On May 24, 2012...
Remember each day will get better and once all over you will not remember the pain you feel now. This comes from someone that has had 4 c-sections and gall bladder surgery to old way with the large cut. Remember we love you and when you get better you need to come visit us here in KY
Love your Aunt Dawn
On May 24, 2012...
Hi Gloria-
Glad to hear Steve is now out of ICU. Hopefully things will continue to progress and he will get stronger each day.
Please keep the posts coming.
I go in at 5:30 am tomorrow for my 7:30 surgery. Hope to repair, if not, replace, the mitral valve. Karen
On May 24, 2012...
Hey Steve! Glad to hear all the good updates from Gloria, and so relieved for you that they were able to do the repair rather than the mechanical replacement. Alex and I are thinking about you and hope to see you soon!

On May 24, 2012...
Steven, sooo happy to hear everything went well. You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. We wish you continued success in your recovery. Love and Kisses, The Takemoto's
On May 24, 2012...
Steve, I was so happy to hear that they were able to do the repair. That is great news! I hope you have a smooth and speedy recovery. We miss you around here. I am heading off to Ohio tonight for the holiday weekend to celebrate my mother-in-law's 90th birthday. It should be a lot of fun; all of my husband's family will be there. Get well soon! Dorothy
On May 24, 2012...
This is pretty cool how you can have a site detaling your progress I am so proud of you and you courage. I have to mention nothing was said about your oral hygiene. :). Don't make me fly out there and brush your teeth. Seriously I am glad your doing great. You take care and stay strong. We are all cheering for you.
Linda Tincher and family
On May 24, 2012...
So glad to hear things went well! Best of luck on the recovery!

-May T.
On May 24, 2012...
Stevwn, it sounds as though you are being taken good care of by everyone, your mom, dad, Gloria, doctors, nurses and all the staff in the hospital. Are you not sure they are not spoiling you?
I am still praying for you and everyone envolved. Take care!!! LOve you.
grandma Dean

On May 24, 2012...

I'm glad to hear that you're doing so well after your surgery. I wish you the speediest of recoveries! It sounds like you're in very good hands, so I know you'll be back on your feet soon.

On May 24, 2012...
So glad to hear that Steven is doing well and they were able to repair rather than replace. He is in my prayers . Denise K
On May 23, 2012...
So glad it went well and he's recovering already. Please let me know if I can help in ANY WAY this week.

On May 23, 2012...
So glad they were able to repair the valve, and that he is breathing on his own! Yes those ice chips are wonderful!!! Keep taking those deep breaths, the next day will be hard, but you can do it!!! Stay strong and determined.
Holly P
On May 23, 2012...
Great news!

My wishes are for as speedy recovery for you!

Jerry Vernhout
On May 23, 2012...
Steve and Gloria,

That's exciting and awesome news!! Glad to hear everything is going well!!! :) :) :)


On May 23, 2012...
thanks for all the updates I am so glad things are going well. We love you all and I wish we could be there. This is a great way for family and friends to stay informed.

Aunt Dawn
On May 23, 2012...
We're thinking of you, Steve!
Great news on the repair.

Gloria, thanks for keeping us updated

- Allison + Jason
On May 23, 2012...
Great news! Thanks for the updates!
Kerry T
On May 23, 2012...
Excellent news!
Way to go, Steven!

Nancy B
On May 23, 2012...
Very glad that the operation went well. This doesn't convince me that you are not a robot. The boy who couldn't cry...

On May 23, 2012...
Incredibly glad to read all is going well and that you're moving toward a speedy recovery. Looking forward to sharing book, movie and TV recommendations with you while you're resting! Joe and I have a running list already!

And thank you, Gloria, for keeping us all updated!


On May 23, 2012...
Great news! Hope you will be able to see him soon and by this time tomorrow he will be up and about on his road to recovery.
On May 23, 2012...
Great News!! Healing prayers coming you way now! COme back to work soon - the office is too quiet without you!

On May 23, 2012...
So excited to hear that everything went well! I was thinking about you all morning. This is my not funny guest book message.

