On August 18, 2014...
Terrie posted a note for Steven A that says:
Hi Brother Popeye. Getting ready for Wednesdays surgery and want to take a minute to wish you luck on your surgery tomorrow as I won't be able to post after this one today since I am going to be travelling soon. Everything everyone has told you is the truth.
Remember these words my Cousin just sent to me a few minutes ago:
"The nicest place to be is in someone's thoughts.
The safest place to be is in someone's
and the very best place to be is..........
In the hands of God".
You are in my thoughts,
You are in my Prayers
We are in God's Hands.
Love to you and see you on the other side of surgery!
Love, Terrie
Steven A Husted  thank you terrie for those beautiful words you are in my thoughts and you are in my prayers and you a ... Read more
On August 18, 2014...
Karen Pineda posted a note for Steven A that says:
Hey Popeye! I am so proud of you for continuing to move forward with this surgery. I will be praying and thinking of you. What time is surgery? Do you have someone to at least drive you to the hospital? Hang in there my brother, you will come out of this with a new valve and a much more comfortable life once you recover.

Have you figured out a way to get online yet once you are in rehab? We are going to be watching and waiting for some news.

Take care. Feel free to email me if you want to. I'm here for you.

Steven A Husted  thank you so muchkaren you are a dear friend and heart sister yes keep praying i have to be at hospit ... Read more
On August 18, 2014...
Mia posted a note for Steven A that says:
Hello brother Popeye!

Glad that all seems to be a fo for tomorrow.

Hope you are relaxing and as calm as can be.

Just think, two weeks from now you will be home or almost home.

Each day after tomorrow will get better and better. There will be some bumps in the road, but I have all the confidence in the world that you are strong and will breeze thru this journey!

We are all with you! I am so thankful you are my brother and look forward to.the years to come.

Talk to you later.

Love from your sis,

Steven A Husted  thanks sis you are a great sister i really like having a sister to talk to yes after tomorrow i hope ... Read more
On August 18, 2014...
Eleanor posted a note for Steven A that says:
Hi, Steven. I imagine you are excited about tomorrow, and may have too much on your mind. I would recommend you try to stay active today, getting things ready for the hospital/rehab/homecoming. Make sure you have easy-on clothes and somewhat larger shoes as you may retain some water and have swollen feet/ankles when you are released. I did, and was grateful that I had taken extra wide shoes to wear home. And by easy-on/easy-off clothing, I mean shirts you can slip into easily. You won't be able to lift up your arms too much. I found I could not even reach the top hanger rack in my closet, so I just hung things on the lower rack, knowing that sooner or later I would be able to reach the top one. Took about 3 weeks, but now I can hang things in their proper place.

Think about how you are going to shower when you get home. I had a small teak shower stool from Bed, Bath and Beyond. Had never really used the thing before, but it was such a blessing the first two weeks, as you will feel kind of tired and clumsy in the shower, or I did and it was good to just sit down and shower. I didn't have a hand-held shower, so I just put the stool half in/ half out of the shower spray and it was fine. You will also need a place to sit down when you get out of the shower. I just put a towel over the tub area and sat there, could have done the same with the toilet. The main thing is to prepare a place to sit so you don't get tired, stumble or fall. Make sure you can reach easily whatever you will need to cook, or get out of the pantry, remembering you won't be able to reach up. So, do a practice reconnaissance around your house, seeing what you will be doing when you are home, but can't reach too much. I'm sure you have your overnight bag packed and ready to go! Know that we will all be with you tomorrow, and will be waiting to hear from you, even a line or two! Best wishes,
Steven A Husted  thanks eleanor if you only knew what a blessing you are you are like the sister i never had thank you ... Read more
On August 18, 2014...
Eleanor posted a note for Steven A that says:
Good morning. Did you phone the doctor's office yet? Need to do it so they can prescribe something if need be. I hope the surgery doesn't have to be postponed, so better you let them know now. Hopefully it is not a throat infection, so things can go forward, but let them know anyway.

Don't mean to boss you around, just a little nudge!

Best wishes to you.
Steven A Husted  thank you for your help eleanor i could not have made it this far with out you and my other heart bro ... Read more
On August 18, 2014...
mia posted a note for Steven A that says:
Good morning my dear heart brother Steve,

I always enjoy hearing from you. I.will be happy once your surgery is done and your back on line.

How is your throat this morning?

Call the doctor this morning to see what they say about your throat.

Hoping that you can have surgery tomorrow. That would be amazing. You will be on a journey the first day with a healthier heart.

Remember Steve you have a big growung family here in our heart community. We all are praying and thinking of you.

Have a nice day. Text when you can.

Big hugs from.your heart sister in Michigan!! Love you my brother!
Steven A Husted  thanks mia it is so nice to have a sister like you to keep me going i am going to mention my throat t ... Read more
On August 18, 2014...
Karen Pineda posted a note for Steven A that says:
Good Morning Brother Steve,

Just checking in to see if your throat is feeling better. I hope so. Either way, please mention it to the doctor's office today. Let them advise you so you don't have to keep wondering.

