On May 14, 2012...

Waiting for more good news, happt to read you are out of surgery!! Traci

On May 14, 2012...
Happy to hear the good news. Keep up the good work and go slow. Everyday will be a better one.
For the long haul
LInda H
On May 14, 2012...
Wow.. that was fast.. Speedo fast!
On May 14, 2012...
Glad to hear the good news. I have been anxiously waiting. Hope you have a speedy recovery.

- Another Steve (Dean) with Bicuspid Aortic (surgery next week)
On May 14, 2012...
Hang in there Steve -- before you know it you'll be shuffling down the halls like the rest of us!
On May 14, 2012...
Good Luck Steve stay strong

Sean M
On May 14, 2012...
Thanks so much for the updates, he is in my thoughts and prayers this morning, Denise
On May 14, 2012...
Good luck Steven! Will be closely following your progress throughout the day while I am going through my own pre-operative testing.

-Thomas Hunt
On May 14, 2012...
Good Luck Steve!!!

Jimmy Johnson
On May 14, 2012...
Blast off! I got a new pair of lime green speedos for the beach this summer. You'll look mahvalous!!
On May 14, 2012...
Sending cousin energy and love your way.....it's all good.......Elise
On May 14, 2012...
Go get 'em Steve!! You got this!!
Linda Dixon, AVR 3/13/12
On May 14, 2012...
Good luck today Steve.

Luv ya buddy.

David R.
On May 14, 2012...
Good luck steve...ill be watching for posts to hear about your succesful surgery and road to recovery. going for my consult this am and hoping to get my date. god bless. K
On May 13, 2012...
Will be thinking of you and praying for you tomorrow! You will do fine, stay strong, and determined! Looking forward to hearing from you in a couple of days!
Holly P
On May 13, 2012...
Good Luck Steve!!! The Kedziora Family.
On May 13, 2012...
I will be thinking about you tomorrow, all will go well and you will be back to walking around the field soon!
On May 13, 2012...
Good luck Steve. Talk to you later this week look forward to your journal entries , Don
On May 13, 2012...
Steve, Good luck tomorrow. We will be think of you and praying for ya too. See you on the recuperation side.
Paul and Kathy
On May 12, 2012...
Good morning Steve-
Wow...it's just around the corner. Try to think positive thoughts and enjoy the soccer games this weekend. If the weather in NJ is like CT today you've got a beautiful day in store.
On May 11, 2012...
Steve K will be thinking about you ! JZ
On May 11, 2012...
Hey Steve- I didn't realize this was coming up so soon. Noah and I wish you a successful procedure and speedy recovery! We will look forward to your updates and will be thinking of you on m
On May 11, 2012...
Hi Steve, Good luck to you on Monday, you will do just great. Prayers are with you. Enjoy this weekend.
For the long haul
Linda H
On May 11, 2012...

I can't begin to imagine what you're going through, but would like to offer my thoughts and prayers to you, your family and close friends. I'll be seeing you out at the field this weekend....let's enjoy the little ones!

Go Steve!
On May 11, 2012...
it's good to have a friend with a sense of humor! :)
(see two posts prior)

Nancy B
On May 11, 2012...