- KK
On May 23, 2012...
Awesome news Gloria! That was quick! Can't wait to hear more positive updates. Congrats and will be sending more good thoughts Steven's way.

-Thomas H.
On May 23, 2012...
So glad to hear the doc was able to repair! Three cheers for Steve! Relieved and looking forward to your speedy recovery.

On May 23, 2012...
I feel sure this fixed heart valve thing will turn the tide on our string of losses in the Turkey Bowl! Thanks for taking one for the team!

Patrick Maier
On May 23, 2012...
Gloria, hang in there -- it's tough for those on the other side of the OR doors, too. And Steve, good luck today! I was first of the day, too.
Selma Kaplan
Steven Dean  Thanks Selma :)
On May 23, 2012...
Have you all in my thoughts and prayers today, knowing everything will go just fine. Go get 'em Steven! Climb your mountain, much better view from the other side!!!

Linda Dixon, AVR 3/13/12
On May 22, 2012...
Good luck, and just ride the train... (I hope I can keep my own advice when is my turn). Everyone here will be thinking of you, so keep us updated.

Trent V
On May 22, 2012...
I will be thinking of you and your family and will say a prayer for all. I look forward to reading your updates after surgery.

Debbie A
AVR 4/2/12
On May 22, 2012...
Good luck tomorrow. I know you will do just fine.

We'll check in with you on the other side!

I am scheduled for AVR on the 31st and you will be home by then.

Jerry Vernhout
On May 22, 2012...
I will be thinking of you in the morning and saying a prayer. Going at 5am is the BEST because you don't have time to think about it...just get up and go. Best of luck and post as soon as you can!
Kerry T
On May 22, 2012...
Steven, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I willl be going through my pre-op testing while you are in surgery. God bless you! Denise K
On May 22, 2012...
You will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. It's a strange feeling, being wheeled into that OR, but it's the last thing you remember before you wake up on the other side and breathe that sigh of relief! You will do fine, remember to take deep breaths and keep the ice chips close by.
Holly P
On May 22, 2012...
God bless tomorrow Steven, I will keep you in my prayers, I know you will do great! Go climb your mountain and I look forward to hearing how great the other side is!
Linda Dixon, AVR 3/13/12
On May 22, 2012...
Best of luck to you Steven. Will be following your progress and hope you breeze through.

Nancy B
On May 22, 2012...

Will be thinking about you tomorrow and sending serious healing vibes your way. We're on hand for all the things the surgeon can't do-- company, games, recovery food, books, movies, laffs... you know, the important stuff. I know you'll be back to your old spidey self again in no time.

Steven Dean  Thanks Kay. No laughing for a while but company, games, food, books and movies all sound great.

I h ... Read more
Steven Dean  oh and happy birthday! thanks for coming by tonight...seriously, no laughing. We are going to have to ... Read more
On May 22, 2012...
Hey Steven,

Thinking great, big, healthy, heart-pumping thoughts for you.

Keep on tickin!

Adam Pick
Steven Dean  Thanks Adam
On May 22, 2012...
Hi, Steven -- Sounds like you are ready for lift-off. Feeling the "eerie calm" yet?? :-)
Good luck and Godspeed -- I look forward to hearing your post surgery reports.
Selma Kaplan
Steven Dean  not sure about eerie calm, not sure exactly what I am feeling.
Steven Dean  Also, I hope the food is better down here (can my family not sneak things in?)... I will let you know ... Read more
On May 22, 2012...
Good luck Steven! 5 days out and I can already see the light at the end of the tunnel. Given your age, you will probably recover faster than all the rest of us. Will say a prayer and keep an eye out for your post-surgery updates.

Thomas H
Steven Dean  Thanks, I have been following your progress. Looking forward to trying to catch up to you.
On May 22, 2012...
Steven we are praying for you and I am sure things will go well. I always thought I would have to have my valve replaced but so far so good. I have mitral valve prolaspe..at my age I guess I should not worry.
Tell Joey to call me and let me know how things go tomorrow and we love you

Steven Dean  Thanks Dawn. Love you all.
On May 22, 2012...
Good luck, please keep us posted on your progress, I'll keep you in my prayers.