Let us know how you are doing.
Steven A Husted  yes i am feeling much better but i am going to mention it to the doctor when i call him today thanks ... Read more
On August 17, 2014...
Mia posted a note for Steven A that says:
Steve, I am so honored to be your sister. Hope that you are resting well tonight. I could not sleep, so got up. Sitting in my recliner. Am having some discomfort in my bank(,rib area,) ,so am applying heat.
Beast seems to help. I have appointment with doctor on Friday. Will see what he says.

Sleep well and will talk to you soon.

Your sis,
Steven A Husted  thank you sis you are a dear person and my heart sister i am always happy to hear from you and your w ... Read more
On August 17, 2014...
Ginger (in the Land of Oz) posted a note for Steven A that says:
Dear Popeye,
Remember that we are in the world of heart valve replacements -- something unheard of not all that long ago! If your sore throat is due to an infection, there will almost suredly be no problem getting "covered" for surgery. And if it is from something else, again, we live in the age where medicine is both an art and a science and trust in the guidance of your health care team to do whatever is best for you. They are experts at just that!
Try to use any energy you have to turn away from concerns and things that might worry you and store that energy up doing things that calm you and spare energy that will later be needed for the surgery and recovery. You will find all kinds of suggestions all over this site, but it really is a matter of what soothes your soul -- some quiet music, listening to the sounds outdoors, lying in a hammock, meditating, praying, whatever you find that works for you.

You have a great big Heart Family praying for you, and we know from the experience of so many that the Great Healer hears our prayers and grants them. So give Him the big worry work, tell you medical team anything you think they should know, then kick back and do what you can to relax.
Steven A Husted  thanks ginger i really need those words and comments you are a wonderful heart sister and a blessing ... Read more
On August 17, 2014...
Mary (mia) posted a note for Steven A that says:
Dear Popeye my brother,

You will be fine. The reasons you should have surgery done: so you can live longer, breathe better, feel better, be active in our heart community, feel younger, sleep better,
So you can quit worrying about your heart, and start living again.

Call doctor tomorrow and see what they say about your sore throat. Are you running a fever,?

Just so they know and can figure out if your OK not have surgery on Tuesday.

Drink lots of water the rest of today and tomorrow.

Text me whenever. My email is kidsjunction @gmail.com

You have all your brothers and sisters in our heart cc ommunity pulling for nyou. So no worries,_ just do it!!!

Love you my brother.

Steven A Husted  thanks mia i think my sore throat may be from my acid reflux and my meds will take care of that but i ... Read more
On August 17, 2014...
Eleanor posted a note for Steven A that says:
I think you should call your surgeon's office tomorrow morning and let them know. If you have an infection, they will want to postpone the surgery. But, they can probably call in something to your local pharmacy otherwise. My surgery almost got postponed, for the pre-op testing (the week before) revealed what they thought was an infection so they immediately prescribed an antibiotic and things moved ahead. But call them, for sure, and keep on going.
Steven A Husted  thanks eleanor i think now it is a sore throat from my acid reflux which will take care of itself wit ... Read more
On August 17, 2014...
Karen Pineda posted a note for Steven A that says:
Hi Popeye,

You should probably call the doctor tomorrow and let them know. They may not want to do surgery if you have a sore throat. They will want to rule out any infection. Call them please.
On August 17, 2014...
Karen Pineda posted a note for Steven A that says:
Dear Steve,

The answer is very simple. YES, it is worth it. If you want to live, it is worth it. Your heart is already struggling, it will only struggle more and more until one day, it's too late.

Right now you have a choice, you can get the valve replaced and the by-pass and live. The worse your heart gets, the more risk you will have of heart attack and/or stroke. And the worse it gets, the less successful the surgery may be. Your heart is going to get more damaged as time goes by, it will NOT get better without surgery. It WILL get better with the surgery. The way my doctor put it to me is that once the heart muscle starts to thicken or the left ventricle starts to enlarge and you have symptoms then it's time. Waiting will only increase your risk of dying sooner. I am sorry to say it so bluntly but I just really want you to understand that YOU are worth the opportunity to live many more years. But you won't live many more years if you back out of this surgery. The sooner you do it, the more successful it will be and the fewer complications. Please don't wait. And PLEASE don't cancel.

We all care about you. We would be devastated to learn that something happened to you. WE want you to live and I know you want that too. The way to do that is to have the surgery. It may be one of the hardest things you will ever do but it really is the only way.

Does the hospital you are going to have a social worker you can speak with? Someone to help calm your fears a little? Someone to explain how many people have this surgery. My doctor told me that the surgeon I will use (when my time comes) recently replaced the valve of a 104 year old lady with Diabetes and kidney disease and she made a full recovery. And she didn't get the transcatheter replacement, she had open heart surgery. And she recovered. You will be OK Popeye, please believe that. I think you need someone at the hospital to hook you up with a social worker to help you feel safer. Feeling unsafe is a scary place to be. Perhaps give them a call tomorrow. Tell them how scared you are. Talk to them and let them help you feel safer. I'm sure they do that all the time, let them do it for you.