Good luck on Monday, I will be thinking about you! I'm glad you have made your decision on the valve, now you can relax and prepare yourself for a calm day on Monday...I look forward to following your progress!!
Jamie McGuire
On May 11, 2012...
Steve - - you are in our prayers and all will be well. Peter [on the silly side, I offer this non-advice:] When I go to the hospital, I like to bring along: (i) a small pet - - hospitals seem to like ferrets, ocelots and parrots; (ii) some cash - - a few dollars here and there to the staff insures that the pillows are soft and the bedpans stay out of the refrigerator; (iii) and air-horn: staff and other patients will be glad to know if you need something or are just having fun; (iv) your own Barca-lounger or other recliner - - after all, they did say "make yourself at home"; and finally (v) some big dude with sunglasses who just stands there - - it keeps everyone on their toes and keep away the paparazzi.
Be well! See you soon.
On May 11, 2012...
Steve, you are in prayers !!!!
On May 11, 2012...
Yo Stevie... Speedo again... What a lucky devil you are.. though i detect a little bragging!!! Packing your bags and taking a trip.. Gosh, not me!!! I have to stay home and mow the lawn, take out the garbage, and clean the basement!!!!! No trip for me.. I'm jealous!! Plus you are getting bed rest, endless TV, the sports page brought to you, meals delivered, and people catering to you every minute of every day... DUDE, YOU'RE THE MAN!!!! How do i get in on this gig!!!!!! FUTHERMORE.... You're gonna come out like Colt Seavers with superhuman powers! That's it, I'm quitting the gym and hanging with you. Actually, I can't hang wit u..When we are out on the town, I don't have a pick-up line as interesting as yours. "Hi there, I don't have dandilions in my yard".. and you'll be like "Hey Baby, I have a 6 Million Dollar body!".. How do i compete with that brother!!! Hey.. I love ya and really want to say to everyone that participates in this message board how wonderful you all are. How strong mentally and emotionally you must be. I am amazed and appreciative that those in need share their experiences so those who of us who may one day be in the same position will be better prepared. You all are amazing people and are so kind and considerate to reach out to strangers and share your experiences. I can't thank all of you enough and wish everyone of you and your loved ones the very best of health and happiness. Speedo out!
On May 11, 2012...
The things I was really glad I had were my travel pillow, my own fleece blanket, throat lozenges, ipod, and chapstick. I didn't wear any "regular" clothes until the day I went home, but I did wear my slippers.
Best wishes!
Kerry Thomas
On May 11, 2012...
The three things I brought and used the most are my pillow, jammies and iPad.
On May 10, 2012...
You will do fine on Monday! My experience was you really don't need that much at the hospital! Take a pillow for your neck, some chapstick, and I used my ipod for distraction during some of the procedures! Otherwise they provide almost everything else. Their "gowns" actually work better with all the tubes and IV's and I never wore anything that I took. They even want you to wear their own special non-skid slippers! Good luck, you'll be in my prayers!
Holly P
On May 10, 2012...
I'm newly diagnosed and new to this site. I wish you luck Monday and will follow your blogs so maybe I can learn more about the post-op. Karen
On May 10, 2012...
Great call. If it were me, I would make the same decision. Oh wait, it was me and I did make the same decision.

Ok, all kidding aside, tissue vs. mechanical does not matter. What matters is making the right decision for you. I am so glad you made a decision and feel good about it.

If it has not already, soon the eery calm will set in. You are going to do great my valve friend. No doubt in my mind. Can't wait to hear from you from the other side of surgery and hear you join the chorus of folks saying that the waiting is the hardest part. For now, trust me, it is!

And, BTW, you are welcome. Glad I could help you like others helped me. That is why this site is so amazing.

Good luck!!!
- Mitch Friedman
On May 10, 2012...
I am 56 & went with the mechanical valve. It is too soon to know if I made the right decision, but I think had I been your age I would have chosen the tissue valve. So-I think you made the right choice!
Debbie Argetsinger
AVR 04/02/12
On May 10, 2012...
Good for you Steve!
I'd make the same choice if I were in your shoes.
best of Luck.

Nancy B
On May 10, 2012...
Just in case my e-mail didn't go through. Here's my address dharveyl@yahoo.com
On May 10, 2012...
I just got a moment to read your latest journal, I'm happy that you have made the decision that best fits you, I'm still in that undecided mode, but I know that you and my many new friends that I will meet on this site will provide me with the correct avenues to get the real facts needed to make the decision, I sent you my e-mail address so please reply when you get an opportunity. I'm looking forward to continuing this converstaion with you, even after you have had your surgery. Take care.
On May 10, 2012...
Good luck next week Steve. Please let me know when I can help you. Get well seriously soon. Rowan is counting on you! Best regards, Rich
On May 10, 2012...
Almost there!

I saw Don's note to you below. Pay it forward baby. Now you will see how easy it is to be an expert and lend a hand to...how did you put it..."complete strangers." It just feels right to help!

So, what did you decide? Whatever it is, I know it is the right decision for you.

First week home, I would recommend you have someone stay with you. And, don't be shy about asking for everything you need. You need to rest and take it easy. If you are thirsty and don't feel like moving, ask someone to help you. No heroes the first week or so. Very important.

Call me if you want to chat before your big day. Good luck bro!

- Mitch Friedman
On May 9, 2012...
My thought's will be with you on Monday, but just remember I want my butt shot in your hospital gown!
On May 9, 2012...
Hello Steve, looking back it was always important for me to have someone there everyday for the first two or three weeks. Getting out of bed that first week was hard, i needed help. Showering, well that was one of the highlights, I had my wife take care of that, looking back I think I stretched it out one week longer then I needed. Walking in the beginning, it was nice to have someone with me just in case, and I walked with my heart pillow under my arm for comfort. Your mind is moving faster then your body so some of the days were so long. Food was great for me, for some reason my taste buds were enhanced, it was incredible, that lasted about two weeks. Last but not least being alive was the best thing in the world you''ll see.