Don L
Steven Dean  Thank you, I appreciate it.
On May 22, 2012...
Steven - you will be in my thoughts and prayers - take care and God bless you and your surgeon, Denise K
Steven Dean  Thanks
On May 21, 2012...

Steven, you are a vewy strong guy. God is with you always. through good times and bad times. Just rely on Him for added strength as you go through this surgery. I am praying for you along with our church. I love you. Take care.Love you,. grandma Dean
Steven Dean  Thank you Grandma. Love you.
On May 18, 2012...
Hi Steven,

I had the same thing..I was stuffed and I actually started to get a sore throat. I went to my primary care doc and he gave me some antibiotics to take as a precaution. When I had my pre-op apps they just wanted to check my airway to make sure it was open. I was stuff right up to the day of the surgery but when I woke up from the surgery I was fine.

Jimmy Johnson

Steven Dean  Thanks, good to know. I think I will be un-stuffed by Wednesday.
On May 18, 2012...
Drink lots of water, orange juice and take some vitamins! Don't be afraid to call the doctor and let them know what is going on. They want you to be 100% healthy when you go into surgery!
Thinking of you, I know this is a stressful time, the waiting! You will do fine.
Holly P
Steven Dean  Thanks, I called. they are going to check me out at my pre-op on Monday
On May 18, 2012...
Hi Steven, I think you should call your doctor. I had a "cold" 2 weeks ago, that overnight turned into bronchial pneumonia. You might need some antibiotics prior to surgery. Just to be on safe side. Good luck!
Linda Dixon, AVR 3/13/12
Steven Dean  Thanks, I called. they are going to check me out at my pre-op on Monday
On May 15, 2012...

I am 36 years old and I had my Mitral Valve replaced with a St Judes Mechanical valve about 6 months ago. I will echo what everyone else has said previously. I haven't really changed my lifestyle at all, I'm just more cautious when doing things that could possibly make me bleed. I use a regular razor to shave, I have a few drinks every now and then and I still eat green leafy veggies, but I just try to be consitant with them. The biggest inconvience with the coumadin is probably going to the lab and getting the blood test, but the home monitoring kit would probably help with that...im looking into getting one. The coumadin is really not that big of a deal, you will get used to it. And hopefully there will be better drugs approved soon. I can hear my vavle clicking, but as time has gone its begining to fade...I sometimes stop and listen for it as I miss hearing it! Good Luck to you!!

Jamie McGuire
Steven Dean  Thanks for the comments. One thing I am not worried about is the ticking, I love the sound of an auto ... Read more
On May 13, 2012...
Hey Steven,

I had my aortic valve replaced 2/6/12 with the On-X mechanical valve. It takes some adjustments to mostly your eating habits. You will be shown how to regulate your INR levels and you will do fine. I now check my own INR Range with a home test kit and submit it by phone. Your young,active,lifestyle probably won't change very much. As far as choice of mechanical valves,check out www.onxlti.com if you have not already done so. My surgeon preferred this mechanical valve. I hope the study has good results.Take care and as Adam says "Keep on Tickin!"
On May 13, 2012...

I had a mechanical AVR On 9/20/2011. I tried an electric razor and hated it. I blade shave and have no problems. I now take a baby aspirin and coumadin. I bled more before my surgery when I took a full strength aspirin only. I probably have a beer or two 4-5 nights per week. Again, no problems. If you take Coumadin, I would recommend a home INR monitor. Coumadin is not a big deal and you will adapt to it. I eat and drink whatever I want except for cooked greens like spinach, kale, etc. your diet needs to be consistent for sure. Within a few years new drugs like pradaxa and xarelta will be approved for valves. The ticking is not a big deal either, you get used to it.

Jim Davis
AVR and aortic root replacement 9/20/2011
Steven Dean  thanks for the comments