Love and hugs to you Brother Steve.

Steven A Husted  thank you karen you all have made me feel much better but now i have a bad sore throat and i hope it ... Read more
On August 17, 2014...
Meredith Bray posted a note for Steven A that says:
Oh sweet Jesus YES IT IS WORTH IT! I feel at least 10 years younger now than I did before my surgery. The way you feel now - old and slow - will be a blurry memory in 6 months. I understand the terror - I prayed fervently up to the last minute that something would change, that it was all a mistake or a bad dream. But the morning of the surgery I was overcome by a calm presence that let me relax and "just do it." (That might have been the drugs though.....)

There's no way in hell I could have gone through the rest of my life in the condition I was in - barely able to work a full 8 hour day at age 42? At my age I should still be active and enjoying life, not living like a sick elderly person.

Yes, it's worth it. I think so, my husband thinks so, my cats and fishes and chickens think so.

Ii gotta go - my scar itches something fierce today - my daily reminder that IT'S WORTH IT!
Steven A Husted  thanks meredith you have made me feel better to know someone knows what i am feeling thank s for your ... Read more
On August 17, 2014...
Terrie posted a note for Steven A that says:
Hi Popeye. Sister Terrie Here
First off I am writing in my journal that there is a Patient Greeting Card that can be sent to you by any of our community or friends/family of yours so you know we are continuing our prayers and can leave a note to you.
Anyone interested in writing Steven can send a card by going online to the "Peninsula regional medical center, Salisbury, Maryland" website. There you can follow prompts to "Patient Greeting Card" where we can fill out your name: Steven A. Husted and we will need your room number. Then we can send a message of love and encouragement to you as often as we want while you are in the hospital as they will deliver them to your room. This way you won't feel so alone-because you are not. We will be there with you buddy except I will be in surgery too. Hopefully in my own room when you are but my husband Gary will be writing to you until I can. Get it? Got it, GOOD! I have also put a call in today to see if before I go into surgery there is any way of getting you some personal visits from people in your town at your hospital. We will find out your room number from your hospital once you are in.
Steven, we are all with you and please get your cousin to send us an update or to anyone here in the community who wants to they can call the hospital to check up on you.
I am getting ready for my trip to the hospital too so I will leave you today with the thoughts that everyone is telling you. You are not alone and it is in a higher Powers Hands. Please look forward to being better instead of making yourself sicker with the anxiety.
We will be in recovery together 3,000 miles apart but since you are adopted now Brother it is time to show your Sister that "You're the Man" and show your Big Sister(Me) we will get through this together. Much Love, Terrie
Steven A Husted  thank you sis you are a wonderful sister i really hope every thing goes alright for both of us god is ... Read more
On August 17, 2014...
Lynn posted a note for Steven A that says:
Dear Steve! You are really stressing yourself out !! I know that fear!!!! But it really comes down to the longer you wait the more your heart gets injured and could fail on you, to the point they could no longer fix it .It's really a choice between living longer or not . You're so close now, it's really worth it to be here on this beautiful planet for as long as we can!!! You will feel better !!! I wish I could take all your fear away, but it's so normal and really the waiting is sooo much harder than the recovery!!! You'll come through on the other side my friend and be amazed!!! We will all be praying and your surgeons hands will be guided by God and then like the rest of us you will be on your journey to a better life!!! And a longer one!!! Hang in there ! You're almost there!!! Love and big hugs!!!!
Steven A Husted  thanks lynn it means a lot to me to hear your words i know if i just get this done and over with i ca ... Read more
On August 17, 2014...
Eleanor posted a note for Steven A that says:
Is it worth it? Yes, Steve it is so worth it. Remember I told you my mother used to always say "Consider the alternative!". To be blunt, in our case, the alternative is dropping dead of heart failure, pain and inability to breath. Not something I was willing to undergo, not something I would want you to endure. So you will take a brave step, show up on Tuesday and let the doctors do what they do best. For us, it is SUCH a big deal, for them, honestly it is another day at the office, or at the shop. They are going to replace a valve and an artery. They do this for a living, many, many times a month. You will be in a safe place, and when you wake up you will have nurses taking care of your needs. Before you know it, you will be talking to them, telling them what you need, or what you want, maybe even complaining about having to get up and sit in a recliner, or take a little walk with them. Then I hope you will be in a rehab center, getting re-accustomed to doing things for yourself, moving around, walking more, using the spirometer to get your lungs good and awake, eating more, looking forward to getting back home. You will sleep without that scary "indigestion" and cough, you will walk without being out of breath. Within a couple of months you will be driving again, visiting your brother, doing your errands, and all of a sudden you will realize, in the words of James Brown: "I feel GOOD!!". Do write to us from the rehab center, so we know how you're doing.
Steven A Husted  thanks eleanor you are a blessing yes i need to get this done and over with so i can start healing no ... Read more
On August 17, 2014...
Geri posted a note for Steven A that says:
I put off having my valve replacement for over 4 years, I was scared of the possible negative outcome which are few, any surgery may result in problems
finally when I decided to have it and wanted a special surgeon very experienced to perform the surgery, I no longer feared the possible cons; I was determined and positive it was the best solution, meanwhile it was damaging my heart and I could drop at any time or have a massive heart attack
the surgery went flawless, I hardly needed painkillers, am 4 weeks post surgery, get tired more often but that is part of recovery and healing
best wishes and think positively, have faith in your surgeon
On August 17, 2014...
mia posted a note for Steven A that says:
Good morning my brother Steve,

Two more days and you will be on your way to a healthier life.