All The Best,
Richard Volpe
On May 9, 2012...

I'm new at this so I hope this is the correct way to respond, I'm 46 years old, I was born with BAV, so it's not new, but I've dreaded the surgery, I was informed about 12 years ago that I would eventually need the surgery but I wasn't expecting it to be this soon. Have you choosen your valve yet, if so what was the basis of your decision, I'm looking for all the information I can get.


Steven Kantor  don -
My private email is contactstevek@yahoo.com. Why don't you send me an email to that address si ... Read more
Steven Kantor  Don,
I'll also share with you that all of us struggle with the choice issue. It has been a struggle ... Read more
On May 9, 2012...
Good luck Steven, I had an opportunity today to read your journal for the first time, I am also scheduled to have my aortic valve replaced, I hope to have the surgery by mid June, I have a scheduled Cat scan this Friday, and some dental worj next week. I'm still undecided on mechnical vs. biological, any thoughts. I will keep you in my prayers, and definitely looking forward to reading your journals after the surgery. God Bless You.

Steven Kantor  Nice to hear from you Don.
How old are you?
Do you also have an aneurism?

Good luck with the Cat Sca ... Read more
On May 9, 2012...
Hang in there! thoughts are with you and your daughter

-Rich White
On May 9, 2012...
Thanks for asking this question. I am scheduled for May 14th also, so you and I will be climbing this mountain at the same time.

I am sure you will do well as the odds are overwhelmingly in our favor.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Jerry V
On May 9, 2012...
Hi Steve!

I was surprised with how little help I needed. Because my husband had to be at work during the day, I had "babysitters" lined up to stay with me - to fetch things, open the fridge, make my lunch, whatever . . . turned out I didn't need them. At all. I "fired" my babysitters before they started - I got home on Friday, my husband was with me Saturday and Sunday and I realized I could do everything myself so I called the sitters and cancelled them.

I never needed help in the shower (even in the hospital), I didn't need help getting dressed, I could get my own food (even open the fridge.) I did find it helpful to gather all my stuff before I sat down - the phone, my iPad, water, snacks, remote control, etc. - so I didn't have to keep jumping up and down. It was so hot I did my walking inside - friends came and drove me to the mall when I could walk further and further.

One caveat - I did not have a full sternotomy. If you are having one, that could change the whole picture of what you might need help with.

Everyone is different - I suggest planning for help and you can always "fire" them when you see how you feel!

Good luck with your surgery.
Ricki Shine

On May 9, 2012...
Hi Steve,

I needed help with showers..Washing my back and drying my back.

I needed help with heavier thing..It was an actual challenge lifting milk or orange juice. Plus all the dishes are high and it's hard to stretch and reaching things.

Anything that is low that you will need to bend over with you will need some help with.

Some-times I need help opening the doors particularly if they stick. The fridge and freezer doors were a little hard to open in the begining.

I needed help sometimes getting up from my recliner or out of the bed. It was more as I just need help on getting started to move forward.

I bought a weekly pill dispenser that has both AM and PM compartments. That was good as I had help putting all those meds in the right compartments.

It was good knowing that I had someone there if I took a tumble in the shower or down the stairs.

The biggest help I had was friends that brought dinners over for my 1st 2 weeks home. That was nice not having to worry about my family and trying to get dinner on the table.

I also had some friends come and get me out of the house for the 1st 2 weeks for lunch. Maybe one or 2 days during the week. Felt strange taking my heart pillow with me to put under the seat belt but I wasn't leaving without that thing.

You will surprising be mobile so getting dressed isn't that bad but I did need help getting socks on.

It was nice just having someone to talk to during the day and to go on the walks with me.

If I can think of anything else I will come back and add.

Jimmy Johnson
AVR 2/20/12
On May 9, 2012...
I was lucky enough to have my mom with me for the first two weeks, but if I didn't I definitely would have wanted people to check in on me while my husband was at work. I wasn't too hungry at first, so definitely have a few of your favorite "easy" things around to eat. When my appetite was really low I would eat trail mix to get some energy.
This may be just me (or maybe because I only spent two and a half days in the hospital), but my first few showers at home I needed help. Even after that I had someone stay close by for the next few days.
Deb is right about the driver. That was probably my mom's most important role. It definitely is reassuring to have someone there.
Whenever you are alone for the day just make sure you have everything you need on the first floor if your house has stairs.
You will do great!
Kerry Thomas
On May 9, 2012...
Hi Steve:

Best of luck to you. Everything will be fine.

Oleg B.