, it's hard to imagine getting through this major surgery without a loving spouse. Seems you must like to do some of the things I do, knitting, sewing, quilting, etc. I think it's our generation. Take care and keep smiling.
On November 5, 2010...
Hi Terry,

I have read your blogs, it gives me lots of hopw that I will do very well too.

My surgery is in Jan. I have a couple of questions only another women could answer.

What about bras ? anyone you liked alot that was comfortable ? Also what about PJ's did you wear one with buttons ? Do not know how long it will before I can reach over my head with my arms.
thanks for responing when you can.
angela nyangela1954@hotmail.com
On November 5, 2010...
Hi Terry!

Thanks for posting on my guestbook. I then looked you up on at the journal central and read your story. Pleased to meet you! You are the first communication I've had on the journals with a fellow Florida Hospital patient, though I was not familiar with your doctor. I too think Florida Hospital is great! Good call on not posting your incision pictures like I did! I really only did that too take some of the mystery (and hopefully thus fear) out of the whole process for other patients. Adam's book, blog, and journals are priceless!

Glad to know you are doing so well. Congrats on 6 weeks and on 29 years after that whopper surgery. Wow! Truly the grace of God!

Duane Hunt
from another Winter-something, Florida
On November 5, 2010...
Hi Terry,
Congratulations on all your anniversaries and milestones! You have really been through it Girl, haven't you?!
You are an inspiration and your story is extremely helpful and important to others.
Best wishes for continued improvement and excellent health for many years to come!
Nancy H.
On November 2, 2010...

I am glad you are still making entries. It is very encouraging for me in week 3 to see your progress.

My scar is not as long as I thought it would be. It is too early to tell but I think I will be able to wear a v-neck. I only have one large hole (my friends and family affectionately call it my blow hole)between my breast and belly button. All my other holes are very small and be hardly noticable.

My heart and thoughts go out to your husband.
On November 1, 2010...
Hi Terry
Thanks for the note. I actually had my surgery at the Cleveland Clinic by Dr Gillinov. I traveled to OH from here in FL and would do it again. The #1 heart hospital and surgeon were tops. Duane and I have met a couple of times as he and his wife Peggy were in our area of FL. It is a special occasion to meet a fellow heart patient such as Duane. Take care.
On November 1, 2010...
Hi Terry
You're a trooper. We are the same age so can relate to what you're going through. Had my surgery in March of this year. A bovine mitral valve and a tricuspid repair. I was well prepared and all in all it wasn't bad. Sometimes maturity (age) is an advantage. Hope the biopsy results will be negative and now that your meds are adjusted you will go on to be 100%. I have been in a-fib for 14 years so will always be on coumadin and obviously my body has adjusted to it. Take care.
On October 31, 2010...
Hi Terry,

Thanks for the latest guestbook entry.

In Canada you gotta to be carefull about what you say about doctors, because you can't shop around... I'm lucky though, I live 15 minutes from a heart. The wait can easily drawn out, especially since my surgeon also teaches and does research. At least this is an interesting condition.

But yeah, I'm getting more tired and may even drop by the Hospital this week and have myself checked out again - I'm getting a bit worried about driving my car.

I hope the ICU nurses are as cute and kindly as you. ;.))


On October 26, 2010...
Hello, Terry.

Thanks for leaving a message in my Guestbook. To answer your question: we live in Hawaii but opted to have the surgery done in Seattle.

Sorry to hear about your challenges after surgery, but I'm happy to read that you are better and getting out with walks. I truly believe that my daily walks, several times a day, have helped me to recover more quickly than I expected. The physical activity also helped me with the pain management too and now, I'm down to two Ibuprofens a day.

I hope you continue to recover well and God bless.

On October 23, 2010...
Hi Terry. Even with those glitches, you manage to remain upbeat. As Fran said, there are bumps along the way. It's major surgery, after all. Fluid build-up was an issue for me too so don't feel alone on that one. I had low back pain for years (courtesy of a 30+ year desk job, I'm sure) & once I started practicing yoga, it progressively lessened until now I rarely have a problem. Yoga is certainly not the answer for you right now but, once you are healed, a gentle class might be something to consider. Sometimes studios offer classes or private instruction that is focused specifically on back care too as certain poses (or sequences of poses) are more helpful than others. Anyway, I'll get off the yoga soapbox now. I hope today's a good one for you. Take care, Joy
On October 22, 2010...
Hi Terry
Glad as each problem came up you were able to deal with it. Don't be discouraged if "bumps in the road" appear off and on, they did for me. Glad you could hold those 3 leashes, guess you don't have bigger dogs who pull the leashes when you walk them. I am 7 months post op and still get twinges in my sternum occasionally. Take care.
On October 3, 2010...
Hi Terry. Love those words - "where is all this energy coming from". I'm glad to hear that you are doing so well just a few days after surgery. Take care, Joy Vera
On September 24, 2010...
Goodluck Ma'am, God Bless You!
andro d.
On September 24, 2010...
Hi Terry,

Welcome aboard. My mitral valve was replaced 7/20/10. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

On September 23, 2010...
Hello, Terry.

Just wanted to let you know that even though we don't know each other, you are in my prayers. My surgery is scheduled for October 6th and I feel truly blessed to have found this site to offer support and prayers for others who are going through similar if not the same circumstances. As simple as it may seem, just stay close to God. You are blessed and loved. :-)

On September 23, 2010...
Good luck with your surgery. I had a mitral repair in March of this year and am doing great. I will keep you in my prayers.
Good luck,
Theresa C.
On September 23, 2010...
Welcome to HVJ, Terry. My aortic valve was replaced in July. You'll find lots of support on this site - glad you've joined us. Best wishes on your surgery & recovery. Joy Vera