You mentioned about your concerns over the valve.

I did tons of research and ended up choosing a tissue valve.

My doctor made the choice of the pig valve.

As far as mechanical, I really did not want to be on blood thinners for the rest of my life.

Not everyone can have the tissue.

So in my opinion I like that you chose tissue. My little piggy valve seems to be doing the job! Thank goodness!

When you get a chance please drop me a line.

I am sure you are busy packing.

Have a great Sunday. A quote for the day. You have come this far don't give up now!

Another one: you can do anything you set your mind too!

Hugs and kisses from my healthy heart to your heart.
Steven A Husted  thanks mia i am really discouraged do i really need this done will it get better so many others have ... Read more
On August 16, 2014...
Mia posted a note for Steven A that says:
Brother Steve,
This is your sister Mia!

Mynbemail address is: kidsjunction @gmail.com

Hope you can get an email out to one of your heart sisters. We will be praying for you.

What hospital are you going to be in?

I am thrilled to have you as a brother. You will be fine. Its one day outbofnbyour life. Then the healing will begin. Each day will get better and better.

I had a terrible cough for a long time. I believe fluid was backing up into my lungs. Once I got home I realized the cough was gone.

You will have more energy and breath better.

I am going to close for now, am getting tired. Still take a pain pill before bed. It helps me rest better.

Talk to you soon!
Big hugs and kisses from my heart to yours. ????????????????????????????????O:-)

Steven A Husted  thank you sister mia i will be in peninsula regional medical center then i hope transfered to healths ... Read more
On August 16, 2014...
Terrie posted a note for Steven A that says:
Hello Steven. I wrote a response to you on my journal this morning. I am excited for your Tuesday Event. You are gong to be fine! Don't talk yourself out of this. Also, it occurs to me that you said you won't be able to post to us how you are doing for maybe 2 weeks. So my question is. Will you take my email address and get someone at the hospital to find someone to email me on how you are doing. Or get me a phone number at the hospital where we can call in and get information about you. Maybe you could say My Sister Terrie Syvertsen will be calling and it is ok to give out my information if She or Gary call.?? Then I will have Gary post it as I will be in hospital on Wed. and rather busy myself. Gary would like to make sure everyone knows how you and I both are doing. So please email me what you think. Love, Terrie
Steven A Husted  yes i will try that i may try to get my cousin to find someone to do that shusted333@aol.com he does ... Read more
On August 16, 2014...
mia posted a note for Steven A that says:
Hello Steve,

I love the picture of Buddy. Once you get through this journey,and you will then maybe you can adopt a new pup.

My husband and I have two bichon frise pups. We love them so much. They are such good company.

I know our sister Terrie is aiming to adopt you as big bro so I wanted to ask you if you will be my big brother too?
My sister Jackie and niece continue to pray for you and our heart gang.

As Terrie said, trust in the Lord and he will take care of you. I like psalm 23rd.This gives me comfort. Not sure if I mentioned to you that we lost my father when he was 46 and our mom at 56. So sad. This Psalm 23rd has always help lift my spirits when I am down.

Tuesday is the big day (right)?

Remember how many of us from the heart community have allready done the journey.
Before you know it you will be healing and functioning with that new valve.Do not worry about the procedures your medical team will take care of you.

Be careful because it seems like my newborn baby valve likes to wake in the middle of the night! So youn will need naps and rest during the day.

How do you communicate on your journal with a computer or on your phone. Trying to figure a way for you to keep in touch with your heart family. You will need us to encourage you, pray for you and for you to know all you have to do is reach out to your heart sisters and brothers and poof we are with you.

Well my brother I am going to take a little walk. I will be your angel watching over you!
Talk to you soon.

Hugs and butterfly kisses from your sister Mia!????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Steven A Husted  thank you mia yes you can be my heart sister i need all the heart brothers and sisters i can get and ... Read more
On August 16, 2014...
Karen Pineda posted a note for Steven A that says:
Also Brother Steve, I know very much how you feel. I have not had this heart surgery yet but I had two surgery for Ovarian Cancer in 2009 and I know first hand the fear and what it is like to deal with that fear all alone. I had nobody to help me, support me and I felt like nobody even cared. I'm here for you. And I understand. And I CARE.
Steven A Husted  yes i have that feeling dad is gone mom is gone and brother is in nurseing home there is no one left ... Read more
On August 16, 2014...
Karen Pineda posted a note for Steven A that says:

If you want to email me, I get emails wherever I am. Please feel free to email. I will help you as much as I can through this. My email address is kep12061@yahoo.com.
Steven A Husted  thank you karen you are a blessing shusted333@aol.com i need all the help i can get
On August 16, 2014...
Karen Pineda posted a note for Steven A that says:

Yes! You CAN do this. Now you just have to keep saying that to yourself and then you will be able to say that you WILL do this.

All of us out here are expecting to see you back here telling us all about your experience and we want to hear about the moment you breathe your first sigh of relief. And you will. I understand there are many miles between all of us but in our "hearts" we are all connected and we all care very much about your outcome. That means that we will all be praying for you and God surely will listen to all of us.

Steve, take a look at the outcomes here so far. How many of the brothers and sisters here have had their surgery already? They ALL have come back to talk about it here. You will too. Please believe that.

On August 16, 2014...
Eleanor posted a note for Steven A that says:
I will be thinking about you Steve and wishing you the easiest of times with the surgery and the aftermath. I was surprised how tired I was after the surgery, but also surprised at how little pain I had (once the drated chest tubes came out), and how well I felt, even in my tiredness. Now it is more than a month and while I still cannot drive, I can do most of what I want to do (cook, wash dishes, walk the small dog, play with the cat, walk with my daughter, grocery shop, etc.). You will see that after surgery, the release information will tell you to get up and walk several times a day. At first just 4 to 5 mins. I was walking around the main floor of my house, and 5 mins. was plenty at first! Then gradually a little bit more, working your way up to 30 mins. It is to build up your strength, but also to strengthen your lungs, so that you breath deeply continuously. You may even feel a little younger, as you will be asked to move more than before. At 68 I still feel young, but with the stenosis, I was just tired and out of breath all the time, and didn't feel like getting out of a chair. Now, I do. You will too. Think of it as only one day, or one week, in the long span of your lifetime. "This too shall pass" is what I thought, and I knew that every day would get me closer to better health. You will too. You will see more able to live your life. In a few years you might even want to get another pup. After our dog died, early at age 7, it took a while but I ended up adopting another dog, very different from the sweet little black dog we had, and little Lucy has brought a lot of joy to everyone she meets. She is small, 9 lbs., a Havanese, which is supposed to be the national dog of Cuba. So, she's Lucy Ricardo of the I Love Lucy years. She keeps me moving, which is a plus.

Stay the course, we will be with you all the way.
On August 16, 2014...
Eleanor posted a note for Steven A that says:
I am so proud of you for moving ahead, seeing the specialists and getting a surgery date set up. Even when you are afraid, scared, you are doing the right thing. You want to live, so you are taking measures to make sure that happens, instead of a pretty certain demise if you do nothing. I believe all of us have been in your shoes, wondering if we are doing the right thing (again, "consider the alternative!" as my Mom was fond of saying), and being afraid, more of the unknown but also of the "known". With today's drugs, you won't be aware of most of it, and you will be surprised to wake up in the ICU knowing it is over. I was alert enough to remember seeing my daughter, my best friend and her husband, and my favorite nephew, brother and sister in law, over a period of time in the ICU. They let them come in briefly, two by two. But, I don't remember much about the breathing tube, I do remember giving the thumbs up to my daughter - that was our agreed upon signal so she would know I was awake and mentally coherent. I also remember looking at my left wrist and seeing a gauze restraint (they do this to keep us from automatically trying to pull the breathing tube out as we are waking up). The tube was gone, and somehow I knew what the restraint was for, a very loose and small restraint, which I had to test out, to make sure it would have kept me from pulling. Yep, it worked. Just let the nurse know what you need, they will be there for you.

Be brave, you are doing what you need to do. And, we will be with you throughout.
Steven A Husted  oh boy eleanor i really do need your advice and posts and words and encouragement because i am worrie ... Read more
On August 15, 2014...
mia posted a note for Steven A that says:
I wanted to say that I love the photos you posted.

My parents were both in the navy. My mom was as nurse. They met min the navy and were married at the Bethesda Navy Hospital.

Thank you for serving our Country the United States of America.

Have a good night! Trust in God to watch over you during this journey! ,That is what I finally did and am so happy that I put my faith in the Lord!
Steven A Husted  thank you mia i was a aviation storekeeper in oceania va beach va and then in portsmonth naval hospit ... Read more
On August 15, 2014...
Jackie(Mia's sister) posted a note for Steven A that says:
Hi Steve,
Seventeen days ago Mary(Mia) was as scared, anxious and worried about having her surgery.(just like you) She received some great advice from a heart sister on this site: Trust that god will guide your surgeon as he performs your much need life saving surgery. The doctors and nursing staff will take good care of you.
All your heart brothers and sisters will be praying for you, as well as their families. My daughter and I have added you to our nightly prayers. May you feel the love that goes out to you each day from around the world. Hugs and kisses,
Steven A Husted  thank you so much jackie you are making me cry i love all my heart brothers and sisters for all there ... Read more
On August 15, 2014...
Meredith Bray posted a note for Steven A that says:
I came home on Day 5, with two "babysitters" that I didn't really need (but it was nice to see my sister!) I slept in my recliner a lot, and we built a nest of sorts in bed that would keep me propped up. I lowered it a little each night. The first two weeks or so you may want to lay flat, but as soon as you do you will INSIST that someone help you up. It can get get a bit...errr...sloshy feeling in the chest area! I'm a die-hard side sleeper, and I slept on my back for about 3 weeks after surgery.

Pain? Bah humbug! The nurses kept me well medicated the first two days, and were always asking me what my pain level was and if I wanted any pain pills. I was terrified of becoming addicted to pain pills, so I rejected them every single time except once: when they were prepping me for drain tube removal.

The worst part of recovery (for me) was relying on someone to help me in and out of bed, in the hospital and at home. After a week at home I was strong enough to lay down without help and get up with a little boost from my babysitter. Once I could do that, things started to get better a lot faster.

Some days I felt like I was going to be a heart patient FOREVER! It didn't seem like I was making any progress at all. then one day I'd realize I could shampoo my own hair (maybe that won't be a problem for you?). A few days later I could unload the dishwasher. It's the little things that you don't notice until they all add together!

Practice standing and sitting in your favorite chair, without using your arms. Move some of your favorite non-perishables to counter height so you don't have to bend or reach for them. Practice standing straight up so you'll know what it's supposed to feel like. Try some deep breathing exercises - they might have a calming effect. Maybe some stretching exercises? I wish I had stretched more before surgery, it may have lessened the back pain.

I'm so excited for your surgery to be done and over with!
Steven A Husted  thank you meredith if you only knew how much you are helping me with all your words and how you manag ... Read more
On August 15, 2014...
Deb Bialecki posted a note for Steven A that says:
Hi Steve,
First off - good luck with your surgery next week. You'll be in my thoughts. I'm sure it will go well.

Second, I know it's hard but try not to worry. Like others have said, you have great drs working on you....trust in their skill.
Also like others have said, you'll be asked to do things you may not think you can do --- but people will be there to support you and help you. And you'll get better and stronger as you do those things.
Don't be discouraged if you have an "off" day here and there during recovery. I've learned that recovery from heart surgery isn't something that always feels better every day....some days will be good, some days not so good --- but over time you WILL get better and notice more good days and feel better and stronger.

Best wishes....
Steven A Husted  thanks deb for your words of encouragement i really want to think positive about all of this because ... Read more
On August 15, 2014...
Eleanor posted a note for Steven A that says:
I don't think you will be pushed to do things fast. Steven, but you will be encouraged to do things you might think you cannot do. I remember in the hospital, being helped to stand and told to walk, a day after surgery, I thought there was no way I could do that. With an aide on both sides, I was able to. The next time we tried, it was even easier. I don't recall any pain with this, it actually felt better to stand up straight and move. Now that you have a date, you have a plan, and have taken the biggest step towards recovery. Trust yourself, and the surgeon, and God. I have a friend who tells me at night "leave your troubles to God, He's going to be up all night anyway". Right?

You won't be running a marathon in the halls, but we all expect to hear about your recovery very soon. Best wishes.
Steven A Husted  thank you eleanor if you only knew how much your well wishes and encouragement mean to me i can't tha ... Read more
On August 15, 2014...
Patti posted a note for Steven A that says:
If worried about pain there are two options1) no pain so wasted worry or 2) pain and you tell the nurse and you are given meds. Can't recall anyone on this site talking about lots of pain.

Remember recovery is not a sprint. Each of us recovery in our own way. That is why there is a range of times for operation length, returns to work, recovery, etc. don't compare. We all define recovery differently -for some it's a return to work, for others it's driving, for others it is climbing stairs.

You have an experienced surgeon and enter this adventure more educated and experienced than most.

Pull out a Carol Burnett show, sit back and realize you are on a journey to feel better with heart friends who support you and know from experience you will do fine.
Don't forget to make the list of 5 things you will do post op and if you include one item of something you will do for others you will realize why you will do fine.
Steven A Husted  thank you patti that is great advice yes carol burnett would be great but i think it would make me la ... Read more
On August 15, 2014...
Mia posted a note for Steven A that says:

Am happy you will be in rehab after the surgery. By the second week you will be on your way to a healthier you.

I encourage you to stop worrying. You are adding stress that your heart does not need.
Focus on coming back home sweet home.

I am seventeen days post op! Feel on top of the world right now! Looking forward to enjoying this new gift of life. So come on my friend and begin to heal!
I will be thinking of you and praying for you. Also ask for pain meds when you need them.
Drink lots of water so you donot get dehydrated.

All that I can think at the moment my heart brother.
God bless you!

Love you Popeye!

Steven A Husted  thank you mia for your help you are one of the angel's on this site i hope when i get thru this i can ... Read more
On August 14, 2014...
Patti posted a note for Steven A that says:
Hi Steve-
By setting a date for surgery you have taken a giant step forward in starting to feel better. Waiting is the worst and no magic pill. Right now I sense you are anxious both about how you feel now and how you will feel later. Double whammy!! Soon you will have only one concern and that is doing your part post surgery to recover. Think of all who have gone before and returned with wisdom and encouragement. We are stronger than we think as countless others have proven.
Reread the relevant chapters in the Keep Calm book and exhale. You will do great.
Before you know it you will be sharing your wisdom as you look back at surgery.

Just a suggestion. Be honest with the staff. I am sure they have heard it all. I did not want to remember the tube down the throat and I don't so must rely on others' account. Not big into pain so again must rely on others. To this day I do not feel short changed about failing to experience pain and a throat tube.

Have a great day and better tomorrow.
Steven A Husted  thanks patti i am thinking right now about after surgery they always try to rush you thru recovery an ... Read more
On August 14, 2014...
Terrie posted a note for Steven A that says:
My Dearest Popeye! Terrie here. I am so glad you will be going in so soon. I am going into surgery on the 20th. so we will be going through recovery together Mister. I know how much you are afraid Steven but I want you to please listen and listen to me good! The worrying is going to make it harder on your body. You need to really get excited that they will take the best care of you and you will be over all of this bad pile of symptoms that have been dragging you down. Me too. We need to look forward to the future without all the garbage that has been keeping us down. Especially in Spirit. Please believe in all the strength that lies within you that you know you have felt in your lifetime. It is still within you to fight for your life my friend. Your body and your medical team is expecting you to be nervous but you have to feel in your guts that they are going to do everything they possible to make you well again. Please show that you feel you are going to make it through this and let them feel that energy as they wheel you in because they need you to believe in them and their work too. So keep that charming smile on your face and get yourself ready and know we will be praying and hoping all goes well. I will be praying for you as they wheel my gurney into surgery and by then your going to already be through! I love you Popeye. I expect to be bugging the hell out of you about how you are doing in recover, ok? Take care my Heart Brother and thank you for your posts of prayers for me as well. We are just two of many! A Heart Family. You are not alone. Repeat this when you are headed for surgery please. "I am one
of Many. I am not alone. I am being watched over by the Highest Power and prayed for by my Heart Family!
Love and prayers, Terrie
Steven A Husted  thank you terrie you are a blessing i love your words and your love and prayers i am praying for you ... Read more
On August 14, 2014...
Meredith Bray posted a note for Steven A that says:
I'm so glad you don't have to wait so long for surgery! The next few days will be the worst - the waiting is nerve-wracking! Ont he plus side, everything AFTER 8/19 will be better, you'll be counting up days from surgery instead of counting days down until surgery :) Think of all the things you'll be able to do after you recover - walk across the parking lot! Stroll through the park! Ride rollercoasters! Climb mountains! (Just trying to make you smile here, buddy!)
XOXOXOXOXOXXO Yay for 8/19! But even better, yay for 8/20 and beyond!
Steven A Husted  thanks meredith i need that any encouragement is welcome and yes i hope it will be a hole lot better ... Read more
On August 14, 2014...
Barb posted a note for Steven A that says:
Best of luck to you Steve. It sounds like you have great a great cardiac team and they know how to do their job. Try to remember that and trust that it will work out fine. Also remember that most people do not have extreme pain afterward. It will be a huge relief to be working on recovery which you will be doing soon!
Steven A Husted  thank you so much barb i hope you know how much this site and you and all the other patient's here ha ... Read more
On August 14, 2014...
Lynn posted a note for Steven A that says:
Had a feeling you were in the hospital . I'm glad it was for observation because now you can know they know exactly what to do ! Of course you're afraid, that's normal . You just have to know you're in good hands, this is a common surgery now and you've made the choice to live longer!!! I do pray for you and also visualize you on the other side happy and feeling better!!!! The waiting is the worst so I'm glad you don't have too long . We're all with you!!! And remember, we've all come through it and so will you!!!! Hugs!!!!
Steven A Husted  thank you lynn i do hope i make it thru this so i can help others you and all the others on this site ... Read more
On August 14, 2014...
mia posted a note for Steven A that says:
Steve, I was able to have my tablet and phone while in the hospital. Maybe you can.take yours. That.way you.will.have comnection to.your heart family. I found it very helpful. I was in for eight days.

Big hugs my.heart brother!
Steven A Husted  thanks mia but i dont have a tablet i do have a cell but my cousin does not have a computer and i do ... Read more
On August 14, 2014...
mia (mary) posted a note for Steven A that says:
Hello Popeye,
Thinking.of you today. Hope all is going well. I really feel once you can get this
surgery behind you that you will be on the road to a happy, healthier life.

Do you have help when yours come home? If not you may need to.go into.a rehab center. Please ask.your.docs and nurses. You will need someone with you for at least seven days twrnty four hours a

Have a good day and am.glad.you choice the tissue valve.

Hugs from my new healthy heart!
Steven A Husted  hi mia thank you for thinking of me no there is no one at home to care for me i live alone so i have ... Read more
On August 14, 2014...
Ruth Valenzuela posted a note for Steven A that says:
I'm glad to hear you will be on the other side of this surgery soon. I wished I could be there to hold your hand but know that you will be in my prayers. I'm asking God to multiply his Peace to you and to guide the surgeon's hand. I will be waiting for your posts after surgery but again, take your time and let your body heal. Sincerely,
Steven A Husted  thank you so much ruth i really need your prayers i do wish i was on the other side already i still h ... Read more
On August 14, 2014...
Eleanor posted a note for Steven A that says:
I was wondering how your appointment with the cardiologist went, and what they would have recommended for you. It is good they kept you for observation, and that they know now exactly what needs to be done. It really is hard to sleep in a hospital, but know that everything time they come in, they are checking on you, making sure everything is Ok. So now prepare yourself and you home, and the rehab place with dates and whatever you will need. We will all be thinking about you on the 19th, and looking forward to hearing from you once you are in rehab, or at home. Today's medicine is a great improvement over what you experienced 40 years ago, so it should be better for you, and you are being proactive with this life-saving surgery. We will be right there with you!
Steven A Husted  hi eleanor yes my cardio sent me right to the hospital for a second cath. but the surgeon did not nee ... Read more
On August 14, 2014...
Clare Auten posted a note for Steven A that says:
Hi Steven. Glad you are back home for a few days. I am also glad they are doing surgery so soon for you. It is less time for you to worry and you will be on the way to recovery that much sooner. Wishing you a restful weekend. Praying for you.
Steven A Husted  thank you clare for your support yes i wish it was over and i was healing already i just keep praying ... Read more
On August 13, 2014...
Mia (mary) posted a note for Steven A that says:
Steve (Popeye)
Welcome back! I.was very worried.

Good news about your surgery date. Now try to focus on positive thoughts.Fpr example by August 28th you will nee back home sweet home.

I am two weeks and two days post.op. Every day I feel stronger. I do wake ip every night about 2am ( my body wakes up for pain meds)

A few tidbits: focus on positive things
Communicate with.heart family.as much as possible.
Drink lots of water.
Have a yogurt or graham cracker with.pain pills. This will smoothe your stomach.
Have faith in God.
Pray often.
Listen to soft music
Walk as soon as you are allowed too.
Ask for pain pills when your body tells you.
Remember ykur heart brothers and sisters are here for you. We will continue to prsy for a successful surgery that will make your heart healthy and provide you with a new lease on life!

Have a great day, and write when you can. I know you are scared, I was too. Remember the doctors do these procedures daily and will give you quality care.

Srnding hugs from my healthy hearyltball the way to Maryland

Love your heatt sister,

Steven A Husted  thanks mia that is my thoughts for sure the end of the month i will be back in my own bed just two ni ... Read more
On August 13, 2014...
Maron Faulkner posted a note for Steven A that says:
Hi Steven - sorry to read about your recent trials but I am glad the date is set ! I know you will totally get through this with flying colors and, from what everyone else says, the days leading up to the surgery can be tough. But so are you! You are definitely in my prayers!
Steven A Husted  thank you maron i am glad to have my date but now that i do i am scared again i hope i can take the p ... Read more
On August 13, 2014...
Karen Pineda posted a note for Steven A that says:
Oh Popeye - I'm glad you have a date set and I'm so sorry about the fear. I do, and I'm sure everyone else here does also, understand.

I am SOOO glad you finally made the decision not so long ago to take this step. You were getting worse by the day and that could not go on for too long before it became a dangerous situation. So good you went to the doctor and made this decision when you did. If they scheduled you so quickly, the doctors surely must think this can not wait. I will keep you in my prayers and of course, I'll worry until we get word from you.

Do you have the rehab all scheduled for your after care?

Email me if you wish. You'll find my email address if you go to your "subscribers list on your control panel". It's the kep12061 address. Feel free to email any time.

Steven A Husted  thank you karen you have been such a good friend yes the fear is back i wish this was over i hate ope ... Read more
On August 13, 2014...
Lynn posted a note for Steven A that says:
Hey Steve ! How are things going ? Hoping all is well with you !! Thinking of you and wishing you the best!!
Steven A Husted  hi lynn yes i am getting scared again now that i have a date and it is so close i wish it was all ove ... Read more
On August 13, 2014...
Meredith Bray posted a note for Steven A that says:
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. It's unusual for you not to post, so either A) you got some news you didn't want to hear and are dealing with it before you post about it,or B) you're in the hospital resting comfortably.

Either way, we're all thinking about you!
Steven A Husted  thank you so much meredith yes i was in the hospital getting prepaired for surgery on 8/19/14 my card ... Read more
On August 12, 2014...
Karen Pineda posted a note for Steven A that says:
Hey Popeye!

How did you make out yesterday with the doctor? I hope it went well.

Let us know how you are feeling also. I know you were having some increased symptoms so I'm a little concerned that the doctor might have sent you straight to the hospital.

Thinking of you and hoping you're OK.
Steven A Husted  hi karen yes that is just what happened my cardio sent me to the hospital to the surgeon on duty and ... Read more